Notable Trees District Plan ID NZHPT Register No. Name Address Legal

Notable Trees District Plan ID NZHPT Register No. Name Address Legal

Proposed Kāpiti Coast District Plan Historic Heritage Notable Trees District NZHPT Name Address Legal Description GPS Description/Significance NZHPT Plan ID Register No. locat Category ion T2 1 Kauri Old Mission Grounds, Pt Church Mission Planted 1849 close to large Agathis australis Te Rauparaha St, Grant ML 461 Norfolk Island pine. Ōtaki T3 1 Ash Fraxinus 459 Te Moana Rd, Pt Lot 3 DP 46755 Height 46ft (1973). Largest in Waikanae New Zealand. Planted by a ‘Mr Shamel’ who brought a T5 1 Maius Trilobata 459 Te Moana Rd, Pt Lot 3 DP 46755 Height 42f t (19 73). Ve ry rare Waikanae species. Largest recorded. T6 1 Rimu Dacrydium 121 Amohia St, Lot 2 DP 12690 NOTABLE (NTR) ID: 545, cupressinum Paraparaumu Reg. No: 041 T7 Evergreen Laurel 121 Amohia St, Lot 2 DP 12690 NOTABLE (NTR) ID: 546, Magnolia Paraparaumu Reg. No: 042 T10 Karaka tree Adjacent to 381 Te Corynocarpus Moana Rd, Waikanae laevigatus (Road Reserve) T11 Pohutukawa Waikanae Hotel Pt Ngarara West Metrosideros excelsa Grounds, 32 Main A78E10 Blk IX Kaitawa Road, Waikanae SD ML 4604 T12 Pohutukawa BP Waikanae Service Lot 1 DP 28250 Metrosideros excelsa Station Cnr SH1 & Ngaio Rd. T14 Kauri tree 100 metres west of Lot 1 DP 78308 Agathis australis road frontage, 8 Greenaway Rd, Waikanae T15 Ginkgo biloba 31 Karu Cres, Lots 12, 13 DP 14701 Maidenhair Tree Waikanae T16 Cabbage tree (2) 3B Frederick St Lot 12 DP 13821 Cordyline australis (Edginton), CT7B/368 Paraparaumu T18 1 Kauri (6m) 3B Frederick St Lot 12 DP 13821 Agathis australis (Edginton), CT7B/368 Paraparaumu Notified 29 November 2012 - [10-1] - Proposed Kāpiti Coast District Plan Historic Heritage T20 Puriri tree 64 Ames St, Lot 3 DP 8581 CT Vitex lucens Paekākāriki 435/285 T21 Norfolk Island Pine cnr Tangahoe & Road Reserve Araucaria heterophylla Aperahama Sts, adjacent to Lot 42 DP Paekākāriki 6673 T22 Kauri 15 Matene St, Ōtaki Lot 1 DP 19130 Agathis australis T23 Kauri 96 Amohia St, Lot 1 DP 12635 CT Agathis australis Paraparaumu 506/228 T24 Tulip Magnolia Main Rd Sth, Ōtaki- Lot 2 DP 50635 NOTABLE (NTR) ID: 643, Magnolia x opposite Ōtaki Gorge Reg. No: 213. soulangeana. Road (Pahiko) T25 Pohutukawa trees Paekākāriki Metrosideros excelsa Mark southern Cabbage trees entrance to the District. Cordyline australis T26 Totara 115 Arawhata Rd, Lot 23 DP 57282 Podocarpus totara Paraparaumu T27 Copper Beach 31 Karu Cres, Lot 13 DP 14701 Fagus sylvatica Waikanae T28 Pohutukawa 31 Karu Cres, Lot 13 DP 14701 Metrosideros excelsa Waikanae T29 Miro 31 Karu Cres, Lot 13 DP 14701 Prumnopitys Waikanae ferruginea T30 Totara 1 Elizabeth St, Lot 4 DP 74712 Podocarpus totara Waikanae T31 Kauri 1 Elizabeth St, Lot 4 DP 74712 Agathis australis Waikanae T32 Puriri 1 Elizabeth St, Lot 4 DP 74712 Vitex lucens Waikanae T34 Walnut tree Walnut Grove, Juglans regia Waikanae (Road Reserve) T36 Totara 49 Kapanui Rd, Lot 5 DP 60069 Podocarpus totara Waikanae T37 Nikau Palms Lindale, Main Rd Nth, Lot 1 DP 81548 Rhopalosylis sapida Paraparaumu Notified 29 November 2012 - [10-2] - Proposed Kāpiti Coast District Plan Historic Heritage T38 Kohekohe Trees Lindale, Main Rd Nth, Lot 1 DP 81548 (clusters) Paraparaumu Dysoxylum spectabile Nikau Palms Rhopalosylis sapida T39 Pohutukawa 16 Seaview Rd, Metrosideros excelsa Paraparaumu Beach (Road Reserve) T40 Totara Outside 208 Main Rd Road Reserve Podocarpus totara North, Paraparaumu, adjacent to Lot 1 DP “Twelve Oaks” 34019 T41 Cabbage tree Te Rauparaha St, old Mission grounds Cordyline australis Ōtaki (Pt Church Mission Grant ML 461) T42 Nikau Palm 21 Freemans Rd, Lot 1 DP 26701 Rhopalosylis sapida Ōtaki T43 Pohutukawa 96 Mill Rd, Ōtaki Secs 170, 172 Town of Metrosideros excelsa Ōtaki T44 Oaks, Elm & Ash trees 186 Mill Rd, Ōtaki Pt Sec 85 Blk IX Quercus (Oak), Ulmus (Maternity House) Waitohu SD Pt Lot 1 procera (Elm), and (A LN No. 1510/330/1) DP 9569 Fraxinus excelsior (Elm) T45 Rimu 262 Mill Rd, Ōtaki Lot 1 DP 64934 Dacrydium cupressinum T46 Kanuka 181 Waerenga Rd, Lot 1 DP 15602 CT Kunzea ericoides Ōtaki 578/43 T47 Norfolk Island Pine Outside Memorial Hall, Lot 7 DP 16038 Araucaria heterophylla 3 Pehi Kupa St, Waikanae T48 Horizontal Elm 424B Te Moana Rd, Pt Ngarara West Ulmus Campestris Waikanae A3A A3, A3B1 SO 24197 T50 7 Southern Mahogany Ocean Rd, Pt Lot 128 DP 9498 Eucalyptus botryoides Paraparaumu Beach, Senior Citizen Hall Notified 29 November 2012 - [10-3] - Proposed Kāpiti Coast District Plan Historic Heritage T51 1 Kauri, 3 Limes, 2 453 Te Moana Rd, Lot 2 DP 23098 Planted to remember Ernest Plane Trees. Waikanae Beaglehole. Agathis australis Mark entrance to Waikanae (kauri) Tilia Platphyllous (lime) Planatus acerifolia (plane) T52 9 Red Gum trees Tennis Court Rd Lot 30 DP 9790 gives road special character Eucalyptus ficifolia Reserve, Raumati Beach T54 2 Pohutukawa trees 83 Rimu Rd, Lot 2 DP 29633 Metrosideros excelsia Paraparaumu T55 2 Kohekohe trees 7 Maple Lane, Lot 4 DP 67245 Dysoxylum spectabile Waikanae T57 Totara, Oak, Elms and Cnr Seddon & Utauta Lots 18, 19, 23, Pt 22 All large trees > 6 metres in other species Sts, Waikanae. DP 1031 SO 14414 height Podocarpus totara Waikanae Primary (totara); Quercus robur School. (oak); and Ulmus procera (elm) T58 Oak trees (3) Marine Gardens, Lot 1 DP 16665 Quercus robur Raumati Beach T59 2 Kauri trees 56 Tutanekai St, Lot 9 DP 45399 Agathis australis Paraparaumu T60 3 Bluegum Eucalyptus “Crosswater”, 190 Lot 2 DP 12276) Next to DOC Reserve globulus Main Rd North, 3 Red Gum Eucalyptus Paraparaumu ficifolia T61 Karaka tree 62B Ngaio Rd, Lots 1, 2 DP 80324 400 yrs old Corynocarpus Waikanae laevigatus T62 Oak tree Cnr Main Rd Nth & Lot 1 DP 41434 Planted 1920 Quercus robur Greenhill Road, Waikanae T63 Kauri tree 44 Atkins Road, Ōtaki Lot 1 DP 64825 Planted 1937 (request of Mr Agathis australis P Atkins) T64 3 Oak trees 266 Main Road North Lot 2 DP 30732 Planted 1888 and 1915 Notified 29 November 2012 - [10-4] - Proposed Kāpiti Coast District Plan Historic Heritage Quercus robur (SH1), Ōtaki request of owner T65 Mexican hand tree 51 Leinster Avenue Lot 22 DP 18884 CT Chiranthodendron Paraparaumu 876/20 pentadactylon T66 Pin Oak 51 Leinster Avenue Lot 22 DP 18884 CT Quercus palustris Paraparaumu 876/20 T67 Kauri 8 Matatua Road, Lot 50 Blk III DP 2767 Agathis australis Raumati Beach CT 387/213 T68 Lacebark 21 Allen Road, Lot 72 DP 14034 Hoheria populnea Raumati Beach T70 2 Willow cnr Tainui & Matatua Agonis flexuosa Road, Raumati Beach (Road Reserve) T72 Celery Pine 41 Rimu Road, Pt Lot 2 DP 18750 CT Phyllocladus alpinus Paraparaumu D3/794 T73 2 Pohutukawa 85 Rimu Rd, 2 Fiesta Lot 4 DP 89796, Metrosideros excelsa Grove Paraparaumu Lot 1 DP29633 T74 Copper Beech Nyco Chocolate Lot 3 DP 72265 Fagus sylvatica Factory, Raumati Road T75 Black Beech 54 Rimu Road, Lot 5 DP 27501 CT Nothofagus solanderi Paraparaumu E4/631 T77 Totara 119 Arawhata Road, Lot 25 DP 57282 CT Podocarpus totara Paraparaumu 32D/651 T78 2 Totara 117 Arawhata Road, Lot 24 DP 57282 CT Podocarpus totara Paraparaumu 29D/632 T79 1 Kauri Agathis 24 Ngarara Road, Lot 2 DP 67444 australis (3m), Rimu Waikanae (5m) Dacrydium cupressinum T80 Pohutukawa 24 Domain Rd, Ōtaki Lot 1 DP 49555 1898 Metrosideros excelsa T81 Pohutukawa 114 Te Waka Rd, Te Lot 1 DP 50574 1930 Metrosideros excelsa Horo T82 Illawarra Flame Tree 114 Te Waka Road, Lot 1 DP 50574 Brachychiton Te Horo Acerifolium Notified 29 November 2012 - [10-5] - Proposed Kāpiti Coast District Plan Historic Heritage T83 2 Pohutukawa On road reserve 6 Kainui – Lot 40 DP 1930 Metrosideros excelsa adjacent to 6 - 8 Kainui 10230 Rd, Raumati 8 Kainui – Lot 39 DP 10230 T84 Horse Chestnut 6 McKay St, Lot 152 DP 10250 Aesculus Paraparaumu Beach hippocastanum T85 Kanuka 60 Renown Rd, Lot 71 DP 5853 Kunzea ericoides Raumati South 1920’s T86 Mexican Hand Tree 11 Hira Street, Lot 1 DP 30364 1980, Notable (NTR) Chiranthodendron Waikanae pentadactylon T87 Holly Talisman Nursery Pt Awahohonu A3No5 NOTABLE (NTR) ID: 528 Ilex aquifolium 135 Ringawhati Rd, 335 Ōtaki T88 2 Pohutukawa 19a Wharemauku Rd, Lot 8 DP 9507 Metrosideros excelsa Raumati T89 Rata Metrosideros 190 State Highway 1, Lot 1 DP 82935 robusta and Paraparaumu North Pohutukawa Metrosideros excelsa T90 Cabbage Tree. 54 Makora Rd, Lot 1 DP 326900 NOTABLE (NTR) ID: 528, Cordyline australis Otaihanga Reg. No: 355. 1840. Believed to have been used as one of several boundary markers for the early 19c. vegetable gardens. T91 Cabbage Tree 131 Rangiuru Rd, Lot 12 DP 35025 age 100+ years Cordyline australis Ōtaki T92 Pohutukawa 20 Tainui St, Raumati Lot 1 DP 7224 1890’s Metrosideros excelsa T93 Irish Yew 38 Moana Rd, Lot 1 DP 29077 Taxus baccata Paraparaumu ‘fastigiata’ T94 Rata Metrosideros 124 Main Rd, Pt Lot 2 DP 17790 Rata – thought to be where robusta Paraparaumu Te Rauparaha camped, early Pohutukawa 1800’s Metrosideros excelsa Pohutukawa - thought to be biggest in District, 100+ years Notified 29 November 2012 - [10-6] - Proposed Kāpiti Coast District Plan Historic Heritage T95 Oak Quercus robur On road reserve Lot 14 DP 348205 Is approximately 100 years adjacent to 90 Te old. Moana Road, Waikanae (known as 2 Fairway Oaks) T96 Rata 331 Valley Road, Lot 17 DP 33688 150 plus years Metrosideros robusta, Paraparaumu T97 Esplallied Pear Tree 266 Main Road North, Lot 2 DP 30732 Planted 1911. ‘Esplallied’- to Pyrus communis, Ōtaki train a tree against a wall or frame. st T98 Kauri ‘Millenium Tree” Nikau Reserve, SH1 Lot 1 DP 32725 planted Jan 1 2000 over a Agathis australis, North, Paraparaumu time capsule T99 2 Oak Trees 16 Tainui St, Raumati Lot 2 DP 7224 1920’s Quercus robur,.

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