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NO ACCIDENTS IN To Decorate Gram Of TOMORROW FEW CHANGES IN Plans For Anniversary CARPET COMPANY As has been the custom for TEACHING STAFF years here, tomorrow, Memorial 361 Veterans Tomorrow Day, will be devoted in the full­ PLANT IN MAY est measure possible to doing OF TOWN SCHOOLS Are In The Final Stage reverence to the dead. Busi­ ness, industry, agriculture will Exercises Will Be Held in All the Cemeteries of Safety Campaign 100% entirely suspend their activities Roster for Next Year Successful—Plant Offi­ for the day. Most of the indus­ All the Organized Groups Preparing For 250th the Town, With Veterans' Organizations and trial plants, including the Bige- Announced Yesterday cials Express Gratifica­ low-Sanford Carpet Company Shows That Practical­ Anniversary of the Town Are Busily Engaged Patriotic Societies in Charge — Old Soldiers will close this evening, and re­ tion and Appreciation sume operations next Monday. ly All the Old Instruc­ In Putting the Finishing Touches On Arrange* Will Be the Guests of Honor. The stores, except the few that of Employes' Efforts. public necessity compels other­ tors Will Return. ments For This Momentous Event. The graves of 361 veterans of all wise, will be closed for the day. TO CELEBRATE the wars in which the country has As we go to press, the employes of All of them will remain open According to an announcement The general committee, and the engaged who were citizens of Enfield the local plant of the Bigelow-San- this evening. The -town build­ made yesterday by Superintendent of several sub-committees that are oc­'HAZARDVILLE will be decorated with" appropriate ford Carpet Company have practical­ ing and the Enfield Public Li­ |Schools Edgar H. Parkman, the ros­ cupied with the planning of the cele­ ceremony at the annual Memorial brary will be closed for the day ter of instructors and teachers in the bration of the 250th anniversary of ANNIVERSARY Day exercises tomorrow. The exer­ ly completed their first entirely suc­ and all other civic or public ac­ I Enfield schools for the next year is the town next month, are working at cises will as usual be in charge of cessful "no-accident" May campaign. tivities suspended. There are l completed, and all but two of the as­ COUPLE FETED Exercises Commemorat­ the veterans' organizations and pa­ With only two days of the month re­ no athletic or social affairs signments have been made. This list, top speed to put the finishing touches triotic societies of the town. They maining, and the plant is to be clos­ planned for the day, the tend­ exclusive of the school superintend­ in the arrangements. A tremendous Mr. and Mrs. William ing 35th Year of Or­ will btgin by the assemblying of the ed in a large measure during those ency to suspend such activities ent and the school nurse, comprises amount of the detail work in connec­ veterans' organizations at 8 o'clock two days, it seems that nothing can for several years past on Mem­ 93 names, substantially the same Charnley Given Fare­ ganization of A. 0. H. in Thompsonville, preparatory to go­ prevent the establishment of a new orial Day, having become a fix­ number as last year. Comparatively tion with this momentous event has Auxiliary to Be Held. ing to Hazardville for the exercises safety record. This is the fifth an­ ture. It will be a day for re­ |few changes have been made in the already been accomplished, but such well Party Before De­ there which take place at 9 o'clock. nual campaign, and the first to be at­ membering the dead in every teaching staff this year. is the magnitude of the task that parture For England. m, T ,. , . ., The veterans' organizations will be tended by no accidents during the sense here. In the high school faculty, Miss there is much yet to be done. So lhe Ladies Auxiliary to the An- assisted in the decorating of the month. As far back as the safety Maura D. Gorman takes the place of much so that the general committee cient Order of Hibernians will cele- i graves in Hazardville by the school records go, and for a far longer per­ Miss Mary D. Griffin, resigned, as voted, at the close of its session last Mr. and Mrs. William Charnley ch ren iod according to the recollection of head of the domestic science depart­ Tuesday night, to meet weekly from brate the 35th anniversary of the or-1 ji? " • • rr , .,, .„ now until the day of the event ar­ were tendered a surprise farewell re­ . , ... The ceremonies in Hazardville will many, this will be absolutely the first MILITARY AND ment. Miss Gorman will be succeed­ ception at their home in the Wallop ganization of this society here, with; be followed by the exercises at the month that the plant has operated ed at the A. D. Higgins School by rives. a banquet and other appropriate ex-1 Enfield and King Street Cemeteries.. without at least one lost-time acci­ Miss Rebecca C. Gager of Somers, Among_the plans completed at the district Saturday evening, that was a ercises at the Weldon Inn, Monday !^s usual the members of Penelope dent. who will graduate from the home meeting Tuesday evening was the ar- most enjoyable occasion for the com­ evening, June 9. In addition to the Terry Abbey Chapter, D. A. R., will This splendid achievement reflects, MEMORIAL TALK economics department of Connecticut rangements for accommodating the large number of the 3000 guests who pany of about 75 relatives and friends local members of" the" organization, assist m these exercises. The chap­ in no small measure, the heights Agricultural College next month. who ter has placed bronze markers on the which may be attained whenever a The new instructor in physical edu- have been invited who are expected participated in it, as well as for the state and county officers will be TO ROTARIANS |t present. The organization was in­ graves of 50 Revolutionary soldiers project of this, or any other kind, cation will be Robert B. * Walker of ? attend the celebration. The hos-|the host and hostess. Whist was stituted here 35 years ago as a local in this cemetery. The exercises will meets with such remarkable support Longmeadow, who succeeds John J. i pitality committee is to list up all the, played and there was also music for take place at the seat at Penelope and co-operation on the part of town Rudert, who has resigned after two !?va^a^e r?oms in the town, includ- 'entertainment. Vocal solos by Mrs. branch of the national women's aux­ Captain John J. Higgins any iliary, with a membership of 148. The Terry Abbey's grave at 10:30 and officials, townspeople in general, and years in that position in the local'. private _homes that would be [Edward Wiesbat'k of Broad Brook first board of officers consisted of will be in charge of Mrs. Frederick every employe of the plant. To the Gives Interesting And high school. willing to provide quarters for one iand a duet by Mr. and Mrs. Charnley Miss Margaret Hartnett, president; E. Hunter, the recently elected reg­ Shop Committee unstinted praise The principal change in the grade or more guests, during that time. were rendered, with piano accompani­ Miss Margaret Burke, vice-president; ent of the chapter. A part of the should be given for the hearty man­ Inspiring Address Be­ schools is a new principal at the Haz­ Many who have forwarded their ac­ ment and solo selections by Mrs. John program will be provided by the ner in which they took hold of their ardville School, who is Floyd B. Dav­ ceptance do not require such accom­ J. Rabbitt of Hazardville. The first Miss Ellie Hughes, recording secre­ fore Members of Local modations, as they will be housed tary; Miss Katherine McConn, finan children of the Enfield Street School. part of the program, and the vigor is of Suffield, who takes the place of prizes in whist were awarded to Mrs. cial secretary, and Miss Josephine! Meantime, a delegation of the Legion with which they entered into the spir­ Club Yesterday. Harry F. Brown, resigned. Mr. Dav­ with friends and relatives while here. John Charnock of Somersville and Sullivan, treasurer. P 'will visit the King Street Cemetery it of the month. There is satisfac­ is has been principal of the Center On the other hand several have ask­ Michael Maloney of Hazardville and During the 35 years of its exist-ifn4 decorate the graves of the Revo- tion enough for all concerned in the School in Suffield for the past four ed that such quarters be provided second prizes to Mrs. Willard Gowdy ence here, the organization has been jlutionary soldiers buried there. successful ending of this worthwhile Captain John J. Higgins, an officer years, and before that taught in and the efforts of the committee for and John Charnock. , very active in benevolent work, not! The exercises in Thompsonville will movement, but if any group be en- in the 104th Massachusetts Regiment, Maine.
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