THE COLOMA COURIER AND THE BENTON HARBOR HERAJLO VOL 34 COLOMA. MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 23. 1928 NO 35 D. C. COOK RESIGNS AS CASHIER OF SEU 1218 PIECES OF UNO T COMPANY SEEKS EAU CLAIRE YOUTH IS HELD T STEPS ARE TAKEN FOR A STATE BANK OF COLOMA; HAROLD FOR DtUNdNI JAKES TO DISPOSE OF IN JAIL AT SOUTH BEND, IND. u ,K nn Officers Are Trying to Learn His Con ] AT LYONS OF HARTFORO WILL SUCCEED HIM tI'"rr ' ' " US TRACTION LINES nection With Death of Raymond Tax titles to 1,218 pieces of land In Kilnger of Misliawaka, Ind., Who Berrien county will be sold May 1st OvnrwhpliiiitiE Stajoril, .t SpnUI l,M"'U"1 ,m S"Mo1 Popular Official of the State llank of Seeks to Have New Company Formed Was Shot While Driving His Car for delinquent 1025 taxes. County ^oluuil NfMtinv Vnt«i it. tw... t ,r,iere hl,s been considerable talk Treasurer George Hald stated as his .Vhool Meeting \oted in Favor of about „ nevv Bchoo| bulldiDK for muny Coloma Afffpts Position With Sara L' Twin Cities to Take Over the Carre Harris, aged 17 years, son of office sent out warning to 780 property a prominent farmer living near Eau a New Structure—Building to A,,-1 years and during the past year this ag- nac Machine Company at Benton owners. The sale of lands for delin- Traction Interests—Committee Was Claire, Is held In the county Jail at i Itatlon has been rapidly increasing. quent taxes Is now being advertised In South Bend, Ind., following an Investl commodate 500 Pupils Would Be | The old school building, aside from Harbor—Change of Officers Will be The Coloma Courier. Appointed to Investigate Real Value gatlon of the death of Raymond Kilng- | being antiquated. Is far too small for The uumlwr of delinqunt tox notices Ideal. Made on April 2d. Of Property to Seo If Profitable er, aged 21 years, of Mlshawaka, Ind., i the number of pupils that are now en- this year, Mr. Hald said. Is far In ex- who died In a hospital from wounds Coloma wants a new school. ! rolled. For several years the eighth A chuiiKe in Hie caahlersblp of the cess of those of any previous year. The 8 rade 0 InvMtment Could be Made sustained from a bullet wound received This fact was apparent at the spe- ' ^ -ohool has held its hcm- State Bank of Cuionm will take place number of condemned descriptions 1* I l when Harris Is said to have pointed a clal meeting called by the school board "i® ,*Qk bu, f on Monday. April 2. 1928, when Harold 501 more than in 1027. A committee of six prominent busl lng whicb is 1,0 flt ,ace for the Lyons, at present cashier of the Hart- nesa men of the twin cities of Benton revolver at KUnger's side as a boyish last Monday evening for the purpose of ' P Although the claims In most In- prank. to study or to be confined for even a ford State Hank, will take over the of- stances are small, a $2,868 claim Is list- Harbor and St. Joseph, consisting of discussing the project. Every seat and Shot in Automobile every chair In the assembly room was few hours a day for several months of fice and position now held by I). Carter ed against a Gallen farmer on four Hoy Bradford, Arthur O. Preston, W. the year. The old school building has Cook. hundred acres in that township. It. Oilmore, W. H. Baker. Wlllard occupied, and after the discussions had Kilnger was shot as he was piloting been heard and the vote was taken. no modern equipment such as Is needed At a special meeting of the board of U'nless redemption is made before Brewer and Darwin B. Sutherland, has his own machine and towing Harris' for the propei; work that Is required of directors of the bunk, held Monday af- May 1 the tax titles to the lands will been named to study and analyze a pro eighty-live per cent of the legal voters car from u point near La Paz, Ind., present were In favor of the new school the teachers. ternoon, the resignation of Cashier I). IK* sold at the court house sale. Under posal that was made last Thursday wtyere the hitter's car had broken down. C. Cook, which had been tendered the the state law the sale is held 20 months night by the owners of the Benton liar building for Coloma. It Is not only desired that Colomn Harris told Mlshawaka police that hi It was voted to grant the school j has a new school, but It Is imperative, bank offlcinlR a few days In-fore, was after the taxes become delinquent on bor-St. Joe Railway & Light Company had "bummed" his way buck to thai accepted, and at the same niectiiiK the March 1 of every year. to dispose of all of their traction Inter board the power to proceed with plans The state school board has already In- city after the breakdown and, after for securing an architect, securing a thnated that much; It will not In- long application of Harold Lyons for the Owners of the delinquent property ess to a new company to be formed In finding his friend, Kilnger, had per- position to be vacated by Mr. Cook may regain their tax titles by redeem- the twin cities, this separating com- site for the proposed school, and call- U'fore the old building would be con- suaded him to tow the machine to a ing a Kpeclal election for the purpose demnt'd for school purposes. Why wait was accepted and he was chosen as ing the claims within 12 months after pletely the power and the traction In- garage. of voting the necessary bonds. A rough for the state to step In and tell the cashier of the State Hank of Coloma. the sale, the treasurer explained. By terests. He declared he found the revolver, effective April 2, .1028. paying a one per cent penalty on the The American Gas A Electric Com- sketch of the school building that Lschool district what to do? Coloma belonging to his brother, Burrnle, on would answer Colomn's needs and yl , people must awake from their dream- tax they may secure an auditor gener- pany, which owns and holds all of the the floor of his own machine and had Goes Into Manufacturing Came al's tax sale deed from Lansing. Issued and out standing capital stock be a credit to the town was exhibited | lng and put their shoulders to the placed It In a pocket of his overcoat and commented upon. This was the | wheel and help the school board In Its Coloma township has 2d pieces of of the Benton Harbor-St. Joe Railway prior to the return trip toward Mlsha- plan of a building that would accom- efforts to provide the school pupils Mr. Cook, who came to Coloma two land listed and totals of $2,428.70. & Light Company desires to dispose of waka. years ago on April 10th, when the In Coloma village there are 19 par- the street railway and Interurban sys- modate 500 pupils and could be en- with a safe, sanitary, suitable school State Hank of Coloma was reorganized D. C. COOK cels listed and totals of $552.0'!. tems for the reason that they are not Shot Without Warning larged when the occasion demanded, building. and the controlling interest was taken The tax sale list Includes eleven de- In the railway business and do not care Resigns as Bank Cashier to Take up At a point on the highway about a over by Henton Harbor business men. Other Lines of Work. scriptions for Watervliet township, to longer handle that end of their busi- Is leaving the bank to accept an official with total taxes and costs amounting ness In the twin cities. mile north of Lakevllle he thought of CHARLES JOHNSON PASSED position with the Sara nac Machine to $1,550.50. There are also a few de- The American Gas and Electric com- the gun, he says hi his confession, and SPECIAL SCENERY IS PROVIDED company, one of Henton Harbor's prom- stockholders of he bank : and this most scriptions at some of the Paw Paw pany, which purchased control of the In a moment of boyish playfulness he inent manufacturing plants. He will pleasant relations with other members Lake resorts In this township. twlu city utility in 1022, Is fundamen- shoved Its muzzle against KUnger's AWAY SUNDAY, MARCH IS FOR ANNUAL STYLE REVUE succeed Dwight Ruth, who will engage of the bank's staff; and It Is with a For Watervliet city there are also tally an operator of electric light and chest as the latter sat at the wheel. In another line of work. sense of deep regret that our most eleven parcels of real estate listed with power properties. It was stated, and Is He cried "look out" to his unsuspect- ing friend and before Kilnger could The resignation of Mr. Cook came to pleasant banking relations are about to total taxes and costs amounting to not and never has been an operator of tnrn bis head the gun exploded, send- the bank officials as a complete sur- be severed: $512.20. tractions or Interurban railways except Veteran Shoe Maker of Coloma Had Benton Harbor Merchants Are Co- prise. but at the meeting lust Monday "Be It further resolved: That we For Balnbrldge township there are ing the bullet between the ribs on the In certain Instances where It has been Lived Here For Over Thirty Years Operating With Liberty Theatre to the directors congratulated him on se- commend Mr.
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