XLbc IRosal <5a3ette anb Colonist S>aih> INCORPORATING THB ROYAL GAZETTE (Established 1828) and THE BERMUDA COLONIST (Established 1866) VOL. 13 No. 126 HAMILTON, BERMUDA, SATURDAY JUNE 9, 1928. PER COPY 3d. or 6 cents—40/- PER ANNUM COLONIAL Tbey Say. THE HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY. PARUAMENT!*^ *S ju That the Prorogation ceremony was impressive. TRANSPORTATION FIRST. * * * That no time wUl be lost in as- Its Work of the Past 5 Years. PROROGUED. Candidates All Present. sembing the new House. * * * J With the prorogation yesterday carry out the New York-Bermuda The aspirants for parliamentary That the electioas WUl come fast of the Colonial ParUament, mark­ honours were ia the public eye on steamship serviee. AU of the first Dissolution to be Announced and furious. iag the termination of the session were Acts consolidating a number Wednesday eveaing at the mset- 0 0 0 of 1927-1928, and the proclamation of measures relating to the same iag coaveaed at the Towa HaU, St. That the Rotarians had a fine due to appear today dissolving the by Proclamation Today. George's. Iaterest in thiags poU­ subject, and ia the case of the PUot time on Thursday. ParUameat of 1923-1928, the gea­ Aet, 1928, it successfuUy consum­ tical was evinced by the large au­ * * * eral electioa is the aext thiag in dieace, aa_ it was noticeable that mated a series of efforts spread over That the goU was weird and won­ Une, aad ia view of the greater a aumber of years to chaage the at least fifty per cent of the audi­ derful. keenness that is being displayed aU Anticipated that Writs for General ence were ladies; which points to pUotiag from a voluntary service * * * over in every parish in the Colony to a Government service. the question of female suffrage be­ in the constitution of the next Election will be out by Monday. That one player is stiU there try­ As the Goveraor points out, it ing prominent in Bermuda as else­ House of Assembly a summary ing to finish the round. would appear a matter of regret that where, though the caadidates were 0 0 0 of the work of this body for the Dr. And.ew Balfour's report on the Colonial Parliameat was yester­ Punctually at aooa His Ex­ not heckled on the subject. past 5 years wiU be of interest. That he was 180 the last time one sanitary conditions of Bermuda has day prorogued by His Excelleacy celleacy read his speech from the On page 10 of this issue are given Those preseat who were appeal­ heard of him. been aUowedto drop into the back­ the Goveraor uatil Moaday, July Throae, and it wiU be fouad in fuU 0 0* tables showiag the length of each ing for the suffrages of the free­ ground. Beyoad makiag a couple 9th, the event markiag aot oaly oa page 7 of this issue in the offi­ session, with members' attend­ holders, to represent them in the That he stUl had seven holes to cf reports on that sectioa which the ead of the sessioa of 1937-1928 cial report of the proceedings of ances at each, and the number of House of Assembly iacluded the go. dealt with the need for a leprosa­ but the ead of the preseat Parlia­ the House of Assembly. committees oa which they have new candidates, With those Who » • • rium, the select committee which meat. At its conclusion, the Colonial served, together with the amouat had already served in the House. That the Touring Team is to had his report under consideration Boch Legislative Couacil aad Secretary, Hon. H. Henniker- of busiaess traasacted. These table* The chairmaa was Rev. J. W. Hugh- have a test game today. never fun.tioned further, although House of Assembly met, persuaat Heatoa, C.M.G., aaaouaced the do aot show the Iadividual work of [ es, aad the candidates were His * * * many of Dr. Balfour's re .ommend- to adjourameat, at 11.30 a.m., and date to which ParUameat had beea maay of the members, neither do Worship the Mayor W. J. Boyle, That whea they get going they ations have beea adopted by the after the transaction of formal prorogued, aad the ceremony was they iadicate the vocal activity — Mr. R. O. CUfford, Mr. W. S. Coop­ wUl take a lot of stoppiag. Health authorities. busiaess—the readiag of miautes overi er, Mr. Leon Fox, The Hon. S. S. aU cf which would occupy more * * * It is ia chaaael improvemeat aad a Message from the Goveraor Returaiag to the Assembly SpurUag, Col. Tucker, Mr. E. P. T. space thaa is avaUable. That the League of Nations is that the House has shown a for­ statiag that prorogation would be Room, routiae busiaess of a few Tucker and Mr. S. Toddings, Jun. proving that mosquitoes are more This is the secoad ParUameat of ward policy far beyoad that of any at aooa—members awaited the minutes sufficed to close the prc- Each candidate addressed the trouble than boa-constrictors. five years duratioa—hitherto the previous Parliament, and this in summons to meet His ExceUsacy j ceedings there, and the Speaker eleetors for about five minutes, Assembly had beea elected for no small measure is due to the Hon. ia the Couacil Chamber at the left the Chair after wishiag the and the same time was given for * * * sevea years, but duriag the war a S. S. Spurling, who is also Dhair- PubUc BuUdiags, HamUtoa, for the members a pleasaat holiday after the answering of questions. There That the big Powers may Usten chaage was made to briag it iato man of the Board of Public Works fiaal ceremony. their arduous labours. seemed complete uniformity in to reason, but the Uttle ones won't. Uae with the English House of Whi.h has that work in its charge. rhis, as is invariably the case, Some remained to clear their almost evsry respect with the can­ * * * Commons. WhUe the aew Par­ This pohcy began in 1923 whea the was carried out impressively. Ar­ desks of sessional literature, others didates' views on the most absorb­ That aothiag to lose and every­ liamentary Election BiU wa. un-' powers of the Board were extend- riving about 10 miautes to 12, the were more coufideat of the future ing topics that concern the Island. thing to gain is a popular theory der consideration this past session, 3i—it was continued in the past Goveraor was received with a very aad let it remaia. This was particularly true of the With States that grow overnight. the idea was mooted of still fur­ session when the new contract for smart guard of hoaour from the 0 0* transportation question, and the * * * ther reducing the Ufe of the House the steamship service was made, Argyll and Sutherland Highland­ WhUe July 9th was yesterday aa­ solution of this problem appeared That musical events are at a dis­ to 3 years, to which the counter- and there is ao doubt that when ers, with two pipers taking the aouaced as the date for the reas­ to be fouad ia a governmeat coa- count for a short time. threat was put forward of return­ the new House meets __.euibers will place of a military baad. After sembling of Parliament, it need not troUed motor bus service. Coa- * * * ing to the old period of 7 years, be asked to coasider a proposal ia- iaspectiag the guard, His ExceUency be takea ao the actual day on which sideriag the amouat of coatroversy That presently they wiU prove as but with the defeat of the attempt volviag possibly the purchase of proceeded to the CouacU Cham­ the Legislature wUl meet. aroused over the vacciaatoa ques­ attractive as before. to extend the franchise to women 0 0 0 aaother dredger aad at any rate th» ber. He was atteaded by Captaia Today, the proclamation dis­ tioa it was noticeable this aroused notning came of either. The aver­ raising of a loan to meet further Boles, A.D.C., aai Lady Bols was solving ParUament at the close of at commeat from the audieace, That the artistie life is a hard age length of each session remains improvements. present at the prorogation. its five years of existence wiU be though probably the attitude of life. about the same—from October It is safe to say, too, that the published and in all probabiUty the caadidates was already kaowa * * * to June or July—despite attempts Ia the Chamber were gathered House which has just gone out of by Monday writs wiU be issued for oa this questioa. The St. David's That the Election literature is to speed up the work. The sugges­ the Legislative CouacU, with His existence has had a wider grasp of Hoaour the Chief Justice of Ber­ a geaeral electon for representa­ Island Bridge, the deepeaiag aad beiag circulated. tion has several times been put * 0 0 its duties than some of its prede­ tion In the House of Assembly. wideaiag of theChaanels, the RaU­ forward that the House should sit muda (Mr. S. O. Rowan-HamUton), cessors, aad as a casa in point Presideat; later to be joiaed by the A few days grace have to be allow­ way were the other topics touched That most of it is brief. for the last three months of each 0 0 0 one need only meation the esti­ ed for notices to be advertised as to Upoa, aad the meeting closed at year, and then prorogue, but this House of Assembly, whose Speaker, mates of revenue and expenditure.
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