Redirection First Name Alias List For Redirection System users, to search for aliases of a given name: • Please use "CTRL F" i.e. press on the "CTRL" key and the "F" key simultaneously, then • In uppercase letters, enter the name you which you search for in the search field located at the upper right side of the page and • Hit "Enter" on the keyboard to scroll down the list of names that match your search criteria. • To refine the search, click on the down arrow and select "Case Sensitive", so that you only see exact matches to the name you are looking for when you hit "Enter". o Note: The search works best if you enter the name in uppercase letters. • The list below is used to improve the name matching results for inline redirection by considering first name aliases. For example if the name on the COAN (change of address notification paid for by the person(s) moving), is Robert Smith and the name on the mail piece is addressed to Bob Smith, then the mail will be redirected since Bob is equivalent to Robert and vice versa. The list should only be used for first names. • For supervisors, if you have any further questions regarding inline redirection or name matching please also refer to Appendix 2 of the guide on SuperVISION: Guide for Clearing Errors in the Mail Forwarding “FROM” Address Resources: • To find more detailed content please click on the link: SuperVISION • For any questions, please contact: Harold Camilleri, Cell Lead for Redirection Services harold.camilleri@canadapost.
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