Muon Collider - Open Questions and New Ideas July 20, 2020 Donatella Lucchesi University of Padova And INFN P. Andreetto, N. Bartosik, A. Bertolin, L. Buonincontri, M. Casarsa, F. Collamati, C. Curatolo, A. Ferrari, A. Ferrari, A. Gianelle, A. Mereghetti, N. Mokhov, M.Palmer, N. Pastrone, C. Riccardi, P. Sala, L. Sestini, I. Vai Muon Collider Collaboration q June 19, 2020 the Eu Strategy updated was published, where at page 14en, we read: […] In addition to the high field magnets the accelerator R&D roadmap could contain: an international design study for a muon collider, as it represents a unique opportunity to achieve a multi-TeV energy domain beyond the reach of e+e– colliders, and potentially within a more compact circular tunnel than for a hadron collider. The biggest challenge remains to produce an intense beam of cooled muons, but novel ideas are being explored;[…] q To facilitate the implementation of the EU Strategy the CERN Laboratory Directors Group on July 2nd: § Agreed to start building the collaboration for international muon collider design study. § Daniel Schulte appointed ad interim project leader, Nadia Pastrone, Lenny Rivkin and Daniel Schulte will collect MoUs. q Scope: • develop a baseline concept for a muon collider at centre-of-mass energy ranges: 3-10 TeV or above • identify an R&D path toward a conceptual design; • design a demonstrator. International Muon Collider Collaboration kick-off virtual meeting on July 3rd https://indico.cern.ch/event/930508/ Energy Frontier Workshop - Donatella Lucchesi July 20, 2020 2 First collaboration meeting on Physics and Experiments at a Muon Collider On July 27th there will be a remote meeting, here the link to the agenda, to discuss: q Physics benchmarks at 3 TeV and 10+ TeV center-of-mass energy to have a multi-TeV muon collider physics reach: § Agree on a set of physics processes to better coordinate the studies in the next months q Detector performance in the presence of the beam-induced background at different center-of-mass energy: • Selection of R&D that can be performed in synergies with the upgrade of existing experiments and new projects. • Identification of brand new R&D specific to the project. q Software framework to perform the studies: § On July 16en an hands-on on the current code version has been performed at Fermilab by M. Casarsa, here the link to the slides . Please, register to the meeting if interested. A document with a proposed plan for discussion is in preparation and will be linked to the agenda. Energy Frontier Workshop - Donatella Lucchesi July 20, 2020 3 Physics Motivations: Discovery Potential The advantage in colliding muons rather than protons is that !" is entirely available to produce short- distance reactions. At a proton collider the relevant interactions occur between the proton constituents, which carry a small fraction of !# Vector boson fusion at multi-TeV muon colliders, A. Costantini et al. 2 → 1 *+ = !, ./ 2 → 2 pp pp $%$& $%$& Energy Frontier Workshop - Donatella Lucchesi(a)(a) July(b)(b) 20, 2020 4 FigureFigure 1. 1. The The equivalent equivalent proton proton collider collider energy energyppsspp[TeV][TeV] required required to to reach reach the the same, same, beam-level + + crosscross section section as as a aµµµ−µ−collidercollider with with energy energyppssµµ[TeV][TeV] for for (a) (a)22 11 andand (b) (b) 22 22 parton-level !! !! process,process, for for benchmark benchmark scaling scaling relationships relationships between between the the parton-level parton-level cross cross sections sections [ˆσ]p and [ˆ[ˆσσ]]µµ t˜t˜ χ++χ 2 2 asas well well as as for for pair pair production production of oft˜t˜ andandχ χ−−throughthrough their their leading leading2 2 productionproduction modes. !! ⌧ = s /s wewe identify identify the the kinematic kinematic threshold threshold as as⌧ = sµµ/spp,, and and likewise likewise the the factorization factorization scale as as µf = sµ/2. If one further assumes a relationship between the partonic cross sections, this µf = ppsµ/2. If one further assumes a relationship between the partonic cross sections, this identificationidentification allows allows us us to to write write equation equation3.63.6asas sµ pssµ [ˆσ[ˆσ]]µ 1 Φij sµ ,p µ = µ 1 . (3.7) Φij sp, 2 = [ˆσ]p ⌘ β. (3.7) ij ✓sp 2 ◆ [ˆσ]p ⌘ β ijX X ✓ ◆ which can be solved⇤ numerically for sp as a function of sµ and β. which can be solved⇤ numerically for sp as a function of sµ and β. For various benchmark assumptions (β) on the partonic cross sections [ˆσ]p and [ˆσ]µ, For various benchmark assumptions (β) on the partonic cross sections [ˆσ]p and [ˆσ]µ, and for the parton luminosity configurations ij = gg (red) and ij = qq (blue), where and for the parton luminosity configurations ij = gg (red) and ij = qq (blue), where q u, c, d, s is any light quark, we plot in figure 1(a) the equivalent proton collider energy q 2u,{ c, d, s }is any light quark, we plot in figure 1(a) the equivalent proton collider energy 2ps{p as a function} of psµ, for a generic 2 1, neutral current process. In particular, for psp as a function of psµ, for a generic 2 !1, neutral current process.+ In particular, for each partonic configuration, we consider the! case where the ij and µ µ− partonic rates are each partonic configuration, we consider the case where the ij and µ+µ partonic rates are the same, i.e., when β =1(solid line) in equation 3.7, as well as when−β = 10 (dash) and the same, i.e., when β =1(solid line) in equation 3.7, as well as when β = 10 (dash) and β = 100 (dash-dot). The purpose of these benchmarks is to cover various coupling regimes, β = 100 (dash-dot).ij TheY purposeµ+µ of theseY benchmarks is to cover various coupling(β = 1) regimes, such as when and + − are governed by the same physics or when such as when ij !Y and µ µ− !Y are+ governed by the same physics (β = 1) or when ij Y is governed! by, say, QCD! but µ µ− Y by QED (β = 10). ij !Y is governed by, say, QCD but µ+µ !Y by QED (β = 10). ! Overall, we find several notable features.− ! First is the general expectation that a larger pp Overall, we find several notable features. First is the general expectation+ that a larger pp collider energy is needed to achieve the same partonic cross section as a µ µ− collider. This + colliderfollows energy from the is needed fact that to achievepp beam the energies same partonic are distributed cross section among as many a µ µ partons− collider. whereas This follows+ from the fact that pp beam energies are distributed among many partons whereas µ µ− collider energies are effectively held by just two incoming partons. Interestingly, + µ weµ− findcollider a surprisingly energies are simple effectivelylinear heldscaling by between just two the incoming two colliders partons. for Interestingly, all ij and β wecombinations. find a surprisingly For the simpleij = qlinearq configurationscaling between and equal the partonic two colliders coupling for strength, all ij and i.e.,β combinations.β =1, we report For a the scalingij = relationshipqq configuration of psp and5 equalpsµ partonic. Under the coupling above strength, assumptions, i.e., ⇠ ⇥ β =1, we report a scaling relationship of psp 5 psµ. Under the above assumptions, ⇤Explicitly, we use the scipy function fsolve to carry⇠ out⇥ a brute force computation of this transcen- dental⇤Explicitly, equation. we use We the reportscipy a reasonablefunction fsolve computationto carry time out on a a brute 2-core force personal computation laptop. of this transcen- dental equation. We report a reasonable computation time on a 2-core personal laptop. –7– –7– Physics Motivations: Discovery Potential through the Higgs Boson Higgs boson couplings to fermions and bosons reaches have to be evaluated, similar or better performance of !"!# are expected. In addition, muon collider has the unique possibility to determine the Higgs potential having sensitivity also to quadrilinear coupling ' ' 22 2200 ( ( - / ,- = ,01 1 + 3- + $ ℎ = ) ℎ + , .ℎ + , ℎ µ µ− HHH⌫⌫ ( * - / / 20 ! 2000 ,/ = ,01 1 + 3/ WHIZARD 18 1800 ) 16 1600 1 − Muon Collider with several TeV CM energy and with integrated δ4 = 1 14 − 1400 luminosities of the order of several tens of attobarns, could 12 1200 [ab] provide enough events to allow a determination (a SM) quartic σ 10 δ4 =0(SM) 1000 Higgs self-coupling with an accuracy in the tens of percent. 8 800 6 600 Nevents(L=100ab Measuring the quartic Higgs self-coupling at a multi- 4 400 TeV muon collider, M Chiesa et al. 2 200 051015202530 ps [TeV] Figure 2: Expected cross sections (left) and signal event numbers for a reference integrated 1 + luminosity of 100 ab− (right) for µ µ− HHH⌫⌫ versus the c.m. collision energy, for Energy Frontier Workshop - Donatella Lucchesi ! July 20, 2020 5 M⌫⌫¯ > 150GeV. Cross sections for di↵erent assumptions of the trilinear and quartic couplings are presented,⇠ as well as for the SM case, obtained by Whizard (left-hand side) and Mad- Graph5 aMC@NLO (right-hand side). Details on the scenarios are given in the text. switching o↵ λ4 (δ3 =0, δ4 = 1or3 =1, 4 =0).Thee↵ect is an increase, as expected from general arguments on unitarity− cancellation, of production rates of about 20% 30% in the ps range considered here. On the right-hand plot, we show the corresponding− results as obtained from MG5aMC also including two scenarios of interest: the δ = 1, δ = 6 3 ± 4 ± cases, corresponding to relative shift between δ3 and δ4 consistent with an EFT approach, and a scenario δ3 =0, δ4 =+1withnochangeinλ3, yet a 100% increase of λ4.
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