The Oregon Legionnaire The Voice of Oregon’s Veterans Since 1919 May 2021 Notes from Commanders, WWII 100 Years Commission Reports, Young Auxiliary, SAL Veteran Pg 23 Trivia and so much more... “In Flanders Fields” In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders fields. Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields. By Read about it on Lieutenant-Colonel John McCrae Page 7 As we are less than two months from in without anything on it as it will be ing veterans Convention, we have a lot to do. All rejected. Most Posts have done some- and their Resolutions for Constitution and By- thing in their communities to help families to Law changes need to be to Depart- veterans and families during the Pan- the best we ment by May 10th. District Com- demic and wildfires, and this is a way can. As time manders need to make sure all of their to make this known to Department goes by and Posts reports are to Department by and National. things be- May 15th. Consolidated Post reports gin to open need to be to National by July 1st, and Also, there have been individual up, we can if not done online, they need to be to members that have done great work get going Department by June 1st so they can to help people in their communities full bore, but in STEVE ADAMS be to National by July 1st. this past year, and they should be rec- the meantime, we DEPT. COMMANDER ognized for their hard work. need to continue Even with Covid and the wildfires, to work hard and continue to move Posts have done something in the In over a year, we have accomplished forward, and keep a positive attitude. community. You cannot send CPR’s a lot considering the forced restric- Next year will be better than the last. tions. We have kept our focus on help- Poppy Month By this District 2 Post 45,49,56,86 writing, Posts 33,57,58,89,122,173 District 6 some if not District 3 None all our issues Posts 11,40,51,83,100,116 District 7 with the new District 4 Post 98 MyLegion Posts 8,70,84 will probably District 5 District 8 be solved. Posts 4,19,25,29,44 None BUT… I am District 6 District 9 only able to Posts 41,43,72,87,95,157 Posts 121,123 report on District 7 District 10 LARRY WITTMAYER my last take None Posts 63,67,77 DEPT 2ND-VICE COMMANDER of the data- District 8 MEMBERSHIP CHAIR base to re- Post 180 100%+ Posts port the Department status. District 9 Post 50 - 127.27% ` Post 34,62,152 Post 106 - 118% Let me say that our recent progress District 10 Post 137 - 115% is improving significantly, and WE Post 96 Post 76 - 110.87% will get the job done. IT WILL TAKE Post 61 - 108.96% PATIENCE. 91%-100% Post 79 - 105.58% Post 28 - 104.67% District 1 Post 26 - 102.08% Our Department Hall of Fame as Post 42,90 Post 55 - 100% 3/27/2021 (11 days go): District 2 Post 21,75 Top Districts 75%-80% - We have 19 posts District 3 District 10 - 93.9% Post 32,59,97 District 5 - 87.07% 81%-90% District 4 - 84.71% District 4 District 9 - 85.87% District 1 Post 129,192 District 1 - 81.71% Posts 2,6,12,56,104,119,168 District 5 Continued on page 3 2 Continued from page 2 The Proposed 2021-2022 Depart- elections for LARRY WITTMAYER District 6 ment Budget will have been presented new officers DEPT 2ND-VICE COMMANDER 80.63% and discussed with the Department and Post MEMBERSHIP CHAIR Executive Committee (DEC) at our delegates We can still Spring DEC Meeting at La Pine Post to District reach 100% as a Department with a 45 Sunday, April 11th. After those Caucus and concentrated effort. Let’s Get This discussions, the Proposed Budget will Department Train Back on Track. be published in the Oregon Legion- Convention naire per our Constitution and By- is taking Interesting things to make Laws and presented to the Delegates place “now” at our Department Convention in or has taken you say June 2021 at Seven Feathers for dis- place. De- PDC, BOB HUFF Hmmm..... cussion and adoption. partment DEPARTMENT FINANCE OFFICER By-Laws, Article V – Convention, Yes, I will continue to repeat this. Section 1. Reads “The several Posts of Baseball um- It is tax season, and please make sure the Department shall, at least forty- pires used to sit that your Post files their taxes. March five (45) days before the opening of in rocking chairs! 15th is the due date for filing 990 tax the annual Department Convention, reporting if your reporting year is elect their delegates and alternates People have been playing baseball since January 1st to December 31st. With and certify them to the Department the mid 19th century. In the early games, COVID 19, not being able to hold Adjutant. The registration fee for all meetings face to face, not visiting our authorized delegates, alternates and umpires would officiate the games reclin- Posts, some Post activity is not be- delegates-at-large, as it shall be deter- ing in a rocking chair that was located ing done. Please ask your Post if they mined by the Department Executive 20 feet behind home plate. By 1878, the have filed their taxes. District Com- Committee, shall be sent in accor- National League also declared that home manders ask at your Posts meetings dance with the Convention Commit- teams must pay umpires $5 per game. or phone if they have filed their taxes. tee Code of Procedure. Every Post is a separate corporation Psalm 91: 2-5 and is required to file a 990, 990EZ, or No delegate shall be seated at the 990-n each year; there are no excep- Convention unless certification of “I will say tions. such election is received by the De- of the Lord. partment Adjutant at least thirty (30) He is my ref- In this May issue, remember; Post days prior, except as hereinafter pro- uge and my vided.” The Department Adjutant has fortress: my Pandemic has taken its toll on many. sent out Convention Delegate Forms God; in Him Our hearts, prayers, and sympathy go with the authorized Post Delegate will I trust. out to all the families and their close strength. The delegate fee is $15.00 for Surely He friends. each delegate. The Post is responsible STEVEN SHOLLENBURG shall deliver for sending the Delegate Form with DEPT CHAPLAIN you from the In the above verse, we see that God certification from the Post Adjutant snare of the fowler and the noisome has told us, not only in Psalms, but and $15.00 for each delegate strength. pestilence. He shall cover you with throughout His word, to take refuge, His feathers, and under His wings cover, do not be afraid, put on the If a Post is authorized three (3) del- shall you trust: His truth shall be Whole Armor of God, and trust in egates and only has two (2) attending, your shield and buckler. You shall not Him, and we have to put that trust in the Post is still responsible for sending be afraid for the terror by night; nor Him in today’s world. in the delegate fees for three (3) dele- for the arrow that flies by day:” gates. Those Posts not returning their It has been a hectic couple of months, Certified Delegate Forms and del- This past winter has seen numerous and I hope and pray all are doing well. egate fees will not be in good standing Legionnaires leaving our ranks for the As we get ready for the State Conven- and will have no delegate vote. The Post Everlasting, not only here in Or- tion, let’s hope things continue to delegate forms are also located on our egon but also nationwide. The Covid Continued on page 4 Department Web Site. 3 Continued from page 3 The right feeling of unjustness and inflict and STEVEN SHOLLENBURG meet once to vote is a perpetuate injustice. Voting is morally DEPT CHAPLAIN again in June. sacred obli- significant. Voting changes, the qual- It will be good to see everyone, espe- gation that ity, scope, and kind of department we cially since we missed last year. Make everyone have. The way we vote can help or sure the decline of the Covid Pan- has. Your harm our fellow veterans. Vote out- demic is in your daily prayers. vote counts comes can be harmful or beneficial, and furthers just or unjust. Several Posts have been very active the excel- around their community, deliver- lent business Voting is the primary way that we ing firewood, taking needed grocer- PDC, GENE HELLICKSON of our depart- influence the quality of our depart- ies and needed supplies to people in DEPT JUDGE ADVOCATE ment. We are ment. “Listen, think, and vote your need. A big thanks to those posts for voting to represent our fellow legion- conscience.
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