October 2008 UpdateNews for the Members of SAE International SAE plays major role in China International Auto Parts Expo Members asked A co-organizer of the China International Auto Parts Expo (CIAPE) 2008, to be held to vote for SAE November 12-15, 2008, in Beijing, China, SAE International, as part of its compre- Board of Directors hensive participation plan, will organize From November 1-30, SAE International and present a special Executive Power- voting members are encouraged to par- train Panel. This two-hour program will ticipate in the election of the President feature senior-level leaders at prominent and Directors. Those elected will officially powertrain companies/organizations from begin their term on the SAE Board of around the world discussing the latest Directors in January 2009. technologies. The voting process will occur on SAE’s A second special SAE event will address website (www.sae.org/encvoting). trends in the automotive industry, presented by Neil Schilke, Managing Director of the Officer nominee: Automotive Resources Institute, an SAE In- 2009 President: James E. Smith, West Vir- ternational affiliate organization. Schilke will ginia University discuss new and advanced technologies and trends that are impacting the global automo- 2009-2011 Director nominees: tive OEM marketplace. By understanding Hal M. Heule, US Airways the long-term trends and how they affect Laura Hitchcock, Boeing Co. the supply chain, attendees can gain insight Andris Lacis, BTG Systems Inc. to positioning their companies for future During a June visit to China, a delegation led by SAE Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer David L. Schutt and 2008 SAE President Thomas W. Ryan III (second and Ronald D. Matthews, University of Texas– success. third from left, respectively) met with officials of the Ningbo Municipal Economic Committee Austin Both the powertrain panel and trends ses- and the Ningbo Autoparts Association at the Ningbo Automotive Component Testing Center. Mark Pope, General Motors Corp. sion will feature simultaneous translation, SAE is co-sponsoring next month’s China International Auto Parts Expo in Beijing. Gregory E. Saunders, U.S. Department of and each will be followed by a question- Defense and-answer session. At CIAPE, SAE will showcase its many and global competitiveness. In coopera- about STEP. For questions regarding the election, offerings developed specifically for the tion with the Ministry of Commerce, SAE SAE will also have a booth at CIAPE fea- please contact the Executive Office at 724- China automotive supply market, including will honor the charter STEP participants at turing a special display on SAE standards. 772-4035. the new SAE Supplier Technology Excel- a luncheon ceremony. This is a prime net- Here, attendees can learn more about the lence Program (STEP), designed to help working opportunity for invited guests to many programs, products, and resources of automotive supply companies with product meet informally with SAE technical experts SAE. innovation, the acquisition of technology, and STEP participants, and to learn more SAE offers new ‘Fast Tracks’ online courses The first offering in SAE International’s new “Fast Tracks” for six or more students and site license options are also series of short-duration online courses is now available. available. “Laminated Glass: Design Considerations for Vehicle Door Needing only a laptop or PC with an Internet connection, Systems” is a 40-min course that provides an overview of anyone can participate in Fast Tracks at their own conve- best practices for the integration of laminated glass into nience, without the expense of travel or time away from the vehicle door systems. workplace. Additional Fast Track courses are scheduled to Designed to address the growing demand for faster, more be announced in forthcoming months. For more information, efficient ways to learn, Fast Tracks feature animated presen- visit www.sae.org/fasttracks. Subject-matter experts interest- tation screens (including video, graphics, photos, and text) ed in submitting a proposal for Fast Tracks development are synchronized with audio instruction. Knowledge checks are invited to contact e-Learning Manager Shirley Ann Minehart incorporated throughout the course to reinforce learning and at [email protected]. retention of key concepts. The Laminated Glass Fast Track looks at the evolution of vehicle glazing and the benefits and challenges associated with the adoption of laminated glass in automobiles. Instruc- A technician at PPG’s Auto OEM Windshields plant in tors are Peter T. Dishart, Manager, Laminated Glass Division, Hawkesbury, Ontario, Canada, examines a windshield for PPG Industries Inc., and DeWitt Lampman, Staff Engineer, possible defects. A pair of instructors from PPG will lead the PPG Glass Research. “Laminated Glass: Design Considerations for Vehicle Door Topics covered during the course include laminated glaz- Systems” Fast Track. ing selection criteria, automotive glass strength character- ization, static stresses and door design considerations, and Systems” (Product Code: PD130810ON) is available for $79 laminated glass performance analysis techniques. ($69 for SAE members). Participants receive three months of “Laminated Glass: Design Considerations for Vehicle Door online access to the 40-min presentation. Quantity discounts Update Editorial Message from the President Ryan’s remarks Mail call… well-received by SAE staff This month, I have decided to address a subject that often munications that are more results in a significant and fervent response from many of closely aligned with our In August, 2008 SAE President Thomas W. Ryan III re- our members—mail from SAE International. members’ interests. turned to the state of his childhood—Pennsylvania—and I can only imagine the thoughts that I have evoked by just In fact, each individual visited SAE International World Headquarters in Warren- this comment. Let me assure you that I, too, am sensitive member can already begin dale. There he made great efforts to interact with staff and about the amount of mail that I receive from SAE. In fact, I this process; simply go had the opportunity to deliver a presentation as part of have investigated this issue and here are some interesting to the SAE International SAE’s “Chat with the Experts” series. facts. website (www.sae.org), log Ryan, an Institute Engineer at Southwest Research • SAE International is involved in organizing more than 30 in as a member, and tailor Institute—the highest technical position attainable at conferences, congresses, and symposia every year. your own individual profile SwRI—provided staff members with a first-hand glimpse • There are more than 300 educational seminars, Webinars, to reflect those offerings that at the issues that are driving the latest global emissions and e-Learning products offered each year through our Pro- would be of most interest regulations and gave his perspective on the positives and fessional Development activities. to you. negatives of the next generation of engines and fuels. • SAE International publishes more than 3000 technical In the meantime, we will Ryan was introduced to the staff by new Executive Vice papers and more than 400 special publications and books, in keep working to improve President and Chief Operating Officer David L. Schutt, addition to developing, maintaining, and distributing more how we provide information who said that during the course of his career he has than 9000 technical standards. to you. worked with 17 organization presidents and described These are some impressive statistics; and, needless to say, I welcome all constructive comments and input. Please feel Ryan as “best in class.” Ryan responded to those remarks the details regarding the timing and availability of these free to e-mail [email protected] by saying that as President he has had “nothing but the ever-changing technical events and publications must be most positive,” dealings with Schutt. conveyed in some fashion to our members. When discussing global emissions regulations, which he I can tell you that SAE International staff members assure described as the biggest driver of new engine technology, me that the best way to deliver such relevant information is Ryan illustrated just how stringent emissions regulations by through the mailings that often elicit comments. stating that in some cases by simply breathing on the filter, I have been working this year to improve the value “you have already flunked the test.” He also explained that proposition for being a member of SAE International. I the root of soot formation is incomplete combustion, and believe that one way we can improve the value is through Thomas W. Ryan III that Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition is one ap- a more tailored understanding of our members’ interests. 2008 President proach being used to control the ignition process. In the future I think that there will be great strides made in SAE International At SwRI, Ryan leads the Clean Diesel and High-Effi- developing this understanding. The result will be com- ciency Dilute Gasoline Engine (HEDGE) consortiums and discussed the efforts the programs are making to refine combustion in diesel and gasoline engines. SAE News Clean Diesel, now in its fifth iteration, Ryan explained, is a $3.5 million project with more than 45 OEM and supplier members that is examining low-temperature combustion modes in light-duty diesel engines and high exhaust gas United Way, SAE International both winners
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