January 20, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S101 MT, in June 1961. Realizing his poten- the special assistant for the B–1B pro- so willing to put their country before tial, Orland was promoted to Field gram to the deputy chief of staff for re- themselves. The answer is that we find Representative in 1965, Operations Su- search, development, and acquisition, these people in places like Norman, pervisor in Grand Forks, ND, in 1971, and from 1983–1985 commanded the 2nd OK, where service to our country is an and Staff Officer at the Denver Re- Bombardment Wing, the Strategic Air honor beyond all others and its own re- gional Office in 1973. Command’s largest operational unit. In ward. Mr. Bergen was selected for the Staff his last Government assignment he I offer my gratitude and congratula- Development Program in January of held the dual positions of Director of tions to Jim for all he has done in 40 1975 and became the Public Affairs As- Special Programs for the deputy chief years of service to our Nation, and sistant in the Regional Office in Den- of staff for research, development, and wish him and his wife Tammy my very ver, CO, in August of that same year. acquisition and Director of Low Ob- best wishes in their well-deserved re- He moved to Pueblo, CO, in 1978 as As- servable Technology for the Defense tirement.∑ sistant District Manager and was reas- Department. f signed as branch manager in LaJunta, Our Nation owes Jim Evatt a debt of CO, in January of 1993. Orland served gratitude just for his Air Force service, MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE on a variety of details in the Denver re- from his combat assignments in Viet DURING ADJOURNMENT gional office and the Colorado Dis- Nam to his intimate involvement in ability Determination Services, until the development of stealth technology. being reassigned in January 1994 and When Jim retired from the Air Force ENROLLED BILL SIGNED coming home to Montana to his he went right to work at Boeing, intent Under authority of the order of the present position as district manager in upon continuing to contribute to our Senate of January 6, 2005, the Sec- the Social Security Administration’s Nation’s defense. He has held numerous retary of the Senate, on January 6, Billings District Office, as their dis- positions over his 18 years at Boeing, 2005, during the adjournment of the trict manager. to include President of the Information Senate, received a message from the When Mr. Bergene retired January 3, and Communication Systems Groups; House of Representatives announcing 2005, we lost a very dedicated and car- Executive Vice President of the De- that the Speaker has signed the fol- ing public servant. He is an inspiration fense and Space Group; Vice President lowing enrolled bill: to us all, and a great teacher to many of Marketing and Strategic Analysis; H.R. 241. An act to accelerate the in- who have worked for and with the So- Director of Strategic Analysis and Ad- come tax benefits for charitable cash cial Security Administration. I have vanced Development; Program Man- contributions for the relief of victims personal knowledge of Orland’s dedica- ager for the Grumman/Boeing/Lock- of the Indian Ocean tsunami. tion, and commitment, not only to his heed AX fighter aircraft team for the Under the authority of the order of profession, but more importantly to Military Airplanes Division; Director January 6, 2005, the enrolled bill was the people he worked with, and the of Advanced Product Development; and signed by the President pro tempore citizens he worked for. Thank you, Director of Preliminary Design. (Mr. STEVENS) during the adjournment Orland, for your service to our coun- Jim Evatt’s contributions to our Na- of the Senate, on January 6, 2005. try.∑ tion’s defense over the last 5 years are f f particularly noteworthy, during which time he has been indispensable to the RETIREMENT OF JAMES W. EVATT EXECUTIVE REPORT OF progress of America’s missile defense COMMITTEE ∑ Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. President, today program. Jim became the program I take the opportunity to note the im- manager of the Groundbased Midcourse The following executive report of pending retirement of James W. Evatt Defense program, or GMD as it is now committee was submitted: from The Boeing Company and con- known, shortly after Integrated Flight By Mr. LUGAR for the Committee on For- gratulate him for his 4 decades of serv- Test-5 ended in a failure. eign Relations. ice to our country. First he led Boeing’s examination of *Condoleezza Rice, of California, to be Sec- retary of State. In all the debates over defense pro- that failure, and then was rewarded grams we often forget the human di- with the opportunity to lead GMD’s in- *Nomination was reported with rec- mensions of these issues. It is all too dustry team. In combination with ommendation that it be confirmed sub- easy to think of programs by their Major General Bill Nance, now retired, ject to the nominee’s commitment to names and forget that real people work Jim focused the GMD program on those respond to requests to appear and tes- hard every day to make a difference in activities which were necessary to tify before any duly constituted com- the defense of our country. evolve the program from what was es- mittee of the Senate. Jim Evatt has been one these people sentially a demonstration to a de- f for the past 40 years, first during 22 ployed system. That they did this dur- ORDER FOR PRINTING OF years of service in the Air Force and ing a period of time in which the execu- INAUGURAL CEREMONY then these last 18 years with Boeing. tive branch was focused more on pre- To day that the emergence of our Na- serving the ABM Treaty as the so- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I tion has been a remarkable success, called ‘‘cornerstone of strategic sta- ask unanimous consent that the pro- one we can be so proud of, is due in no bility’’ than it was on protecting ceedings from today’s inaugural cere- small measure to the fact that we can America, Americans, and American in- mony be printed in today’s CONGRES- claim remarkable people like Jim terests from the threat of missile at- SIONAL RECORD. Evatt among our most devoted citi- tack is truly remarkable and some- The PRESIDENT pro tempore. With- zens. thing for which future generations will out objection, it is so ordered. Jim was born in Norman, OK, less be grateful. f than 6 months before the United States In the year prior to fielding ground- entered World War II. Jim attended the based interceptions at Ft. Greely, AK, INAUGURAL PROCEEDINGS University of Oklahoma for a year be- Jim again assumed direct responsi- Inauguration of George W. Bush, fore deciding that the Air Force Acad- bility for industry’s conduct of the Thursday, January 20, 2005, 11:30 a.m. emy was the right place to be. After GMD program. I am confident that our The Joint Chiefs of Staff assembled graduation he served with distinction Nation’s deployment of interceptors is on the President’s platform. in the Air Force in Viet Nam, first fly- due in no small measure to the leader- The Diplomatic Corps assembled on ing B–52 missions and then flying the ship and dedication of Jim Evatt. the President’s platform. O–2 aircraft as a forward air controller. I could go on at some length, but to Members of the House of Representa- He held positions in a variety of assign- do that would only embarrass this tives of the United States, led by the ments as a pilot in both the Strategic humble, God-fearing patriot. We some- majority whip, ROY BLUNT, and the mi- and Tactical Air Commands. Jim was times wonder how our Nation came to nority whip, STENY HOYER, assembled part of the B–1 Joint Test Force, was be so great, where we find Americans on the President’s platform. VerDate Aug 04 2004 01:52 Jan 22, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G20JA6.003 S20PT1 S102 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 20, 2005 Members of the Senate of the United firm their solemn oath of obligation to commend them to Your care. Give States, escorted by Senate secretary support and defend the Constitution. them courage to carry out their duties for the majority, David Schiappa, and The inaugural ceremony is a seminal and courage to face the perils which Senate secretary for the minority, moment in our Nation’s history. It is beset them and grant them always a Martin Paone, assembled on the Presi- the culmination of a triumphant demo- sense of Your presence in all that they dent’s platform. cratic process that for centuries has do. Former Speaker of the House of Rep- placed power in the will of the people, Finally, today, we are especially resentatives, Newt Gingrich, accom- and a unique moment when our leaders grateful for this inauguration which panied by Mrs. Gingrich; former Vice stand before the Nation and take an marks a new beginning in our journey President and Mrs. Dan Quayle; the oath to uphold a set of principles cho- as a people and a nation. We pray that Governors of the United States and its sen by those people. It is a time when You will shower the elected leaders of territories; the President’s Cabinet, all Americans can unite in apprecia- this land, and especially George, our and the Supreme Court of the United tion of our great Republic, while look- President, and Richard, our Vice Presi- States assembled on the President’s ing to the future with confidence and dent, with Your lifegiving spirit.
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