51 Map of the IKF franchise area and routes Stratford International St Pancras Margate Dumpton Park (limited service) Westcombe Woolwich Woolwich Abbey Broadstairs Park Charlton Dockyard Arsenal Plumstead Wood Blackfriars Belvedere Ramsgate Westgate-on-Sea Maze Hill Cannon Street Erith Greenwich Birchington-on-Sea Slade Green Sheerness-on-Sea Minster Deptford Stone New Cross Lewisham Kidbrooke Falconwood Bexleyheath Crossing Northfleet Queenborough Herne Bay Sandwich Charing Cross Gravesend Waterloo East St Johns Blackheath Eltham Welling Barnehurst Dartford Swale London Bridge (to be closed) Higham Chestfield & Swalecliffe Elephant & Castle Kemsley Crayford Ebbsfleet Greenhithe Sturry Swanscombe Strood Denmark Bexley Whitstable Hill Nunhead Ladywell Hither Green Albany Park Deal Peckham Rye Crofton Catford Lee Mottingham New Eltham Sidcup Bridge am Park Grove Park ham n eynham Selling Catford Chath Rai ngbourneT Bellingham Sole Street Rochester Gillingham Newington Faversham Elmstead Woods Sitti Canterbury West Lower Sydenham Sundridge Meopham Park Chislehurst Cuxton New Beckenham Bromley North Longfield Canterbury East Beckenham Ravensbourne Brixton West Dulwich Penge East Hill St Mary Cray Farnigham Road Halling Bekesbourne Walmer Victoria Snodland Adisham Herne Hill Sydenham Hill Kent House Beckenham Petts Swanley Chartham Junction uth Eynsford Clock House Wood New Hythe (limited service) Aylesham rtlands Bickley Shoreham Sho Orpington Aylesford Otford Snowdown Bromley So Borough Chelsfield Green East Malling Elmers End Maidstone East Shepherd’s Well Knockholt Hollingbourne Kemsing West Malling Barming Bearsted (limited service) Martin Mill Eden Park Chilham Kearsney (limited service) Maidstone Barracks Harrietsham (limited service) Hayes Dunton Green Bat & Ball Maidstone West West Wickham Lenham East Farleigh Sevenoaks Wye Wateringbury Charing Dover Priory Hildenborough Yalding Beltring (to be closed) Tonbridge Paddock Marden Staplehurst Headcorn Pluckley Ashford Westenhanger Sandling Folkestone Folkestone High Brooms Wood International (limited service) West Central Tunbridge Wells Frant Wadhurst Stonegate Etchingham Robertsbridge Crowhurst St Leonards (limited service) Warrior Square Battle Hastings West St Leonards 52 London South Blackfriars Elephant & Castle To Sidcup via Lewisham Denmark Hill Nunhead Crofton Peckham Rye Park Catford Bellingham To London via Grove Park Beckenham West Dulwich Penge East Hill Ravensbourne St Mary Cray Brixton Victoria To Medway Towns Petts Herne Hill Sydenham Hill Kent House Beckenham Swanley Eynsford Junction Wood Shoreham y South Bickley e Orpington Shortlands Otford Broml To Maidstone East and Ashford (See West Kent for services between KEY Orpington and Sevenoaks) Bat & Ball Victoria Blackfriars Sevenoaks Blackfriars (peak only) Indicates station stop To Tonbridge KEY Victoria Blackfriars Blackfriars (peak only) Indicates station stop 53 West Kent and Hastings To Dartford via Greenwich Cannon Street New Cross Lewisham To Dartford Charing Cross via Blackheath St Johns Waterloo London Bridge East Hither Green To Dartford via Sidcup Grove Park To Hayes Elmstead Woods Sundridge Park Chislehurst Bromley North To London via Bromley South Petts Wood To Swanley Orpington via Otford Chelsfield Knockholt KEY Dunton Green Charing Cross To Strood via Cannon Street Maidstone West Sevenoaks Cannon Street (peak only) Local service Hildenborough Indicates station stop To Redhill Tonbridge To East Kent via Ashford Paddock High Brooms Wood Tunbridge Wells Frant Wadhurst Stonegate Etchingham To Ashford via Rye (operated by Southern) Robertsbridge KEY St Leonards Warrior Square Charing Cross Battle Cannon Street Hastings Cannon Street (peak only) Crowhurst West St Leonards (limited service) Local service Indicates station stop 54 East Kent (via Ashford) Stratford International St Pancras Margate Dumpton Park Broadstairs Ramsgate Cannon Street To Faversham, Minster To Medway Towns Sittingbourne and Sandwich Charing Cross Sittingbourne Medway Towns Waterloo London Bridge and Faversham East Ebbsfleet Sturry Deal Channel Tunne To Faversham and Sheerness Canterbury West l Rail Link Walmer Chartham (limited service) Orpington* Martin Mill Chilham (limited service) KEY (limited service) Charing Cross To Strood via To London via Charing Cross (limited peak only) Sevenoaks* Maidstone West Maidstone East Wye Cannon Street (peak only) Dover Priory St Pancras Hildenborough* St Pancras (subject to HMRI approval) To Redhill Victoria Tonbridge Local Service Paddock Marden Staplehurst Headcorn Pluckley Ashford Westenhanger Sandling Folkestone Folkestone Indicates station stop Wood International (limited service) West Central * East Kent trains call at Hildenborough, Sevenoaks and Orpington only at peak times. See also West Kent Services. To Tunbridge Wells To Hastings via Rye and Hastings (operated by Southern) KEY Charing Cross Charing Cross (limited peak only) Cannon Street (peak only) St Pancras St Pancras (subject to HMRI approval) To Redhill Victoria Local Service Indicates station stop * East Kent trains call at Hildenborough, Sevenoaks and Orpington only at peak times. See also West Kent Services. 55 London East Stratford International St Pancras Westcombe Woolwich Woolwich Abbey Park Charlton Dockyard Arsenal Plumstead Wood Belvedere Maze Hill Cannon Street Erith Greenwich To Blackfriars Slade Green Deptford Kidbrooke Falconwood Bexleyheath Stone New Cross Lewisham Crossing Northfleet Charing Cross Gravesend St Johns Dartford Waterloo London Bridge Blackheath Eltham Welling Barnehurst he East Higham Crayford Ebbsfleet Greenhit Hither Green* Swanscombe Strood Denmark Bexley Hill Nunhead Ladywell To East Kent Albany Park via Sittingbourne Peckham Rye Catford Lee* Mottingham* New Eltham Sidcup Bridge Chatham Rochester Gillingham Lower Sydenham To London Cuxton New Beckenham via Swanley Halling Victoria To Bromley South To Bromley South To Sevenoaks Snodland via Orpington Clock House New Hythe To Ashford Aylesford via CTRL Elmers End Eden Park KEY Hayes To Paddock Wood Charing Cross via Maidstone West West Wickham Cannon Street St Pancras Victoria Local Service Indicates station stop * Charing Cross trains stop at Lee, Mottingham and Hither Green only at peak times Eden Park KEY Ha Charing Cross West Wickham Cannon Street St Pancras Victoria Local Service Indicates station stop * Charing Cross trains stop at Lee, Mottingham and Hither Green only at peak times 56 Maidstone and East Kent (via Medway) Stratford International St Pancras Margate Dumpton Park (limited service) Blackfriars Broadstairs Ramsgate Westgate-on-Sea Cannon Street Birchington-on-Sea Sheerness-on-Sea Northfleet Queenborough Herne Bay To Ashford via To Dover Priory To Charing Cross Gravesend Canterbury West via Dartford Swale London Bridge (to be closed) Higham Chestfield & Swalecliffe Ebbsfleet Kemsley Strood Whitstable e To Ramsgate ngham Sole Street Chatham Rainham Teynham Selling Rochester Gilli Newington Faversham Sittingbourn Meopham Canterbury West Longfield Cuxton Canterbury East Farnigham Road Halling Bekesbourne Victoria Snodland To Ashford Adisham Beckenham Bromley St Mary Cray Swanley New Hythe Junction South To Ashford Aylesham Aylesford Otford Borough Snowdown Green East Malling Maidstone East Shepherd’s Well Hollingbourne Kemsing West Malling Barming Bearsted (limited service) Kearsney To Ramsgate Harrietsham KEY Maidstone Barracks To Sevenoaks Maidstone West Charing Cross Lenham Cannon Street (peak only) East Farleigh St Pancras Wateringbury Charing Dover Priory Blackfriars (peak only) Yalding To Redhill Victoria Beltring (to be closed) Local Services Tonbridge To Ashford To Folkestone Indicates station stop To Ashford and and Ashford Paddock Wood Canterbury West To Hastings via Tunbridge Wells KEY Charing Cross Cannon Street (peak only) St Pancras Blackfriars (peak only) Victoria Local Services Indicates station stop.
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