Kengetter Retired '- GOP Contest In As Madison Chief Matawan Borough .} Commitleemen Act On Mayor, Club, Split; •"* Age Proviso; Move No Township Contest; Is Op'-osed Strongly Member National Editorial Association — New Jersey Press Association — Monmouth County Press Association Madison Fight Looms Chie. , ao KenBctler, of Mad-1 ar., yrin ofi.i A rousing primary campaign Ison Township Police, was re- own I E-rtlV join MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1955 Single Copy Seven Cents in Matawan Borough on the Re- tired as of Mar. 15, 19!>5, at a publican side is promised by de- meeting of ihe township com- velopments over the weekend. mittee held Monday. The chief. New Place To Dine SNAPS SCENE FROM "LINE OF SCRIMMAGE" Cliffwood Beach Aeromarine Sold Mayor Spafford W. Schnnck will G7 years of age, was retired by St. Joseph's To I •• be unopposed in his bid for re- The formal opening toinnr- Sale of the Auromarine resolution. No appointment of row of a newly-Installed liti- nomination, it appeared at nn a successor was made ponding Plane and Motor Co. properly early hour this monring. How- foot lunoh counter in the J. .1. Issue "White List" Assured Of Water owned by Nalhan Goldheigrcr, fpdoption of two amendments to Newberry Co. store at 17-10 ever, he faced a tussle to get ' the police ordinance affecting New York realtor, to the Kari- a slate of councilmen to go a- \V. Front St., Keyport, is be- No Famine This Year, lan Bay Development Carp., the office. These amendments ing celebrated with an expan- ; Publication Contains long with him. were introduced. headed by Donald Jaffey, of sion sale. Many special items i Newsdealers Handling Marz Promises; Water Rochester, N.Y., was confirm-' John Muller. president of the The committee acted on the of mcrehndlse arc being: of- j "Clean" Literature Firm To Install Pump ed by Milton M. linger, of Matawnn Republican Club, stat- advice of Township Attorney fered at attractive, luwcr pric- Newark, counsel for the Itari- ed Tuesday that organization i Mayor Jolin Marz.. Jr., of Ma- j Henry Spllzer that a chief could es and are advertised in this ! The first monthly publication liin Bay firm, yesterday. j had given its endorsement lo be retired on reaching the age newspaper. i \un Township, gave assur-j Karilan Bay Realty Co. wasI Councilman Cyrus Brown and :of the "while list" will be ap- ance to C'liflwood Bench resi- [ of 05. His retirement becomes 'The new lunch counter, ! pended lo- the bulletin of St. Jo- (he seller. I William M. Strother lor the GOP mandatory at 70. equipped wiih 33 stools, is dents yesterday there should be i From first informatinu a- • designation for councilmanic jseph's Church on Mar. 20th. no water famine this summer i Objection was entered to his prepared to serve full-course I This will list all storekeepers valhihie, the property may bej berths. Mr. Muller indicated platters, combination sand- such as beset that area pre- j extended in size. Eventual | this was a slate not wholly in ^retirement by Thomas F, Mil- ! and newsdealers who have in- viously. He also disclosed a yesj-! vfer, a former committccman, wich treats nnd a .fall line of dicated that they will and have plans of the new owners could sympathy with the mayor's po- hot and cold bevcrnecs, The terduy's township .meeting the , not be obtained at this early licies and invited all Republi- and the chief's daughter-in-law, 'removed all objectionable liter- municipality's own water plant ' Mrs. Frederick Kengetter. Mrs. food department is under sup- jature from their stands. Par- date. I can voters In the borough to at- ervision of Miss Judy Eckel, would be in operation a year \ ' tend Monday night's GOP club kengelter contended her father- 'ishioners of St. Joseph's will be from this month. Tho former aeroplane plant in-law should be kept on until with a staff of trained assist- asked to patronize the estab- now houses 17 industrial ; meeting at the American Legton he was 70 as he was fully cap- ants, nnd nil dishes'' are ]lre- lishments of those storekeepers j The mayor made these obser-! firms. They are: All-Out Ex- 'headquarters, over the borough able In every way nf discharg- r.sired before Hie eyes of the whose names and addresses are : ! vntlons In reply to a letter from ! terminator, Co.; Armstrong: .hall, to hear the primary cam- ing his duties and the pension customers. Quick snacks in iso listed. I Robert Collins, of Cliffwood: Cork Co. (warehouse); Bar- i Paign issues discussed. he will receive will be inade- the way of barbecued frank- j Frank Shea, chairman of the ; ! Beach, secretary of a newly i Incline Boat £ Equipment Co.; ; The mayor himself indicated quate for the man and his wife furters, plzzu pies and bever- j Monmouth County Clean Liter-! ; formed homeowners' associa-j Communication Products Co.. i his split with the Club over a to live on. The chief has been ages also are offered at n Mature Committee, announced ; lion, demanding that citizens; Inc.; Crown Engineering: Co.; I councilmanic primary slate by snack bar adjoining Ihe cos- i not be made to go through again: - receiving $4000 per year. His ;that members of St. Joseph's; ! Will E. Cusick Co.; Dutone j endorsing George Gaskcll for 'Retirement pay is to be figured metics counter. |Holy Name Society are calling' what they had endured in other Co., Inc.; ltnlpli Frieillandcr • years. The Cliffwood Beach • | the post made vacant by the by the slate employees retire- This latest addition to its ;on the storekeepers within the and Bros.; Harris Products, • refusal of Councilman E. Story ment agency in Trenton, but it selling line is part' of a reno- iparish boundaries. Water Co., in particular, came: Inc.; Ivyline i j m for censure in Mr. Collins Manufacturing HallockHo run for a new term. is believed it will be consider- vation and remodeling pro- \ "I am happy," Mr. Shea said. Shelter. ' ;Cos Landau Knitting••••"'•—- "Corp; ; This would pit Mr. Gaskell a- ably less than half his salary. griTVii which began early last i"to report that the vast major- Let Maniifacturiiiu Co.; Ite- gainst Mr. Strother for that nom- On Force Since 1929 .year. In August 1951 the floor ' ily of storekeepers we have con- Mayor Marz declared he had j verso Products Co.; Surprise ination. Whether the mayor space wus doubled with the jtacted so far have Indicated The pholo i ini pi loolc ini r r i > i jl t irom tho Malawan gone over the situation with an' H.'ore (warehouse); Grenard The chief has been on the High School enior 1 1 wh i s bmnn u cntod lour nights lhis would go along with the Club on force since 1G29, first as a con- opening of a two-level addi- !their willingness to co-operate." engineer and n representative '• Venetian Blind Co., and Deau- joint endorsement of Mr. Brown i To Give Out Official List week in the Mai in Hi h ScloM H 1 lorn 1 ho i_l y Line Of Scrim. of the State Public Utilities'; stable, then as a full-time of- tion at the rear. mage, was ccached by Mr-,. Lhzahcih Gitlcn^, <>n dhel'os i-aiso funds for lil'hilc, Inc. or would choose another coun- ficer in 1933. He served police The Newherry Co. started Commission and one from the Mr. Shea continued, "All | iho'scnior class lrio 10 Washington. D. C. ! water company. He asserted cilmanic candidate of his own duty alone at the time. Two operations in Keyport In 1938.storekeepers will be given an Pictured above, in the usual ord.?r. iire: Waller Jones, Larry Salmon as running mate for Mr. Gas- more men had been added by and. since that time has con-, official list of objectionable Alion Davis. Jean Gauh, and Dorolh- Hocvrr. j '.he Cliffwood Beach Water Co.: kell could not be known this £ Api'll 1942. and the department stantly improved Its selling ! printed matter. This list is would be made lo install a pump Petition Against morning. was formally organized with facilities lo accominpdate the j compiled by the National Or- I to the reserve tank in the Beach him as chief al the time. public. [which would work automatical- .John W. Applegate. former Isanization for Decent Literature ly at night in a time of low1, Merwin's Horses mayor, said this morning that The amendments to the ordi- I and is being used as a guide In Keyport Man's Fate Staikos Beats Chair draw on the mains to get a sup-; ! the Democrats have people in nance create the post ot iieutun- |the St. Joseph drive." ply ready for the next day. A! vicw bul would 0 nnt nt a $31100 annual salary and ! Mr. Shea slated, "The NODL 23 New Brunswick AveJ "I' ''' off" ""til Madison Twp. Tax ; formulated a code wlllch has Still Is Mystery ; In Kidnaping Rap borrowed pump was used for i p^ • i . r MA . , the, primary election date to extend the maximum starting :.his last year, the mayor aver-1 Residents Call Animals ] wrUe them ln Hc lndlcalcd age for police service from 3B i been found sane and satisfac- red, and the results were not • to 50. Hearing on both meas- tory by most publishers of per- Car Found On,Edison i Gets Six Years In Katz Health, Safety, Menace j 'hat write-ins would be guided $119 Per $1000 iodicals which are entitled to too satisfactory.
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