Line # Name Gender Age Grade Year(s) School District Promoted / Remarks Teacher - - - - - 1923-24 Willard Consolidated 3 Report with no names Walker, E.E., Supt. - - - - - 1923-24 Fair Grove Consolidated 4 Report with no names Wingo, I.W., Supt. 1 Griffith, Davis M 8 1 1923-24 Swadley 7 - Sanborn, May 2 Wingo, George M 6 1 1923-24 Swadley 7 - Sanborn, May 3 Tatum, Ivan M 6 1 1923-24 Swadley 7 Grade 2 Sanborn, May 4 Choate, Avia F 10 - 1923-24 Swadley 7 - Sanborn, May 5 Arnold, Deloris F 8 - 1923-24 Swadley 7 - Sanborn, May 6 Wingo, Margaret F 8 2 1923-24 Swadley 7 Grade 3 Sanborn, May 7 McMillan, Francis F 7 2 1923-24 Swadley 7 Grade 3 Sanborn, May 8 McMillan, Dale M 8 2 1923-24 Swadley 7 Grade 3 Sanborn, May 9 Tiller, Clay M 9 3 1923-24 Swadley 7 - Sanborn, May 10 Arnold, Ruth F 13 - 1923-24 Swadley 7 no grades Sanborn, May 11 Arnold, Vera F 10 - 1923-24 Swadley 7 no grades Sanborn, May 12 Allyn, Leona F 15 - 1923-24 Swadley 7 no grades Sanborn, May 13 Allyn, Pansy F 12 - 1923-24 Swadley 7 no grades Sanborn, May 14 Tuck, Maude F 11 6 1923-24 Swadley 7 Grade 7 Sanborn, May 20 Allen, Enid - - - 1923-24 Swadley 7 no information Sanborn, May 21 Arnold, Monte - - - 1923-24 Swadley 7 no information Sanborn, May 22 King, Bonnie - - - 1923-24 Swadley 7 no information Sanborn, May 23 King, Ruth - - - 1923-24 Swadley 7 no information Sanborn, May 24 Dye, Laurence - - - 1923-24 Swadley 7 no information Sanborn, May 25 Neaves, Reginald - - - 1923-24 Swadley 7 no information Sanborn, May 26 Choate, Samuel - - - 1923-24 Swadley 7 no information Sanborn, May 27 Langdon, Presley - - - 1923-24 Swadley 7 no information Sanborn, May 28 Hayes, Joe - - - 1923-24 Swadley 7 no information Sanborn, May 29 Stubblefield, Woodrow - - - 1923-24 Swadley 7 no information Sanborn, May 30 Stubblefield, Sherman - - - 1923-24 Swadley 7 no information Sanborn, May 31 Stubblefield, Calvin - - - 1923-24 Swadley 7 no information Sanborn, May 32 Stubblefield, Howard - - - 1923-24 Swadley 7 no information Sanborn, May 33 Henford, Ethmer - - - 1923-24 Swadley 7 no information Sanborn, May 34 Williams, Ferd - - - 1923-24 Swadley 7 no information Sanborn, May 35 Williams, Ora - - - 1923-24 Swadley 7 no information Sanborn, May 36 Williamson, Marie - - - 1923-24 Swadley 7 no information Sanborn, May 37 Herndon, Mary - - - 1923-24 Swadley 7 no information Sanborn, May 38 Herndon, Gracie - - - 1923-24 Swadley 7 no information Sanborn, May 39 Hembree, Floyd - - - 1923-24 Swadley 7 no information Sanborn, May 40 Woodberry, Ruthy - - - 1923-24 Swadley 7 no information Sanborn, May 41 Woodberry, Robert - - - 1923-24 Swadley 7 no information Sanborn, May 42 Woodberry, Ernest - - - 1923-24 Swadley 7 no information Sanborn, May 1 Robnett, Mary F 7 1 1923-24 Spring Hill 9 - Loveday, J.H. 2 Browning, Nora F 7 1 1923-24 Spring Hill 9 Grade 2 Loveday, J.H. 3 Presley, Langdon M 6 1 1923-24 Spring Hill 9 - Loveday, J.H. 4 Browning, Fern F 8 2 1923-24 Spring Hill 9 Grade 3 Loveday, J.H. 1923-24 School Records district.xlsx 1 of 83 8/11/2015 1:11 PM Line # Name Gender Age Grade Year(s) School District Promoted / Remarks Teacher 5 Presley, Agatha F 7 2 1923-24 Spring Hill 9 Grade 3 Loveday, J.H. 6 Waddell, George M 7 2 1923-24 Spring Hill 9 Grade 3 Loveday, J.H. 7 Tummons, Fred M 8 2 1923-24 Spring Hill 9 Grade 3 Loveday, J.H. 8 Miller, Ernest M 7 2 1923-24 Spring Hill 9 Grade 3 Loveday, J.H. 9 Robnett, Avery M 11 2 1923-24 Spring Hill 9 Grade 3 Loveday, J.H. 10 Robnett, Annabel F 9 2 1923-24 Spring Hill 9 Grade 3 Loveday, J.H. 11 Presley, Herman M 9 2 1923-24 Spring Hill 9 Grade 3 Loveday, J.H. 12 Browning, Alta F 10 3 1923-24 Spring Hill 9 Grade 4 Loveday, J.H. 13 Browning, Tommie M 12 3 1923-24 Spring Hill 9 Grade 4 Loveday, J.H. 14 Browning, Donnie M 10 3 1923-24 Spring Hill 9 Grade 4 Loveday, J.H. 15 Robnett, Dollie F 10 3 1923-24 Spring Hill 9 - Loveday, J.H. 16 Scott, Helen F 9 3 1923-24 Spring Hill 9 Grade 4 Loveday, J.H. 17 Robnett, Iva F 12 3 1923-24 Spring Hill 9 Grade 4 Loveday, J.H. 18 Waddell, Emogene F 9 3 1923-24 Spring Hill 9 Grade 4 Loveday, J.H. 19 Greene, Willard M 11 3 1923-24 Spring Hill 9 moved away Loveday, J.H. 20 Tummons, Raymond M 10 3 1923-24 Spring Hill 9 moved away Loveday, J.H. 21 Browning, Lilla F 13 4 1923-24 Spring Hill 9 Grade 5 Loveday, J.H. 22 Scroggins, Johnnie M 13 5 1923-24 Spring Hill 9 Grade 6 Loveday, J.H. 23 Miller, Clarence M 12 5 1923-24 Spring Hill 9 Grade 6 Loveday, J.H. 24 Fender, Willis M 11 5 1923-24 Spring Hill 9 Grade 6 Loveday, J.H. 25 Presley, Lois F 12 5 1923-24 Spring Hill 9 Grade 6 Loveday, J.H. 26 Waddell, Jewel F 11 5 1923-24 Spring Hill 9 Grade 6 Loveday, J.H. 27 Tummons, Carl M 11 5 1923-24 Spring Hill 9 Grade 6 Loveday, J.H. 28 Malotte, Elvin M 10 5 1923-24 Spring Hill 9 left the district Loveday, J.H. 29 Tummons, Delmar M 15 5 1923-24 Spring Hill 9 not interested Loveday, J.H. 30 Tummons, Leslie M 13 6 1923-24 Spring Hill 9 moved away Loveday, J.H. 31 Malotte, Marie F 11 7 1923-24 Spring Hill 9 left the district Loveday, J.H. 32 Browning, May F 13 7 1923-24 Spring Hill 9 - Loveday, J.H. 33 Heady, Ruth F 13 7 1923-24 Spring Hill 9 - Loveday, J.H. 34 Malotte, Dorothy F 12 8 1923-24 Spring Hill 9 left the district Loveday, J.H. 35 Heady, Owen M 16 8 1923-24 Spring Hill 9 took final examination Loveday, J.H. 36 Wilson, Willard M 15 8 1923-24 Spring Hill 9 - Loveday, J.H. 37 Presley, Dale M 16 8 1923-24 Spring Hill 9 completed in 1922 Loveday, J.H. 38 Fawcett, Claude M 11 8 1923-24 Spring Hill 9 took final examination Loveday, J.H. 1 Crane, Howard M 6 1 1923-24 Bird Eye 10 Grade 2 Stokes, Lecta 2 Towe, Eugene M 7 1 1923-24 Bird Eye 10 - Stokes, Lecta 3 Clark, Carlee M 8 1 1923-24 Bird Eye 10 Grade 2 Stokes, Lecta 4 Roberts, Fayreen F 7 1 1923-24 Bird Eye 10 Grade 2 Stokes, Lecta 5 Woods, Glen M 8 1 1923-24 Bird Eye 10 did not finish term Stokes, Lecta 6 Widener, Lassie F 9 1 1923-24 Bird Eye 10 did not finish term Stokes, Lecta 7 Davis, Frances F 5 1 1923-24 Bird Eye 10 did not finish term Stokes, Lecta 8 Widener, Earl M 7 1 1923-24 Bird Eye 10 did not finish term Stokes, Lecta 9 Newton, Lon M 8 2 1923-24 Bird Eye 10 did not begin until last quarter Stokes, Lecta 10 Morton, George L. M 8 2 1923-24 Bird Eye 10 Grade 3 Stokes, Lecta 11 Cragg, Juanita F 6 2 1923-24 Bird Eye 10 moved Stokes, Lecta 12 Clark, Harold M 10 2 1923-24 Bird Eye 10 did not finish term Stokes, Lecta 1923-24 School Records district.xlsx 2 of 83 8/11/2015 1:11 PM Line # Name Gender Age Grade Year(s) School District Promoted / Remarks Teacher 13 Woods, Fred M 10 2 1923-24 Bird Eye 10 did not finish term Stokes, Lecta 14 Andrew, Orvil M 7 2 1923-24 Bird Eye 10 did not finish term Stokes, Lecta 15 Morton, Gola F 9 3 1923-24 Bird Eye 10 Grade 4 Stokes, Lecta 16 Crane, Ruby F 9 3 1923-24 Bird Eye 10 Grade 4 Stokes, Lecta 17 Crane, Gladys F 10 3 1923-24 Bird Eye 10 Grade 4 Stokes, Lecta 18 Andrew, Rachel F 9 3 1923-24 Bird Eye 10 did not finish term Stokes, Lecta 19 Latham, Alice F 9 3 1923-24 Bird Eye 10 did not finish term Stokes, Lecta 20 Brooks, Freda F 8 3 1923-24 Bird Eye 10 moved Stokes, Lecta 21 Seaman, Clarence M 8 3 1923-24 Bird Eye 10 moved Stokes, Lecta 22 Hurd, Mabel F 8 4 1923-24 Bird Eye 10 Grade 5 Stokes, Lecta 23 Davis, Oscar M 9 4 1923-24 Bird Eye 10 Grade 5 Stokes, Lecta 24 Andrew, Robert M 10 4 1923-24 Bird Eye 10 did not finish term Stokes, Lecta 25 Brooks, Pauline F 11 4 1923-24 Bird Eye 10 moved Stokes, Lecta 26 Brooks, Raymond M 13 4 1923-24 Bird Eye 10 moved Stokes, Lecta 27 Latham, Alvie M - 4 1923-24 Bird Eye 10 did not finish term Stokes, Lecta 28 Widener, Eddie M 16 4 1923-24 Bird Eye 10 did not finish term Stokes, Lecta 29 Roberts, Lee M 10 5 1923-24 Bird Eye 10 Grade 6 Stokes, Lecta 30 Fender, Herbert M 11 5 1923-24 Bird Eye 10 Grade 6 Stokes, Lecta 31 Bawl, Dale M 11 5 1923-24 Bird Eye 10 - Stokes, Lecta 32 Taylor, Hazel F 10 5 1923-24 Bird Eye 10 Grade 6 Stokes, Lecta 33 Newton, Stanley M - 5 1923-24 Bird Eye 10 did not begin till last quarter Stokes, Lecta 34 Malotte, Alvin M 11 5 1923-24 Bird Eye 10 Grade 6 Stokes, Lecta 35 Crane, Willard M 15 5 1923-24 Bird Eye 10 did not finish term Stokes, Lecta 36 Towe, Nadean F 9 5 1923-24 Bird Eye 10 Grade 6 Stokes, Lecta 37 Bawl, Gail F 10 5 1923-24 Bird Eye 10 - Stokes, Lecta 38 Cragg, Opal F 10 5 1923-24 Bird Eye 10 moved Stokes, Lecta 39 Brooks, Horace M 15 5 1923-24 Bird Eye 10 did not finish term Stokes, Lecta 40 Towe, Clarence M 14 7 1923-24 Bird Eye 10 - Stokes, Lecta 41 Sanders, Claude M 14 7 1923-24 Bird Eye 10 - Stokes, Lecta 42 Fender, Flay M 15 7 1923-24 Bird Eye 10 Grade 8 Stokes, Lecta 43 Fender, Jarrel M 13 7 1923-24 Bird Eye 10 Grade 8 Stokes, Lecta 44 Taylor, Jewel F 13 7 1923-24 Bird Eye 10 - Stokes, Lecta 45 Roberts, Beatrice F 14 7 1923-24 Bird Eye 10 Grade 8 Stokes, Lecta 46 Malotte, Dorothy F 13 7 1923-24 Bird Eye 10 did not take exam Stokes, Lecta 47 Malotte, Marie F 12 7 1923-24 Bird Eye 10 Grade 8 Stokes, Lecta 48 Melton, Winnie F 13 7 1923-24 Bird Eye 10 Grade 8 Stokes, Lecta 49 Davis, Esther F 13 7 1923-24 Bird Eye 10 Grade 9 Stokes, Lecta 50 Widener, Pearl F 14 7 1923-24 Bird Eye 10 - Stokes, Lecta 1 McQuerter, Inez F 5 1 1923-24 Eagle 12 - Stokes, Jewell 2 Coble, Denist M 7 1 1923-24 Eagle 12 did not finish term Stokes, Jewell 3 Hall, Glen M 7 1 1923-24 Eagle 12 Grade 2 Stokes, Jewell 4 Lindsey, Walter M 7 1 1923-24 Eagle 12 moved Stokes, Jewell 5 Eaves, Ralph M 7 1 1923-24 Eagle 12 moved Stokes, Jewell 6 Creed, Glen M 7 1 1923-24 Eagle 12 Grade 2 Stokes, Jewell 7 Dixon, Hazel Lee F 6 1 1923-24 Eagle 12 Grade 2 Stokes, Jewell 8 Hicks, Lillian F 7 1 1923-24
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