From: Edward Screven <edward.screven@oracle .com> To: [email protected] <[email protected]> Sent: 11 /16/2013 7:19:12 PM Subject: Fwd: Cove r Oreg on Qual~y Assessment of Oracle work Degin forwarded message: F rom: Lany Ell ison <lany .ellison@oracle corn> D:ite: November 16. 20 13. 10:38 :46 AM P ST To: Edward L Screven <[email protected]> Cc: Larry Ellison <larrv ell isonlf1l ora cl e.com> Subject: Fwd: Cover Orego n Q uality Assessment of O racle work Edward. You are in charge. l will give you whatever re sources you need ... immediately and in quanti ty. Please send me daily report s on thi s. Larry Sent from my iPad Begin fo rwarded message: F r om: Safra Catz <[email protected]> Date: Nowmbcr 15. 20 13. 7.09.57 PM P ST To: Larry Elli son <larry .ell ison@orn cle.com> Subject: Fwd: Cover Oregon Q uality Assessment of O racle work Edward has been on th is since we spoke. Putting him on it was the ri ght call Read the november 6 nore Begin fonvard ed messAge: From: Edward Screven <edward screven1iloracle com> Date: November 15. 20 13 at 6·10·37 PM P ST To: "Calz,Safra " <sa fra catz(!iloracle corn> EXHIBJT ""'"'J~\ __ Subject: Fwd: f wd: FW: Cover Oregon Q uality Assessment of O racle work WIT: ,..)QrWMz one of the executives i wil l try 10 meet. DATE: //,JO- I J CAROL NYGARD -------- Original Message------- Subject: Fwd: FW · Cover Oregon Qua lity Assessment of Ora cle work Ex 8 - Wilson Decl Page 1 of 4 ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY INFORMATION ORACLE_STATE_01549316 Date: Fri. 15 Nov 2013 17:55: 19 -0800 From:Paul \•hn Amsterdam <paul san.amsterdam1iloracle.com> Organization:Oracle Corporation To: Screven.Edward <ed,vard.screven'Woracle.com>. cra ig.stephenr@oracle .com CC:Hutchinson.l'v!ichael <michael.hutchinson(@oracle.com> Ed ward. Craig, It was a plea sure meeting you this afternoon Per your request. please find attached the assessment the CTO at Cover Oregon Garrett Reynolds compl eted of the code available around :-.-ta y of this yea r --------Origi nal Message -------- Suhject:FW · Cover Oregon Quality Assessmen t of Oracle work Date: Wed. 6 Nov 2013 0 1:2 1:33 +0000 From: Reynolds Garrell < greynolds'W co' eroregon.com> To:Paul Van Amsterdam (paul. [email protected]) <paul. va n.am steruam1@ oracle .com> Paul 1cannot believe that Oracle can be onsi te at tl1is project 1 find it hard to believe that Oracle Executive Management has not come onsite personally and is not on top of these issues doing everything possible to prevent a nightmare PR scenario for themselves . If it were up to me CO wo uld stop paying all invoices until full resolution and reparation has been made by Oracle. Oracle has failed in every single aspect of the project from project management, proper design and development all the way thro ugh deivery and deployment. Oracle should be embarrassed at the OCS team leadership and what has been delivered at Cover Oregon. Thank you, Garrett 8 . Garrett Reynolds Chief Tectn:ilogy Officer Cover Oregon www.C overQregon.com [email protected] 530. 386.8080 From: Reynolds Garrett Sent: Saturday, November 02, 2013 11 :09 AM To: Steve Bartolo (steve. [email protected]) Cc : delaRosa Triz; Karj ala Aaron ; McKivor, Tom Subject: Cover Oreg on Quality Assessment of Oracle work Importance: High Steve As you requested attached is the Siebel quality assessment I performed as well as all of the written correspondence requesting delivery and the status on the work effort. Cover Oregon wants Oracle to provide a plan as to how and when these issues will be resolved. I agree with you that we should have the A-Team bring in their own Siebel e><JJerts to address the architectural aspects. but the coding issues will need an experienced Siebel developer. As I stated this mornirg, each individual issue does not take an enormous amount of time to correct, but the sheer nui1ber of issues spanning the breadth of the application (and thus broad regression testing is required) are what make this a larger effort. This is only the Siebel aspect. We have had little or no validation of the quality or efficiency of all the other applications, specifically Web Center "'11ere we have seen from testing that there are signifi ca nt coding and design issues. Whi le the A-Team is focused on the infrastructure and system components. we need to have the same level of scrLiiny applied to all the applications so that we can drive this to a stable and maintainable system. The poor quality of design and stilsequent implementation are of immense concern to Cover Oregon for the stability and performance of the system as well as the long maintainability and overall usability of the system . Our focus to provide a stable and performant system should be on Ex 8 - Wilson Decl Page 2 of 4 ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY INFORMATION ORACLE STATE 01549317 • - - ~ ' ., ~ Valid infrastructL.re architecture defi nition and opti mized system component definitions (A-Team is drivi ng thi s) ~ Appli cation code/configuration quality ~ Valid appli cati on design Thank yo u, Garrett B. Garrett Reynolds Chief Techrology Officer Cover Oregon www CoverQreqon.com [email protected] 530.386.8080 From: Reynolds Garrett Sent: Monday, October 21, 2013 9:06 AM To: delaRosa Triz Cc: McKivor, Tom Subject: FW: Cover Oregon Quality Assessment of Oracle work Importance: High Triz Here is the Oracle quality assessment which I performed thi s past spring and all the communicati ons surrounding it. The email below pretty much sums it up. Thank yo u, Garrett B. Garrett Reynolds Chief Technology Officer Cover Oregon www.CoverOregon.com [email protected] 530.386.8080 From: Reynolds Garrett Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2013 1:42 PM To: Karjala Aaron Cc: McKivor, Tom Subject: Cover Oregon Quality Assessment of Oracle work Importance: High Aaron Attached are all of the physical communicati ons to Oracle concerning the development quality assessment review that I performed on the Siebel development repo sitory. This does not include the numerous verbal requests which were made to Oracle again and again to which they responded ~th assL.rances that they would address all of the critical issues prior to Oct go live. To date, there have been few if any issues addressed from the review. The review shows that the Oracle development team ~s quality of the work was atrocious and that they broke every single development best practice that Oracle themselves have defined. It is one of the worst assessments I have perfonmed in my 18 years of Siebel work. The issues are prevalent across basic development best practices, thro ugh to poor design and into even worse code implementation. The issues span the breadth of areas of Impact: ~ Inefficient or ineffective design ~ Data integrity ~ Runtime error ~ Performance ~ Usability and user interface ~ Applicatio n maintenance ~ Application upgrade ~ Security Ex 8 - Wilson Decl Page 3 of 4 ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY INFORMATION ORACLE_ST A TE_ O 1549318 I have also attached the followi documents to this email: Flie Name ··:t •·"'·- ',,, "' racti ces Cover Oreoon Development Framework for Siebel.docx Oreaon HIX Contia-Scriot Review.doc Cover Oreaon Siebel Confiq and Script Qualitv and Quantitv Assessment- Mav 2013.odf The Develo pment standards, guidelines and best practices document is a key document as ths is the developers handbook that all Oracle developers were communicated to adhere to . It is ba sed upon O racle ~ s own standards and best practices which are documented on Oracle ~ s support web site. Thank you, Garrett B. Garrett Reynolds Chief TeclYlology Officer Cover Oregon www CoverOreqon com [email protected] 530.3868080 <Forwa rctectMessa ge .eml> <ForwardedMessage.eml> <ForwardedMessage.eml> <!'orwa rdedMessage.eml> <Forward edMessage.eml> <ForwardedMessage.eml> <Forward edl'vlessage.eml> <Forwa rd edMessage.eml > <Forwardedl\.1essage.eml> <ForwardedMessage.eml> <ForwardedMessage.eml> <Cove r Oregon Siebel Con fi g and Script Qua lity and Quantit y Assessment - JVIay 20 13.pdt> <Oregon_ HJ X_ Confi g-Scri pt Review.doc> <Cover Oregon Development Framework fo r Siebel.docx> Ex 8 - Wilson Decl Page 4 of 4 ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY INFORMATION ORACLE_STATE_01549319 # .
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