PORTLAND DAILY PRESS ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 18K2-VOL. 37. ! ORTLAND. MAINE. W EDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH 8, 1899._tffLTKA'JIWiia_PRICE THREE CENTS. ill was quiet there np to thrre ago. MlSTKlA-ytEPi'* at 8 p. ra.,meridian time, the observatlo nil thn ''onduR'on was reached that a days Hut there were rumon of : consider b'e number hould be elected in* polllloal OIR MW WAR SHIPS. for each section being given in this oraei CHIU IS GRATIFIED. CLEARED THE COUNTRY. rouble* Id tbs Interior. d»*r th« net which nuthon?es direction of wind, state o f irntnsy Ths United Ststa* cruiser Datro It has IMG Temperature, the to Invite * PROGRAMME of the treasury sesretury ust rsoelesd orders to rsturn to Bluo- weather: 1'lotted number of well kn«.%wi architects * t(» 1 'Ids forthwith. She will leave si• see Boston, 32 NW, snow: Net r submit plans and specifications fo today "unable to degrees, .hough she has not Bnlshed cooling. public In his dis- from r f ork, 30 degrees. W, snow; Phi lade! luillolnea and to accept News ci 'The Driven Bad ]nat received from Bosas dal Toro phia, 82 clear; Washington ■ option, such as are satisfactory. Plans for Jnst Authorized degrees. NW, Pecause We Will loin in Pis- fliilippine tosurgeats ionflrmed ths reported arrival there of Sliips by 80 degrees, NW, clear; Albany, i'4 de Sot situation in the Philippines was discussed but j*neral Keyes, the head of the recently NW, snow; 24 N of was developed. greet, Buffalo, degree*, nothing Importance Araorirans. ollapsed revolution at BlusUelds. Concress. olpnr; Detroit, 2d degrees, W, cloudy sertinn Pee. hy W Ft. Paul, 1 JUST Chicago, 20, clear; REACHED ANCHORAGE. A STEAMBOAT ON FIRE. of degrees, 8, p. cloudy; Uurou. tl)nkM 30 Tendency Tax Province March 7.— The Question degrees, SE, p. cloudy; Bisinur'k, 80 lie town, Mass., tug Clara hound Pat Out grees, Jacksonville, 30 de Clarita, Captain RceJ, t Was Before Orcot Oomoge with Bcflama of the wont kind, SE, p. cloudy; south KEGELS BOLTED AT FIRST SIGN I suffered clear. WHAT MINISTER WU TINH FANG around the rape with two light shoulders veto NEW BATTLESHIPS WIIL BE H.AKG- green, NW, Was Done, to my face and neck down to my barges had a hard time getting under the Expand. was not able to see out of lee of OF AN ADVANCE. one inflammation, EST AFLOAT. THE PAVON IA*S PASSENGERS. SATS ON Sl'll.lECT, Wood Knd during the gain early a while, and was unable this my eves for quite morning, and just managed to reach New York, March 7,—Tbs Old Domln- to sleep for we eks, on account of the severe v safe anchorage before the storm reached on line steamer pain, which nearly drove mo insane. My face Tlicy H>if linndfit In New Xork Te« her. Captain Reed stated today that the Jamestown, Captain and neck were swollen and made mo look storm so that It took from Norfolk and News tcrilay by Steamer Vega. came up quickly Knemy Wu C ompletely Routed •• For Sons, Newport hideous. Had three doctors at different •*> him times, Limit mi to 1’i lcr of Armor Perrlnrirn < Jilnr*r <»overni»»«*n1 Will Xot Kell four hours to get inside of Wood Knd 1 irrlvsd outside tbs Par bound In at 3 43 and not one of them could relievo me of where Out m Guadeloupe an the Right my Will be left the Purges at anchor and and blotches. I used threo Their Ih-litg Unlit I inmodtntely—Tlir Oltirnr Till* Kvitlrnce of ttoori then >. m., and signalled, ”1 am on lire.” LEGISLATURE EXBARKS ON pain, swelling, New York, March 7,—The Portage* ran to the inner harbor. After the end Marlqulne on the L«ft-R«bal bottles of Citiotra Resolvent, four boxes Six t'rnUrn Will llr I omlrnclrd —Mr. Wit Think* Italy Kgg«*«l «o had subsided this noon, Captain Reed Word that the Jamestown was on Bre, steamer Vega, which arrived fron I.oss Um CrucrRA (ointment), three cakes of Cirri- today went out after the barges and brought Heavy. ess conveyed to ths alUolals of Klglit A way. On fly Someone Klae. BROAD SEA. cura Soap, ami my friends and one of the Ft. Michaels, brought the passengers o them on the harbor The Clarita will March 13.10 in.-A detach- .he Old Dominion line and they at onca doctors are surprised, and Who cured — tomorrow Manila. 7, p. asked, the Canard line stesiner Pavonla whirl Washington, March 7. The JUhinese probable sufldonlght or early and I toil them March 7.—The for she can suffi- mant of Gen. Hale’s and Gen. Wheaton’* ant the wrecking steamboat William you?” quickly, “CmjcuKJk Washington, plans was towed into St. Michaels after n ter morning, provided procure J. V. minister, Mr. Wu Tiug Fang, cient and 1 Remedies.” KAFKA, three authorized by the water. The schooner Zephyr was for two hour* thl* Jonley from quarantine to her. The Ore- the battleships rlble at sea. The total nuiubei oppresses brigades engaged March 4,1897. S3 Bctoto St., Brooklyn, N. V. experience himself hb highly grutilled at Carrier Dove were disabled off the capo naval bill, just passed, are thejdellnlto morning clearing the country in front of tost New Yorker also weut down the FoM throughout the world. Potter D. >snC. Comp- appropriation of the Pavoniu's passengers was 31, cl determination of the United Hthtcs to during last night’s storm, and were com- •• to meet the Sole Prop©., Boeton. How to Cure Skin lJitccr**," lrem. beimr woiked out. The genfral features to their line* on both sides of tha river, the Kay burning *hip. which 9 were saloon, 17 second cabin anc hands off China and to re-dst Inti- pelled put in here for repairs. been defined to keep with tha The flreboat met the steamer at of the ships have subject The also imeiuy concentmtlng apparent quarnn* Some in the Ma ne House 28 steerage. Vega brought foul mations of other powers that tbd time is HA KG Eh WENT ADRIFT. Surprises the of tho secretary. Tho bat- of cutting off the at the ine, bat Captain Hoar, refuted to stop approval cattlemen who were on the Her mar a purpose garrlacn ripe for,this country ,to take for itself New March 7.—The steamer 1 md called to the commander on the llre- be a thousand tons York, water The rebels bolted at the tleships will larger which Mich H. D. works. steamer Bulgaria put into St. port on the coast of China Santult, with the coal laden barge joot to follow him to the pier. The j Monday. u bat than tho Maine and Missouri class of Aigior-oii and Alabama in tow. all three first sign of the advance they sepa- imoke had first been seen 1 from aels dirabled. Dr. j. W. Inches of Ft, “I am sure the Chinese! government netting total of 13 500 tous making vessels bound for Newport News from rated into small bodies whonever the ihe fore batches at 8 p. in. today and the MEN’S HEAVY displacement Clair, Mich., one of the cabin passenger! will not fall observe this SHOES andjpeople tto Boston, lire Island early this morn had called tho crew to Hie them by far the largest ships In the passed covert afforded opportunities and kept up taptaln quar- J said: strong evidence of good; will,’* safci Mr. log laboring bally in the storm. When are. Kverything had been doge to stop American about in dimen- of fhe passengers o! ft Are. a.sorlea of rapid ad- — — nuvy rqual “The off Urn* station the tow running By of the IN experience Wu today. 11111 life saving he spread fire, and fall steam bad sions to tho best of now the Pavnniu was frightful, (vale followed line parte i aud the barges went adrift. vances, llank movements the Men on for a swift run to the typo battleships “It Is not another bond between followedi,by put pier. and hurricanes prevailed through only The £>untuit tried up the a About two hours after the the PROPOSITION TO TAX being constructed abroad under the now gale te'plck barges enemy were completely routed ns far out outbreak RAILROADS out the whole time from Liverpool unit tho two countries, but it has a special gain, but drifted dangerously toward iteamer had reached her dock and In a than the they on the and almost Russet and Rox Calf. practice. Though larger Maine, we landed at the Azores. thi as Guadnloupe rlghtf During significance juet- now While the other the shore and bud to throw out their an- 'ew minutes all the passengers were DEBATED. tho ships will be laid on almost tho Fame the terriilio seas came over thi chors to rovent on the bar. A to on the left. The casualties anded. There nad been some excitement gales seem moved a of i going Mariqulna before them worl 1 power* by spirit lines, being only a little greater in every sides anu swept everything heavy s -a was running and the wind was are O'Brien, of Co. F, 1st imong the passengers. After reaching Just the kind for Spring Wear. States takes that reported Capt. The Hteamer rolled no violently that ih rupacty.the United lofty blowing hard causing the barges to drag ;hb dock the lire was soon Former price $>.50. dimension. T hey will carry each four Wyoming volunteers and two men slight- extinguished boilers broke adrift undithe steamer wa> of equity, justice and humanity anchors.
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