Floyd Kansas City Massacre

Floyd Kansas City Massacre

92. I I V I --->------ # CHARLES PRETTYBOY" FLOYD KANSAS CITYMASSACRE * 2-M115 SECTION 36 7 " _* ""7 Y" '__W ~_77J '_ ' ':; -:7-2 ....:-_:1_~ -=1--...._, , _, .....___ .,-.-....._._....,.,~=-._..------}-..-_'.;-- ' --. " 0 -7 I I - L i -- I T.1- -- - - .- . - ....-.. -.4 .-;.-_.... ...D_92 _ .,.- . CHARLES PRETTYBOY" FLOYD~ FRANK msu _ VERNE MILLER % 4-¢n1-L - -- -- ADAM RICHETTI _ KANSAS CITY MASSACRE L SUE>_1¬C6----_.------._..-_-___-_-.--. - File nc1mI'5¬R_.é " V seczzsion numE>e*-:né1hi.____ I %RiALS @0229-92L pA§@s_I_=i__ pxées R¬L¬A56O p2-*,_¬3¬'5 waténbenoQ ___ exemp*@i0n s! useo_b]_D__b_;_ ' _ _ii - . ,;==yv;:;L§ I 2, Hi--~ - . ' _~_. .' _.: _ - J .._ -.*'.'- -c- _. - - .,hh - I 92 -. ._1 1 ..__-->,., '=- .. > _->- > - , . ._ 1; -1; , '-_ . _ -'. " -- ¢ - .. -' - -'='-' . "- '".- . - V, .< 1'-:'--I. _~_ .. _,- In--.-.' -."7. 92 - at-_¢|..;.. ~;_. _ _ ' , ,'..;. -' . -' ._ I -_ - - . - ;_ .- , . -92-;.,,.- -_ _-»', ,,-_- --.,¢-.,-2-. 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Y Iashington,'D.O$ - ,'_._ ~ I 5"»; as .,_:._ Iebrusry 10, 1034. o. -'1 __ @£=e» i ' 92 -1-;-4. -.' K 2.,-'."1 if J :1 " ,;_-'.-1:, 1:1-' .-' at _ -_ I-. Special Agent in Charge, _, F _ e.§- -if-'-_=;§ 5'.-: .-> a: Division of Investigation, ; . 4- . 4- " -:::. U. S. Department 01' Justice, '1»- J. 92. G 1900 Bankers Building, " . .- *'92.,'; r 92 '. '. ' In 1,, ' =- '3E1==' Chicago, Illinois. Q . ».. -- - -1-'- ' . '. " I 92 f92-Ii 'Ft. _ 1 '"_.¢ J t92,*-N ¢ ' - -}.. 1 1- s _c-;..u_':: "' Deer Sir: * Q 92"-. 'LE%§ F -13?;-2?.. L. ._. +-=- '-1: _-__ 1. -:19; . 1-; Bsference is made to the case titled VIII-IRON G. , MILLER, eith aliases, et e1 - Obstruction of Justice Lihdeavor .__ Q. to Deliver Iederal Prisoner Irsnlililsshl and to s letter frcm the J'- Detroit Office to this office dated Iebruery 14, 1934, e copy Q '- * *1, .l -.; -ul ehich is atteched hereto, sdvising that Sergeant hrl C. Bllitzer ' ' "1'.a of the Homicide Squad of the Detroit Police Department has furnished "" information to the lietroit Office concerning the possibility that F .. VernonC. Miller may have been killed by BasilHughanghsrt and }92; - , his associates in connection eith' subsequentevents incident tr ,' ~ . the mail robbery st Charlotte, ll; 0- on November 15, 1933. I1¢;§4; _92 ?': ..-"*3; Special Agent ll. D. '.|.'rsuboi this office endeeeem-el 1 ~f_;,l7:. to interview Banghart relative to this prior to his removal to I . F""1»'-1 5' _g'92----n-Y4 _ "1 s-.<,,-- , . Chicago but Banghart had been remoyed before ggent '1:-eub cou1g_1_n'lu- I ..- A _ --t-_-_-.'_-.. .1 vise him, therefore this information is being furnished you f "= ,_ -_d____;_ 7. .- 1 1_-'¢4.._r.,- _;.. I, :,92 .- /. l,'IP appropriate attention end, ss will be noted from the lest parapeeh " 1-_ 'd-._.{;;_; _ 4:5"; of the letter from the Detroit Office, it is requested that the 15 - __ ' _ $r"e,: = '" .. us.- Detroit Office be advised the result of the interview with E Q-art. .- __ _,..1 - I 1 '~ '-1. I 7.. »' ' .. I Very truly yours, ' | '_f"'i-r zi I .-92 '' '-1_92. I 92 _ - . .., .. _ 1 . __ -.'--~ . _ 1...... ..,_,; . -1- ' mu ll. sucir, gesistant ' Er, =*<r>*1-W5.1.? '~ ~-- ..§ '-${ '-W--: |3;Jum hcle / special ggent in merge. 92-rye, .6: :23M 4. 1 1 ??=-1'-':~ fl 'O0: Division F . - __ _j '_: 92-. :;=s.~?;:¢:~*>#~- t. .. Dltroit R " r --92" J, '.-"r;l'fT't' 2:~ - ..'-L-Sf .- y -.,1 '!I K as. City _ B0039 " 5-.... ~ --.--..,- : ';, -.1 :.-.. .- _ . ,_ ~.92 I62-2:30 ' I ¢ an Q . F.- if: '- 1._ ' 7, '4 92 s . _ N of _'_'_:;A' " n P i I F£B231934. 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