World Coins Session D Begins at 14:00 PST on Friday, January 20, 2017 1349. BAVARIA: Karl Albert, 1726-1745, AV ½ karolin, Munich mint, 1729, KM-406, Fr-230, bust right of king // crowned World Coins Madonna holding Christ child and coat-of-arms, much original luster, AU $600 - 800 Europe (continued) 1345. AUGSBURG: Udalschak, 1184-1202, AR bracteate (0.85g), Berger-2636/39, bust of the bishop, holding crozier & long cross, surrounded by 8 crescents, each filled with a lily, EF $120 - 160 This issue continued under Hartwig II, 1202-1208. 1350. BAVARIA: Karl Theodor, 1777-1799, AR thaler, 1799, KM-600.2, Dav-1966A, Madonna and Child, light reverse adjustment marks, somewhat prooflike, AU $250 - 300 1346. AUGSBURG: Hartmann II, 1250-1286, AR bracteate (0.75g), Berger-2644, enthroned bishop, with crozier & cross, EF $100 - 125 1351. BAVARIA: Maximilian II, 1848-1865, AR 2 thaler, 1856, KM-467, commemorating the Erection of the Monument of Maximilian II at Lindau, AU $400 - 500 1347. AUGSBURG: Anonymous, ca. 1290-1330, AR bracteate (0.56g), Berger-2656/61, head of the bishop, his hands raised before him, holding crozier and the bible, EF $100 - 125 1352. BAVARIA: Ludwig II, 1864-1886, AR thaler, 1865, KM-869, some hairlines, somewhat prooflike, UNC $175 - 225 1348. BAMBERG: Franz Ludwig, 1779-1795, AR thaler, 1795, KM-146, Dav-1939, Contribution thaler, somewhat prooflike, one-year type, made from the silver service of the Bishop, Choice AU $350 - 450 1353. BAVARIA: Otto, 1886-1913, AR 2 mark, 1888-D, KM-905, hairlined, nicely toned, EF $250 - 350 112 Stephen Album Rare Coins | Auction 27 | January 19-22, 2017 | Session D 1354. BAVARIA: Luitpold, as Prince Regent, 1886-1912, AR medal, 1891, Hauser-598, Witt. 3063, commemorative medal for the 1357. BREMEN: Ferdinand III, 1637-1657, AR medal (85.35g), 1640, Building of the Luitpold Bridge in Munich by A. Börsch, struck on Jungk-7, 68mm, Great wedding medal (Große Hochzeitsmedaille) double thaler module, shoulder-length bust left with LUITPOLD by Johann Blum, DAS DISE SEI DIE LIBSTE MEIN, DES WOLLE PRINZREGENT VON BAYERN around with A.BOERSCH incuse GOTT MEIN ZEUGE SEIN / EN; DEXTRA, FIDESQUE DUM - on truncation // bridge with city in background and crowned shield SPIRITUS HOS REGIR AR / TUS, hovering Cupid holds wreaths with sprays in foreground, with LUITPOLDBRÜCKE IN MÜNCHEN over bride in Spanish costume and groom, two doves below // / ERRICHTET I.D.JAHREN 1890-91 around all, hairlined, brilliant GLAUBE LIEB VND GOTTSELIGKEIT ERBEN DIE CRON DER luster, 41mm, Proof $125 - 150 HERRLIGKEIT / FIDES / TRIUM / PHANS, Faith in a chariot drawn by Fides and Amicitia, Divine hand holding crown, couple minor rim bumps and contact marks, EF $300 - 500 A similar example sold in Gerhard Hirsch Nachfolger Auction 255, Lot 2584 for $1,675. Photo size reduced. 1355. BRANDENBURG: Friedrich III, 1688-1701, AR 2/3 thaler, 1693, KM-556, initials LCS, VF $85 - 115 1358. BREMEN: Free Hanseatic City, AR 5 mark, 1906-J, KM-251, one-year type, nearly uncirculated, Choice AU $225 - 275 1356. BREISACH: AR 48 kreuzer (16.49g), 1633, KM-3.1, Berstett-85, siege issue by Rheingraf Otto and Markgraf Friedrich von Baden, klippe, soft centers, quite nice for these, VF-EF $600 - 700 1359. BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBÜTTEL: Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand, 1780-1806, AR 2/3 thaler (24 mariengroschen) (17.12g), Braunschweig, 1798-MC, KM-1033, choice AU $175 - 250 1360. BRUNSWICK-WOLFENBÜTTEL: Wilhelm, 1831-1884, AR 2 thaler, 1856-B, KM-1149, 25th Anniversary of Reign, one-year type, hairlined, prooflike (has the appearance of a cameo proof), Choice AU $300 - 400 113 World Coins 1365. HESSE-DARMSTADT: Ludwig III, 1848-1877, AR 5 mark, 1876-H, KM-353, scarce two-year type, a few minor reverse rim 1361. ERBACH: Ludwig II, 1605-1643, AR thaler (26.73g), nicks, F-VF, S $85 - 115 Fürstenau, 1623, Dav-6666, KM-11, Ludwig ruled together with Johann Kasimir (1605-1627) and Georg Albrecht (1605-1647), VF $200 - 300 1366. HILDESHEIM: AR medallic thaler (44.83g), 1724, Zepernick-143, 1362. FRANKFURT AM MAIN: AR 2 thaler, 1841, KM-326, city view, Mehl-673, 55mm silver Bishopric Sede Vacante medallic thaler by lightly cleaned, small obverse rim bump, EF $175 - 225 P. Werner, Charlemagne with sword facing holding orb with S.CAROVBS.M.PRIMVS FVND. CAP.CATHE.HILDESIENSIS. around and SEDENACANTE on ribbon below with 17 shields surrounding all // Louis the Pious standing with scepter and holding a model of the Collegiate Church with LVDOVICVS PIVS SECVNDVS FVNDATOR. around and MDCCXXIV on ribbon below and 16 shields around all, light blotches of tone, Choice EF $400 - 500 Photo size reduced. 1363. FRIEDBERG: Hans Eitel Diede I zum Fürstenstein, 1671-1685, AR 60 kreuzer (19.29g), 1674, Dav-520, KM-46, initials AL, St. George slaying the dragon // double-headed eagle, choice VF-EF , ex Hans Mondorf Collection $350 - 450 1367. LÜBECK (CITY): AR 32 schilling, 1797, KM-199, initials HDF, hairlines, prooflike, two-year type, AU $120 - 160 1364. HESSE-CASSEL: Friedrich II, 1760-1785, AR thaler, 1776, KM-516, Dav-2303, initials BR, light obverse hairlines, very attractive, AU $250 - 300 1368. MANSFELD-ARTERN: Volrat I, 1615-1627, AR thaler (27.78g), 1616, Dav-6950, KM-13, also citing Jobst II of Eisleben & Wolfgang III of Bornstädt, helmeted arms dividing A K // St. George slaying the dragon, VF $150 - 200 114 Stephen Album Rare Coins | Auction 27 | January 19-22, 2017 | Session D 1373. PRUSSIA: Friedrich II, 1740-1786, AV frederick d’or, 1750-A, KM-260, Fr-2381, crown above eagle with trophies, a well struck and lustrous example, NGC graded AU58, R $2,000 - 2,500 1369. MANSFELD-BORNSTEDT: Bruno II, 1546-1615, AR thaler (28.37g), Eisleben, 1607, Dav-6919, KM-9, VF $200 - 250 1374. PRUSSIA: Friedrich Wilhelm III, 1797-1840, AR thaler, 1814-B, KM-387, EF-AU $100 - 125 1370. MANSFELD-FRIEDEBURG: Peter Ernst I, 1587-1601, AR thaler (28.59g), Eisleben, [15]98, Dav-9510, KM-MB52, F-VF , ex Hans Mondorf Collection $220 - 300 1375. PRUSSIA: Friedrich Wilhelm III, 1797-1840, AR thaler, 1810-B, KM-387, EF-AU $100 - 150 1371. NUREMBERG: AR thaler, 1626 (c), KM-52, Dav-5636, cross privy mark, mintmaster Georg Nurnberger, crude rims, Choice VF-EF $450 - 500 1376. PRUSSIA: Friedrich Wilhelm IV, 1840-1861, AR thaler, 1859-A, KM-471, a few hairlines and tiny scuff on obverse, lightly toned UNC $85 - 115 1372. ÖTTINGEN: Karl Wolfgang & Ludwig XV, 1522-1549, AR thaler (26.80g), 1544, Dav-9618, KM-MB58., also citing 1377. PRUSSIA: Friedrich III, 1888, AR 2 mark, 1888-A, KM-510, Martin zu Wallerstein of Flochberg (1520-1549), some some hairlines, prooflike, light tone, one-year type, UNC $200 - 240 corrosion spots on reverse, F-VF $140 - 180 115 World Coins 1378. PRUSSIA: Wilhelm II, 1888-1918, AR 5 mark, 1901-A, KM-526, Bicentennial of the Kingdom of Prussia, semi-prooflike 1383. SAXONY: Johann, 1854-1873, AR 2 thaler, 1858-F, KM-1195, obverse, stunning luster, NGC graded MS63 $85 - 115 obverse fields and portrait bagmarked, EF $100 - 150 1379. PRUSSIA: Wilhelm II, 1888-1918, AR 5 mark, 1901-A, 1384. SAXONY: Friedrich August III, 1904-1918, AR 3 mark, KM-526, Bicentennial of the Kingdom of Prussia, 1908-E, KM-1267, J-135, NGC graded MS64 $100 - 150 Choice UNC $100 - 125 1380. QUEDLINBURG: Anna Dorothea von Sachsen-Weimar, 1684-1704, AR 1/8 thaler, 1704, KM-75, Mehl-533, initials HCH, Death of Anna Dorothea, bust // setting sun over hilly landscape, wonderful light blue and gold toning, a lovely piece! PCGS graded MS62 $600 - 800 1385. SAXE-ALTENBURG: Johann Wilhelm IV, 1602-1632, AR thaler, 16Z3, KM-302, Dav-7371, initials WA, Four Brothers type, middle figure holding baton, edge defect at 6:00, Choice VF-EF $250 - 300 1381. REUSS-SCHLEIZ: Heinrich LXII, 1818-1854, BI silber groschen, 1844, KM-59, choice UNC $100 - 150 1386. SAXE-ERNESTINE LINE: Friedrich III der Weise, 1486-1525, AR dicker guldengroschen (30.07g), Annaberg, 1522, Dav-9710, KM-MB135., portraying his brother and successor Johann I (der Beständige) on the reverse, VF, RR $1,500 - 2,000 1382. SAXONY: Christian II, Johann Georg I & August, 1591-1611, AR thaler, 1594, KM-MB314, Dav-9820, initials HB, VF $300 - 350 116 Stephen Album Rare Coins | Auction 27 | January 19-22, 2017 | Session D 1391. SAXE-LAUENBERG: Julius Franz, 1666-1689, AR 2/3 thaler (15.82g), 1678, Dav-604, KM-122., VF $140 - 180 1387. SAXE-ERNESTINE LINE: Johann Friedrich I, 1532-1547, AR 1½ thaler (43.22g), 1539, KM-MB230, Dav-9725, 50mm, bust of the elector Johann Friedrich holding large sword // ornate arms of Saxony, modestly cleaned in obverse field, EF $800 - 1,000 Photo size reduced. 1392. SAXE-WEIMAR-EISENACH: Wilhelm Ernst, 1901-1918, AR 5 mark, 1903-A, KM-218, Grand Duke’s Marriage to Caroline, choice AU $200 - 250 1388. SAXE-ERNESTINE LINE: Johann Friedrich I, 1532-1547, AR thaler (28.63g), Goslar, 1543, Dav-9740, KM-MB298., bust of Philipp der Grossmütigen (“the Magnanimous”) of Hessen on the reverse, attractive VF, S $500 - 600 1393. SAYN-WITTGENSTEIN-HOHENSTEIN: Gustav, 1657-1701, AR 2/3 thaler (18.76g), Ellrich, 1674, Dav-908/9, bold VF $150 - 200 1389. SAXE-ERNESTINE LINE: Johann Friedrich II, 1554-1567, AR thaler (28.70g), Saalfeld, ND, Dav-9745, KM-MB395, with busts of Johann Wilhelm & Johann Friedrich III on the reverse, EF $300 - 400 1394. SCHWARZBURG-SONDERSHAUSEN: Christian Wilhelm I, 1666-1721, AR 2/3 thaler (17.71g), 1676, Dav-950, some weakness in centers, but almost no wear, EF $150 - 200 1390.
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