.... ~-.-. }'.. '..\, PijQYJ~Ct~L lilAARY PA~lf~UEuf ILO~S ~--. \ '-------------------------··\YllfNIP£.C, • I Ex-1,nmi!lrant .Gives . , . , . • ··o·,-.. -n··-··. Hospital -$1 Million . -. ,'' .. :· ·. --~- .rive n . # ?.r:w YORK fYl1l?,OJ-A Ri:z.. l in ~ 1n 19C3. _ iun-J'n"..&!.. 1-.m'iµ-a.'lt "Jtr~? ar- i He e:scape,:110 G=r vhere ., rt-r~ l.'1 tbe 'C'S 10 l'C:2ni a:;:o re- ! h.e rr.ac!e a f«!.une 1n the b".abcs ~7 pe:,:l!us, 1art vttk TM l c;! lln;;em. tmlle:a li!ld bttt ny­ reTCaled r.o Ju-;e gtvm u.o-..n: l 1:,::.g. The rl<e o! Niul!m d.rtn"e £!:w .l!.oQ!tal bee ,11.m,000. h1m to ~-lz1= b'Jt I.he :.az: 1n- oon~ Tl.e ma.n wlw m:i.:e Ui-i:, dcn:i- ~ ca·ug!lt Ill> wlt.'1 him and - . t!.tm, Prant z. Atnn. 11'2.S a revo- · h1s ~ we7e c:on!l.scat.ed by • . ·' failom.-7 tn hlsO yD'".:th ln Ru:.:!a the Gmrui.ns. _ ' Th-? !-.ad to nee to · Gem.any, He came to the ua tn lW and 1"h."l"e "he made a ro:tu.'le Ia~ '!01:ll!n a zhon period, aucceeded ul::en tro=. him by the Naz!s. In renewing his_ cld com:ectlous Born l.'1 s::n~ia !."l the provinee a:id rebulldlng h1s ~ an an ot K!ev In 1£?5, Atran as a :;o-.:th .. even b!zger ~e Ulan l.n Europe. -"r-., ~-~ ,~:ned t.!u: ~en:n>ll::d mo,e:nent · llJ.s 2'.u-opean propr~ were re­ ·ite· .•. ot t'.:le Jt"ll'l::h Labor Bund and -.;u zw.ed to him a!ter the def~t or WO'.m.~ ln ~ nn:et demonr.r-atlon Nu.I ~n:n.nny. _V{INNlPEG, MAN~ TUESDAY,NOVEMBER 21, 1950 Attive In Workmen's ·Circle Throufr.O'Jt hl:; l;i;m1e.cs cuttr 'lbe glft 1s J):irt 01 the activities .· lit con:1... ued ln clooe cont.'.lct with oV the Atrn."l Foundation, with IJJe Je..-l.th ~bo:' 11.nd sx!alJzt he:u!qua.rtera · ln Empire . State mo-.,c:ne.ut and ,kept u;:, actl~e Bul.!dJng, which distributes cha..'1- n::e1nber$'.'l.lp in the Eund nnd tnble fundls to Jewl.ah EOdal and . Workmen's Circle. · cultUt'lll lnstltuUons. Among directors of the· .Foun­ . '11,e- s1.o:,,1Joo c-m ..m te wed dation are Dr. B. Hoffinan-Zlvlon, to c~mpl!te conr;trucl!on of th~ Yldd1"h &OCiallst writer on the 1:e->'W•s:.Ore_;' Atr::m · Uborato~:, Jewish Dally Fon;nrd, No.hum D-J!ldln;; In l,ew Yori::, to be used <::lan!D, educatlonnl d!ree'..or of for rer.:carch In t:nctertoio;;y nnd · Worl:mcn's Circle, and Jncol1 P.lt, •·lrolozy, nnd In. itudy ·of rndlo- tecretary of Jewish Labor_ Com­ 1\:tl,c &(!_€ncle,. mltt.ee. !what's Doing On I .THE LOCAL SCENE- -- Vplnloruo e:rpre111eO tn thll C.,Jumn are not aecoaarllJ' thoM ef thlA ncwapnper. \VE'D Lil(E TO l\NO\V: \Vhy a certain lo~I women's group appar~ntly haa to drop the name of one· of our local rubbis from the list of their convention speakers ••• Who was responsible for that far-from-cute title ''\Vhat's Your Por~?" for n Jewish Youth Council conference session this ~onung weekend ••.• \Vhy our \Vinnipeg U.J.A. doesn't issue a repo1·t on results to date (which, from what we hea1·, are 11othing to be ashamed of) • ·•• Is it true the Marga~et Truman, 'Linked' Mount Carmel Clinic meets with considerable coolness in ,Jewish wclfm·e (please 11ote the small "w") circles To .Jewish Lawy~t ·Ol'. NY locally • • • • • ,I .' . , •. , ,.,·· ... · '. :.. ,! , , NEW .YORK.-· (YIVNO)'--l'osslblllty that_. President Truman - ..........-~ .may acquire a~ew1sli·son~lnd~aw.l.s bellig-wtcie1y:d1scussedln tho ;American Jll'e$5, . '. _-·. : .;. ' ' . ' .·_ .· . , .. ·. ' READ A GOOD - AND TOPICAL...;. STORY RE­ · Preslstent: rumors. tllat_ t~e./ Pr~slde11t's ,daugl"lf:111-', M~,rga.ret cently abou~ Israel that I thought you'd like to hear if ,Tr:uman, and Marvin Braverman,' a Brooklyn Jewish lawyer,• aro. you· haven't already.·. He1·e it is. · · . _ . , ' '.• to l,lecome engaged soon 'ts the bas!S :for, the press comments, '· <• . Seems an Israeli_had just acquired a rn.tion book for .... The couple lately have been seen togetller. frequently, and -last .... • • ·, • 4 . • ' . ' - • •' • • '_ . • ; , :. • ' ' ·/ • week-Braverman was·11J.vited'.to a'prtvate •lll\1.'tY-at the White, , .· his ll~\~bor~ fifth child, and with his wife was proudly . ,' ' . ' ' ' ~-,, ' . , ' ' ', exauumng 1t when one of the older children saw them .·_. __ ;HQ~--. : : ,.,_ ·. -~:·\~----· .-. '·. ,,·_ .. _ ,·, !.'·, .. •-·,.- '> .. :,-:.', .. , ,·:- . .-·.•.:·· '_ .. and asked: ' ·:- _Mr. :J3raverman, who•iii 42, Is a graduate of.(llarvard ,Law• School ... :- . ·,. -. ': ._· : :.. ."'.· .• ' .· : , . "\Vhat, has the baby already. got n ration book of his -.·.. O\\'fi ?'' .. ~~- . " .. ..:..-- . "Of coqrse," the parents replied. Awestruck, the child answered: "You'd do anything to. DETAILED MUNICIPAL -ELECTION RES·ULTS SHOW' get one more ration book, -wouldn't you?" ' 0 0 • BY THE \VAY, JUST SA\V IT AUTH6RITATIVELY .~t~~ed ,,th.at _the only proper ad,iective form for the term General 'Zionist Gain, MapOi Strength Maik Vote: . I,siael 1s Just that and not "Israeli." In other words its the "Isrllel team,'' not ''Israeli team.'' Got to watch . from an electorate increased by 30, 5.5%. pointed to the larger vote Labor: counbllloni each. ( _ . Many l!Bts Of pUr':1f locl\lJn~es~ that from now on. JERUSALEM (Speclllll-Conslder­ able galpS by the General Zionist per cent. Tel Aviv, now the targ~ TEL Avrv ...;. General Zionists,. candidates_ received 1n the new im- •Tlle -iranchlse bas been consJder- were 61.lbmltted; .The United Reiig1;­ party, with Maplli maintalnlng first est city, _has one-quartl\1' or the 31%; Histadrut, 23%; Herut, lfi'o:· migrant centers. _ -,: · _ . ably extended since Mandatory. OllS Bloc, represented· 118 e single total popahtloa; . Mnpam, _10%; . ~e ;_elections were held· in'.. 43 times. For_ exainple, 111 .Tel Aviv- party· ln the Knesset, preseniedi • • • place· 1n many centers, as outstand• a.: ing .rfeatures of Israel's municipal (Complete figures are not being HAIFA-Hlstadrut, 33%; oener/1,l munlclpalltles·and l~cal•counclls for Jaffa, only 23,000 pe_rsons were eJJg.. 'llll_lted• 11st only 1n _Jerusalem. In, CA~'T LET THIS OPPORTUNITY· SLIP BY \VITH• disclosed until. the army ballots Zionists, 22%: Maparii, 14%; United the first, tune.In 15"yenrs. The laqt Ible to vote_!n 1934 from a popu!a-_ other· centers. individual •religious_ out sar1!1g a word of praise for one of the best of many elections are confirmed ln detailed results . now ·available. are coW1ted In. order to keep secret Religious ;li'ront (exi:ludlng Mizrachl) electlonil. ll,l the major munlclp~li~ tfon _Qf 110,000. In the· present ElJec- parties. and comblliatlons o{ these g?oc! thmgs that the Jewish \Vomen's ?ilusicnl Club has Final · tribulations were still not the number of soldiers that voted, · Q%; Halla party (Progre~ves; ties took place _in 1935. _, tion there ·were J,70,000 _voters-~_a parties competed for the votes;· and therefore are being Sephardlm, woml!Il) 8%; Herut, 6%. ; The" voting. )>y proportional populatlon of 310,000. _ ,:- .· - · . Separate gi~·en to the local Jewish community in its comparatively known at press tinle s!Dce the sol­ resuit.s was 0 Lis-ts bl'lef span of operation. diers' vote was still to be counted. announced provisionally in tile NATRANYA - , General Zlonlsf.s, representatlo.~ Y>'ith ele~tors select-:; In Jerusalem, 8,800 of·!OSr0OO y;ere Mnpal did . n0& sunmit . its lists'. J . Ask New Election form or percentages..) 22%; ·mstac1rut; 21 % ; . Herut, 15%; Ing lLsts ~f :candidate,~• .no,t lndivl•· eligible to_ vote In 193li, and 52,000 undef the Mapai 'banner, but Jtii:.. · ~hat's the Amateur Talent Bureau. If there ever was Meanwhile General Zionist lead- The General Zionists were vie- Progresmves, 11 % ; . Mapam, 10¾ •· duals. 3.u.~5 candidates competed ;or, o! 112,000 · people were ·ellgible- thlll_ ' See ELECTION: Page z 27 6 th 43 1111 idea that C.'\Ught on, this is it. I learn that on more ers, asserting the_lr partyhlld polled torious 1D Nathanya, second 1n Ha- Bapoel Hamlzrachl, .10%. · ·_ ~ ~ ts e • ele~toral areas. tune.-. '· -- · · ' •: ·. · · · ' -·_ '· ~!#10 th~u 20 occasions, si~ce its establishment last February, considerably more than 1D the 1949 der:i, and third in Raanana,.with HADERA-Hlstadrut, 33%; Gen• ecre • .. ;v;,ere.us., • ' Local _Interests. this bureau has pronded amateur talent for various pro­ general\ elections, called f1>r new liistadrut taking first phu:e 1D Ha- era! Zlonists,. 22%; Mapam, 14%; . , · T~ Aviv ~gest . · .. .All persons who reached the age of grams.. \\'hat that means, in time saved to communal elections to the Knesset. dera and Raanana and second in Hapoel Hamlzrachl, 7%: two Ye-, _The_ number. of cowic!llors to _be 18 years on Dec, 31, 1949,,were res!- groups as well as in improYed quality of proo-ram is and . Results 1n the three main cities Nathnnya. • ·. menlte lists together, 10%. fl}ected. was ..fixed by law propor- dent in• their voting areas for six 0 showed Hlstadrut · leading 1n Jeru• Results Sampled RAANANA-Hlstadrut, a2%; Pro• .uonate . to the .population in each months prior· to Jim. 1, 1950,, anl!, has been i;elf-evident.
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