Horror stories Animals Plays provide fun are back butchered page J page 4 page 9 TheRebel Yellin' Volume 111, Issue 7 October 15, 1985 University of Nevada, Las Vegas Little good is accomplished without controversy, and no civil evil is ever defeated without publicity UNLV students condemn racial injustice by carmen zayas Apartheid Day of Protest was Emotions flared, and justices faced daily by South of passes, keeping track of vide South African blacks In his speech, Neal called a well-organized rally in tempers raged at several African blacks, Neal said, these 10 million passes is a with jobs is "tantamount to for total and immediate A marked contrast to the ill which various speakers voic- points in the rally, but during "...blacks have been violently huge task~a task that would saying that you couldn't end withdrawal of all American prepared protest of last year, ed theiroppositions and solu- the majority of the after- uprooted from their com- be impossible without 1.8.M. slavery because you would corporations in South Africa. UNLV's contribution to this tions to the racial segregation noon's events, speakers munities and moved to computers." have created Apartheidpage 2 year's please see nationwide Anti- policies of South Africa. listened patiently to questions poverty-stricken tribal According to Neal, both unemployment." raised by audience members, lands...black workers are the Kennedy and Carter Ad- even though some of the forced to leave their families ministrations imposed sanc- questions were clearly an- and live apart from them 11 tions on the South African tagonistic. months a year...blacks can- government, but these sanc- The rally was covered by not vote...cannot travel free- tions were relaxed by Ronald the student newspaper, the ly...cannot choose where they Reagan when he took office. Review Journal, Channel 13 want to live...and leaders of Neal said that the relaxa- and other news media. the black community are im- tionof these sanctions by the Posters and ribbons were prisoned or exiled for speak- Reagan Administration hung all over campus. ing out against the white resulted in "escalating repres- The keynote speaker was regime." W sion and violence against Democratic state senator Neal went on tocomment blacks in South Africa." Joseph Neal from North Las that without the support of UNLV also has investment Vegas. American corporations, con- in South Africa, according to During his emotionally servative publications and Neal, "UNLV holds in- charged speech, a sweat-dren- think-tanks, and tjte white vestments in 23 companies ched Neal claimed that as house, the apartheid system doing business in South long as "there is one law for would "collapse like a house Africa. white men and another for of cards." "Frequently managers of blacks, there will be no peace According to Neal, "It is these funds claim that they in South Africa." estimated that over 300 maj+r make investments because it Neal's speech depicted the American corporations h£d is profitable. What can we daily lives of blacks in South investments in South say about those who are will- Africa and confronted just Africa...totaling almost $6 ing to profit from the misery about every major argument billion." and oppression of others?" made against the total He also cited statistics Neal compared the withdrawal of american firms which showed that, arguments of proponents of maintaining quo from South Africa. "American corporations con- the status Neal explained thai South trol one-half of South between the U.S. and South Africa is, 4 a nation where Africa's petroleum industry, Aiiica with the arguments fewer than five million whites one-third of its automobile made in favor of retaining war wield absolute power over the industry• and 70 percent ofits slavery in the pre-civil lives and destinities of computer industry. South. blacks, According a twenty-five million "In South Africa the to Neal, I HAVE A DREAM-Democratic State Senator Joeeph ACCORDING TO MY LIBT-A student addresses asians and coloreds." movement of blacks is con- refuting divestiture by saying question to one ot the speakers at the ftntl- Neal from North Las Vegas made an emotional Listing some ot the in- trolled by an elaborate system that at least Americans pro- plead In Apartheld rally held last frlday In the Union. on behalfof blacks South Africa. UNR students Senate retains Novak as E&P head director also protest by carmen zayas members of the althletic department that were unhap- by rudi waltz "Sure it may hurt our At last Thursday's CSUN py with paperwork being put pockets for a while but we senate meeting, the recom- through at the last minute or While students at UNLV can at least keep our cons- mendation made by the Ex- after deadlines. heard speakers discuss anti- ciences clean." ecutive Board that Entertain- Kelleher also disclosed the apartheid matters, studentsat Although the motion was ment & Programming Direc- names of people who had the University of Nevada, voted down by the ASUN tor John Novak be fired, was called him complaining that Reno are in the midst of a dif- senate, it will be broughtback defeated by a close vote of 10 Novak never got back in ferent type of protest. up next meeting by theBlack against the dismissal motion touch with them. According to Guy Clifton, Students' Organization. Clif- and nine in favor. According to Kelleher, editor of UNR's student ton said, "The Black The meeting culminated a "many deals fell through newspaper. Sagebrush, there Students' Organization was week-long debate which because Novak failed to meeting is a proposal before the at thelast senate and brought into question issues return calls." ASUN senate asking that a they have vowed to 'come out such as: theduties of a direc- At that meeting, both resolution be sent to the in full force' for the next tor, the limitations of Kelleher and Senate President Board of Resents requesting senate meeting." presidential powers, and what Gus Varona voted to recom- According that the University System to Clifton, "In constitutes fair warning in a mend to the senate that totally withdraw any in- the five years that I have at- dismissal action. Novak be dismissed from his yet to see vestments it may have with tended UNR I have At the meeting, several duties. Vice-President Tom companies that have plants in students get as riled up over senators questioned the Muir abstained. South Africa. an issue as they are over this legality of CSUN President In Thursday's senate Said CUfton, "For the past one. We ran the story about Sean Kelleher's firing of meeting the debate took less ago and since time than was originally two senate meetings, the three weeks Novak last Friday during Nigerian Student Association then it's been like a chain Oktoberfest. predicted as senators voted to has been petitioning the stu- reaction." The senate is enpowered by restrict speeches to two was dent senate to adopt a total The story Clifton the constitution to "dismiss minutes. divestiture recommendation referring to was one that was officials by a two-thirds ma- Kelleher started by ex- ' Rebel reiterating had said to be presented to the Board written by Yell in jority." what he of Regents. staff member Oeoff According to Kelleher he at the Executive Board "Both times the request Schumacher. had repeatedly warned Novak meeting, and added that, "I has been denied, first on a 10 Schumacher, who wrote to start fulfillinghis duties as attend all theEAP events and last rarely see John Novak to 9 voteand then 11-8. The for The Yellin' Rebel EAP director. When Novak I Nigerian students feel that semester, wrote an article for failed to meet Kelleher's ex- there." apartheid is a moral issue the Sagebush similar to one pectations, Kelleher relieved Kelleher also said, "After which UNR and the Universi- done by Scott Dickensheets Novak of his directorship. several events, several year. senators and myself did the ty system as a whole should last Several members of CSUN condemn. Dickensheets' article, questioned the legality of cleaning up. Also alot of pro- "But the majority of the which was published in The Kelleher's actions, so the blems came up during events year, senators are saying that the Yellin' Rebel hut dealt dismissal was brought up that I had to resolve because University syitem's invest- with investments by the before the Executive Board. Novak was nowhere in sight." ment in these companies is Public Employees Retirement At that meeting, Kelleher profitable and part of the System of UNS in companies read a list he had compiled of Kelleher also passed a which he money is going to student with plants in South Africa. all the areas in which Novak around memo in scholarships, so we should That article raised little, if was deficient. stated, in part that, that he Novak's continueto invest. any attention at UNLV. Most of the charges against had been fielding "It's been a very heated Schumacher's article dealt Novak revolved around phone calls, that people had by ofPeople Against Vivisection Ex- called tocomplain about argument here on campus, with investment's theUNS UNIV STANDS ACCUSED-Membe's paperwork being put in too him to and the Sagebush has taken a as a whole In companies hav- perimentation, picketed front of UNLVBat Friday. The protestors were late. Kelleher cited several Novak and that due im- In st*money support ex- advertising several stand. We fed that the senate ing South African plants. demanding that the University stop using to Inhumane people, including Police proper story atten- and students should follow "The response to Oeoffs perimentation on laboratory animals Pieasßee related on page 4.
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