Valley Cat: Ocelot Conservation and Recovery in South Texas The “leopard cat” of the Rio Grande Valley’s thornscrub. The ocelot’s striking fur once attracted trappers; now, shrinking habitat and isolated populations are its biggest threat. Photo by Larry Ditto 8 | Texas Wildlife | July 2010 Valley Cat: article by Henry Chappell he ocelot’s plight – and possible both sides of the Rio Grande, wildlife biol- doom – comes into view as your ogists and other dedicated conservation- Ocelot Conservation and Recovery in South Texas Tplane descends on Harlingen In- ists believe that a future without ocelots is ternational Airport. Viewed from a few a future much diminished. thousand feet on a clear day, green crop- Their diligence and generosity may land, broken here and there by roads and not be enough. Computer modeling at development, stretches to the horizons. Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Insti- About 30 miles north of Harlingen, tute at Texas A&M University-Kingsville along Highway 77, near Raymondville, suggest that the Texas populations could in Willacy County, hope appears sudden- disappear within 50 years due to genetic ly in the form of thick brush or “South erosion caused by isolation. Inbreeding Texas thornscrub,” as Rio Grande Valley and concomitant loss of genetic diversity farmland gives way to mixed brush and leads to lower birthrates and weights, re- grassland. duced disease resistance, and an overall Here, on private ranchland, in a few decrease in ability to adapt to changing preserved or restored islands of brush, be- environments. Testing shows markedly tween 30 and 40 ocelots hunt, mate and less genetic diversity in the Willacy Coun- raise their young, disturbed only occa- ty cats than in the Mexican population, sionally by biologists’ live traps and the and far less than the diversity indicated mild indignity of sedation, vaccinations, by samples taken from 1895 specimens at blood testing and locating collars. An- the Smithsonian. other small population of about the same Ocelots once ranged over southern size survives some 40 miles southeast on Texas from the dense chaparral of the Rio the Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Grande Valley and Brush Country east to Refuge. the Big Thicket and well into Central Tex- That’s all of the wild ocelots in Texas. as where they thrived along brushy creek Although the little cats are far more abun- bottoms. Early settlers in deep East Tex- dant on the brushier ranches in Tamauli- as reported small “leopard cats,” distinct pas, Mexico, the populations are isolated from larger “leopards,” or jaguars. There from one another by the Rio Grande and are even a few records of ocelots in North vast areas of development and open coun- Texas, and the cats probably ranged into try where retiring, brush-loving ocelots Arkansas and Louisiana as well won’t venture, and highways where they Across the Rio Grande, ocelots in- shouldn’t venture, but sometimes do. habited nearly all of Mexico and Central The tiny populations hang on be- and South America to Argentina. cause Laguna Atascosa soil is too salty for Within this vast range, several sub- agriculture and because a few ranchers on species evolved to fit conditions that vary Photo by Larry Ditto Unless you happen to see an ocelot as it darts across the road at dusk or dawn, chances are slim of seeing one of the little cats in its dense thornscrub habitat. Texas Wildlife | July 2010 | 9 from Amazon rainforest to the Northern are vulnerable to occasional South Texas have hunted ocelots for fur and ritual pur- Andes to the South Texas Brush Country. northers. Kittens open their eyes 15 to 18 poses for thousands of years, serious de- In general, ocelots are about the days after birth and begin hunting with cline began with development of commer- same size as bobcats, but more lithe and their mother at about three months old. cial fur markets and clearing of land that elegant, measuring around three feet in Adult ocelots are highly territorial. came with intensive settlement. In the Rio length, plus an 18-inch tail, and weigh 25 Like other felines, they are solitary but Grande Valley, as much as 98 percent of to 35 pounds. Males are slightly larger not anti-social. The ranges of males and ocelot habitat has been removed for agri- than females. females overlap, and both fight over terri- culture and development. Much to the ocelots’ peril from fur tory and potential mates. Older adults of- Although legal trade in ocelot hides hunters and trappers, its striking pelage ten sport battle scars. Typical home range ended in the United States some three de- is short but luxuriant with parallel black for a single ocelot runs one to four square cades ago with the little cat’s addition to stripes on the nape, black spots and ro- miles but may extend to seven square the Federal Endangered Species list, an settes along the sides, and black striped miles depending on quality of habitat and international black market, aided by lax tail. “Leopard cat” seems apt. prey abundance. or uneven law enforcement, continues to In Texas and northern Mexico, oce- Ocelots are crepuscular (active at threaten populations south of the border lots mate and bear young year-round. Fe- dawn and dusk) and nocturnal hunters, and, indirectly, the tiny populations in males typically den in slight depressions feeding on rabbits, cotton rats, birds, Texas. in dense cord grass or brush and average small reptiles and occasionally fish and In 1982, as a graduate student, Corpus 1.3 kittens per litter after gestation of 70 amphibians. Other than domestic fowl, Christi-area native Mike Tewes trapped to 80 days. Autumn and winter newborns ocelots pose little threat to livestock. Their his first South Texas ocelot on the Corbett rarity and retiring nature Ranch. The country and work suited him, and the incompatibility so he stayed close to home. Currently, he’s of their dense thornscrub Regents Professor and coordinator of the habitat with agriculture Feline Research Program at Caesar Kle- tends to keep them out of burg Wildlife Research Institute at Texas trouble with stock. A&M University-Kingsville. Their habitat is often Burly, bearded and affable, Tewes described as impenetrable. seemed upbeat even as he described the That’s certainly the case ocelots’ decline. I can easily imagine him for humans, cattle, horses sweating in the brush with his students, and other large mammals. fussing over traps, syringes, vials, note- While a dense, thorny books and sedated felines. overstory of mesquite, “I definitely think things have gotten lotebush, spiny hackberry worse,” he said. “When I started research, and blackbrush provides Highway 77, which goes down into the Val- ample concealment from ley, was only two lanes. Now it’s four lanes. potential predators and Overall, the road network has really ex- cover for stalking prey, it panded. Road kill is far and away the most Sometimes you get chicken; sometimes you get feathers – or a also shades out grass and important cause of death by humans.” knockout jab in your rump. An ocelot is drawn to one of Tewes’ herbaceous undergrowth, As surrounding lands were cleared traps as part of research on the Yturria Ranch. providing open pathways for agriculture, Willacy County, historian, at ocelot eyelevel. writer and rancher Frank Yturria noticed Photo by Grady Allen Although humans an increase in ocelots and other wild fe- David Shindle hands over a sedated ocelot to Tewes. The ocelot is weighed, measured, has blood drawn, tagged and fitted with a new radio-transmitting collar, and once revived, it’s off in a cloud of dust. Photos by Grady Allen 10 | Texas Wildlife | July 2010 Texas-Wildlife.org Mexican population. Furthermore, the thick mature brush required by ocelots takes years to establish. In 2008, Yturria’s friend Barry Puteg- nat reported ocelots at Rancho Caracol, his wing-shooting resort 150 miles south of Brownsville in the Mexican state of Tam- aulipas. Sure enough, Tewes and fellow re- searchers Arturo Caso and Sasha Carva- jal-Villareal verified 34 individual ocelots at Rancho Caracol and trapped and fitted 11 with radio collars. “I expected to find ocelots there, but nowhere near this many,” Tewes said. The team also verified the presence of cougar, jaguar, bobcat and jaguarun- di. More encouraging yet, the property Photo by Larry Ditto Photo by Larry Ditto is surrounded by thousands of acres of Rancher Frank Yturria, with grandson George Dr. Mike Tewes (right) describing ocelot research thornscrub. Farish, has set aside some 3,500 acres of his to Arturo Caso (left) and grad student Jennifer “So far, Mexican ranchers have been Willacy Country ranch for ocelot conservation. Korn at the Yturria Ranch. very enthusiastic about our research and ocelots in general,” Tewes said. “They think it’s really neat that they have ocelots lines killed along the roads. ing range for cattle, but as his interest in on their property.” “There were ocelot, cougar, jaguar. ocelot conservation grew, he decided to Tewes and his team are building a Some of the ones that survived crossed reestablish native brush. About two years case for a modest translocation program the fence and moved to my property,” he ago, he made a deal with the Nature Con- in which three or four ocelots per year said. servancy to add a 900-acre easement for would be trapped in Mexico and added to A lifelong nature lover and avid conservation and restoration. A year later, the Texas populations. quail hunter, Yturria’s South Texas roots he added another 1,300 acres and is look- “I’ve been pessimistic for a long time, go back to the late 1840s when his great- ing to add more.
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