No. 10 • December 2002 Cross-Cultural Waldorf Programs in Northern Europe and Israel Working Meditatively with Texts Photo by Steffi Graenitz Meditation on a Mince Pie Goetheanum Christmas Appeal 2 Anthroposophy around the World 3 Portrait: Khinganskiys 6 Anthroposophical Society 8 School of Spiritual Science 8 Svetlana Forum: Star-Children, Gunman 10 Khinganskaia Feature: Meditation on a Pie 12 (Portrait – THE NEXT ISSUE WILL APPEAR F EBRUARY 2003 – on page 6) The Christmas Conference as a Reversed Whitsun Festival The Foundation Stone Meditation forms the way of working begins with rhythmic work: esoteric center of the 1923/24 Christmas through weekly encounters in groups or Conference. When renewing the constitution- through celebrating seasonal festivals. Shared al foundations of the Anthroposophical Soci- study or “mindfulness” of Rudolf Steiner’s ety we should not forget the spiritual source spiritual science forms the basis. Then human from which this renewal should flow. beings can awaken through each other’s soul Just as the human being is connected to and spirit. Through the path of the mantras of the world around him through his physical the First Class of the School of Spiritual Sci- body, so does the Anthroposophical Society ence, finally, one begins to “behold” the spiri- accomplish its full and conclusive incarnation tual reality behind the mantras. on the earth through the juristic form of an Rudolf Steiner described how Christ can officially registered association. This implies enter the human “I” without his power extin- penetrating its administrative aspects with guishing its “free will” only if this happens the new spiritual impulse. However, the with the Holy Spirit as intermediary. Spirit administration of the Society should serve always works individually in human beings, as spiritual goals only; it should ensure the con- Rudolf Steiner indicates in his Whitsun imagi- ditions necessary for approaching the spiritu- nation. From this point of view, the renewal of al world. the New Mysteries during the Christmas Con- Ongoing “remembrance” of the content ference can be considered the beginning of a of the Statutes is part of being a member of “reversed Whitsun.” In the New Mysteries, for the Anthroposophical Society. It is the start- the first time in the history of Earth develop- ing point. In the Society itself, the word of ment, the ground is prepared for shared work Christ must be considered the most impor- between human beings and the gods. From tant social power: “Where two or three are today onwards human beings must collaborate gathered together in my name, there I am in with the gods, with Michael himself.* the midst of them” (Matthew, 18,20). Christ’s Sergei Prokofieff, Goetheanum *Lecture of July 19, 1924, in Esoterische Betrachtungen karmischer Zusammenhänge, vol. 6, Rudolf Steiner Verlag 1992, GA 240. Note: The above text consists of excerpts drawn together from book planned for 2003, “The Foundation Stone Meditation and the Spiritual Hierarchies.” 1 Photo by S.J. Goetheanum Christmas Appeal Dear Friends and Members, Diverse Goetheanum to unfold its manifold activities. Events that take place throughout Commitments Simply to cover core costs the the world belong to the concerns and I am writing to you for the first time Goetheanum needs 1.5 million dol- activities of the General Anthropo- in my capacity as Treasurer of the lars in gifts for 2002. This does not sophical Society at the Goetheanum. General Anthroposophical Society include funds to renovate buildings Indeed, as a worldwide Society we in regard to the financial situation such as Rudolf Steiner Halde, the are connected in many different ways and needs of the General Anthropo- Carpentry Building or continue the to innumerable practical and innova- sophical Society, the Goetheanum restoration of the outer face of the tive initiatives. The Goetheanum is a and the School of Spiritual Science. Goetheanum itself. These major place not only for conferences where Having joined this work in the last efforts require significant additional individuals meet and inspire each months I have been impressed to see funding. Thus for this Christmas other and where working method- how much is accomplished in all appeal we ask you to give what you ologies and insights are deepened, it these areas, particularly with insuffi- can towards these substantial needs. is a center which extends to every cient means. This embraces the Your financial generosity is an initiative where anthroposophical intensive work of the School of Spir- expression of your will that unites insights and striving interact, influ- itual Science, the stage and its two with the intentions of the Anthro- ence and engage with the world. The ensembles with the artistic work that posophical Society and the Goethe- General Anthroposophical Society flows like a steady stream into the anum to unfold the tasks that fosters individual transformation, world, and the staff at the Goethe- belong to the School of Spiritual community and civic engagement, anum who are deeply committed to Science, the worldwide Anthro- and participation and creativity in the work – whether tending gardens posophical Society and the Goethe- contemporary issues on the basis of and grounds, doing maintenance and anum. Your gift, in whatever Spiritual Science. Already in 1924 cleaning, handling administrative amount, joins with many others Rudolf Steiner spoke of how impor- work or tending the archives, and from around the world to confirm tant it is for the Goetheanum to con- all the rest of the services that are and support this work in all its nect with and know about different performed throughout the year. dimensions. anthroposophical initiatives around These and other functions also Thank you very much in the world. belong to the tasks of the General advance for your donation and gen- Anthroposophical Society at Dor- erosity, and we wish you a peaceful Anthroposophy Connects Us nach. All this needs to be nourished and joyous festive season. Today, even with the tremendous and developed! Sincerely, growth of activities, the Goetheanum is a center that actively nurtures Core Funding and Capital Costs transformation and engagement in all The General Anthroposophical So- three realms – individual, community ciety is not supported by govern- and world. It has a particular and ment funds. It relies on the gifts essential role to play as a place where and legacies of members and friends Cornelius M. Pietzner, Treasurer this activity can be reflected, under- stood, and further developed. Indeed, it seeks to find effective ways for the Ways to Donate Anthroposophical Society to live in Please mark your donation: “The Goetheanum Christmas Appeal.” the present time with its demands and pressures, and prepare for the 1) Checks: Make out to General Anthroposophical Society and send to: Goetheanum, Finance future in a manner that one can Department, Postfach, CH–4143 Dornach 1, Switzerland. develop and apply spiritual knowl- 2) Credit card: telephone +41/61/706 43 40 or fax your card name and number, expiration date edge to each of these tasks. With pro- and the amount you wish to donate. found questions about the nature of 3) Deposits: – Switzerland: General Anthroposophical Society, acct. no. 10060.71 at Raiffeisenbank in the human being, the direction of CH–4143 Dornach, Switzerland. IBAN: CH36 8093 9000 0010 06071, Clearing no. social (and financial) institutions and 80939-1 (for international transfers, Swiftcode: RAIFCH22) or Postkonto of Raiffeisen- the manipulation and use of natural bank no. 40-9606-4 resources, the Goetheanum has an – Germany: Anthroposophische Gesellschaft in Deutschland, acct. no. 10 084 510, at GLS Gemeinschaftsbank in DE-70188 Stuttgart, Germany, BLZ 430 609 67. increasingly important role in this – Other countries: Use one of the accounts above or, to receive a valid confirmation for tax process. In particular, the School of purposes, the account of the Anthroposophical Society in your country. Spiritual Science works with these 4) Cash: Pay to the Central Cashier at the Goetheanum, Carpentry Building entrance. and other issues through conferences, The Finance Department will be happy to speak with you if you have any questions: publications, consultations, initiatives Tel. +41 (0)61 706 44 20 or +41 (0)61 706 43 69. and research. 2 Anthroposophy Worldwide 8/2002 Anthroposophy around the World A Cross-Cultural Arab/Jewish Waldorf School political situation? These are only Galilee Project Responds to Violence in Israel some of the questions facing us. Living with fear and the potential loss of relatives, friends or one’s own life Four Levels of Preparation affects children. Teachers and parents in Galilee are planning an Arab/Jewish In order to transform our aims into Waldorf school to help set change in motion. action, we are working in the follow- ing areas: Israel is a country at war. For more A Waldorf teacher training course than two years the people of this for Arab teachers and kindergarten ancient area have been engaged in a teachers. In October 2002 a group of terrible war between brothers. Prob- 15 teachers from Arab schools and lems that haven’t been solved through kindergartens began a three-year part- dialogue, conversation and trust time training course. emerge instead each day as bloodshed. Photo supplied by author Kindergartens. We are of the Everyone is involved, ordinary people opinion that this project very much most of all – precisely the people who depends on cultivating work with want to live their lives for their chil- small children right away, in order to dren and themselves, without politics, prepare a basic stock for the future opinions, religion, etc. These people school. To do this, we have contacted can be found in the occupied territo- some Arab kindergartens in our area. ries, in the cities of Israel, in buses, We are trying – with great enthusiasm trains, markets and actually every- Will an Arab/Jewish school on the part of the kindergarten teach- where.
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