THE NINETY-NINES, Inc. INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION OF WOMEN PILOTS News Letter International Headquarters • Will Rogers Field P.O.Box 1444 • Oklahoma City, Oklahoma FEBRUARY 1956 On January 15 I enjoyed a meeting with the very active Kansas Chapter. High winds - PRESIDENT'S COLUMN but i t was a r e a l p le a su r e to see so many girls fly in. SCHOLARSHIP February 1, 1956 The Nominating and Resolutions Committees A DEADLINE TO MEET It was January 11, 1937 that Amelia Earhart have started their work preparing for the flew from Hawaii to the Mainland. When 99 business to be taken care of at our if you need $300 to get that coveted rating Amelia was asked why she would take such 1956 convention. You can help these two for your career in aviation. Applications chances, she would say, "I want to do it committees if you will fill in their forms f o r the 1956 AMELIA EARHART MEMORIAL SCHOL­ because I want to do it" and then she would and answer their letters at your very ARSHIP must be postmarked March 20 or before. say, "Women must try to do things men have earliest convenience. Thanks. t r ie d and i f th ey f a i l t h e ir f a i lu r e must Send your request for an application form be a challenge to others." Only we that Have worked in Headquarters several days t o : love to fly can appreciate this. this month. I always leave saying a prayer Jeannette L. Sovereign of thanks that we have Dorothy Morgan who 2136 Center Avenue Have been asked to speak on "Women in A v i­ is a 99er and has worked with the C.A.A. Bay City, Michigan a t io n " s e v e r a l tim es l a t e l y . What a su b­ for years with her sincere, personal in­ ject I Thought I would do some research terest in the welfare of our grand organi­ In the meantime, have a photo or suitable from all the available sources on the very z a t io n . solo snapshot available to enclose with f i r s t women th at fle w . The m a te r ia l was your a p p lic a t io n . You may a ls o a tta ch a On behalf of our membership, I would like scattered,conflicting and interesting. I one-page recommendation from your employer to find a stronger way to thank the fo l­ feel the true history of the first women or some other person whom you consider to fly should be compiled in as complete lowing for donating to our Headquarters n e e d s : should be a c c e p ta b le to the Ju dges. The and a ccu ra te form as p o s s ib le and k ep t in application must be notarized. Let me re­ our 99 Headquarters. I believe that a peat these two facts: women's flying organization such as ours Lois Belle Cassidy of Chicago for the mimeograph machine. We are using it will be the first place people will refer 1. Even though you have applied for the to for such information 100 years from and it works wonderfully well. Many th a n k s. Scholarship in prior years without success, now. Yo” would be su rp rise d to know how you are welcome to try again. difficult it is to secure information on th is s u b je c t o f e a r ly women f l y e r s and Loretta Solvick for two shades for the office. 2. The purpose for which you are applying how conflicting is such information. need not be for an airman's rating for flight, but must be related to aviation. Did you realize that in 1733 Madame Dorothy Rice for the two planters for the office. Perhaps your career in aviation w ill be in Thible of France went up in a balloon metereology, engineering, airway or tower as a passenger. From 1804 ’on, Madame Santa Clara Valley Chapter for $10.00 control, air-age education or some other re­ Blanchard flew frequently solo. Napoleon lated field. appointed her as Chief of the Air Service. which we are saving for our lounge furni­ tu re . Her life was most interesting. In 1863 After you receive this issue of the News­ Eliza Garnerin was the first woman to The Dallis Unit for the beautiful letter, less than a month will be left in Jump by parachute. In 19°1 Madame Alda which to send for your 1956 application de Asosta flew a powered dirigible solo mosaic tile top coffeetable with "99 " w ork­ ed in blue and white. form, to fill it out and get it into the for one hour and twenty-five minutes over 1 mail again, postmarked on or before March Paris - all this was five months before 20t h . the Wright Brothers flew. In 1908 there Many of the problems that come into Head­ quarters could be answered by referring to Jeannette L. Sovereign was one E n g lish and two French women Chairman your Constitution and By-laws. claiming to be the first to fly. In 1910 Board of Trustees the Aeronautical Society claims Bessica Raiche as being the first American woman If you change your address or name, please to fly. In 1912 Harriet Quimby was the notify your 99 headquarters. Thanks. first woman to be licensed . In 1913 Ma- thelda Moisent was second. In 1913 SAFE FLYING IS NO ACCIDENT. AIR EDUCATION Catherine Stinson was third. In 191^ Marjory Stinson was fourth. The family NATIONAL AVIATION EDUCATION COUNCIL life and flying career of the Stinsons was SIXTH ANNUAL CONFERENCE very interesting. After reading about Hotel New Yorker Catherine Stinson, I really want to take March 15-17, 1956 a back seat. That gal had something that we are a l l proud o f . Then came Ruth Law Among the sp eak ers who have accep ted to ad­ and many o t h e r s . dress the National Aviation Education Con­ ference are: Donald Douglas, Jr.J Arthur The Womens N a tion a l A e ro n a u tica l A s s o c i­ Godfrey; Mr. Johnson, Vice-President Convalr; a tio n i s a grand group o f women w orking Tom Lamphler, President, N.A.A.; Admiral Ram­ for the Advancement of aviation the same s e y ; S tu a rt T ip to n , P r e s id e n t, ATA; A rthur as we are. They really did themselves C. Clarke, British rocket authority who proud again January 13. Tulsa Unit WNAA it’s later c a u s t i c a l l y sums I t up when he s a y s , "Atom ic gave a banquet honoring Jacqueline Cochran energy has made space travel not only pos­ by presenting model planes of different sible, but desirable". aircraft she had flown to the Smithsonian than you think! Institute. Moss Patterson was M.C. Gen. Thursday night, March 15, Is open and the Nathan Twining, Chief of the Air Force, NY-NJ Section of 99's Is planning a social presented a plaque to Jacqueline for the dinner meeting to which you and your friends WNAA. Charles J. Lowen, the new appointee tHe 1956 AV/TAR are Invited. Further Information will be to head our C.A.A., was to speak on "Women posted at the registration desk. Governor in Aviation", but instead spoke on his IS lessthavi Selma Cronan, 175 Ames Ave., Leonia, N. J., past experiences with Jacqueline during would love to get a card If you expect to World War II, some were not too pleasant, 6 months away - come. If you have any problems pertinent but amusing. Best of all, our 99's were to your visit, perhaps the Governor or I well represented and all most happy to see better" start planning! could help you. this well deserved honor paid to our be­ Standing by -- loved Jacqueline Cochran. Kay B rick down by officialdom and paper work. I spent INTERNATIONAL OFFICERS T«e B ulletin Board 1 hours at a time on instruments when on the long ocean hops...on all there was very low PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENT TO: SECTION GOVERNORS clo u d o r haze o r b o th . Must do some more CHAPTER CHAIRMEN long ocean hops; have the Pacific in mind Edna Gardner Whyte Broneta Davis for the future..." Such is the ambition of our A.E. Scholarship winner.' 3155 W illon Park Dr. Minco, Oklahoma In accordance with the Constituion of the ***** Ninety-Nines, Inc., which requires that any Fort Worth 11, Texas prop osed amendment to the C o n s titu io n and FREDA THOMPSON, Australia, is just back from By-Laws be submitted in writing to all a six-month daunt to South Africa and South East Asia. 'i am longing to drag my little SECRETARY TREASURER Sections and Chapters thirty days before the International Meeting, the Resolutions Moth ou t o f the hanger once again and blow the cobwebs off it. A new Ninety-Nine soon- Eugenia R. Heise Jimmie Kolp Committee requests that you send in such proposed amendments to me postmarked no sored by Male Casey, Freda is probably the 5019 N.
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