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Copyright © 2010 Archive Digital Books Australasia All Rights Reserved NEW SOUTH WALES GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. VOL. I. FROM 1sT JANUARY TO 30TH JUNE, 1866. rtblisTyl) hg. anOaritg, rvh•Vsfihr..04,n••n•••••n•• SYDNEY: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY THOMAS RICHARDS, GOVERNMENT PRINTER, PHILLIP-STREET. 1866. INDEX TO THE GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, FOR THE HALF-YEAR ENDING 30 JUNE, 1866. A Para Agents-For Sale of Crownrage. Lands .. 89, 715 AARON Isaac-Appointed surgeon, DarEng- Albert-Land in District of reserved from lease 149.E burst Gaol • • 1451 Albert-Land in Pastoral District of reserved Aarons Joseph-Elected a Sheep Director .. 607 from Sale until surveyed 10:36- Abstracts - Balance Sheet New South Wales Albury-Appointed a Crossing Place for sheep.. 333- Savings' Bank 522 1, 'Asti ict Court at . Disbursements -Consolidated Revenue St District Regi,trar at appointed .. 1465 Fund 69, 78, 897 Gaoler and Matron of Gaol at ap- ff Loans Services .. .. 72, 81,ch 0 pointed . , .. 1489 „ Special Accounts . .. 74, 83, 902 Poundage Rates at fixed „ . 1424 Abstracts of Quarterly Statement of Insolvent Quarter Sessions at .. 136. 178, 1165 Estates • • . 178, 993 Receipts and Expenditure, Munici- pality of .. 304 Accepted Tenders for Runs .. .. 257, 736, 1271 Revision Court at 662e Accounts filed in Estates of following persons :- Tender for Supplies to, accepted .. 605 Acheson William _ 722 Aldrich William-Appointed Coroner, Dungog Bell Robert • . 512 Brown Henry .. •• 616 Alexander C. S.-.A gent for Sale of Crown Lands, Dean Henry .. 1388 Goulburn 89 Douglas Henry Grattan 1501 Alignment of Streets-Municipality of Merrick- Dumaresq Eliza Henrietta 722 vine " • • 1075 Jamieson Robert • . 571 Municipality of Thialfern 673 Leslie William Davidson 1519 P, Municipality of Waterloo 227 Macleay William Sharpe 55 If Municipality of Woollahra 260 M'Donald Donald 747 SO Town of East Maitland • • 1076 Norman William . • 994 Alignment of portion of Parramatta Road .. 810 O'Niel James Moorcroft 1406 Upper or Old South Head Road .. 810 Paterson James 747 SO Phillips George 392 Allen John-Appointed art Inspector of Pope Thomas Smerdon 1047 Slaughter-houses . 234 Pritchard Mary 1467 Allman John James --Authorized to exercise Smith William 12.54 temporarily special powers .. 1393 'Terry Rev. John Joseph • • 1191 Alpacas-Sale of .. .. 1062, 1450 Youl Elizabeth 1238 Alteration-In days of publication of Govern- Accounts-Road Trust .. 179 ment Gazette . 91, 254, 787 Acheson William-Accounts filed in Estate of 722 American Creek Colliery-Rules for Acts of Parliament of New South Wales :- American Creek-Site for a National School near 110,515S4 Additional Duties of Customs . 247 Appropriation .. • • - 959 Analytical Statement of Insolvent Estates .. 580 Australian Agricultural Company , . 905 Anderson Alexander-Appointed a Trustee of Australian General Assurance Com- land for Presbyterian Church pur- pany 929 poses .. 653 Australian Library and Literary In- stitution Act Amendment . • 937 Anderson James-Creditors to prove debts in Estate of .„ 1451 Australasian Mineral Oil Company , . 921 Careless use of fire, Prevention 949 Andrews J.-Road from land of to Cordeaux River Road confirmed .. 1105 Clarence and New England Steam Navigation Company 945 Andrew's St. Close-Trustees of appointed . • 197 Colonial Spirits Duty .. 251 Consolidated Revenue Fund . • Antipodes and Bounty Islands-Latitude and 155 .. 200 Dog and Goat .. 917 Longitude of .. Antram John-Appointed Poundkecper, Murga 183 Game Protection • • - 955 Gola Fields Act Amendment 9.53 Applications-To construct a Wharf in Hunter 1037 Issue of Process at Circuit towns 919 River . Parramatta Steam Navigation Com- To ' purchase lands, by Lessees of pany .. •• •• •• 941 Crown Lands . 12 1, 1456 Public Works Loan . 973 To reclaim and purchase land, Black- Re-insurance of Marine Risks .. 927 wattle Swamp Cove 875, 984, 98$ Scab in Sheep continuation and To reclaim and purchase land, Darling amendment .. 157 Harbour . Smoke Nuisance Abatement . 907 To reclaim and purchase land, Darling Sydney Mai ine Assurance Company. 909 Point . Acts of Parliament-Not disallowed by the To reclaim and purchase land, Laven- Queen .. 32, 810, 1032, 1131, 14b9, 1490 der Bay .. To reclaim and purchase land, Rosetta Acts of Parliament Published-155, 157, 247, 251, 905, Bay.. .. 981 907, 909, 917, 921, 927, 929, 937, 941, 94.5, To reclaim and purchase land, Wool- 949, 953, 955, 959, 973 loomooloo Bay • .. 715 Adams E.-Proposed road from land of to bridge Appraisement-Of Runs .. .. 3, 123 over Alumy Creek 617 Approaching Land Sales-Notification of 2, 37, 99, 120e Additional duties of Customs Act • • • 247 175, 202, 230, 381, 424, 461, 496, 520, 560, Addresses to His Excellency Sir John Young on 578, 609, 634, 658, 676, 715, 738, 769, 792, his visit to Braidwood and Araluen. 903 812, 830, 854, 875, 980, 1006, 1031, 1055, Adelong-Poundage rates at fixed • • 1166 1085, 1103, 1133, 1162, 1181, 1226, 1246 1274, 1293, 1321, 1356, 1380, 1399, 1417, Administrative arrangements .. 453 1442, 1458, 1497, 15011 ii INDEX.-1866. Page. Page- iippropriation Act of 1866.. .. .. .. 969 Balls John George-Appointed an Inspector of Appropriation Act of 1865-Not disallowed .. 32 Slaughter-houses .. , „ 777 Balmain-Notice of election of Auditors and Araluen-Bailiff, Court of Requests at, appointed 19 . .. „ Bailiff, Small Debts Court at, appointed 1252 Councillors for .. 188 Post Office Money Order System „ Proposed deviation in Road from, to _ Moruya .. .. .. .. 1249 extended to .. .. 1324 Receipts and Expenditure Municipality Armidale-Assizes at .. - _ „ 688 of * .. .. .. .. - 141, 216 Bailiff, District Court at, appointed .. 836 91 Balranald-Acting District Registrar for ft District Court at . 169, 391, 1207, 1359, 1385 Quarter Sessions at 153, 154, 361, 1237, 1359 appointed .. .. .. .. 796 I, Post Office Money Order System ex- ,, Receipts and Expenditure, Munici- pality of .. _ .. 276 tended to .. .. • • .. 1324 1, Revision Court at .. .. 662 PP Sheriff's Bailiff for District of appointed 720 „ Tender for Supplies to, accepted .. 605 Bandon-Polling Place at appointed 283, 391 Armstrong Lucas-Appointed an Inspector of Banjoewangi-Light-house at .
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