FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1972 PAGE TWENTY At the Center The-Weather iiand;?0t^r lEtt^Ain^ Ifwalii \ Heavy snow with considerable With Glenn Camber drifting before tapering off to­ W right, 82,696.23, property on shoplifting has been on the In­ Board of Directors. Also, a Page 11 morrow; low near 30 tonight to About Town China Shelf Spring St. Gourley Says crease In the last 12 months. He number of contributions have mid 30s Sunday. Outlook for Building Permits is not certain if there Is a direct QUITAR LESSONS The Junior High Methodist been forthcoming from relig- Monday . fair, hold. U and R Housing Corp., house relationship between' the in­ Manchester--A City of Village Charm Youth Fellowship of South Unit­ loqs and civic organizations as Is Beefed Up at 122 Carpenter Rd., 8^,000; crease In shoplifting and drug 144 H l hland Sf. ed Methodist Church will meet Drug Usage well as a 815,000 federal/state 9 house-at 60 Carpenter R d!, 824,- misuse; however, “I would as­ grant under the LEAA which tonight at 7:30 at the church. 000. A t Library sume that there would be a provides for a 12-montii pilot PHONE 649-7120 VOL. XCT^ NO. 119 (TWENTY-POUR PAGES — INCLUDING TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1972 (Claeeiaed Advertteing on P age *0/ PRICE FIFTEEN CENTO Sherwood Circle Inc., house Not W aning close relationship between the program to train counsellors. The Zion Evangelical Luther­ at 146 Tim rod R d., 826,000. ' two’*, Gourley offered. an Church council will meet to­ When President Nixon and mere Is still a drug problem Nutmeg Homes Inc., house at Gourley said that between night at 7 :46 at the church. party left Washington yesterday • ''' ■ y - 37 Kent D r., 840,000. in Manchester, according to W. July and December 1971* 2,200 4 on the first leg of their mission Ernest C. Linders Jr., alter­ J. Godfrey Gcurley, chairman visits were recorded at the Hie Grade 7 Youth Instruc­ ■ nations to American Legion to the Far East, Mary Cheney of the Chamber of Commerce Drug A dvisory Center, 88 Park Kathy toys: Thanks Everybody For The Ticket tion Class of Zion Evangelical P ost at 20 A m erican Legion Library was ready with a St. “Naturally, some of these SellouN-Hope We Have A WInnw! Lutheran Church will meet to­ 1 D r., 8360. / drug advisory council, and the Miner Chiefs seven-part China reading list. visits were duplications In per­ ORCHARD FRESH: Macs, Cortlands, Odden^BM morrow at 9:30 a.m. at the C.S.M. Corp. of Hartford for problem may be getting worse. clous, Russeto, Baldwins, Winesi^ Apples^liw Frert m e staff has updated its May sons” . India Asks Talks church. Standard Educators, alterations “Contrary to rumors, the The Drug Advisory Center is FRESH: BroocoU, Egg Plant, Green. 1969 reading list on China by to commercial building at 160 flower, Green, Yellow Beans, Leeks, 8haloWj^Pa*w«P«i drug problem Is still a prob­ open six days a week (Monday Eugene Brewer, minister of Including a selected list of 1970 N. M ain St., 82,000. f Peas, Hot Peppers, Cherry Tomatoes, titles added to the library’s lem’’, Gourley stated. “Actual­ through Saturday) from 10 a.m. the Church of Christ, will con­ Charles M. Herrmann\altera- Potatoes, Chinese, Savoy CiOibage, Spinach, Butternut, collection. The list has the fol­ ly, It Is a worse problem In to 10 p.m . and Is manned by Acom Squash, Rod Onions. Urge Return duct a service Sunday at 8:16 tions at 172 S. M ain St., ^,000. Coordinator Mark H. Swerd- IMPOR'CED: Peaches, Plums, Nectarines, watennelons. a.m. on radio station WINF. lowing divisions: Reference ma­ Supreme Foods Inc., sign at Manchester now than It was two terials; Social, Economic Con­ loff and Assistant Counselor Strawberries, Seedless Grmies, Honoydews, S f^ sh M e!^ . The program is sponsored by 469 H artford R d., 8300. years ago. We are finding an In­ Starr Merritt. Jaffa Oraitges, Pineapples, Grapefruit, Tangerines, Temple the Manchester Area Coimcil of ditions, Description and Travel; Joseph P. Lewis of Vernon With Pakistanis crease in.hard line drug addic­ China’s Relations With Other Gourley stated that Blue Hills Oranges, Coconuts, Navel Oranges, Nuts............................... Churches and the Clergy Asso­ for J. Bruce Plgott, alteratlMis tion with such persons having Lands; General History; His­ Clinic ' psychiatrist Dr. Donald WEEKEND SPECIALS ciation of Manchester. Guest Caller to 130 Washington St., 8680. to feed their addiction with a NEW DELHI (AP) — The In­ which fought a two-week war In Bhutto’s statement did not \ tory, 1912-49; H istory, 1960 to Pet commended the Drug Ad­ To Coal Fields ;R.G. Corcoran of Hartford for 840,000 p er year habit. Conse­ CORN ................................................... « ears S M dian government announced to­ December that ended with the specify whether he con­ Tom Rinker of Andover, the Present; and A New Look visory Center recently in its day that it la prepared to have Members of the VFW Auxilia­ Fred Miner, alternations to 1'26 quently. tills brings pressure on CALIF. BROCCOLI .................. bunch creation cf an Independent, In­ templated a tripartite summit at China, the ’70’s. programming by stating that LONDON (AP)—Exultant coal miner union leaders direct peace talks with Pidcl- ry will meet tonight at 7:30 at Mass., will be guest caller at W ells St., 82,000. the business community with CALIF. SUNKIST ORANGES ........ down dian-supported Bangladesh in or separate ta>lks with each Copies, in limited supply, are Mauchester’s endeavor along accepted a compromise wage offer today and trains, stan "at any time, at any level the Sheehan Funeral Home, the Manchester Square Dance shoplifting, break-ins , and the INDIAN RIVER GRAPEFRUIT ... 3 for what was formerly East Paki­ leader. available at the main desk. - with <Hie in Meriden Is the best and without any preconditions.” 1084 New Britain Ave., West like” . -rucks and ships were readied to rush coal to British stan. The IndlEui Foreign Ministry Club dance tomorrow from 8 in the state as to the types FANCY YELLOW SQUASH ................ H>. The declaraticn was contain­ Hartford, to pay respects to the 182 Pounds of Meat power stations, starved for fuel after a six-week strike. Coincidentally, the letter was said at the time that it had not to 11 p.m. at Verplanck School. Also, unique recently to the of services provided. ROYAL ICE CREAM ............................... g a i . ed In a tetter sent to UN. Sec­ late Harry P. Ogle, father of --- ---------------- TTie leaders urged the 280,000 dated Feb. 14—the same date yet received any such request <1 Annual Average drug problem are the “run­ Gourley also mentioned the We Cany The Manchester Evmitng Herald retary-General- Kurt Waldheim Mrs. Catherine Lynn, a mem­ Mr. and Mrs. Russell IWilte will Public Records minersr to call off the strike that Pakistan President Zulfi- for a summit meeting from aways” . mese .youths are those contributions campaign under COMPLETE UNE OF SUNDAY PAPERS and released to the press here. kar AU ^ u t t o told newsm en In ber of the Auxiliary. cue the rounds. WASHINGTON — AgrieWture that has dim m ed li{d>ts and Bhutto but it would give “due Warranty lleed who have left their homes and way under the sponsorship of It Is the strongest public Lahore that he planned to meet Department figures show that Grilled industry, and to halt consideration’’ to the sugges­ A Nebraska native, Rinker Wayne G. and Dcmna R. John­ are wandering from community the Drug Advisory Council in statement India has made Indian Prime Minister Indira Friendship Lodge of Masons was instrumental in the forma­ son to D(»ma B. Bonomo, prop­ the average American eats 182 to community, many times be­ the latter’s effort to enlist 1,- the picketing of the coa'i tion when and if it received. B om bs jtarved power stations. about a possible peace confer­ Gandhi and Bangladesh Prime will have its annual mid-winter tion of a Teen Club in Omaha erty at 32 Whitney Rd., convey­ pctmds cf meat a year, nearly coming involved in drug mis­ 000 citizens In m onetary con­ p e p n A majority of miners are ex­ ence between the -two nations. Minister Mujlbur Rahman. (See Page Eight) social and ladies night tomor­ and has served eis vice presi­ ance tax 825.86. 26 pounds m ore than 10 years use. tributions. The DAC activities W l P R O D U C E I” row at 7:30 p.m. at Willie’s Judgement Lien ago, and 116 pounds of potatoes, Gourley stated furthennore are funded largely by the town pected to heed their leaders’ dent of the Omtdia Area Call­ advice end vote for a return to Steak House. The evening will ers Association. He also is a Connecticut Television of nine pounds more than a decade that he understands from the with 810,000 received last year *76 OAKLAND S T ., MANCHESTER — 643-6384 Strike work by next weekend. This open at 6:30 with a social hour former treasurer and president West Hartford against Ronald ago. retailers of the community that by authwizatlon of the town at the home of Harold E. Turk- would be in time to avoid the of the Nebraska Square and total blackout that officials had ington, 16 Berkely Rd. The Round Dance Association. group will return to the Turk- predicted if the strike contin­ Committees for • the evening N orth ued.
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