PIPER6/08 Issue 3 TEACHING IN INDIA 5 NEW HOUSE GE T S NEW NAME Bidding Bill the Best 8 CONS T RUC T ION ZONE V ICE PRESIDEN T FOR E NROLLMEN T WILLIAM 10 RECORD YEAR FOR SCHOLARSHIPS E LLIO tt (FAR LEF T ) GREE T S MELLON COLLEGE 12 GLASS SK Y LIGH T FOUND IN CFA OF SCIENCE ASSOCIA T E D EAN ERIC GRO T ZINGER DURING ELLIO tt ’ S You’re #1 Points RE T IREMEN T PAR T Y A T T HE TAR T ANS PAVILION To Robot 250 IN LA T E MAY . ELLIO tt , CALLED A “MAS T ER OF Celebration COLLEGE ADMISSIONS ” BY PRESIDEN T JARED C OHON , IS RE T IRING n Byron Spice J UNE 30 AF T ER You don’t have to hang around Carnegie 38 YEARS A T T HE Mellon long before you realize robots UNIVERSI T Y . FOR MORE can take any number of forms — cars, ON ELLIO tt , SEE PAGE receptionists, camera mounts, origami- FOUR . makers and even sub-millimeter nanorobots. And this summer, people all over Pittsburgh will learn a robot also can be a big, yellow foam hand. That robot, called “You’re #1” and mounted atop the Andy Warhol Museum PHOTO BY KEN ANDREYO on the North Side, is one of 10 featured “BigBots” in Robot 250, a massive citywide community art and technology Pausch’s Passion program that is teaching people what robots can be and how virtually anyone C OMPU T ER SCIENCE PROFESSOR RANDY can use robotic technology. Carnegie P AUSCH HUGS HIS WIFE AND HIS PASSION , Mellon and the University of Pittsburgh J AI , AF T ER T ELLING T HE CLASS OF 2 0 0 8 launched the program, which has T O FIND AND FOLLOW T HEIR PASSION IN HIS received widespread support from EMO T IONAL REMARKS A T COMMENCEMEN T . community groups and financial support F OR MORE , SEE PAGE SEVEN . from the Heinz Endowments, the Grable Foundation and the Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation. C ON T INUED ON PAGE EIGH T PHOTO BY KEN ANDREYO Carnegie Mellon Selects Clarke, Khosla and Nagin To Receive University’s Highest Faculty Honor n Ken Walters Carnegie Mellon University professors Public Policy and Statistics. Edmund M. Clarke, Pradeep K. Khosla “Designation as a University and Daniel S. Nagin have been named Professor is a distinction that is reserved University Professors, the highest for a very small fraction of our faculty,” distinction faculty can achieve at said Carnegie Mellon President Jared Carnegie Mellon. Cohon. “Ed Clarke, Pradeep Khosla and Clarke is the FORE Systems Dan Nagin are highly deserving of this Professor of Computer Science. Khosla honor, each having made exceptional is the Philip and Marsha Dowd Professor contributions to their fields as well as of Electrical and Computer Engineering outstanding contributions and leadership and Robotics, and Nagin is the Teresa to the university.” and H. John Heinz III Professor of C ON T INUED ON PAGE NINE O NE Energy Conservation, Waste Reduction PIPER Tops on Campus To Do List 6/08 Issue D ELIBERA T IVE PO LL FINDS GL O BAL WARMING P UBLISHER Teresa Thomas IS IM po R T AN T ISSUE O N CAM P US E DI to R Bruce Gerson n Kelli McElhinny that addressing climate change is an ment Task Force, opened the evening with W RI T ERS important issue to the Carnegie Mellon remarks that focused on Pittsburgh’s po- Cindy Carroll Carnegie Mellon faculty, staff and tential as a leader in the green movement. Abby Houck students believe the university has a community. And the process by which Kelli McElhinny participants’ opinions were measured After Peduto’s remarks, participants Sarah Mogin (Intern) responsibility to provide leadership on Amy Pavlak split up into small groups of six to 10 the issue of global climate change. could be used by other campuses across Eric Sloss people and discussed the background Byron Spice That’s according to the results of the country,” said Robert Cavalier, a Chriss Swaney teaching professor in the Department information they had reviewed and their Andrea L. Zrimsek a recently conducted “Climate Change general views on the issue. and the Campus” Deliberative Poll. In of Philosophy who is also an SPPDD D ESIGNER co-director. The small groups also developed Melissa Stoebe that poll, 95 percent of the participants Communications Design Group questions to pose to a panel of experts said that it was either “very” or “some- Other results from the deliberative that included Peter Madsen, Distinguished P H oto GRA P HY what” important for the university to be poll suggested that energy conserva- Ken Andreyo tion and waste reduction would be the Service Professor of Ethics and Social Communications Design Group in the forefront on the issue. Responsibility; Elmar Kriegler, a visit- A deliberative poll gathers a rep- two most effective ways for Carnegie To contact The Piper staff, call 412-268-2900 ing research scholar in the Department resentative sample of the community Mellon to help thwart climate change. Participants ranked energy conservation of Engineering and Public Policy; Civil or email [email protected]. to discuss and respond to questions with an average importance of 4.57 on and Environmental Engineering Professor Carnegie Mellon University does not discriminate and Carnegie on pressing national and local issues. Mellon University is required not to discriminate in admission, a scale in which 5 was the top score. Cliff Davidson; Deborah Lange, executive employment, or administration of its programs or activities While traditional public opinion polls on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex or handicap in violation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of Prior to the event, attendees re- director of the Steinbrenner Institute for the Educational Amendments of 1972 and Section 504 of the solicit knee-jerk responses from people Rehabilitation Act of 1973 or other federal, state, ceived a packet of background infor- Environmental Education and Research, or local laws or executive orders. who are not informed on the topic, a In addition, Carnegie Mellon University does not discriminate mation on the topic of climate change, which funded the event; and Vanessa in admission, employment or administration of its programs on deliberative poll represents what people the basis of religion, creed, ancestry, belief, age, veteran status, which covered aspects such as the Schweitzer, an engineering and public sexual orientation or gender identity. Carnegie Mellon does not think about an issue if they have had discriminate in violation of federal, state, or local laws or execu- tive orders. However, in the judgment of the Carnegie Mellon scientific evidence for climate change, policy doctoral student. Human Relations Commission, the Presidential Executive Order time to consider and discuss it with directing the Department of Defense to follow a policy of, “Don’t potential effects of global warming, One participant noted the value of ask, don’t tell, don’t pursue,” excludes openly gay, lesbian and experts and among themselves. bisexual students from receiving ROTC scholarships or serving and the university’s many roles in the the process itself, in addition to the in the military. Nevertheless, all ROTC classes at Carnegie Mel- The poll was the sixth of the Cam- lon University are available to all students. area, ranging from research to energy knowledge she gained about the issue Inquiries concerning application of these statements should pus Conversations series co-sponsored be directed to the Provost, Carnegie Mellon University, 5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, telephone 412-268-6684 consumption. Participants were asked to of global warming. or the Vice President for Enrollment, Carnegie Mellon University, by Carnegie Mellon’s University Li- 5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, telephone 412- consider questions about their personal “To me, it’s very similar to caucus- 268-2056. braries, the Southwestern Pennsylvania Carnegie Mellon University publishes an annual campus responsibility for addressing climate ing,” said Linda Wright, an assistant security report describing the university’s security, alcohol and Program for Deliberative Democracy drug, and sexual assault policies and containing statistics about change and how the university would director of information systems in the number and type of crimes committed on the campus (SPPDD) and the Coro Center for Civic during the preceding three years. You can obtain a copy by contacting the Carnegie Mellon Police Department at 412-268- need to enforce environmentally related University Advancement. “You come out 2323. The security report is available through the World Wide Leadership. Previous sessions of the se- Web at www.cmu.edu/police/statistics.htm. regulations, among others. knowing more than when you came in. Obtain general information about Carnegie Mellon ries covered topics ranging from same- University by calling 412-268-2000. Pittsburgh City Councilman Bill “I think it’s one of the purer forms Produced for Media Relations by the Communications sex marriage to public art on campus. Design Group, June 2008, 08-471. of democracy.” “This deliberative poll showed Peduto, a co-chair of the Green Govern- Scotty Arrives! Triking for Dollars PHOTO BY KEN ANDREYO C ARNEGIE MELLON ’ S FIRS T OFFICIAL LIVE MASCO T ARRIVED ON CAMPUS J UNE 5 FROM A CANADIAN BREEDER IN ALGARY HE CO tt ISH ERRIER C . T S T , LHINNY E NAMED “SCO tt Y ” BY A CAMPUS - WIDE POLL , IS A GIF T FROM COMEDIAN BILL ELLI MC K C OSBY , WHO SPOKE A T CARNEGIE M ELLON ’ S 2007 COMMENCEMEN T . C OSBY SAID HE WAS INSPIRED T O PHOTO BY PRESEN T T HE UNIVERSI T Y WI T H A LIVE K INDERGAR T EN S T UDEN T S FROM CARNEGIE MELLON ’ S CHILDREN ’ S SCHOOL RAISED MORE T HAN $2,500 FOR ALLY ’ S MASCO T AF T ER WALKING PROFESSOR A NGELS BY HOLDING A TRIKE - A -THON FUNDRAISER IN SKIBO GYM .
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