12:00 AM -12:00 AM DAG on Travel - G6 Meetings in Madrid. All Day AG ON LEAVE 0tus2009, AG (SMO) 1 7/21/2011 3:32 PM July 04* 2011 M onday All Day Independence Day — United States 8:00 AM - 8:30 AM 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM Exemption 6 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM FIREWORKS AT THE WHITE HOUSE Concert starts around 7:30 Fireworks around 9:00 p.m. 0tus2009, AG (SMO) 1 8/4/2011 2:38 PM July 05, 2011 Tuesday 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM FBI Briefing FBI SIOC POC: Denise Cheung Attending: AG, DAG Cole, David O'Neil, Stuart Delery, Denise Cheung 9:00 AM - 9:10 AM FBI Director / AG FBI SIOC POC: Stuart Delery Attending: AG, DAG Cole, Stuart Delery 9:15 AM - 9:45 AM Daily Senior Management Meeting AG's Conference Room POC: Gary Grindler Attending: AG Holder, Gary Grindler, Monty Wilkinson, Aaron Lewis, Margaret Richardson, Jenny Mosier, Stuart Delery, Denise Cheung, Molly Moran, DAG Cole, David O'Neil, Stuart Goldberg, Charlotte Burrows, Rob Weiner, Steven Reich, ASG Perrelli, Helaine Greenfeld, SG Verrilli, Ron Weich, Chris Schroeder, Virginia Seitz, Matt Miller, Elizabeth Taylor 9:45 AM - 10:00 AM Daily Meeting with DAG Cole AG's Conference Room POC: Gary Grindler DOJ: DAG Cole, Gary Grindler, Monty Wilkinson, Stuart Delery 10:00 AM -10:30 AM Bi-Weekty w/ASG Perrelli AG's Conference Room POC: Gary Grindler DOJ: Gary Grindler, ASG Perrelli 10:05 AM -10:10 AM PHONE CALL FROM 5EC. PANETTA| Personal Contact Information AG's Office POC: Gary Grindler, Denise Cheung Secretary Panetta returned the AG's call 10:45 AM -10:55 AM FI5A AG's Conference Room POC: Denise Cheung DOJ: Gary Grindler, Denise CheungJ Exemption 6 11:00 AM - 11:30 AM Australia Trip AG's Conference Room POC: Vincent Fazzio Exemption 6 DOJ: Gary Grindler, Denise Cheung, Vin F a z z io .^^^^B Margaret Richardson, Aaron Lewis, Bruce Swartz, Brian Tomney, Greg Andres, Matt Miller 11:45 AM - 12:00 PM En route 712 Jackson Place, NW In Limo: Margaret Richardson 0tus2009, AG (SMO) 1 7/6/2011 5:31 PM July 05, 2011 Continued Tuesday ____________ 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM WH Fellows Luncheon 712 Jackson Place, Wash DC POC: Margaret Richardson Personal Contact Information Event POC: Alexandra Crabtree,| 1:00 PM -1:15 PM En route DOJ In Limo: Margaret Richardson 1:30 PM - 2:00 PM office tim e 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM White House Mentorship Program AG's Conference Room POC: Margaret Richardson Personal Contact Information POC: Paul Monteiro, Associate Director, WH Office of Public Engagement | DOJ Photographer Outside guests; Antoine Douglas Corey Rogers Ibrahim Jalloh Rourke Donahue Edward Adutwum Marques Owens Andre Lake Adolph Brown Philip Deke Eric Moreno Andrew Haynesworth Samuel Louissaint Justin Wellington William Jawando (Staff) Emmett Beliveau (Staff) Darron Paul Monteiro (Staff) David Clunie (Staff) Awenate Cobbina (Staff) Michael Strautmanis (Staff) 2:45 PM 3:15 PM BP Oil Spill Claims AG's Conference Room POC: Margaret Richardson DOJ: Gary Grindler, Margaret Richardson, DAG Cole, ASG Perrelli, Brian Hauck, Matt M iller 3:30 PM - 4:00 PM MEETING WTIH NEW OLC AAG - VIRGINIA SEITZ AG's Office POC: Gary Grindler DOJ: AAG Seitz Gtus20Q9, AG (SMO) 2 7/6/2011 5:31 PM July 05, 2011 Continued T u e s d a y .... 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM OFFICE TIME 5:00 PM - 5:30 PM OPR Monthly Meeting AG's Conference Room POC: Molly Moran DOJ: Gary Grindler, Moily Moran, Robin Ashton, Brad Weinsheimer 5:30 PM - 5:45 PM BRIEFING FOR SEN. FRANKEN CALL AG's office POC: Gary Grindler, Denise Cheung DOJ: Ron Weich 5:45 PM - 6:00 PM PHONE CALL FROM SEN. FRANKEN AG's Office POC for Sen Franken: Tara Personal Contact Information 6:00 PM - 6:30 PM MEETING AG's office POC; Gary Grindler, Margaret Richardson 0tus2009, AG (SM0) 3 7/6/2011 5:31 PM July 06, 2011 W e d n e s d a y 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM FBI Briefing FBI SIDC PDC: Denise Cheung Attending; AG, DAG Cole, David D'Neil, Stuart Delery, Denise Cheung 9:00 AM - 9:10 AM FBI Director / AG FBI SIDC PDC; Stuart Delery Attending: AG, DAG Cole, Stuart Delery 9:15 AM - 9:45 AM Daily Senior Management Meeting AG's Conference Room PDC: Gary Grindler Attending: AG Holder, Gary Grindler, Monty Wilkinson, Aaron Lewis, Margaret Richardson, Jenny Mosier, Stuart Delery, Denise Cheung, Molly Moran, DAG Cole, David D'Neil, Stuart Goldberg, Charlotte Burrows, Rob Weiner, Steven Reich, ASG Perrelli, Helaine Greenfeld, SG Verrilli, Ron Weich, Chris Schroeder, Virginia Seitz, Matt Miller, Elizabeth Taylor 9.-45 AM -10:00 AM Daily Meeting with DAG Cole AG's Conference Room PDC: Gary Grindler DDJ: DAG Cole, Gary Grindler, Monty Wilkinson, Stuart Delery 10:00 AM -10:30 AM Meeting with AAG Ron Weich AG's Conference Room PDC: Margaret Richardson DDJ: Gary Grindler, Margaret Richardson, AAG Weich 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM Meeting with Conference of Chief Justices and Conference of State Court Administrators AG's Conference Room PDC: Margaret Richardson CCJ and CD5CA PDC: Kate Farley I Personal Contact Information Group will be entering through the Visitors Center. DDJ P h o to g ra p h e r Outside guests: C hief Justice Wallace B. Jefferson, President of the Conference of Chief Justices (Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Texas) Chief Judge Eric T. Washington, President-Elect of the Conference of Chief Justices (Chief Judge of the District of Columbia Court of Appeals) Lilia G. Judson, President of the Conference of State Court Administrators (Executive Director of the Indiana Supreme Court) Rosalyn W. Frierson, President-Elect of the Conference of State Court Administrators (Director of the South Carolina Court Administration) Carl Reynolds, member of the Conference of State Court Administrators (Administrative Director of the Texas Office of Court Administration) S . Kay Farley, Executive Director of the Government Relations Office for the National Center for State Court 0tus2009, AG (SMO) 1 7/7/2011 11:54 AM July 06, 2011 Continued Wednesday______________ 11:45 AM - 12:00 PM En route 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Wash DC In Limo: Margaret Richardson, Tracy Schmaler 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM Let's Read! Let'* Move Event w/Secretary Duncan US Education Department, LBJ Plaza, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Wash DC 20202 - Hold Room 1W103 AG will read: Oh! The Places You'll Go! 12:05 Secretary Duncan introduces, AG sits down and reads to seated children 12:20 Conclude book and encourage children to read, eat healthy foods and get lots of exercise 12:25 Mingle with children, take photos POC: Margaret Richardson, Tracy Schmaler_ Personal Contact Information Venue phone| Venue POC: Tim Tuten, Director Special ProJects| Approx size of audience 125 100+ children ages 3-7 years old 25 adult teachers, chaperones, support staff Open Press Exemption 6 On-site security poc: | Personal Contact Information DOJ Photographer Staff members and guests present in the Hold Room: Juliette Rizzo Tim Tuten Frankie- Martinez-Bianco Miss America Teresa Scanlan Ms. Scanlan's Tour Manager Karen Nocella Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Mr. Abdul-Jabbar will be accompanied by Betsy Shelton. 12:30 PM -1:15 PM Secretary Duncan Event with Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Department of Education, Office of the Secretary, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Wash DC POC: Margaret Richardson also attending from DOJ: Brin Frazier, Riley Roberts POC: Allison I Personal Contact Information Meeting with Secretary Duncan, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Deborah Morales from Iconomy, Allison Zepp, Elizabeth Aaron, Todd Litzsinger from Follett Corp. and Thelma Melendez. 1:15 PM - 1:30 PM En route DOJ In Limo: Margaret Richardson, Tracy Schmaler 1:30 PM - 2:00 PM LUNCH 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM Antitrust Division Quarterly Meeting AG's Conference Room POC: Jenny Mosier DOJ: Gary Grindler, Jenny Mosier, AAG Varney, Sharis Pozen, Joe Wayland, Jamillia Ferris, Gene Kimmelman, ASG Perrelli, Fiona Scott-Morton 0tus2009, AG (SMO) 2 7/7/2011 11:54 AM | July 06, 2011 Continued J W ednesday 2:45 PM - 3:00 PM En route WH In Limo: Gary Grindler 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Biweekly Meeting with White House Counsel — WH - 2nd Floor WW AG's Conference Room or WH Counsel's office (alternate) POC: Gary Grindler DOJ: AG Holder, Gary Grindler, DAG Cole, Stuart Goldberg, ASG Tom Perrelli, Stuart Delery Personal Contact WH Counsel POC: Rhonda Carter Information 4:00 PM - 4:15 PM En route DOJ In Limo: Gary Grindler 4:30 P M -4:45 PM PHONE CALL From Doug Kramer Mr. Kramer's contact info: Personal Contact Information 5:00 PM - 5:15 PM PHONE CALL From Andy Fois Personal Contact Information 5:30 PM - 5:45 PM MEETING AG's Office DOJ: AAG Chris Schroeder 0tus2009, AG (SMO) 3 7/7/2011 11:54 AM July 07, 2011 T h u r s d a y ______ 8:3® AM - 9,00 AM FBI Briefing FBI SIOC POC: Denise Cheung Attending: AG, DAG Cole, David O'Neil, Stuart Delery, Denise Cheung 9:00 AM - 9:10 AM FBI Director / AG FBI SIOC POC; Stuart Delery Attending: AG, DAG Cofe, Stuart Delery 9:15 AM - 9:45 AM Daily Senior Management Meeting AG's Conference Room POC: Gary Grindler Attending: AG Holder, Gary Grindler, Monty Wilkinson, Aaron Lewis, Margaret Richardson, Jenny Mosier, Stuart Delery, Denise Cheung, Molly Moran, DAG Cole, David O'Neil, Stuart Goldberg, Charlotte Burrows, Rob Weiner, Steven Reich, ASG Perrelli, Helaine Greenfeld, SG Verrilli, Ron Weich, Chris Schroeder, Virginia Seitz, Matt Miller, Elizabeth Taylor 9:45 AM - 10:00 AM Daily Meeting with DAG Ooie AG's Conference Room POC: Gary Grindler DOJ; DAG Cole, Gary Grindler, M onty Wilkinson, Stuart Delery 10:15 AM -10:30 AM Video Taping - National Council of juvenile and Family Court Judges 7th Floor Conference Center POC: Brin Frazier 7/8/11 Two copies of video sent via FedEx to Diedra Thiesse, 1041 N.
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