I~~~~~~~~~~soito I I ndustrIial" S^>~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~at :*~~~~~~~~~~Mngmn !~~~~~~~~~~~~Cnr .. y W~~~~E23 Public Disclosure Authorized WUranI) ratutr Projete 3 2~ ~ ~~~~~~E Public Disclosure Authorized Environmente I Assessment Report lVolume 1 Part i:Donetsk Oblast Public Disclosure Authorized I Fl~~~~FNAL Public Disclosure Authorized l November 2005 NOTE TO FILE: in The following Environmental A sessment Report is one of several that was prepared in support of the Urban Infrastruc re Project for Ukraine which was under preparation 2005-2006. This is a category project for rehabilitation of various utilities, including under water supply, waste water treat ent, and solid waste. The EAs cover investments variations Component B for Rehabilitatio Investments under the project. Any technical to in the final plans for these sites ill be addressed in the review of the EMPs scheduled works take place in conjunction with t e launch workshop. All subsequently identified with under Component B. must com ly with the preparation of similar EAs in accordance of the Environmental Framework olicy dated November, 2005, before the disbursement the any funds for the specific site. vestments under C. for Energy Efficiency under a Project must comply with the p paration of an abbreviated EA/EMP specified under C. separate Environmental Frame ork Policy prepared specifically for Component Ukraine: Urban In rastructure Project ENVIRONMENT L ASSESSMENT REPORT Volume 1 Part Donetsk Oblast FINAL r | tovember 2005 Association - Ind strial Waste Management Centre Bakulin, 6 611 6 Kharkiv UKRAINE Tel./fa .: +38 (057) 702 15 78 E-m il: ikoi I PREFACE U ban Infrastructure Project (Ul Project) and Nistru River/Black Sea Protection Pr ject (NR/BSP Project) (GEF s b-project) have been merged into a single Urban In rastructure Project (GEF sub-proj cts are treated under the Ul Project) as their broad er vironmental goals include impro ement of hygiene and health of the population, pr vision of low-cost and sustainabl water supply and sanitation delivery services, and i provement of environmental con tions in Ukraine, with a special focus on the Nistru Ri er and Black Sea basin as a prior y region. W thin the framework of this integ ted project, the EA Consultant is responsible for pr paration of: * Environmental Framework Poli y (EFP); * Environmental Assessment (E ) E ivironmental Framework Policy D T e Environmental Framework Poli document reflects key provisions of environmental p licies adopted by Ukraine and th World Bank, the results of their comparative review, a d demonstrates their compatibility pn all major issues. T e existing methodological frame orks for environmental assessment, developed in U raine and adopted by the WorI Bank, have been reviewed as part of the EFP pi eparation. This review reveals a ry close similarity of these frameworks, with only few rrinor inconsistencies, which ha not been encountered in the preparation of e vironmental assessments for sele ted investment projects. E nvironmental Assessment T e Environmental Assessment d cuments, presented in this submission, have been p epared according to the World B nk environmental policies (OP4.01) and procedures, vyhich are compatible with the Law of Ukraine "On Environmental Review" and the EIA- r( lated State Construction Stand rd DBN A.2.2-1-2003 "The Environmental Impact A ssessment Content and Compositi n for Construction Projects" (Kyiv, 2004). T here have been numerous chan s in the list of proposed projects, which should be s bject to environmental assessme . The most recent list of projects, provided to the EA Consultant and dated 12 Octobe 2005, appears to be different from the initial list. ircluded in the Terms of Reference of P t the same time, the Environment Assessment studies were carried out for a number cther projects/locations, included i the expert's findings/e-mails dated 13 May, 11 June, 1 August and 26 August, 2005 (Iv no-Frankivsk, and towns in Kharkiv Oblast: Kupyansk, I ium, Chuguev). ccording to above mentioned, the resent report consists of two volumes: * Volume 1 - preliminary s -projects identified for inclusion under Ul project (according to the list dated 12 October, 2005). * Volume 2 - addition sub-proj ts reviewed according to expert's findings. 1 he general content of Final EA Re ort is given below. CONTENTS 2 IN TRODUCTION REHABILITATION OF PU ING STATIONS OF THE SIVERSKY DONETS- 6 DONBASS CANAL, OPERF ED BY THE STATE WATER UTILITY "UKRPROMVODOCHERM T" 6 1.1. Current Situation 14 1.2. Proposed Investment Proj cts 1.2.1. Rehabilitation of Water Pum ing Capacity of the Siversky Donets - Donbass 14 Canal, Operated by the Ukr romVodCherMet Utility 16 1.3. Analysis of Potential Envi pnmental Impacts 1.3.1. Physical Impacts 16 1.3.2. Social Impact 18 19 1.4. Review of Alternative Opt ns 20 1.5. Environmental Managem t Plan 1.5.1. Brief Description of Key Enr onmental Issues 20 1.5.2. Mitigation Plan 20 1.5.3. Monitoring Plan 20 21 2 REHABILITATION OF TER SUPPLY AND WASTEWATER SERVICES, OPERATED BY THE STA MUNICIPAL WATER UTILITY "DONETSK OBLAST VODOKANAL" 21 2.1. Current Situation 2.2. Proposed Investment Pro ts 2.2.1. Water Supply: Purchase of ater Meters, Flow Regulators, Well Pumps, Booster 38 Pumping Stations, High-PrE sure Pumps and Reverse Osmosis Installations Purchase of Water eters for Apartmental Houses 38 Purchase of Press e Regulation Units (Pressure Reducing Valves and Air 39 Stands) for all 23 0 WSWRF Purchase of Well P mps for 9 ODWSWRF 39 Purchase of Boost Pump Stations and High-Pressure Pumps of Various 40 Capacity Purchase of Rever e Osmosis Installations for Groundwater Treatment 40 2.2.2. Wastewater Collection and reatment: Purchase of Air Blowers, Pumps and Mobile 40 Sludge Dewatering/Packa g Plants Purchase of Air Bl ers for 16 ODWSWRF 40 Purchase of Sewa Pumps of Varying Capacity for 12 ODWSWRF 41 Purchase of Mobil Sludge Dewatering/Packaging Plants 41 2.2.3. Water Supply and Wastew er Treatment: Purchase and Installation of Sodium 41 Hypochlorite Production PI t 42 2.3. Analysis of Potential Env onmental Impacts 2.3.1. Physical Impacts 42 2.3.2. Social Impact 43 44 2.4. Review of Alternative Op ons 45 2.5. Environmental Manage, nt Plan 2.5.1. Brief Description of Key E ironmental Issues 45 2.5.2. Mitigation Plan 45 2.5.3. Monitoring Plan 45 INSTITUTIONAL ISSUES 46 48 I. PUBLIC CONSULTATIO CONCLUSIONS 49 50 NNEX A - Materials on Public Consult tions IN RODUCTION D netsk oblast is located in South- astern part of Ukraine. In the southwest, the area b rders with Zaporizhzhia and Dnip petrovsk Oblasts, on the Northeast - with Lugansk East - with Rostov Cblast, which is a Russian territory. Southern part of O last, on the 2 o last borders with Azov Sea. Thb area of the oblast - 26.5 thousand kM , which c nstitutes 4.4% of the total area of t ie country. Total population of oblast is 4.95 mi ion (approximately 10% of the total population of the c untry). Population density is 191 person/kM2, 90% of which lives in the cities and to nships. Population density in Dc etsk oblast is the highest in Ukraine. Also, it is the o last with highest percentage of ur n population. O last is divided into 18 districts. T re are 49 cities and towns in the oblast. The largest are Donetsk (above 1 million peo le), Mariupol' and Makeevka (above 500 thousand p ople), Gorlovka, Kramatorsk and ' laviansk. There are 1120 villages in the oblast. D netsk oblast is one of the most industrially developed oblasts in Ukraine. There are m Dre than 2000 industrial enter rises (800 of which are the major enterprises), s ecializing in coal mining, ene y generation, heavy machinery production and c nstruction materials. More than 00 mineral deposit sites are in exploitation in the o last. H gh concentration of industry, eveloped agricultural sector and wide transport in rastructure, as well as high popul tion density create a significant impact on biosphere - pi obably the highest not only within e Ukraine, but also all over Europe. D onetsk oblast is one of the most nvironmentally "tense" regions in Ukraine. The most a ute problems in oblast are the issues of the air and water pollution, as well as a cumulation of industrial (often haz rdous) wastes, especially from the mining industry. T e city of Donetsk is an administr tive, economic and cultural centre of Donetsk oblast. Conetsk is located on the border Kalmius river. It is located on intersection of major r ilroads and highways. There is a airport in the city. There are 9 districts in the city - B udenovskiy, Voroshilovskiy, Kali skiy, Kievskiy, Kirovskiy, Kujbyshevskiy, Leninskiy, Petrovskiy and Proletarskiy. T e city territory is 35834 ha, 232 ha are built up territories; 18223 ha are vegetated a eas. y the beginning of 1990, the cit population constituted 1,1 million people and had a t ndency to increase as a result population migration from the rural areas and other r gions. At present, there is a tende cy to decrease in total population. According to historical data, the ci was established at the end of 17th century, when a s ttlement of settled Cossacks wa founded, named "Alexandrovskaya sloboda". Further evelopment of the city was conne ted with discovering and beginning of mining of coal eposits in 1820.
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