Item No. 4 SCOTTISH BORDERS COUNCIL PLANNING AND BUILDING STANDARDS COMMITTEE MINUTE of MEETING of the PLANNING AND BUILDING STANDARDS COMMITTEE held in the Council Headquarters, Newtown St. Boswells on 14 December 2009 at 10 a.m. ------------------ Present: - Councillors J. Houston (Chairman), N. Calvert, J. A. Fullarton, J. Hume, T. Jones, G. Logan, J. Mitchell, D. Moffat, C. Riddell-Carre, R. Smith, N. Watson. Apologies:- Councillors J. Brown, T. Weatherston, In Attendance: - Development Control Manager (West), Development Control Manager (East), Plans and Research Manager, Assistant Road User Manager, Solicitor (G. Nelson), Committee and Elections Team Leader MINUTE 1. There had been circulated copies of the Minute of the Meeting of 9 November 2009. DECISION APPROVED for signature by the Chairman. SPG ON PLACEMAKING AND DESIGN 2. With reference to paragraph 4 of the Minute of 15 June 2009, there had been circulated copies of a report by the Head of Planning and Building Standards seeking approval for the adoption of the Placemaking and Design Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG). The aim of the document was the culmination of a programme of work to improve the design quality of planning applications and new developments in the Scottish Borders. It consisted of an introduction, a detailed new design policy, guidance on the application process, a set of key placemaking and design principles, a set of action points, a glossary of urban design terminology and a sourcebook for further reading. The SPG had been subject to a 12 week public consultation held including local Community Councils and national stakeholders. The comments received in response to this public consultation were appended to the report together with the proposed Council responses to the issues raised. In the discussion that followed Members welcomed the guidance as a means to raising the standards of design without being too prescriptive, and as assistance to making good decisions in the future. Councillor Watson proposed four minor additions to the wording and following discussion it was agreed that two be accepted. It was noted that the document would continue to be prepared for publication and revisions of a non policy nature such as photographic evidence might be required as part of this process. DECISION AGREED to approve the Placemaking and Design SPG for adoption subject to the following amendments:- (a) Page 3 - that a sentence be added to the end of the first paragraph to read “ and will be used as a material consideration in assessing planning applications”; and (b) Page 66 – that under the heading Other issues – What to Avoid an additional point “Poorly positioned contraction joints” be added. DRAFT PLANNING BRIEF - FORMER BERWICKSHIRE HIGH SCHOOL SITE, DUNS 3. There had been circulated copies of a report by the Head of Planning and Building Standards seeking approval for the draft planning brief for the former Berwickshire High School redevelopment site, as appended to the report, to be used as a basis for public consultation for a 12 week period. The site was currently occupied by three sports pitches and the now redundant former high school buildings. The Council had prepared this draft planning brief for the site to create a development vision, address potential constraints on the site and encourage good quality new development in accordance with sustainability principles which fitted with the townscape of the settlement and integrated with its landscape surroundings. DECISION AGREED:- (a) to approve the draft planning brief for the former Berwickshire High School site, Duns, as detailed in Appendix A to the report, as a basis for public consultation for a 12 week period, and to report back any substantive comments to this committee. (b) that if there were no substantive comments arising from consultation the brief to be delegated for approval to the Head of Planning and Building Standards. DRAFT PLANNING BRIEF – FORMER EYEMOUTH HIGH SCHOOL SITE 4. There had been circulated copies of a report by the Head of Planning and Building Standards seeking approval for the draft planning brief for the former Eyemouth High School redevelopment site, as appended to the report, to be used as a basis for public consultation for a 12 week period. The former Eyemouth High School site was currently occupied by three sports pitches and the now redundant high school buildings. The Primary School, which remained in use, adjoined the High School site and was included in this brief. It was Noted that some wording had been omitted from Page 14 under the heading “Play Areas and Open Spaces”. In response to concern expressed by Members about available space for possible expansion of the cemetery it was confirmed that space had already been identified as part of the Local Plan. The suggestion that Pantiles be added to the list of suitable materials listed on Page 11 was accepted. DECISION AGREED:- (a) to approve the draft planning brief for the former Eyemouth High School site as detailed in Appendix A to the report, subject to the addition of Pantiles to the list of suitable materials on page 13, as a basis for public consultation for a 12 week period, and to report back any substantive comments to this committee. (b) that if there were no substantive comments arising from consultation the brief to be delegated for approval to the Head of Planning and Building Standards. APPLICATIONS 5. There had been circulated copies of reports by the Head of Planning and Building Standards on applications for planning permission requiring consideration by the Committee. DECISION DEALT with the applications as detailed in Appendix 1 to this Minute. MEMBERS Councillors Jones and Mitchell left the meeting following consideration of application 09/00910/LBC, Councillor Moffat left following consideration of application 09/01224/FUL and Councillor Hume left following consideration of 09/01389/FUL. APPEALS 6. There had been circulated copies of a report by the Head of Planning and Building Standards on Appeals to the Scottish Ministers and Local Reviews. DECISION NOTED:- (a) that appeals had been received in respect of :- (i) New illuminated signage at 88 High Street, Innerleithen; (ii) Erection of single dwelling at Birkenside, Earlston; and (iii) Erection of three dwellinghouses, conversion, alterations and extension to agricultural buildings to form seven dwelling houses, alterations and extension to farmhouse and installation of sewage treatment facilities at Fellowhills Farm, Horndean. (b) that the Scottish Ministers had dismissed appeals in respect of :- (i) Erection of three dwellings on land north west of Redrig Cottage, Moorpark, Foulden; and (ii) Erection of two dwellinghouses on land south of Bellisfield, Langlee Mains, Galashiels. (c) that review requests had been received in respect of:- (i) Replacement windows at 2 Teviot Crescent, Hawick; (ii) Erection of dwellinghouse with integrated double garage, Arnotknowe, East Morriston, Earlston; and (iii) Residential development at Newhouses Farm House, Hawick. (d) that the Local Review Body had dismissed the appeal in respect of replacement windows at 2 Teviot Crescent, Hawick The meeting concluded at 12:45 pm PLANNING AND BUILDING STANDARDS COMMITTEE 14 DECEMBER 2009 APPENDIX I APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING PERMISSION Reference Name and Address Nature of Development Location 09/01379/FUL Mr D Finnie Erection of two dwelling Land East of Nisbet Per Richard Amos Ltd houses Stables, Nisbet, Duns 2 Golden Square Duns Decision: Accepted the application in principle and gave the appointed officer delegated powers to seek the redesign of the upper floor balcony window opening, so that it reflected a smaller and more traditional style of window opening and also the modification of the fenestration pattern so that the windows in the new houses matched the multi-pane windows used in the adjoining stable conversion and subject to the conditions below: On receipt of suitably amended drawings the application required to be submitted to Scottish Minister. 1 The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in complete accordance with the plans and specifications approved by the Local Planning Authority, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To ensure that the development is carried out in accordance with the approved details. 2 The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission. Reason: To comply with Section 58 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997, as amended by the Planning etc. (Scotland) Act 2006. 3 Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Scotland) Order 1992 (or any subsequent Order amending, revoking or re- enacting that Order): (i) There shall be no addition or extension to the dwellings (including the insertion of dormer windows or chimneys); (ii) There shall be no further building, structure or other enclosure constructed or placed on the site; and (iii) There shall be no additional window or other opening made in any elevation of the dwellings; unless an application for planning permission in that behalf has first been submitted to, and approved by, the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To safeguard the character, appearance and setting of the surrounding category A Listed Building Group. 4 Prior to any development commencing on site a scheme to identify and assess potential contamination on the site to be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority and is thereafter implemented to its satisfaction. The scheme shall contain details of proposals to investigate and remediate potential contamination and must include:- a) A desk study and development of a conceptual site model, measurement of pollutant linkages through a detailed investigation of the nature and extent of contamination on site, and assessment of risk such contamination presents. The scope and method of this investigation to be agreed in advance with the Planning Authority, and be undertaken in accordance with PAN 33 (2000) and BS10175:2001.
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