1IJI "Ilf m i * **ygC! Otitent ■ i. «WE • f t , \ t Jfer'.l i w v . Jy IIdo wi m i .Vtftf t’t* i JKfft' %"* MIRROR *8 is*. 865* W b*»,] By Gene Alleman SEVENTY-SIXTH YEAR—;No. 29. CHELSEA, MICHIGANi THURSDAY FEBRUARY 6,1947 SU BSCR IPTIO N $2.00 P E R J Y E A R - th KM*' . Former .Lieutenant Governor r - 7 line of L Vernon J. BroWh, now enjoying re- Conservation Dept. , ^ ^ . B ♦ r<b,t, tirsment at a. modest country home February Meeting Chelsea Bulldog^. 9 , befog »j ' ^ B n , advances a simple Will Complete More I 5 c 0 u T * Wori^mr(^mrGt 8. th N U JSSmciSoroblem:hroblem: “Put all educa- CampsforGroupUse^p^^MW it Blit i«T ♦ rnn#i *eM8 in one basket.” Prep Lansing—After takinj St. Paul’s Church Season Last Friday f f l & e mills of the property of a | tot^AS] 21 per cent increase in in the The February meeting of ‘“the By C.H.S. Reporter f,Vto finance,the veteran bonus Women’s Guild of St. Paul’s^churcl: Aft* v" ' ^iteiar:lhW -^nd-eventuai ^chtiiger"”gQTr^g ir TSTOT baDkniptcy’' would be averted by^ a sw a m issi Was held at the church hall on .'Fri­ th N «* parks and recreation division is day afternoon, Januaty .31, having through for - the.ir first Huron. B government looking to the early pompletion-oF jry 8‘‘Adequate support for all proper been moved forward a week .-be­ League- victory last Friday By *8. tl, 8 two more camps to accommodate! overpowering Dundee,Dur 37-33. Lot 18, d functions fit government, state and cause . of the Masonic banquet • « Lot ,11 groups already applying for group which is to be served at the church First quarter was slow movifig of Lot 151 local” would',bewould',. - assured... .... camp; reservations this summer; throughout, but as it ended Chelsea : l| Furthermore, “no added tax or „ typical state group camp in found itself trailing 6-1, with Eijse- new taxes” would berequired and a-state-parkr8tate recreation area le scoring the only point. A t half »no necessity for again amending '{ Pi __ S'VIIUm* or state forests consists of a large opened by repeating the Collect in time, Chelsea was still trailing by S»UU" the state constitution.” central building housing the kit-'l the score of 17-13. ' chen and dining room uni8onr followed by devotionals in chargerofrMi^'wiJbtff^indwef7 “ "The'BulldOgSTame to life in the je ATOa-l berof smaTH a third quarter.and scored six points boKuflisher -of ^the^Sault Ste. near­ who offeredl prayer and* gave medi­ b y .M olost s t - ariare^loca^ed' in^woocls; I tative and Scripture readings re- before the Dundee, boys ever knew- HESTER Mirfe Evening News, we visited wita convenientinvenler access to lakes for m latm^to^ e - ^ ogram togic ^of the what had happened. The quarter Mr. Brown at his ancestral farm flsrnng and swimming. ended with Chelsea in a rather safe th SE'ly |] /o«r miles east of Mason on Dia- In. fate June,va]FIof July and &*.< Europe.” Hymns sung included lead; 30-25. The Dundee^boys^came _ ha.NEUy.li aond road. The formOr. state offi- Aiigust, and early September, the VtC-i-J ”The Voice of God Is Calling,” to life as the fourth quarter got •long Ni M appeared to he in- excellent camps are reserved for groups of v & : under way. They_scored four th/-8-Iljn t Which is .to-be-the theme for wie the 8 line T ® and hearty spirits r he^ifrup children haviny"^. fturrimer outing years programs,-- — —— — points in nothing—fiat. A s— the -helng:* i a cigar with relish and talked free­ under the^auspicea of a non-profit In the absence of Mis. Harold quarter -was "coming - to the aero ly about state affairs. “I1 believe organization. The low fees assure Widmayer, Educational department point "the score was all tied up at 1 have a simple solution for the S’ly bound many a youngster a week or two chairman, Mrs. Lucht presented 33 all. With a minute and fifty, ItotbeN-l state problemyr he said. m the woods that otherwise would ■VfM', and explained the topic and called seconds to go, Chelsea called a time— ‘‘You’ll have ta hurry/’ he added, be out of Teach^^-Attendance 'in "onMrs. Robert Niehaus for a read­ out and a technical foul was called SW'ly | “if you-want to get this interview 4D46 was-divided among church ing called “The Work'of the Church on the locaj _lads for callinW too p p i ,165 It 1.. into your column. 1 It’S1 going to FEBRUARY In Concentration Camps in France” many times out. Hatter shot the appear thursday- CJan.^S) in the f rt>Uj>8ch‘f6 pW ®ent^’ undorpfivj- foul but missed. 1 ' liijj ' ot. elty i and on Mrs. Dora Kayeer and Mrs, H i1 Y-mfrVri. “Ingham Count^NewS.” ■■■■.' scouts (20 per cent), civic alfn 7 - 1 3 , 1 9 4 7 Elmer-Pierce-for readings explain-' Neither team-managed to, score I l l s the prof.I • And so we quote from Mr. community groups ^ (10 per ^ enJL’ ing the founding of the World within the next minute,, but a tech- . Jrown’B own-signed article:- •Council" of Churches; :... — — — nical foul- was called on one of the, mm “I propose that the legislature iDundee boys for arguing with the. ' Eaet- not have -their own summer, camps IFollowingr the:reports of the sec­ hy-statute'adopt a plan similar to (6 per cent), and junior sports- retary apd treasurer, and the mis- 1 ' y f m referee. With 55 seconds to go in» k v;v Wwjorj that in vogue in the state of New men's organizations- (exclusive o f SCOUT W EEK sionary^flowerr-and— eervicemen’a the final quarter the Dundee coach Pete, York, specifically putting all our those at Higgins (Lake Training Nearly 2,000,000 Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and Senior Scouts will committees,. .. two •—new_.-_members, came out on the floor and a tefili^- ' :-H , :-ftducational eggr' in_Ofle basket 1 njcaLfourwas callednonr“the_coach7—^ i l l l -M-ofThoi School) 1 percent. - — —— erve the 3“th anniversary of the-Boy Scoutshof America during Mrsr-Ralplr Erkerand-MTrrWmr^Hr 15' E 4.U | placing all education under oi Im-fail, winter and spring months Boy Scout Week, Feb. 7th to 13th. Through their World Friendship Seitz; were presented by the mem­ Miller shot the" first -foul and _. ----- ■‘‘rt i - niw kJ:— th 8 84* .. .. general administrative, control— e vo,lu"tary gifts the Boy. Scouts of America have given $$10,- missecL_Vogel shot the, second and . N’ly'toV adult and youth groups, as well as bership committee , and accepted the way .from kindergarten' to poet^ children’s, make uso-oi-the-camps 1 _464.36 to help $.oy_ Scouts overseas rebuild their organlzations. and-jyelcomedTby: -the-rpresident iit made it,. putting:Chelaea Jin ^ the_- -th-N-8n lead by one point. Before the final . ■ r. ■ "' lng-a-pap graduate courses-in the universityv for week-end gatherings. Of the >uring_the first year of their "Shirts-Oft^Our-Backs” project more an appropriate and “ impressive Slowly a patiertt,firm-syllabled voice cuts lKrouyK the endless silence This would be accomplished by the 63,593. camper-days registered in [ ceremony. «,. •* hornilV lil wasrvghO Bounded,OUUUUCUl Vogel dropped ." , 'l| ^jLS ,4 0 0 ^ contributedfjo^Sconte equi^- -one.-more-field goalrgiving^Chelsea M-Addition -mereprocess-of ng all a part 4.946,—Jr9|60o-were—forr-Qlder-gren^. -It-was-voted that the— Guild : ' v h~N 51*8' of the public school system and by off-season use that included school! natioiis. Scouting has always been an active' force in promoting would serve the , banquet for the a 37-33. victory. ' ’ b u f'ggM1 . eiiuinmatwiK eacli ‘ami all as picniUH.t family1 "fsunioBB, and fat- UeUer understanding and mutual guudwiH aimmg the natlumi. AUOVC meeting or the ■ Southern Michigan Hatter lea uundee with Scoring h S 41*081 thereof." is the official poster matfjtlhg the event. Funeral" Directors’ Association, honors With 18 points. Knicker­ • Ik' E 82.46 ft,l ngs by 44H groups, Future Farm­ shall have a. new birth of freedom bocker hit the loop for 10 points, _S 48"251 During the past fiscal year, Mr. ers of America, Junior Farm Bu-I which isxto_b.e_held_in_Chelsea in E 82.46 ft, Brown points out, the state paid April:"-.:- ■- '. ,L-.. — -while Vogel and-Munro Were^lqse y llne.of 1 reau members, church groups,.hik- t t —i —_' -'i a m and achieve a jusl ar\d lastmq peacc behind with 9 points each. .... S8rtt-fr mgrcluba,and. hunters, ■ , [ U l l i V S F ^ l - M l h t B f y " Judgres^Announced 'The meeting jvarr:tosed with"the i m - J - 7* ish-r • rd torthe~: rational nee&i^ta * add^on^to^^ho Lord's Prayer and closing song. ; — ' with all rvafiona? g«n South actual amount of state aid to the were in 12 locations: Allegan and T r a i n i n g I s B a c k e d ____________For Essay Contest________ A-lovely-limeh-was—served at ■ ■ t i •• 9.28_fbjy tabtesrin-the~dining rooffirt^thd 38 MSC Schedules ne of Cllnl -schools direct,-Ihese-needs - includ­ wTof CHs| ed day 8chool8Tfor the deaf, blind, Ludiqgton, -MuskegoSi^Van Buren| t B y A m e r i ^ L L e g i o n I B y S t a t e B a r .
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