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Jnlted States Oeaanrnent of the Intenor Yat~onarPatk Serv~ce National Register of Historic Places Registration Form -L 5 ':-m 13:or USB In nominatlna ot ,eauestlna Gere*m~naeonstor Inalvldual OroDeflres am datrlczs. See lnstrucrions in How ro GomQrete the '.??ronar Gea~srero: H~sroncP'aces n'eparralton Frlr~~hrarronal Aea~sfer Bulletin 16A) Carnofete eacn Itern bv maritrna u ' In the appropnats box Or :. enrerrna tne Intormatfun reauestw. II an Item UO~Sno1 amrv to the Dropem aerng docurnentw, enter 'MIA" for 001 ap0llcaQle." For funetlons. rcnltl?ctural classitlcatlon nxerjals, and areas or s,onlllcance. enrer onlv cateqorles ana suocateqorles from the ~nstrucllons.Place addrtlonal T'IIIIPS ana narrative lrems on contlnuatlon sneets I~PSForm 10-9Wa) Use a rvpewrlrer, word prmessor, or ComouIer. to complete all Items. 7. Name of Property Cuckoo his for;^ name - 1 ,:[her narnestsrle num?ler - TUC~OO -3ce; "DPF File Yo, 54-76 - srreet & flurnoer -?tersecticr? zf I:. ?. ??. ?3 & Rt. 722 :South) 1 notforpublicationN/A Vircini3 state code --.- county Louisa ccde 1139 z~pcode23117 3. S tateJFderal Agency Certification ! As- the deslqnated aulhontv under the National Hlstonc Presenmtmn An, as amended. I hereby certdv that thls anom~hn :ewest for detemlnatlon of ellg~bilitymeets the documentatr~nstandards for regrstenng progertres rn the National Regrster of : Htstorlc Places and meets the prwedural and ~rofess~onalreqolrements set forth rn 36 CFR Pan 60.In my oplnlan, the Property 3 meets Z! does not meet the Natlonal Reg~stercntena. I recommend that thls prmrty be considered slgnrficanr 2 natlonallv statewide I~Cally.(E See com!nuatlbn sheet for addrtional comments.) I I -1 iZLiiL] " ' Sjgnature at cemlyng offclaLfTitle Date Director, Virginia Department of Estoric Resources State or Fmeral agemy ano bureau In my opmlon. the property meets 0 does not meet Ihe National Reglster crrteria. (0Sea continuation sheet for additional comments.) Signature of ceRlfylng officialfFtle Date State or Federal ageq and bureau 4. National Park Se~ceCertification I herebv ceflrty that the oropefly IS: Signature of the Keeper Date of &ttor~ 1 enlered. - rn !he National Register. See contlnuatlon sheet. - , determlnw el!grble for the Natronal Regrs~er - See conllnualm stleet. deterrn~nedna! elralble tor the Nallonal Regrster - removed from the Natronal F;ealster C,lrKnn- Loulsa-- County, I'irainia '.ame 01 r-noenv -0unlv ana Slate 5. Classlflcatlon Ownersh~oof Property Categov of Property Number of Resources w~thinProperty "Eck as ,ran" noxes as apply) Check uliv ope naxl DO no1 include Dreviouslv 11stW resources in the count I -. dlstrlct a 0 ~p ~~ - bulldings - s~te . - structure --1 !3 sites - ob~ect 0 - 0 Structures 0 0 objects 9 0 Total Name of related multiple property listing Number of contributing resources previously listed Enter A'1 oroperry s not pan of a rnultlple propenv i,stlng.) in the National Register (Enter categar~estiom ~nsrruct~onsl (Enter calegor~esfrom instrucrlonsl DOMESTIC: Single Dwellinc DOMESTIC: Sinsle Dwelling FU?!EPJ..IIYY: Cemeterv F'UPIEPARY : Cemetery HEALTH CARE: Doctor's Office 7. Descnpt~on Architectural Classlticstion Materials (Enter categories from ~nslructlom) (Enter catsgones from lnstrunlons) Federal foundation Brick Brick Colonial Revival walls roof Slate other Narrative Description (DBScrtbe the hlnonc and curmnl condilh of the propry on one w mecontlnuafwn sheets.) See Attached Cuckoo ~~~ - - -. Lauisa r-tg, Jbinia 'dame ot Propenv ':cunlv ana State 8. Statement of Significance Applicable National Register Criter~a Areas of Sign~ficance '.lark r n one or mare oaxes tor tne ir~!etaoualitvlna !ne sruveni knter i:aleqorles tram ~nstructionsi r tgatlonal lieqlsret !$stinq z~.rcnitecture~- . ~ -- .- -r A Propenv IS associated wtth events that nave rnaoe Health/!ledicine~-~ - i slgntitcant contrlbutlon to the broaa Danerns or urhtstorv. B Propenv IS assoc~atedw~th the lives or persons stgnlflcant In our past .< C Propeny embodles the dlstlnctive character~st~cs of a type. perlod, or methoa of constructlon or represents the work of a master or possesses titgh artlstlc values. or represents a slgnlflcant ana distlngulshabie entlty whose components lack Period of Significance ndlvldual dlstlnctlon 1819 - 1938 ~ p~~ D Propeny has vtelded. or IS l~kelyto yteld. informat~onImportant in prenlstorv or nlstorv Criter~aCons~derations Sign~ticantDates Matk x n ail tne boxes tnat apply I 1819, 1910 Property IS: 1888, 1935 3 A owned by a relfglous lnstltutlon or used for rel~g~ouspurposes. Significant Person C B removed from 11s orlglnal location. (Complete 11 Crlterlon B is marked above1 N/A d C a btrthplace or grave. Cultural Affiliation 7 D a cemetery. M/A - J E a reconstructed bulldlng, object. or structure. L3 F a commemorative property. G less than 50 years of age or achieved significance ArchitecUBuilder within the past 50 years. Makielski, Stanislaw J. Narrative Statement of Significance (Explam the slgnlficam of the properly on one or more cominuation sheets.) 9. Major Bibliographical References Blbilography (Cite the books. anrles, and owner sources used in prepanng thts form on one or more conttnuauon sheets.) Previous documentation on file (NPS): Primary location of additional data: i; preliminary determination of individual listing (36 [4 State Historic Preservat~onOffice CFR 67) has been requested Other State agency 5 previously listed in the National Register Federal agency 7 prev~ouslydetermined eligible by the Nat~onal C Local government - Register (1Un~vers~ty - des~gnateda National Historlc Landmark 1Other l recorded by Histor~cAmerlcan Bulldings Survey Name of repository: # n recorded by Historic American Engineertng Record # Laulsa (Count.', .'Lrclnla mnlv an0 State ' 3 Geographical Data , - icreage of Property - 1. ? <^YE5 -- -- - iJTM References -' -ice aoalrlonal u'\l references an a COntlnUatlOn sneet I J - .-I! A X See conrinuarlon sneer '/erbal Boundary Descrlptlon :sscrioe the bounaarles or rne Dropenv on a canllnuarion sceer 1 Boundary Justification Explain wn" tne counaarles were selected on a contlnuarlon sneet.) ' 1. Form Prepared By :rgan~zat~on date '.larch 1, 1994 3:reet & number Dt - ' r 30x 16 8 804-798-5676 Glen Allen Va 23060 city or town - state . z~pcode Additional Documentation Submit the following Items wlth the completed lorm: Continuation Sheets Maps A USGS map (7.5 or 15 minute ser~es)indicat~ng the property's location. A Sketch map for historic districts and properties hav~nglarge acreage or numerous resources. Photographs Representative black and white photographs of the property. Additional items (Check wlh the SHW or FWfor any addltlonal items) Property Owner (Complete thls Item at the request of SHPO or FPO) name Jane Pendleton Wootton & Percv Fiootton street & number 17 Tapoan Road telephone 804-288-3123 Richmond Va 23226 c~tyor town state . z~pcode Paperwork Reduction Act Statement: This Information is belng collected for applications to the National Reg~sterof Hislonc Places to nwnlnate cropenles for list~ngor determine eligobilihl for lin~ng.to list propsnles. and to amend exlsting itn~ngs.Response to this request 1s requtred to obtain i Denell1 in accoraance wlth the Natlonal Hlstor~cPresewatlon Ad, as amended (16 U.S.C. 470 el ssq). Estimated Burden SUtement: Public reponlng burden lor lhls ton 6 entmated to average 18.1 hours per response lnciuding tlme for rWming nnrucuons. gathering and malntalning data, and comple(~ngand revlewlng the form. Direct comments regarding this burden enlmate or any asPd 01 th!~form lo the Chief. Adrnlnlstratne SeNlces Division. Natmnal Park Sewce. P.O. Box 37127. Washlnglon. DC 2001%7127: and the Ctk~Of Management and Budget. Papemork Reductions Projects (1M4M18).Washlnglon. DC 20503. United States Department of the Interlor Uational par^ Se~~ce National Register of Historic Places Continuation Sheet Sect~onnumber Page - Cuckoo, Louisa County, -2 SUMMARY DESCRIPTION Cuckoo, built about 1819 for Henry Pendleton, is a prominent visual iandmark along the well-traveled U.S. Route 33 in Louisa County. The two level portico, four chimneys, and unusual one-story semicircular closet tucked between two of the chimneys are notable features of the house. Standing in the yard is a small frame building that served as a doctor's office and guest house. Just north of -he house is a second doctor's office, built around 1888 and moved to this site from across the road in 1972 when the highway was widened. It continued to be used as a doctor's office until 1979. Also situated on the property is a late nineteenth/early twentieth century octagon-shaped, well house, a dependency first used as a kitchen and later as a smokehouse, a frame barn built about 1910, and a frame garage. About a quarter mile south of the house, the Pendleton family cemetery stands on a knoll in a copse of tall oaks. This complex of buildings, along with the long Pendleton family tradition of Louisa County doctors, combine to make Cuckoo a significant historical as well as visual landmark. ARCHITECTURAL ANALYSIS Cuckoo is prominently sited on a major highway that actually curves around the house. Large oak trees shade the house and stately boxwood, much of it planted about 1910 by "Miss Bettie" Pendleton, line the walks. A brick wall, built about the same time, separates the yard from the highway and follows the curve of the road. Piers with stepped caps separate panels of common bond with larger piers at the walkway entrance. A white board fence delineates the side boundaries of the yard. Open fields surround the building complex butthe remainder of the approximately 156-acre tract is wooded. The house at Cuckoo is the result of several different building campaigns. As it stands today, it is a two-story, three-bay brick dwelling with a slate-covered gable roof. The facade is laid in Flemish bond with the sides and rear laid in three- and five-course American bond. There are four exterior-end chimneys with an unusual semicircular closet between the chimneys on the south side and a traditional one-story pent closet on the north side.
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