Coventry GOP knocks Sullivan off ticket see page 3 manrhpalpr Upralft u Friday, July 28, 1989 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm Newsstand Price; 35 Cents Israelis House votes gut kidnap defense package By Lawrence L. Knutsan But that action may result in Moslem the chamber retaining needed The Assaclated Press leverage to resist House cuts on that and other weapons systems. By Mohammed Salam WASHINGTON - - The White The Senate will need all the The Associated Press House is counting on the Senate to leverage it can muster when rescue President Bush’s defense representatives of the two bodies BEIRUT, Lebanon — Israeli priorities torn asunder in House meet in conference to resolve the Y commandos today kidnapped a votes gutting or cutting back many differences between the Shiite Moslem leader who is virtually every major strategic two bills. considered Iran's closest ally and weapons program. Senators are to continue their who sources say was linked to the In two days of votes on a consideration of the measure abduction of U.S. Lt. Col. William $295-billion defense authorization next week. R. Higgins. bill, the House ignored White “ We are watching the strategic Police said Sheik Abdul Karim House and Pentagon lobbying position of the administration Obeid, 33, was kidnapped from and turned Bush’s defense priori­ unwind step by step on the floor of his second-floor apartment in the ties on their head. the House," said Sen. Sam Nunn, village of Jibchit, 21 miles north It restored funds for conven­ D-Ga., chairman of the Senate of the border with Israel. A tional aircraft discarded by the Armed Services Committee. curious neighbor was killed by Pentagon while suspending most "It is important that we not the commandos, police said. production of the radar-evading emasculate this program," Nunn Obeid is reputed to be the stealth bomber. It cut money for said as the vote neared on an spiritual guide of Hezbollah, or the Star Wars missile defense amendment to cut Star Wars by Party of God, in south Lebanon. system, stripped funds intended $558 million in addition to the $400 ^ However, he has repeatedly to make the MX missile a mobile million trimmed earlier by the denied links with the pro-Iranian weapon and eliminated all of the Senate panel. group, which is affiliated with $100 million provided for the “ If the Senate does not come factions holding most of the 17 Midgetman missile. out with a reasonable budget on foreign hostages in Lebanon. Rep. Les Aspin, D-Wis., said all strategic programs, then we Nine Americans are among the the House had "shredded” Bush’s are going to be going to confer­ hostages. defense priorities to produce “ a ence in a hopeless situation.” he Security sources in south Le­ Michael Dukakis defense bill." said. banon, speaking on condition of The Senate, meanwhile, only The House adopted its version anonymity, said Higgins was narrowly turned aside a strong of the bill, 261-162. briefly held at Obeid’s apartment bid to freeze research and devel­ In the final minutes of debate, after his abduction in south opment of the Star Wars strategic an unusual coalition of Republi­ Lebanon on Feb. 17, 1988. defense initiative. It tabled the cans and liberals turned against One source said the late leader amendment offered by Sen. Ben­ of the mainstream Shiite Moslem nett Johnston, D-La., 50-47. Amal militia in south Lebanon, Please see DEFENSE, page 10 Daoud Daoud, sent "a group of his followers to obtain Higgins’ release from Obeid’s apartment, ^ but the force was encircled by Ferguson decides Hezbollah gunmen, stripped of its weapons and sent back.” The source said Higgins’ kid­ nappers, the Organization of the to keep works job Oppressed on Earth, later took the American marine out of By Alex GIrelll Jibchit to another village in south Lebanon and then to the slums of Manchester Herald south Beirut. Thomas H. Ferguson, whose Daoud and Mahmoud Faqih, appointment as public works another Amai leader, were assas­ commissioner of the Eighth Utili­ sinated by unknown gunmen in Reginald Pinto/Manchaatar Herald ties District has sparked criti­ south Beirut’s seaside suburb of cism, said today he will stay on. Ouzai on Sept. 22, 1988. Amal HE’S COOKING — Joseph Boisette of at Charter Oak Park. Ram is predicted Ferguson, who said earlier this 149 Spruce St. takes advantage of the for tonight, but it should be clear week he might resign, said he Please see KIDNAP, page 10 summer weather this week to barbecue Saturday. decided to keep the post after giving it “ a lot of thought.” He was named to the post July 17 over former commissioner Sa­ G O P picks muel Longest, a heavy equipment Electric Boat moves to ban operator who had held the post for 12 years. slate for Critics have charged that dis­ trict President Thomas E. Land­ ers moved for Ferguson’s ap­ inciteful language, behavior pointment because Longest had elections supported Landers’ opponent in "enhance productivity by setting, measuring By Alex GIrelll GROTON (AP) — Dozens of Electric Boat the district elections. employees have shown up at work in black and controlling individual performance.” They THOMAS H. FERGUSON Manchester Herald Ferguson said, "The president, should also help control what the company T-shirts depicting a dagger and bearing a who was elected by popular vote, . to stay on derogatory message about workers who crossed considers attempts by union members to harass Republicans can beat the De­ called on me to fill the position mocrats in the Nov. 7 election if picket lines during last year’s strike, but come and intimidate other workers. and the Board of Directors Director Joseph Tripp cast the no votes. they work together as a team, next week those shirts won’t be permitted. EB spokesman Neil D. Ruenzel said the approved his choice.” former state Sen. Carl A. Zinsser Effective Monday, new management rules will guidelines clarify existing company policy. He Ferguson, a real estate sales­ Critics have called the failure told members of the Manchester ban T-shirts and buttons that have "threatening said they were drafted and mailed to supervisors man, said Landers felt he needed to appoint Longest a political Republican Town Committee and inciteful” language. They will also ban after complaints of shipyard harassment were an administration he could trust. vendetta after Longest supported Thursday after they had en­ certain behaviors, such as making catcalls, "As for Sam (Longest), I lodged with the company. Please see FERGUSON, page 10 dorsed a full slate. attempting to isolate workers and using the word respect the years he put in on the scab and vulgar and offensive adjectives. The complaints came from strike breakers, " If you have anything bad to job and I feel badly that this has Written materials considered inciteful also will new hires and other employees, Ruenzel said. say about any of these candi­ come out this way. I certainly dates, save it for Nov. 8,” said be prohibited, including lists of strike-breakers The 8,400 members of EB’s blue-collar hope he’ll be there in an advisory TODAY compiled and kept by union locals and made workforce will not receive a copy of the new Zinsser, a member of the Repub­ capacity,” Ferguson said. lican State Central Committee. available to employees. guidelines. But employees were sent a letter When the appointments for dated July 27, reminding them that abuse or The votes to endorse the slate The message on the T-shirts that a group of commissioner posts were made Index proposed by the nominating com­ second-shift employees wore to the shipyard harassment of other workers is grounds for at the July 17 meeting, Landers’ ■ Thursday afternoon said: “ When the scabs are formal disciplinary action and possible 20 pages, 2 sectians mittee were unanimous. list of recommended appoint­ Almost all the candidates in gone, the wounds will heal.” The sentence refers dismissal. ments did not include Longest. Classified _ 17-20 Opinion_______ 8 their acceptance speeches to Metal Trades Council union members and new The letter, signed by Donald G. Norman. EB’s He named Ferguson, a newly- C om ics______ 16 Sports _____11-13 vice president for human resources, makes echoed the theme that it is time hires who crossed picket lines to work at EB elected director instead. Focus_________ 9 Television_____14 specific reference to the ban on clothing and for a change and that the party before the end of last year’s strike. The directors voted 4 to 2, with Local/State___2-4 Weather________2 has the best chance it has had in EB officials say the rules are intended to buttons considered inciteful. one director absent, to approve Natlon/World-5-7 Weekend. 15 years to take control from the the appointments. Longest and Obituaries____ 2 Democratic Party. Republican Town Chairman John Garside said. “ It’s up to us to get our message out to the people of Manchester and prove Rapist was product of early-release plan that now is the time for a change. Let’s do it. Let’s win it all.” 9 By Maureen Leavitt 1, 1988 after serving nine months program since it began in 1982. William Flower, spokesman for Garside said. "We will not reintroduced into society. submit to the Democratic hie­ Manchester Herald of a 3'/i-year jail term for stealing While state corrections officials the state Department of Correc­ Today, the state Department of rarchy that has already tried to a purse from an elderly woman. say only a small percentage of tions, said cases such as Fon­ Corrections admits it relies on the set the tone of the campaign by Convicted rapist Robert S.
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