Prrooviding You with the Tools, Sservice

Prrooviding You with the Tools, Sservice

FALL / WINTER 2019 CATALOG PRROOVIDING YOU WITH THE TOOLS, SERVICE & KNOWLEDGE, TO MAXIMIZE YOUR PROFESSIONAL BEST The of Business in theBeauty Businessy of Beauty Our business is a second generation company with its roots dating back to 1953. With over 60 years servicing professionals, we couldn’t have done it without you! The beauty of being in the business of beauty is the WLYZVUHS[V\JO^LZ[PSSVќLYV\YJSPLU[Z([):+^L feel stronger than ever that our business is personal. With the big box stores and online gurus trying to take the face of who we are as professionals away, we need to remind ourselves that we are in the business of beauty and providing the personal touch is what we are all about. We want to continue to be your choice for smart beauty solutions and invite you to partner with us in this coming year! Why not set up a one-on-one JVUZ\S[H[PVU[VÄUKV\[OV^^LJHUWYV]PKL[OL Peter Prell personal touch that your beauty business deserves? President BSD Events & Affiliate Education DATE CLASS DESCRIPTION September 30 BBCOS Beverly Hills Blonding - Hands On | Dobbs Ferry, NY October 21 Kaaral Mens Cutting, Color, Styling - AM | Orange, CT Agadir Barbering Class - PM | Orange, CT November 11 Olivia Garden Holiday Hair Styling | Westchester County, NY TBA September 14-18 Kaaral International Meeting | Vasto, Italy - Sold Out October 26-29 Scruples Training for Tomorrow | Lakeville, MI Anytime Class FOR MORE INFO ON SHOWS AND EVENT LOCATIONS VISIT OUR EVENT CALENDER ON BSDWAREHOUSE.COM, FACEBOOK, OR CONTACT YOUR BSD REP 2 visit for terms & conditions BSD New to one of our brands? BSD offers classes in every area from EDUCATION brand and product introductions to refreshment courses. In Salon Start Up. (JSHZZ[VHJX\HPU[Z[`SPZ[Z^P[O[OLIYHUKZJVSVYOHPYJHYLHUK accompanying product line. Salon Tech On Site. :JOLK\SLHJLY[PMPLKZHSVU[LJO[VKV8 (^P[O`V\YZ[HMM followed by a four hour hands on experience. Created to help you “live” with MVYT\SH[PVUZ PU `V\Y ZHSVU -VY UL^ JVSVY JSPLU[Z VY VUNVPUN Z\WWVY[ :VTL courses are available at a cost. Learning Labs. On going educational support for existing salons needing a tech MVYHKH`4VZ[SLHYUPUNSHIZHYLMYLLHUKH[UVJVZ[[V:HSVU(SSPHUJL7HY[ULYZ Pure Hair Sessions.):+PZHS^H`ZH[`V\YZPKL^P[OLK\JH[PVUHSZ\WWVY[7\YL LK\JH[PVU^P[OUVZHSLZO`WL;HWPU[V`V\YJYLH[P]P[`^P[OV\Y7\YL:LYPLZJSHZZLZ 5VZLSSPUNUVRPKKPUN,_WLYPLUJLW\YLLK\JH[PVUX\HY[LYS`JSHZZLZ^P[OSLHKPUN PUK\Z[Y`HY[PZ[Z,K\JH[PVUYHUNPUNMYVT*VSVY-V\UKH[PVUZ*VSVY*VYYLJ[PVUHUK Cutting/Fashion. ALLIANCE REWARDS PROGRAM ;OL:HSVU(SSPHUJLPZHWHY[ULYZOPWIL[^LLU[OLZHSVU HUK):+KLZPNULK[VNYV^`V\YI\ZPULZZ[OYV\NO rewards and incentives. Rewards are redeemable on: 0U:HSVU,K\JH[PVU:HSVU7YVK\J[Z3LHYUPUN3HIZ 7YVMLZZPVUHS;VVSZ (JJLZZVYPLZ:[`SPUN7YVK\J[Z 7\YL/HPY:LZZPVUZ Membershipp Rewards Monthly Minimum $650 Reward Dollar Spent 1 point per $1 spent *See website for guidelines. visit • call 845.268.7599 3 CLIENTS @ bsdco Real C lient Results @crsalonhair @al3xis_nic013 @hairbyjamieboo @nicolespaziani_stylist @georettevalle @justliz78 @francine_styles20 @anahairmakeup @erincoylehair @kostner13 @mchairdesigns @hairvinesalon @hairbyjamivalz @hairbykellyyyy @allavladi29 @bygeorgesalon @tousledbeauty @hair_designsbycatherine @hairbykatiemccluskey @hairbyrosaleefrank 4 visit for terms & conditions BSD SCENE @ bsdco Events & Education SCRUPLES VIP EVENT -LIY\HY` 3LHYUPUN^OH[:JY\WSLZJHUKV for you and your business. It was a day of brand education, knowledge, and fun with *YLH[P]L+PYLJ[VYVM:JY\WSLZ 4PH3PN\VPYP BBCOS VIP EVENT (WYPS :WLJPHS.\LZ[Z))*6: President, 9HќHLSL)LY[VSHHUK:HSLZ+PYLJ[VY (UKYLH-HYHVUL-LH[\YLK))*6: *YLH[P]L,K\JH[VY-YHUJV4HYPUV as he introduced everything bbcos OHZ[VVќLYHUKTHZ[LYM\SZ[`SPUNMYVT ,TT`(^HYK>PUUPUN:[`SPZ[;LYYLUJL9LUR SCRUPLES SPRING SYMPOSIUM May 6, 2019 Pushed the limits of creativity with featured guests 1VZO (THUKH,]HUZ (KH`VMLK\JH[PVUVUI\PSKPUN your business and brand with social media tips from ZWLJPHSPZ[1LU:^LUZLU visit • call 845.268.7599 5 Salon Experiencep Intro /`KYH:`Z[LT:OHTWVV 500ml :PSR:`Z[LT*YLHT500ml 1 Refreshing Therapy 6x6ml 7\YPM`PUN,ZZLUJL 30ml ,ULYNPaPUN,ZZLUJL30ml HAIR WELL-BEING IS 1 Micelller Treatment 6x15ml A DIRECT CONNECTION WITH NATURE 9L[HPS2P[7\YPM`PUN The Meristema range is an exclusive detoxifying treatment 9L[HPS2P[,ULYNPaPUN WV^LYLKI`WSHU[Z[LTJLSSZ7\YPÄLZHUKZ[YLUN[OLUZ0KLHSMVY Plus0UUV]H[PVU,]V*VSVY:[HY[LY2P[ WYL]LU[PUNOHPYSVZZKHUKY\ќHUKL_JLZZZLI\T,UYPJOLK^P[OTPU[ HUKL\JHS`W[\Z+LSPJH[LVUHSSZRPU[`WLZMYLLVMHSSLYNLUZHUK Total Value $280.00 botanically derived. IIPintro Price $199.95 KeratinColorzero ammonia + keratin ATING SSTRENG SMART SOLUTIONS INTRO GET INNOVATION STARTER 40 Tubes KeratinColor (your choice) KL[VUL<W9LTV]LY :OPUL 0UUV]H[PVU,]V ,T\SZPVUTS 1 controlColor 0UUV]H[PVU,]V 2LYH[PU*VSVY(J[P]H[VYTS UL\[YHS*VSVY9LÄ_ :[H` 0UUV]H[PVU,]V 2LYH[PU7VZ[*VSVY:OHTWVVTS YL2YLH9LJSVZL :OPUL 0UUV]H[PVU,]V 2LYH[PUW/)HSHUJLY*YLHTTS T`7SL_9LWHPY :OPUL)VUK)\PSKLY 6_P=VSTS 2LYH[PU*VSVY:^H[JOIVVR Plus Bonus: 6_P=VSTS IIJVZ*VSVY)V^S(WWSPJH[VY)Y\ZO 2YPZ[HS,]V,SP_PYTS 7VZ[*VSVY:OHTWVV:HJOL[Z 7HJRIIJVZ+PZWVZHISL*VSVY*HWLZ 2YPZ[HS,]V/`KYH[PUN:OHTWVVTS 7VZ[*VSVY*VUKP[PVULY:HJOL[Z 2YPZ[HS,]V/`KYH[PUN4HZRTS 1 bbcos Cape Special Intro Price: $299.00 IIJVZ0UUV]H[PVU,]V*VSVY*OHY[ ;V[HS:HSVU=HS\L Special Intro Price: $125.00 6--,9:-695,>*30,5;:653@ :H]PUNZ Total Price $69.95 6 visit for terms & conditions EXPERIENCE & ELEVATE WITH THE ULTIMATE IN HAIR WELLNESS Prescribe your clients the perfect cleanse HUK[YLH[TLU[;YLH[OHPY^P[OUH[\YLZÄULZ[ PUNYLKPLU[ZMLH[\YPUN(YNHUHUK3PUZLLK6PS +LSP]LYZ[OLWLYMLJ[IHSHUJLVMZOPULHUK nutrition to the hair. 3PTP[VM2YPZ[HS,]VKLHSZWLY:HSVU BACK BAR TRY-ME KIT* /`KYH[PUN*VUKP[PVULYTS 3PX\PK*Y`Z[HSZTS /`KYH[PUN=PHSZ*V\U[ /`KYH[PUN*VUKP[PVULYTS (U[P-YPaa5VU(LYVZVS:WYH` TS ,SP_PY:OHTWVVTS 5\[YP[P]L:OHTWVVTS :[YVUN/VSK:WYH` TS ,SP_PY:OHTWVVTS 5\[Y[P]L:OHTWVVTS :[YVUN3VVR4V\ZZLTS ,SP_PY*VUKP[PVULYTS 5\[YP[P]L*VUKP[PVULYTS 7HZZPVU*\YSTS ,SP_PY*VUKP[PVULYTS 5\[YP[P]L*VUKP[PVULYTS >L[3VVR.LSTS /`KYH[PUN:OHTWVVTS 5\[YP[P]L3LH]L0U-VHT*VUKP[PVULY 2YPZ[HS,]V7YVK\J[7HTWOSL[Z /`KYH[PUN:OHTWVVTS :OPUL/HPY4PZ[TS IIJVZ9L[HPS)HNZ ;V[HS9L[HPS=HS\L Special Price $269.95 AFFORDABLE LUXURY GREAT VALUE! UP TO 35% MORE THAN TRADITIONAL SIZES! ;OLUH[\YHSHSS`3PUZLLKPZ\ZLK[VUV\YPZO HUKYLPU]PNVYH[LOHPY,ZZLU[PHSVPSZHKKLK[V TVPZ[\YPaLHUKJHYLMVY`V\YOHPY+PZJV]LY renewed softness and shine for a great price! OUR BEST SELLERS (STVUK4PSR:OHTWVV Va 9LNLULYH[PUN:OHTWVVVa 9LNLULYH[PUN:OHTWVV Va (STVUK4PSR:OHTWVVVa (STVUK4PSR4HZR Va STYLE 5 LITER BACK BAR ESSENTIALS (STVUK4PSR4HZR Va .LS Va 9LNLULYH[PUN:OHTWVVSP[LYZPaL 9LNLULYH[PUN4HZRVa :[YVUN4V\ZZL Va (STVUK4PSR:OHTWVVSP[LYZPaL 9LNLULYH[PUN4HZRVa .PHU[*HU:WYH`(LYVZVSVa TRY ME KIT KEEP YOUR Purchase: COOL! 1 White Meches Powder Anti Yellow Shampoo & 3PNO[LULYSIZ Conditioning Mask Get for Free: >OP[L4LJOLZ(J[P]H[VY :OHTWVV Va @V\YJOVPJLVY 4HZR Va T`7SL_)VUK)\PSKLY:HJOL[Z Combo Deal for $19.95 Sale Price $37.50 ;V[HS=HS\L LIGHTEN UP! 2LYH[PU+LJV Mini Sampler zero ammonia + keratin :HJOL[ZNY 30. /;,5,9 T`7SL_:HJOL[:L[ The solution for lifting color while TS(J[P]H[VYVY keeping it strong and healthy. T`7SL_)VUK)\PSKLY:HJOL[ :HMLS`HJOPL]LZSL]LSZVMSPNO[LUPUN Total $29.00 $21.95 EACH visit • call 845.268.7599 WHAT’S NEW! )365+, ,3,=(;065 5,> Silver Mousse (UVYPUZLJVUKP[PVUPUNTV\ZZL[OH[KL[HUNSLZ IYPNO[LUZHUKUL\[YHSPaLZ\U^HU[LK`LSSV^PUNPU blonde, bleached, grey, or white hair. Keeps hair looking brilliant and rejuvenated. $12.95 EACH Bleach Extreme This high preforming lightening powder lifts hair 9 SL]LSZ.P]LZ[OLWLYMLJ[WYV[LJ[PVUHUKTVPZ[\YL[V [OLOHPY^OPSLSPM[PUN=PVSL[WPNTLU[ZUL\[YHSPaL`LSSV^ tones. Non-toxic. 1:2 Mixing Ratio $21.95 EACH BLONDE ELEVATION LINE:PSR7YV[LPUZ =PVSL[7PNTLU[ZHUK=P[HTPU)[V provide nourishment, softness and shine. Controls brassy tones. 5,> Salon Starter Deal 3 x NEW! ‘Leave-In’ Spray _5,>º:VɉJL»*VUKP[PVUPUN4V\ZZL 1 x NEW! ‘Ultra’ Restructuring Mask 3 x Colore Color Protection Shampoo 300 ml 3 x Colore Color Protection Conditioner 250 ml 1 x Colore Color Protection Shampoo Liter 1 x Colore Color Protection Conditioner Liter 3 x Energy Daily Shampoo 300 ml 3 x Energy Daily Conditioner 250 ml 1 x Energy Shampoo Liter 1 x Energy Conditioner Liter 6RI¯FH/HDYHLQ&RQGLWLRQLQJ0RXVVH 3 x Hydra Moisturizing Shampoo 300 ml 9,+0:*6=,9;/, (JVUKP[PVUPUNTV\ZZL[OH[WYV[LJ[ZHNHPUZ[OLH[ 3 x Hydra Deep Moisturizing Conditioner 250 ml 3 x Hydra Deep Moisturizing Mask 500 ml natural beauty damage and weightlessly nourishes. 1 x Hydra Deep Moisturizing Shampoo Liter Aof complete your haircarehair line to: $12.95 EACH 1 x Hydra Deep Moisturizing Conditioner Liter hydrate, protect, energize, 3 x Volume Volumizing Shampoo 300 ml add intense nutrition, enhance /HDYH,Q6SUD\ 3 x Volume Volumizing Conditioner 250 ml volume, and shine (JVU]LUPLU[KL[HUNSLY[OH[HKKZL_[YHIVK`[V 1 x Volume Volumizing Shampoo Liter UVYTHSVYÄULOHPY/LH[WYV[LJ[HU[HKKZZ[YLUN[O 1 x Volume Volumizing Conditioner Liter SPECIAL SALON PRICE 3 x Reale Intense Nutrition Shampoo 300 ml $475.00 RSP $593.00 hydrates, and body to stressed hair. 3 x Reale Intense Nutrition Conditioner 250250 mlml $12.95 EACH 1 x Reale Intense Nutrition Shampoo Liter 1 x Reale Intense Nutrition Conditioner Liter 8OWUD5HVWUXFWXULQJ0DVN 1 x Reale Intense Nutrition Vials Formulated for extremely dry, damaged hair.

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