ri Published bi-monthly by the Daughters of Bilitis, Inc., a non-profit corporation, > * t h . ¡005 Market Street, Room 208, San ☆ Francisco, California 94103. THE “Deui^^ieu 0^ BILITIS VOLUME XIII, No. IX and X LADDER /I WOMLS’S ORC ASIZM lOS FOR THE FURPOSE OF PROMOTING JUNE/JULY, 1969 THE INTEGRATION OF THE HOMOSEXUAL INTO SOCIETY RY ; ^ Educatiun of the Lesbian, enabling her to understand herself NATIONAL OFFICERS, DAUGHTERS OF BILITIS, INC. and to make her adjustment to society in all its social, civic, President, Rita Laporte and economic implications - by establishing and maintaining Vice President, East, Joan Kent a library of both fiction and non-fiction literature on the sex Vice President, West, Rinalda Reagan deviant theme; by sponsoring public meetings on pertinent Secretary, Lynd James subjects to be conducted by leading members of the legal, psychiatric, religious and other professions; by providing the Chapter Presidents are also included on The Board Lesbian a forum for the interchange of ideas within her own group. THE LADDER STAFF O Education of the public, developing an understanding and Editor, Gene Damon acceptance of the Lesbian as an individual, leading to an eventual breakdown of erroneous taboos and prejudices - by Production Assistant, Lyn Collins public discussion meetings and by dissemination of educa­ Production Manager, Helen Sanders tional literature on the Lesbian theme. Secretary to the Editor, Maura McCullough Staff Assistants, Sten Russell, Ben Cat 6 Encouragement of and participation in responsible research dealing with homosexuality. O THE LADDER is regarded as a sounding board for various points of view Investigation of the penal code as it pertains to the homosexual, on the homophile and related subjects, and does not necessarily reflect the proposing and promoting changes to provide an equitable hand­ opinion of the organization except such opinions as are specifically ac­ ling of cases involving this minority group through due process knowledged by the organization. of law in the state legislatures. IN THIS ISSUE: MEMBERSHIP in the Daughters of Bilitis is limited to women 21 years of age or older. If in New York area, direct inquiry to chapter. Other- Is Heterosexuality Natural? Marty Anderson................................................4 wi.se write to National Office in San Francisco for a membership appli­ What the Bible Says about Homosexuality by Kim Stabinski...................7 cation form. Two Poems by Kim Stibinski..................................................................... ' ^ t h e LADDER is a bi-monthly magazine published by Daughters of The Fire (a short story) by Helen R. Hull.................................................. 11 Bilitis, Inc., mailed in a plain sealed envelope for $7.50 a year. Anyone Statement on the Lesbian The Student Homophile League...................... 17 over 21 may sub.scribe to THE LADDER. The Lesbian Paperback by Gene Damon................................................... 18 CONTRIBUTIONS are gratefully accepted from anyone who wants to Sex Alone Not Enough by Florence Conrad.............................................. 24 support our work. We are a non-profit corporation depending entirely Lesbiana by Gene Damon............................................................................. 27 on volunteer labor. While men may not become members of Daughters Mono-Bi-and Polysexuality by Jane Ogden............................................... 32 of Bilitis. many have expre.s.sed interest in our efforts and have made The Girl Next Door (a short story) by Leo Skir......................................... 34 contributions to further our work. The Counsellor’s Corner by Dr. Ruth M. McGuire...................................37 NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS and New York Chapter San Francisco Chapter: p q . Box 3629 Cross Currents and Miscellaney................................................................. 39 1005 Market Street, Room 208 Grand Central Station Readers Respond......................................................................................... San Francisco, California 94103 New York, New York 10017 Sister of Saphho: Marie Laurencin by Vern Niven.................................. 46 Copyright 1969 by Daughters o f Bilitis, Inc., San Francisco, California. by Marty Anderson affair? Why are women so con­ is the argument that the “purpose” structed that their orgasm is most of sex is to reproduce—that God often a product of clitoral stimula­ created man in two sexes and that IS HETEROSEXUALITY “NATURAL”? tion rather than a result of penetra­ He had a purpose in doing so. Well, tion with the penis? The vagina is if the purpose was to reproduce, I Myths die slowly and they die people today are bearing far too directly connected with reproduc­ have already demonstrated that hard. The myth of a flat world, many children. It seems unlikely tion and the clitoris is not—yet the this is adequately fulfilled by oc­ with sun and stars revolving that they will be discouraged from clitoris is the most sexually sensi­ casional intercourse. Will anyone around it, is long dead. Most overpopulating the world by sim­ tive organ in a woman’s body. say that God commanded men to Americans no longer believe in the ply encouraging non-reproductive Freudian psychiatrists have engage in sex only when a child is Biblical explanation of creation, forms of sexuality. postulated that the “healthy, ma­ the desired result and only in the although it was only very recently In short, the race is not going to ture” adult enjoys coitus more manner necessary to reproduce? that the last of the laws prohibiting stop reproducing itself, no matter than any other sex act. Since the This position, of course, would re­ the teaching of evolution was what laws are enacted or rejjealed. Masters and Johnson study showed sult in the prohibition of contra­ struck down. Our nation is suffer­ If homosexuality were made legal, that most adults do not react the ception as well as sexual acts in ing from the death-agony of the and heterosexuality illegal, if bear­ way Freudians tell us we ought to persons who are sterile, women myth of racism. The myth of male ing children were punishable by react, are we to assume that most past menopause or in infertile peri­ dominance and women’s “role of death, huge numbers of people of us are unhealthy? Or is it pos­ ods. If G t^’s purpose was that we submissiveness" still prevails in would risk death, even by torture, sible that the Freudians are indulg­ should use sex only for reproduc­ our society. in order to have children. ing in circular and moralistic rea­ tion, why did he create the homo­ One of the myths that very few Most people practice sexual be­ soning? If I tell you that milk is sexual, why did He make some people have challenged is the belief havior of some sort rather frequent­ the most healthful food and that people sterile? I cannot believe that that heterosexuality is the most ly and only occasionally have chil­ you should therefore enjoy milk He did this only to torment us and natural, mature and perfect way of dren. If men and women had sex more than any other food—and lead us into the temptation of sin­ loving. In order to challenge this only during one month of the year, that you must be mentally sick if ning against His purposes. I cannot belief, one must be prepared to we would still be overpopulated! you prefer some other kind of food believe that sex was given to us to examine the nature of human sex­ The second prop behind the —you would probably tell me that be enjoyed only by those who wish uality in a dispassionate way; and myth is that heterosexual coitus is you feel perfectly fine and that it’s to procreate at the time and forbid­ few human beings are quite capable most pleasurable to the majority. none of my business what you eat. den to all others. of being dispassionate about sex. According to the recent study by It would seem ridiculous to you to The final prop of the myth of Nevertheless, it is possible to try. Masters and Johnson, Human define mental health or maturity heterosexual “naturalness’ lies in The prime argument behind the Sexual Response, most of the par­ on the basis of food tastes; yet we cultural projection. Men tend to see myth that heterosexuality is most ticipants reported more intense or­ do this all the time in the area of the universe in terms of their own “natural” (and by implication, gasms were experienced through sexual preferences. prejudices and conceptions. In a that other forms of sexual expres­ masturbation rather than through One may also question the idea patriarchal society, man projects sion are unnatural) is that coitus is sexual intercourse. According to that we “ought” to live naturally. a male, father-like god figure to necessary for reprcxluction, and various studies of female sexuality, We all eat cooked food, wear arti­ rule the universe. In a matriarchal without it the race would become most women achieve orgasm rare­ ficial garments, travel in artificial society, the most powerful god is a extinct. Yet it does not seem neces­ ly, perhaps never in their lifetimes machines instead of on the feet female, mother-like figure. The sary for people to encourage each —including women who have God gave us—and we don’t make a gods always resemble powerful other to practice heterosexual borne many children. If heterosex­ fuss about it. And yet when some men, women or animals. Men also coitus or to bear children, and in­ ual coitus is so “natural,” so “ful­ fellow performs a sex act with his project sexuality onto the universe. deed the problem throughout his­ filling,” why do women, who are own natural physical equipment in The Chinese have a myth struc­ tory for most peoples was to keep biologically capable of orgasm, a way which makes us uncomforta­ ture involving concepts of Yang and Yin. Westerners use their lan­ people from bearing children out have to learn how to achieve it? If ble, we call him “unnatural,” raise of wedlock or when they were for the function comes “naturally,” a hue and cry, and throw him in guage to label everything in sight other reasons in no financial posi­ why is sex an art that has to be prison—or worse.
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