.DOCUMENT RESUME . SO00947 9 : Commemoration,Ceremony in konor, of the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the First ContinentalCongress in the United States House' of Representatives,September Twenty-Fifth, Nineteen Hundred andSeventy-Four. INSTITUTION Congress of the U.-$., Washington, D.C. House. 'REPORT NO 93-413 PUB:DATE 75 i NOTE 151p. Superintendent of Documents, U.S. GovernmentPrinting Office, Washington,.D.C. 20402 (stockno. -052-071-00432-7, $1.80) EDRS PRICE MF-$0.83 HC-$8.69 Plus Postage. -DESCRIPTORS American Culture; American Studies; Civics;*Colonial History (United States); ConstitutiOnal History; . Educational Resources; *FederalGovernment; Federal 'Programs; Government Publications; GovqrnmentRole; History Instruction; Political Influences;Political .Science; Politics; *Primary Sources;Roference Materials; Resource Materials;. RevolutionaryWar (United States); Social History; *supplcmentary Reading Materials; *United StatesHistelry IDENTIFIERS *Eicdntenniai; *Continental CongressOst) ABSTRACT This documen+ provides a report ofactivities undertaken at the first official bicentennialcelehrntion by the U.S. Congress in January 1974..The projectwas initiated .to provide commemoration of the First ContinentalCongress which met in Philadelphia in September 1774. The booldetpresents the proceedings of the commemorative ceremony-a descriptionof tiazo Old Guard Fife Drum Corps, and the Camerata Chorus Of Washington.In the major portion of the booklet, a documentaryhistory of the First Continental Congress is presented. Thethree sections in the , documentary history--Emotional and IntellectualBackground of the Coagress, The Congress, and Reception of theMeasures of -Cou9Lebs--pre-Sent 14 primary ,source'selections, including speiches, debate notes, memorial addresses, andCongressional records. Participants in the ceremony includedCongresswoman Barbara Jordan Oho gave the opening reading, Professor.Cecelia M, Kenyon-of Smith College who presented an address titled"Ideological Origins of the First Continental Congress," ProfessorMerrill Jenson of the University of Wisconsin who spokeon "Historical Origins of the First Continental Congress," Alistair Cookewho gave the principal address, and the Hon. Mike McCormack whopresented closing comments. A biographical directory of the First ContinentaliCongress by states, with background sketches of eachdelegate, is included in the document.(Author/DB) Documents acqUired by ERIC include many informal unpublished materials not available froth othersources. ERIC makes every effort to obtain the "best copy. available. Nevertheless,items of marginal reproducibility ere often .quality Of the microfiche and hardcopy reproductions ERIC encountered and this affectS the makes available via the ERIC DocumentReproduction Service (EDRS). .EDRS is not responsible for the quality of the original document..Reproductionssupplied the origlnal. by EDRS are the best. that. can be thade 'froth , 93d Congress,1 2d Session House Docunient No. 93-413 \SEPd4 Commemoration Ceremony in Honorof the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the . First Continental Congress o U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION &WELFARE NATIONM.INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION in the HIS DOCUMENT HAS BEENREPRO. DUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVEDFROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATIONOR IGIN. United States AT ING IT. POINTS OF VIEW OROPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRE. SEMIOFFICIAL NATIONAL INSTITUTEOF House of Representatives .EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY. September Twenty-Fifth Nineteen Hundred and Seventi-Four- - United States Government Printing Office Washington : 1975 For gale by the Supeitntendent of Docuiiients, U.S. Government Printing Office; Washington, D.C. 20402 - Price $1.80 Stock Number 052-071-00432-7 CatalogNurnber 93-2:H Doc 413 2 Contents Page 'HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION 6801 V / HOUSE% RESOLUTION 1255 . VI THE V1/20GRAM VII PROCEEDINGS, .. 1 THE .OLD GUARD Fick AND DRUM CORPS 24 . :--47--THECAMERATACHORUS-- I 25 THE FIRSTCONTINENTAL CONGRESS 33 ., Passed December 18, 1974 1- Binttg.third Congress, of the United *cites of america AT THE SECOND .SESSION Begun and held at the City of Washington on Monday,.the twenty-firSt day 'Of January, one thousand nine hUndred and seventy-four Concurant &solution Resolved by the/House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That the proceedings at -.11iieonim-Efifcrfa:tibriadffembny in honor of the two hundredth lanniversary 'of. the First Continental Congress, together with appropriate illustrations and 'other pertinent .nialter, shall be printed .as a House document. The copy for such .House document shall be prepared under the supervision of the Joint Committee,on Printing. SEC: 2. There shall be printed ten thousand additional copies of such House document for the use of the House of RepresentatiVes, which ' shall be bound in such style as the Joint Committee on Printing shall . direct, to. be prorated for a period of sixty days, after which the. unused ' balance shall revert to the Joint Committeen Printing. Attest: W. PAT JENNINGS, Clerk of the House.of Representatives. Attest: FRANCIS R. VALEO, Secretaryof the Senate. DARRELL: ST. CLAIRE, Asiistant Secretary. I I w 4 JO. AM 1255 Ninety-third _Congress 2nd Session IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES July 24, 1974 Mr. O'Neill subtriitted the 'following resolution; which was considered and agreed to RESOLUTION Whereas the First Continental Congress met two hun- dred years -ago, . September 5, 1774, through Wm- ber 26, 1774, as the first American congress of rep- resentatives, and enunciatedthose . principles of government of free men which have inspired Ameri- cans throughout their history and which still guide this nation: Now, therefore, be it Reiolved, That the two hundredth anhiversarir of the meeting and acClomplishments of the.First Continental . Congress be commemorated, and 'to that end the Speaker of the House will appoint four Members of the House of Representatives to constitute a Committee on Arrangerrients. , , The Committee ,on Arrangements shall plan the pro- ceedings,issueappropriateinvitations,and select distinguished scholars of the period of the American---'. Revolution to deliver a memorial address. HONORABLE CARL ALBERT .Speaker of the House of Representatives Oklahoma THOMAS P. O'NEILL, JR. JOHN J. RHODES Majority L'eader Minority Leader Massachusetts Arizona COMMITTEE ON ARRANGEMENTS REPRESENTATIVE MIKE. MCCORMACK, Chairman Washington REPRESENTATIVE JOSEPH MCDADE Pennsylvania REPRESENTATIVE JAMES HANLEY New York REPRESENTATIVE JACK KEMP New York vi e Program Presiding Officer , THE SPEAKER, THi HONORABLE- CARL ALBERT The Old Guard Colonial Fife and Drum Corps "Chester" The Flag is carried into the Chamber by the Continental Color Guard. THE HONORABLE BARBARA JORDANOpening Reading PROFESSOR CECELIA M. KENYONRernarkS. Charles N. Clark Profesior of Government, Smith College PROFESSOR MERRILL JENSENReMarks Vilas Research Professor. of .History, University Of Wisconsin The Camerata Chorus"Free America" and "The L..iberty Song" ALISTAIR COOKERemarks Colors are retired. The Old Guard Colonial Fife and Drutn Corps "Yankee Doodle" Presiding Officer recesses assembly. vii Proceedings ThiOld Guarcl Colonial 1. ife and Drum Corps, led by Staff Sergeant John Markel as Drum Major, enterecithe dqOin to the left to the Speaker and took the positions assigned to them. The honored guests, Mr. Alistair CoOke, Prof. Cecelia M. Kenyon and 7 Prof. Merrilk Jensen, entered the door Co the righeof the Speaker and took ,the positions assigOd to 'them. , The Old Guard Colonial Fife 'and Drum Corps Preseneld a rendition of .."Chestee The Doorkeeper (Hon. William M. Miller) announced the Flag of the United States. [Applause, tir Members rising.] .The Flag was carried into the Chamber by a Color Bearer and a Guard of Honor. "the Color Guard saluted the Speaker, faced about, and saluted the House. The Flag was posted and the Members were seated. The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the Honorable MIKE MCCORMACK of Washington, the chairman of the Committee on Arrangements. Mr. MCCORMACK. Mr. Speaker, fellow Members, ladies and gentlemen : December of 1773, a grouP'of Boston citizens, outraged with a new British tax on tea, swarmed over three British ships in the Harbor and dumped the . cargo overboard. In the spring of 1774, the British Parliament, responding sternly, enacted the doe'itive Acts, closing "the Port of Boston, quartering troops in Boston. and exempting British officials from trial in the Colony's courts. The colonists called these the IntolerablelActs and they were the central subject of discussiOn when the First Continental Congress met on Septem- ber 5,1774. Out of this session came a "Declaration and Resblves" of colonial rights and an agreement to stand together in boycotting commerce with Great Britain. \ The thirst \for liberty and justice and a willingness to sacrifice for it was the initial manifestation of the spirit that produced the Declaration of Inde- . pendente, the Constitution, thc Bill of Rights, and a 200-yer tradition of representative government, preservipg freedom and dignity for all Amer-- tans. Today we meet to commemorate the 200th anniversary of that First . Congress. The other members of your Arrangements Committee are: The Honorable Joseph M. McDade, of Pennsylvania, the Honorable James M. Hanley, of New York, and the Honorable Jack F. Kemp, of New York. News of Parliament'spassage of the Coercive Acts arrived in the Colonies during the early sumrher of 1774. Thisnews not only elicited demands for a general Congress to
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