E308 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 26, 2021 WellSpan Chambersburg Hospital. On behalf stan to become an independent state. Ban- important contributions to California’s 5th Con- of Pennsylvania’s 13th District, I congratulate gladesh became independent from Pakistan gressional District in Arts and Culture, Profes- Rachel on this achievement and thank her for on March 26, 1971, and since then, March sional Achievement, Entrepreneurship and In- her service to our community. 26th has been observed as a national holiday novation or Community Service. f in Bangladesh. It is a day when people in Born in Savannah, Georgia, Ms. Taylor’s Bangladesh as well as people around the family moved to Vallejo in 1958. She attended JAMIE GONZALEZ world of Bangladeshi descent remember those the University of San Francisco and graduated who lost their lives in the brutal 1971 war for in 1987 with a Bachelor of Science in Organi- HON. ED PERLMUTTER independence and celebrate Bangladesh’s vic- zational Behavior. A member of the Vallejo OF COLORADO tory as a new independent nation. Chamber of Commerce and the Solano Coun- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The people of Bangladesh and the ty Black Chamber of Commerce, Ms. Taylor Bangladeshi diaspora, including Bangladeshi has prioritized nurturing local small businesses Friday, March 26, 2021 Americans in Michigan’s 9th District, are ob- toward success and advocating for equity and Mr. PERLMUTTER. Madam Speaker, I rise serving the golden jubilee of the Independ- equality for all. These efforts have not gone today to recognize and applaud Jamie Gon- ence Day and celebrating throughout the unnoticed, earning her dozens of accolades. zalez for receiving the Arvada Wheat Ridge month of March. The 50th anniversary of Ban- Most notably, she was the recipient the Service Ambassadors for Youth award. gladesh’s independence is deeply meaningful Assemblywoman Pat Wiggins Woman of Jamie Gonzalez is a student at Jefferson to those with connections to Bangladesh, Achievement Award, not once but twice, in Jr./Sr. H.S. and received this award because there and abroad. I encourage my colleagues 2000 and 2002 and the Athena Award in 2004 her determination and hard work have allowed to join me in recognizing those working to from the Vallejo Chamber of Commerce. her to overcome adversities. honor Bangladesh’s history by holding special Over the course of her life as a community The dedication demonstrated by Jamie Gon- events around the world, and in congratulating leader, Ms. Taylor has had an immense im- zalez is exemplary of the type of achievement the people of Bangladesh and all Bangladeshi pact on the people of Vallejo. A lifetime mem- that can be attained with hard work and perse- Americans on this historic day. ber and former president of the Vallejo Section verance. It is essential students at all levels f of the National Council of Negro Women, Ms. strive to make the most of their education and Taylor has proven herself a leader amongst develop a work ethic which will guide them for INTRODUCTION OF RESOLUTION others. She has been an effective community the rest of their lives. RECOGNIZING THE HERITAGE, advocate for communities of color in her roles I extend my deepest congratulations to CULTURE, AND CONTRIBUTIONS as a life member and the former first vice Jamie Gonzalez for winning the Arvada Wheat OF LATINAS IN THE UNITED president of the National Association for the Ridge Service Ambassador for Youth award. I STATES Advancement of Colored People’s (NAACP) have no doubt she will exhibit the same dedi- Vallejo Branch, receiving the President’s cation and character in all of her future HON. J. LUIS CORREA Award in 1988. accomplishments. OF CALIFORNIA Ms. Taylor currently serves as the Senior f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Community Development Analyst in the Eco- nomic Development Division in the city of Friday, March 26, 2021 HONORING JIM THATCHER Vallejo. In 2000 and 2020, Ms. Taylor received Mr. CORREA. Madam Speaker, one in six the California on Location Award as the Em- HON. GREG PENCE women in the United States is a Latina. There ployee of the Year for Cities for her many OF INDIANA are currently nearly twenty-nine million His- years of professionally supporting the film in- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES panic women living in the United States. dustry and their activities. She has utilized her Latinas have been part of our nation’s fabric Friday, March 26, 2021 personal and professional successes to lift from the start. They contribute to our nation worthy causes in our community. Further, as a Mr. PENCE. Madam Speaker, I rise today to through their work in business, education, consummate philanthropist, Ms. Taylor has honor Jim Thatcher of Dearborn County, Indi- science and technology, medicine, engineer- donated to the arts, public broadcasting and ana. Jim served as the Republican County ing, mathematics, literature and the arts, the veterans. Chairman of Dearborn County. He committed military, agriculture, hospitality, and public Madam Speaker, Ms. Annette Taylor is a his time, talents and energy to the Sixth Con- service at every level of the government. lifelong public servant, dedicated to giving gressional District and the rest of the Hoosier Latinas have served as essential workers back to our community of Vallejo, and a great state. I am grateful for his service. A dedicated throughout the COVID–19 pandemic and have friend. It is therefore fitting and proper that we public servant, Jim also serves Dearborn kept the economy going and the people of the honor Ms. Annette Taylor here today as So- County as a commissioner and sits on the United States safe. Many have overcome a lano County’s 2020 Woman of the Year. Planning Commission and Board of Commu- unique set of challenges and have paved their f nity Mental Health. Jim is a member of the own paths to success. During National Wom- Bright Lions Club, the Scottish Rite of the Val- en’s History Month, I want to honor the mil- PERSONAL EXPLANATION ley of Cincinnati, and the Southeastern Indi- lions of Latinas who have contributed to our ana Shrine Club. Finally, I have gotten to nation. HON. BRADLEY SCOTT SCHNEIDER know Jim over the last four years, and I am Therefore, I am reintroducing a resolution OF ILLINOIS grateful for his friendship. I thank Jim Thatch- recognizing the heritage, culture, and contribu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES er. tions of Latinas in the United States. This res- Friday, March 26, 2021 f olution will recognize their contributions to American society and further celebrates those Mr. SCHNEIDER. Madam Speaker, I rise 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF who have inspired the next generation. today regarding a vote I missed on March 17, BANGLADESH’S INDEPENDENCE f 2021. Had I been present for Roll Call Vote 88 on HON. ANDY LEVIN HONORING ANNETTE TAYLOR AS the COVID–19 Bankruptcy Relief Extension OF MICHIGAN THE 2020 WOMAN OF THE YEAR Act of 2021 (H.R. 1651), I would have voted IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES yea. During the COVID–19 pandemic, small businesses and American families have strug- Friday, March 26, 2021 HON. MIKE THOMPSON OF CALIFORNIA gled to make ends meet. This bill offers critical Mr. LEVIN of Michigan. Madam Speaker, I IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES support to businesses by extending the bank- rise today to recognize the 50th anniversary of ruptcy relief provisions in the CARES Act for Bangladesh’s independence, which is being Friday, March 26, 2021 another year. I was honored to vote for these celebrated on March 26, 2021. Mr. THOMPSON of California. Madam provisions in the CARES Act and am a strong On March 7, 1971, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Speaker, I rise today to honor Annette Taylor, supporter of extending them. In keeping with who is called ‘‘Mujib’’ and is also known as the whom I have named the 2020 Woman of the the spirit of this legislation, I will continue to ‘‘Father of the Nation,’’ delivered a speech Year in Solano County, California. Woman of advocate for relief to small businesses and calling for what was then known as East Paki- the Year recognizes women who have made economic recovery in the wake of COVID. 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