Into quarterfinals Full force Laker football keeps winning; LO artist Craig Srebnik West Salem is next returns to his passion — See SPORTS, A17 — See NEIGHBORS, B1 THURSDAY, NovembeR 22, 2012 • oNLINe AT LAkeoSwegoRevIew.com • voLUme 99, No. 47 • 75 CENTS City renews Allied Waste franchise “People are telling me Exemption for yard they’re putting food scraps in their yard debris cans,” she debris a sticking said, asking whether that was point in discussion OK. Lake Oswego does not have By KARA HANSEN MURPHEY residential food recycling, said The Review Jordan Wheeler, assistant to the city manager. However, he The Lake Oswego City explained, there is a gray area Council has renewed its con- in the rules. tract with Allied Waste, the “If it grows in your garden city’s trash and recycling that is food, but it’s also yard services provider. debris,” he said. “Common The agreement, effective for sense says it could be thrown the next 10 years, was ap- into the yard debris.” proved Nov. 13. It doesn’t Meats and cheese, on the change the services provided other hand, should never be or have any effect on rates, ac- put in the yard debris cans, cording to the city. Wheeler said. However, the new franchise Olson also voiced concerns allows the council to conduct a about the steps residents are REvIEW PHOTO / vERN UYETAKE performance review at some supposed to take if they don’t Mark Wong works on weaving a placemat in preparation for the Thanksgiving feast lake Grove Elementary kindergarten students had on point during the 10-year term want to pay for a yard debris Tuesday. More pictures and information on the feast can be found in the Education section, page A15. and directs Allied Waste to can — for example, if they hire participate on the city’s sus- a landscaper who hauls away tainability advisory board, their grass clippings, leaves with which the company will and other trimmings. work to develop a materials “You have to submit three management plan. invoices from your provider,” One person testified against and that provider must submit the contract. Charles “Skip” receipts showing they haul Ormsby of the Birdshill neigh- materials to a licensed yard borhood said the contract debris processor. splits the area he lives into two “I think that is over the top,” portions. In addition, he raised Olson said. “I switched yard IT’S THANKSGIVING concerns about future changes services because I found some- with equipment and transfer one who provided better ser- locales. vice at a better cost,” but the “I think this contract would worker doesn’t give her invoic- What are you thankful for? be better off delayed until ear- es. “I think in total those re- ly next year,” Ormsby said. quirements are ridiculous and Looking at updated lan- excessive for our citizens.” guage in administration rules, Craig Holmes, Allied Waste’s ■ Local residents chime in with comments Councilor Mary Olson said she operations manager of the ser- felt information about yard de- about the meaning of the holiday bris needed clarification. See AllIED / Page A3 eople who live and work in Lake open heart to receive in time of need. miKE KEhoE, Lake Oswego city councilor Oswego, by and large, have many Gratitude is the heart of Thanksgiving. things to be thankful for. For our Begin to write down 100 things for which In junior high school, my English PThanksgiving newspaper this you are grateful and it is surprising how teacher gave our class an assignment to Man arrested for week, we asked a number of local folks to the list will flow. My “public” list today be- each write a play about Thanksgiving. share thoughts about what they are gins with gratitude for your confidence She would select the best submission and thankful for or special Thanksgiving and tremendous support in asking that I it would be performed before the whole breaking into home, memories. serve as a city councilor in this city we school before we left for the holiday Here are some of their offerings: love. break. It was the end of the 1950s, I was 13 I am thankful for a simple life built on and life was pretty simple. I am thankful for the many blessings faith, hope and love with prayers for I wrote the “selected” play. It was based waking sleeping teens given me by God. I have a roof over my health on the individual level and liberty around a family whose various members head, food on the table, healthy, wonder- enveloping our nation. of different ages all had singularly impor- By KARA HANSEN MURPHEY broke a win- ful children and grandchildren, a loving Happy Thanksgiving to all! tant things they each wanted to do on The Review dow near the and supportive wife, and good friends. KarEN bowErmaN, Lake Oswego city Thanksgiving Thursday that didn’t allow front of the Couldn’t ask for much more than that. councilor-elect for everyone sitting down, together, to a A former Lake Oswego house to get in- KENT STudEbaKEr, Lake Oswego mayor- traditional meal. The drama unfolded with man is in jail on allegations side. They elect I’m thankful for living in Lake Oswego various disappointments and plan chang- he broke into a local home identified a where so many of our citizens have such es for each family member. Of course, it and pulled a blanket off two suspect after My favorite Thanksgiving memories great passion for donating their time for ended happily with everyone showing up sleeping 16-year-old girls. interviewing are of the generations together — laugh- others in our community. and giving thanks for being together, shar- Police arrested Chandler the girls and ing children, my mom proudly serving SKip o’NEill, Lake Oswego city councilor- ing a last-minute “feast” and realizing McLane Olson, 36, after he OlSON the adults who the turkey with its once-a-year aroma elect what was really important in their lives. turned himself in Nov. 10. Olson were home at penetrating every nook of our home, and Probably not a memorable play for any- had fled the state for Idaho, the time. Jor- my grandmother preparing her delicious I’m always thankful for my family and one else involved. Of course, I may have where he apparently now lives, gensen said they provided “ex- pastries (made with lard). As we held our health, but this year... launched the professional career of a according to police, who said his cellent statements” with plenty hands encircling the table before dinner, For the first time ever our country elect- classmate who became a Shakespearean parents still live in Lake Oswe- of detail and relevant informa- our tradition was that every person gave ed a president who believes I deserve the actor and has often performed in Ashland, go. tion. honor or recognition to something non- right to marry the person I love. And in all but that is beside the point. At about 3 a.m. Nov. 4, officers “The more detail we have, the material or to someone for whom they four states where it was on the ballot, vot- The point is that the more things responded to a home in the Pali- better the case becomes,” he were thankful during the year. Today we ers approved or upheld that right. For that, change, the more things stay the same — sades Crest area on a reported said. “That helped.” remain thankful for those dear friends I’m thankful. especially around Thanksgiving. And this burglary in progress. A man In addition, detectives had and family, now gone, who once graced JoN GuSTafSoN, Lake Oswego city coun- year, as we gather at our house with some wearing only a jacket had en- “some information from a previ- our lives and our held our hands at the cilor-elect of our kids, grandkids and longtime tered the house and gone into a ous similar crime,” according to Thanksgiving table. friends, I will be thankful for the blessings room where two girls were police. Jorgensen declined to I adore fall and its flaming leaves, and I am thankful for my wonderful family of this life we share. And while my Mom sleeping. One of the girls provide any more information ask every guest at our family Thanksgiv- and fabulous friends. It’s a great plea- will celebrate Thanksgiving for the first screamed when she awoke, and about the other crime. ing table to bring a leaf from their home sure to tend to business and family time in more than 70 years without my the man fled, taking with him a Olson faces charges of first- for the table runner, symbolic of our lives needs in our community and continually Dad, who died in July, we will be there to laptop computer that belonged degree burglary, second-degree as unique but also intertwined. encounter the friendly faces and greet- support her. to one of the teens, according to theft and sex abuse and a de- I am thankful for a community that ings from friends and neighborhoods. Thanksgiving is not a celebration of ma- police. tainer for a parole violation, po- comes together to celebrate the best each We are blessed to live in this very spe- Capt. Dale Jorgensen said de- lice said. He is being held in of us can offer whatever it may be or an cial place. See THANKFUl / Page A2 tectives discovered that the man Clackamas County Jail. “Pamplin Media Group’s pledge is to INDEX CONTACT US deliver balanced news that reflects the Opinion ...............A4 Education..........A15 By mail: P.
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