92. I I V I --->------ # CHARLES PRETTYBOY" FLOYD KANSAS CITYMASSACRE * 2-M115 SECTION 36 7 " _* ""7 Y" &#39;__W ~_77J &#39;_ &#39; &#39;:; -:7-2 ....:-_:1_~ -=1--...._, , _, .....___ .,-.-....._._....,.,~=-._..------}-..-_&#39;.;-- &#39; --. " 0 -7 I I - L i -- I T.1- -- - - .- . - ....-.. -.4 .-;.-_.... ...D_92 _ .,.- . CHARLES PRETTYBOY" FLOYD~ FRANK msu _ VERNE MILLER % 4-¢n1-L - -- -- ADAM RICHETTI _ KANSAS CITY MASSACRE L SUE>_1¬C6----_.------._..-_-___-_-.--. - File nc1mI&#39;5¬R_.é " V seczzsion numE>e*-:né1hi.____ I %RiALS @0229-92L pA§@s_I_=i__ pxées R¬L¬A56O p2-*,_¬3¬&#39;5 waténbenoQ ___ exemp*@i0n s! useo_b]_D__b_;_ &#39; _ _ii - . ,;==yv;:;L§ I 2, Hi--~ - . &#39; _~_. .&#39; _.: _ - J .._ -.*&#39;.&#39;- -c- _. - - .,hh - I 92 -. ._1 1 ..__-->,., &#39;=- .. > _->- > - , . ._ 1; -1; , &#39;-_ . _ -&#39;. " -- ¢ - .. -&#39; - -&#39;=&#39;-&#39; . 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L. ._. +-=- &#39;-1: _-__ 1. -:19; . 1-; Bsference is made to the case titled VIII-IRON G. , MILLER, eith aliases, et e1 - Obstruction of Justice Lihdeavor .__ Q. to Deliver Iederal Prisoner Irsnlililsshl and to s letter frcm the J&#39;- Detroit Office to this office dated Iebruery 14, 1934, e copy Q &#39;- * *1, .l -.; -ul ehich is atteched hereto, sdvising that Sergeant hrl C. Bllitzer &#39; &#39; "1&#39;.a of the Homicide Squad of the Detroit Police Department has furnished "" information to the lietroit Office concerning the possibility that F .. VernonC. Miller may have been killed by BasilHughanghsrt and }92; - , his associates in connection eith&#39; subsequentevents incident tr ,&#39; ~ . the mail robbery st Charlotte, ll; 0- on November 15, 1933. I1¢;§4; _92 ?&#39;: ..-"*3; Special Agent ll. D. &#39;.|.&#39;rsuboi this office endeeeem-el 1 ~f_;,l7:. to interview Banghart relative to this prior to his removal to I . F""1»&#39;-1 5&#39; _g&#39;92----n-Y4 _ "1 s-.<,,-- , . Chicago but Banghart had been remoyed before ggent &#39;1:-eub cou1g_1_n&#39;lu- I ..- A _ --t-_-_-.&#39;_-.. .1 vise him, therefore this information is being furnished you f "= ,_ -_d____;_ 7. .- 1 1_-&#39;¢4.._r.,- _;.. I, :,92 .- /. l,&#39;IP appropriate attention end, ss will be noted from the lest parapeeh " 1-_ &#39;d-._.{;;_; _ 4:5"; of the letter from the Detroit Office, it is requested that the 15 - __ &#39; _ $r"e,: = &#39;" .. us.- Detroit Office be advised the result of the interview with E Q-art. .- __ _,..1 - I 1 &#39;~ &#39;-1. I 7.. »&#39; &#39; .. I Very truly yours, &#39; | &#39;_f"&#39;i-r zi I .-92 &#39;&#39; &#39;-1_92. I 92 _ - . .., .. _ 1 . __ -.&#39;--~ . _ 1...... ..,_,; . -1- &#39; mu ll. sucir, gesistant &#39; Er, =*<r>*1-W5.1.? &#39;~ ~-- ..§ &#39;-${ &#39;-W--: |3;Jum hcle / special ggent in merge. 92-rye, .6: :23M 4. 1 1 ??=-1&#39;-&#39;:~ fl &#39;O0: Division F . - __ _j &#39;_: 92-. :;=s.~?;:¢:~*>#~- t. .. 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