DUNKELD NEWS Diocesan Newsletter of the Bishop of Dunkeld No. 23 June 2021 INSIDE THIS ISSUE - Tributes to the lifes of Bishop Vincent Logan, Mgr John Harty & Sr Deirdre O’Brien Substantial savings declared and a new parish levy is announced Lawside closes as strategic review looks to future of the diocese Addressing the clergy this week, Bishop Stephen revealed the perilous state of di- ocesan finances and the steps that are al- ready being taken to address the growing problem. As the impact of the pandemic becomes clearer, there are still many questions in the Church about the ‘new normal’ and, in par- ticular, the Church’s future after lockdown with attendances at Mass still limited, not only by social distancing, but also insecu- rities about the effects of the virus in the FOR SALE - DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITY longer term. At an early stage during lock- down, Bishop Stephen made a financial appeal, his first in 42 years as a priest, for support for parishes and the wider Church community. With the churches closed, col- lections have fallen dramatically and new methods were needed to be set up for on- line giving and contactless payments in our With sights set on a fairer and more sus- “The Immaculate Heart of Mary Sis- churches. tainable system, Bishop Stephen said, “the ters are also to move, from Lawside to the Bishop Stephen said, “As you will know, Diocesan levy has not been touched for church house at St Mary’s Forebank, within the Diocese in recent years, for all sorts over twenty years and, due to the above- the city of Dundee.” of reasons, has been plunging deeper and mentioned increasing demands on finan- deeper into debt. Over the last twenty years cial resources, the annual deficit has be- “The activities normally carried on in the and more, both state legislation and the come unsustainable at around £350k-£400k Diocesan Pastoral Centre will also move Church have required the diocese to imple- over the past decade or so. to the extensive hall complex of St Mary’s ment a number of costly measures – seven- Forebank, Dundee, which will be equipped teen in all.” Bishop Stephen indicated that part of with the audio/visual equipment from the this deficit would be made up by making existing Pastoral Centre - together with These demands on the Church’s resourc- substantial savings at Diocesan level, in the the recently donated public address system es include - property repairs; OPAS (online Curia, and that these savings were already from St Joseph’s Chapel. Our live stream- parish accounts) and gift aid management; in hand. “We have made redundant several ing capability will be moved to St Andrew’s assistance with parish accounting; employ- posts in the Curia creating substantial an- Cathedral.” ment law; health and safety; insurance nual savings to the diocese. requirements; safeguarding; charity law; These moves will now mean that the Di- company law; GDPR (data protection); Bishop Stephen added, “I am deeply ocesan Pastoral Centre and Curial offices, human resources expenditure; payroll and grateful to these colleagues for what they formerly St Joseph’s Convent, Lawside, are pensions management; professional fees have achieved in the diocese in the past and now to be prepared for sale and a commer- and legal and accounting. thank them for their contribution”. cial property company has been engaged to market this valuable real estate. Traditionally these Diocesan Curial costs Further, “Plans are in place for this are met from a levy on the parishes which slimmed down Diocesan Curia to be trans- Fairer parish levy is set in proportion to each parish’s popula- ferred to the single storey building of St tion and potential income. The basis for the Anne’s on the edge of the current diocesan “Since this necessitates a discussion of vi- calculation of this levy has remained un- estate from mid-June 2021. This will also ability, and what that might mean, an audit changed for over 20 years - despite chang- give considerable further savings on util- of parish demographics, the physical state ing populations, falling roles, and other ity and maintenance costs over the present of parish properties and the affordability... demographics. Pastoral Centre and Curial building.” continued on p2 SCHOOL NEWS - PARISH NEWS - SSVP COMPETITION - PRO LIFE NEWS - FOCUS ON KINNOULL ©2021 DIOCESE OF DUNKELD - SCOTTISH CHARITY NO. SC001810 Tributes are paid to the life and service of Bishop Vincent Logan ishop Emeritus Vincent Lo- Lawside to close as strategic review gan, former Bishop of Dun- keld, died at the age of 79 in St looks to future of the diocese... BMary’s Home, Monifieth, after con- - the number of practising parishioners; tracting coronavirus on Friday the ...continued from p1 the number of non-practising parishioners; 14th, a day after the passing of Arch- the overall parish income; the condition of ...and the appropriateness of making major parish property; the distribution of priests; bishop of Glasgow Philip Tartaglia. repairs with little hope of sustaining unre- the viability of any Mass centres which may alistic debt burdens will need to be carried be attached to parishes; the changing popu- At his Requiem Mass in St Andrew’s out. These pieces of work will take time lation demographics in parishes, deaner- Cathedral, Dundee, on Tuesday 26th Feb- and will involve consultations of parishes, ies and across the diocese; any particular ruary, just 20 mourners were permitted to deaneries and the diocese itself. Sensitiv- pastoral challenges in individual parishes; attend due to the COVID-19 restrictions. ity, patience and flexibility will be needed provision of priests in parishes and across Among them was his successor, Bishop Ste- of course, but clearly, some hard decisions a deanery; and the population and age de- phen Robson with fellow Dunkeld priests, about future sustainability will need to be mographics of priests; the pastoral provision Mgr Aldo Angelosanto VG, Canon Kevin made.” of Masses and sacramental celebrations, in- Golden VG, Mgr Ken McCaffrey, Mgr Ken cluding any over-provision of Masses provid- Bishop Stephen added, “Some months ed for a particular town or area. McBride and Mgr Pat McInally as well as ago a financial sub-committee was con- lifetime friend, Fr Paul Capaldi (St An- vened to examine the problems thrown up Obviously, these cannot be the only cri- drews & Edinburgh). Tom McPherson was by these extra diocesan financial burdens teria to be examined in the discussion of the Master of Ceremonies. brought about by increasing State regula- the future of a parish, as many other fac- tion and other mandatory activities.” tors have to be taken into account. But the For the Reception of Remains on the pre- physical state of parish property and the vious evening, Bishop Stephen was accom- “This major piece of work is now com- economic state of a parish can be an early panied by Canon Kevin Golden, Cathedral plete, and an attempt has been made to dis- indication that the long-term continuity of Administrator and Fr Andrew Clark. tribute fairly the extra expenses incurred a given parish community may be called over these years on the basis of the ability of into question. This is obviously a work in In his Homily at the Requiem, streamed a parish to contribute to them, rather than progress, and as a work in progress, the re- impose an ‘across-the-board’ levy increase.” sults will go before the various consultative to over 5000 homes, Bishop Stephen said: bodies for assessment and consultation, as Towards the future and when things become clearer. “At a Requiem Mass, the holy sacrifice is offered for our sins, not as a thanksgiving Beyond these immediate measures, the Bishop Stephen has called for prayers for all that we have achieved, not to laud diocese has set up a Strategy Group to ex- and reflection during the months ahead us, or to say what a great person we are. amine Pastoral provision across the whole whilst this research and consultation Not even to celebrate our life, as so many Diocese, and will bring their findings to takes place. outside the Church tend to do nowadays. parishes, deaneries and to the Priests’ We come before God alone, and humbly, Council for consultation. It was once said that ‘we stand on the seeking his forgiveness for our sins, as well shoulders of giants’. The history of the as implicitly acknowledging the triumphs Initially, the key concern of this Strategy Church in Dunkeld owes so much to the Group will be to conduct an audit examin- vision and foresight of its forebearers. We of his grace in us. Whatever good we have ing the viability of parishes, according to a owe it to them to pass on what we have done on earth is his work; whatever sins we number of criteria: received in a sustainable state.” have committed, is ours.” page 2 “As St Augustine so beautifully encapsu- “As for me, I can only stand in awe to- lates in his Confessions: ‘You have created day and admire a man who for 40 years as a us for yourselves, O Lord, and our hearts bishop has persevered as priest and bishop are restless until they rest in You’. God is the until death. A triumph that is due, though, “A great pastoral beginning and the end of all - who we are, to God alone, not to our own human and what we are. He has created us; we are strength. Like all of us, Bishop Vincent will Bishop much loved ‘God’s work of art’, as St Paul says, and as we have made his mistakes; for that he stands die and return to the Lord who made us, we before the judgement seat of God.
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