The Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture (A branch centre of Ramakrishna Mission, P.O. Belur Math, Dist. Howrah, West Bengal - 711202) PHONE : (91-33-) 2464-1303 (3 LINES) ; 2465-2531 (2 LINES); 2466-1235 (3 LINES); FAX : (91-33-) 2464-1307 E.Mail : [email protected] ; [email protected]; Website : www.sriramakrishna.org Mail to : The Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture, Gol Park, Kolkata 700 029 BOOK LIST (INSTITUTE’S PUBLICATION) : ORDER FORM AS ON JANUARY 2019 Books on Sri Ramakrishna Order Name of books Author’s/Editor’s Name Pages Price copies A Portrait of Sri Ramakrishna Editor : A. Salm, S. Dhar & P. De 928 500.00 The Way to God Swami Lokeswarananda 482 290.00 Sri Ramakrishna : A Prophet for the New Age Richard Schiffman 256 100.00 Ramakrishna and Christ Hans Torwesten 240 80.00 Great Thinkers on Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Ed. : Swami Lokeswarananda 224 100.00 Benoy Sarkar and Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Movement Haridas Mukherjee 50 20.00 Sri Ramakrishna : the Symbol of Harmony of Religions Hossainur Rahman 52 15.00 Sri Ramakrishna in the Eyes of Brahmo & Christian Admirers Pub : Swami Sarvabhutananda 164 60.00 Leo Tolstoy and Sri Ramakrishna Serigei D. Serebriany 44 12.00 Ramakrishna’s Religion R. K. DasGupta 135 40.00 Vedanta and Ramakrishna Swami Swahananda 456 150.00 Sri Ramakrishna and Spiritual Renaissance Swami Nirvedananda 288 120.00 Sri Ramakrishna : Myriad Facets Pub : Swami Sarvabhutananda 440 150.00 Some Inspiring Illustrations of Sri Ramakrishna, Holy Mother & Swamiji and Their Love Swami Tathagatananda 172 90.00 Åøã¹à³Aõ¡ìÌ¡¹ [šøÚ ÎUãt¡ Î@ Ѭà³ã ëºàìA¡Å«¹à>–ƒ 484 180.00 šèo¢ì™àKã Åøã¹à³Aõ¡Ì¡ ƒãì>Å W¡–ƒø ®¡j¡àW¡à™¢ ÅàÑ|ã 92 40.00 [>\³åìJ Åøã¹à³Aõ¡ìÌ¡¹ \ã¤> * l¡üšº[§¡ "®¡Úà ƒàÅP¡œ 260 100.00 šåò[= (Åøã¹à³Aõ¡Ì¡ * ÅøãÛå¡[ƒ¹à³ ">å[º[Jt¡) Î@ Ѭà³ã šø®¡à>–ƒ 204 140.00 šåò[=¹ "àìºàìA¡ Åøã¹à³Aõ¡Ì¡ Ѭà³ã [¤Ìå¡ìƒ¤à>–ƒ 328 200.00 Åøã¹à³Aõ¡Ì¡ šøÎU Ѭà³ã W¡–ƒøA¡à”zà>–ƒ * l¡@ šè¤¢à ëÎ>P¡œ¡ 1200 350.00 뤃à”z * ¹à³Aõ¡Ì¡ Ѭà³ã ѬàÒà>–ƒ 552 250.00 Åøã¹à³Aõ¡ìÌ¡¹ [W¡[A¡;Îà * [W¡[A¡;ÎA¡ šøÎU l¡@ ÎVQ[³yà ëW¡ï‹å¹ã 308 150.00 A¡=à³õìt¡ Kãt¡à [¤Å«>à= ƒàÎ 556 190.00 \K¤–ƒ> (2 Jr¡ &A¡ìy) Î: Ѭà³ã Îåšo¢à>–ƒ 1648 700.00 Åøã¹à³Aõ¡Ì¡ * γA¡à캹 A¡à³à¹šåA塹 t¡[Øl¡; A塳๠¤ì–ƒ¸àšà‹¸àÚ 416 300.00 냤³à>¤ Åøã¹à³Aõ¡Ì¡ Ѭà³ã [¤Ìå¡ìƒ¤à>–ƒ 336 100.00 *ìÒ ë\¸à[t¡³¢Ú¡ Ѭà³ã [¤Ìå¡ìƒ¤à>–ƒ 208 90.00 ¹¤ã–ƒø>àì=¹ "‹¸àuìW¡t¡>à * Åøã¹à³Aõ¡Ì¡-šøÎU Ѭà³ã 볋Îà>–ƒ 254 180.00 Books on Sri Saradadevi Sri Sarada Devi : Consort of Sri Ramakrishna Nanda Mookerjee 226 90.00 Åt¡¹ê¡ìš Îใà Î@ Ѭà³ã ëºàìA¡Å«¹à>–ƒ 864 350.00 Åøã³à®¡à[Èt¡ Î}A¡ºA¡ : l¡@ šè¤¢à ëÎ>P¡œ¡ 768 260.00 ÅøãÅøãÎใà샤ã @ "àuA¡=à "®¡Úà ƒàÅP¡œ 138 60.00 Îใà ">勸à> Î@ Ѭà³ã šø®¡à>–ƒ 452 200.00 ³àìÚ¹ [W¡[k¡ Î@ Ѭà³ã šø®¡à>–ƒ 240 80.00 Books on Swami Vivekananda Swami Vivekananda in Contemporary Indian News, Vol. I Editor : Sankari Prasad Basu 700 500.00 Swami Vivekananda in Contemporary Indian News, Vol. II Editor : Sankari Prasad Basu 928 600.00 Swami Vivekananda in Contemporary Indian News, Vol. III Editor : Sankari Prasad Basu 896 600.00 A Concordance to Swami Vivekananda, Vol. : I (A-H) Editor : Swami Lokeswarananda 576 500.00 A Concordance to Swami Vivekananda, Vol. : II (I-M) Editor : Swami Prabhananda 631 500.00 A Concordance to Swami Vivekananda, Vol. : III (N-Z) Editor : Swami Prabhananda 1024 600.00 Swami Vivekananda : Studies in Soviet Union Pub : Swami Lokeswarananda 466 80.00 Swami Vivekananda’s Vedantic Socialism R. K. DasGupta 180 80.00 Swami Vivekananda on Indian Philosophy and Literature R. K. DasGupta 360 125.00 Words of Inspiration Swami Vivekananda 78 25.00 Pearls of Wisdom Swami Vivekananda 216 55.00 My India, The India Eternal Swami Vivekananda 218 72.00 Order Name of books Author’s/Editor’s Name Pages Price copies Revolutionary Ideas of Swami Vivekananda R. K. DasGupta 54 20.00 Vivekananda and Indian Freedom Hiren Mukherjee 60 20.00 Tolstoy and Vivekananda A. P. Gnatyuk Danil Chuk 38 12.00 Swami Vivekananda and Indian Nationalism S. C. Sengupta 185 90.00 Swami Vivekananda Prophet for the Modern Age Marie Louise Burke 70 20.00 Swami Vivekananda as a Philosopher Prof. J. L. Shaw 36 12.00 Social Philosophy of Swami Vivekananda Santwana Dasgupta 494 250.00 Vivekananda’s Influence on Subhas Nanda Mookerjee 148 45.00 Vedanta and Vivekananda Swami Swahananda 428 150.00 Swami Vivekananda : New Perspectives Pub: Swami Sarvabhutananda 776 350.00 Swami Vivekananda’s Neo-Vedanta in Theory and Practice: A Critical Study Dulal Chandra Panday 146 75.00 Economic Thinking of Swami Vivekananda, Mahatam Gandhi, and Rabindranath Tagore in the Light of Modern Theory of Hirendra Nath Roy 296 110.00 Economic Development The Monk and A Merchant Somenath Mukherjee 160 70.00 Understanding Vivekananda Pub : Swami Suparnananda 808 400.00 Swami Vivekananda’s Vission of Future Society (New) Pub : Suparnananda 192 95.00 Swami Vivekananda’s Relevance in Meeting the Challenges of 21st Century (New) Pub : Suparnananda 166 90.00 Chronological Accounts of the Events of Paribrajaka Dr. Shyamali Chowdhury 252 360.00 Life of Swami Vivekananda "à³à¹ ®¡à¹t¡ "³¹ ®¡à¹t¡ Ѭà³ã [¤ì¤A¡à>–ƒ 280 95.00 [W¡”zà>àÚA¡ [¤ì¤A¡à>–ƒ Î@ Ѭà³ã ëºàìA¡Å«¹à>–ƒ 1100 380.00 [¤ì¤A¡à>ì–ƒ¹ 뤃à”z [W¡”zà ƒãì>Å W¡–ƒø ®¡j¡àW¡à™¢ ÅàÑ|ã 280 100.00 Ѭà³ã [¤ì¤A¡à>ì–ƒ¹ A¡[¤t¡àγNø Ѭà³ã Îåšo¢à>–ƒ 336 130.00 ÎUãt¡ A¡¿t¡¹ç¡ >ì¹–ƒø>à= ƒv¡ * í¤Ì¡¤ W¡¹o ¤ÎàA¡ 895 325.00 [¤ì¤A¡à>ì–ƒ¹ "=¢î>[t¡A¡ [W¡”zà Îå¤øt¡ P¡œ¡ 144 70.00 Ѭà³ã [¤ì¤A¡à>ì–ƒ¹ γà\t¡à[wA¡ [W¡”zà‹à¹à l¡@ šè¤¢à ëÎ>P¡œ¡ 440 230.00 Ѭà³ã [¤ì¤A¡à>–ƒ &A¡ Î}Nøà³ã \ã¤> Ѭà³ã t¡=àKt¡à>–ƒ 72 12.00 Ѭà³ã [¤ì¤A¡à>ì–ƒ¹ "à™¢t¡w "à‹å[>A¡ [\`¡àÎà (>tå¡>) l¡@ ³à‹å¹ã ιA¡à¹ 180 140.00 šyšø®¡àÚ [¤ì¤A¡à>–ƒ * P¡¹ç¡°àtõ¡¤õ–ƒ (>tå¡>) 400 180.00 [>®¢¡ãA¡ * Å[v¡û¡³à> Ò* (>tå¡>) Ѭà³ã t¡=àKt¡à>–ƒ 80 15.00 Books on Religion and Culture The Cultural Heritage of India [Vol.I to VIII] (817 illustrations) + 7072 8000.00 Vol. I : The Early Phases Editors : Suniti Kr. Chatterji & others 716 700.00 Vol. II : Itihasas, Puranas, Dharma & other Shastras Editors : S. K. Dey, A. D. Pusalkar & others 766 800.00 Vol. III : The Philosophies Editor : Haridas Bhattacharyya 720 800.00 Vol. IV : The Religions Editor : Haridas Bhattacharyya 796 800.00 Vol. V : Languages and Literatures Editor : Suniti Kr. Chatterji 866 800.00 Vol. VI : Science and Technology Editors : P.R. Roy & S. N. Sen Introduction 572 700.00 by Dr. Raja Ramanna Vol. VII (Part One) : The Arts Editor : Dr. Kapila Vatsyayan 1104 1200.00 Vol. VII (Part Two) : The Arts Editor : Dr. Kapila Vatsyayan 992 1200.00 Vol. VIII : The Making of Modern India (1765-1947) Ed : Sukumar Bhattacharyya & Uma Das Gupta 1532 1000.00 The Cultural Heritage of India (Subsidized edition : Vol. I-VIII) (817 illustrations) + 7072 4200.00 Vol. I : The Early Phases (Subsidized Paperback) Editors : Suniti Kr. Chatterji & others 716 450.00 Vol. II : Itihasas, Puranas, Dharma & other Shastras (Subsidized ”) Editors : S. K. Dey, A. D. Pusalkar & others 766 500.00 Vol. III : The Philosophies (Subsidized Paperback) Editor : Haridas Bhattacharyya 720 450.00 Vol. IV : The Religions (Subsidized Paperback) Editor : Haridas Bhattacharyya 796 500.00 Vol. V : Languages and Literatures (Subsidized Paperback) Editor : Suniti Kr. Chatterji 866 500.00 Vol. VI : Science and Technology (Subsidized Paperback) Editors : P.R. Roy & S. N. Sen Introduction 572 400.00 by Dr. Raja Ramanna Vol. VII (Part I) : (Subsidized paperback) : The Arts Editor : Dr. Kapila Vatsyayan 1104 400.00 Vol. VII (Part II) : (Subsidized paperback) : The Arts Editor : Dr. Kapila Vatsyayan 992 550.00 Vol. VIII : (Subsidised paperback) :The Making of Modern India (1765-1947) Ed: Sukumar Bhattacharyya & Uma Das Gupta 1532 450.00 Varanasi at the Crossroads, Vol.I Swami Medhasananda 604 400.00 Varanasi at the Crossroads, Vol.II Swami Medhasananda 486 400.00 The Religions of the World Pub : Swami Lokeswarananda 1008 350.00 Studies on the Tantras Pub : Swami Lokeswarananda 170 100.00 Studies in Jainism Pub : Swami Lokeswarananda 180 90.00 Religious Tolerance or Acceptance Anindita Niyogi Balslav 58 12.00 Religion : Theory and Practice Swami Lokeswarananda 84 30.00 [2] Order Name of books Author’s/Editor’s Name Pages Price copies Comparative Religion : A Study Pritibhushan Chatterji 88 25.00 Exploring Harmony among Religious Traditions in India Pub : Swami Sarvabhutananda 400 150.00 Harmony of Religions from the standpoint of Sri Ramakrishna & Swami Vivekananda Swami Bhajanananda 64 22.00 The Perennial Values of Indian Culture Pub : Swami Sarvabhutananda 248 125.00 Appreciation of Indian Art : Selected Writings Pub : Swami Sarvabhutananda 416 225.00 Cultural Values in Ancient Indian Economic and Political Thoughts Lallanji Gopal 86 50.00 Practical Spirituality Swami Lokeswarananda 276 115.00 Religion and Culture Swami Lokeswarananda 104 65.00 Spiritual Values to Live By Swami Prabhananda 92 50.00 Spirituality and Positive Psychology Prof.
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