Pase 1 of 12 sql?Iqrgtr?fi,r6,'rqr{{ *qr {FF,Er{Tffdr< "firrW"r++ ,'q-aftift-m, SuffiJ+qre+ ,i"-riE-rT 380 009. ({TrE:(079) 27s4 4630 +_nr (o79) 2zs4 2343 t_tE: cus-ahmd. [email protected] D rN-20200971MN00 008cc1c4 sHow CAUSENOTIC E Whereas, Mr.Muhammad Siddiq Abdul Sattar Bomba5,"wa1a, aged years (DoB:3I.OZ.1gZO), 50 residing at 10/2462_68, Bombaprzala Bhagatalao, Manson, surat city, Gujarat pIN 395003, (hereinafter referred to as the 'passenger')' holding an Indian passport No.T3 103g0g and Mrs. Rizwana Mohammad Siddiq Bomba5rvrzala, aged 4g years (DoB :Og.OZ.l97 l), residing ar 10/2467-68, Gani Bhai Co. Gali, Sindhiwad, Bhagatalao, Surat City, Gujarat PIN 3g5oo3 (hereinafter ,Co-passenger,), referred to as the holding an Indian Passport No.s5650054 had arrived at sardar Varabhbhai parer International Airport, Ahmedabad,by Indigo Airways Flight No.6t 72 !r.t, Dubai to Ahmedabad on 02.o3.2020. Mr.Muhammad siddiq Abdur satrar Bomba5rwala was carrying one green colour trolley bag, one brown colour trolley bag and one black colour hand bag a, checked in bags and Mrs. Rizwana Mohammad Siddiq Bombayurala was carrying one Brown colour trolley bag, one pink colour trolley bag and one black colour hand bag all checked in bags and one sring purse. The said passengers had opted for green channel.. Due to suspicious movement, the passengers were intercepted at the exit of the green channel for personal search and examination of their baggages. 2. Whereas, Mr. Muhammad Siddiq Abdul Sattar Bomba1rwala was asked as to whether he was carrying any contraband or any dutiabie goods in person or in the baggages which needed to be declared to the customs. The passenger replied that he had nothing to declare. All his baggages were subjected to X-Ray screening at the X-Ray screening machine installed at the Green Channel counter but nothing suspicious was noticed on the baggage screening machine screen. Thereafter, the passenger was asked to walk through the Door Frame Metal Detector ("DFMD") installed near Customs AIU counter in the Arrival Hall. The passenger readily removed all the metallicobjectssuchasbelt,mobile,etc'andwalkedthroughthcl)F-Ml)' indicating there was nothing however no beep sound was heard F No'vltu1o-74/svPlF','/O&AJHQ/2020-21 1 Paee 2 ot 72 officers being satis{ied' the AIU his body/clothes' Not dutiable on Intelligence objectionable/ of the Air ' ttte tuggage to the office took the passengercf Airport' Ahmedabad "rrg"f' in the Arrival Hall' SvPl opposite eltt No's to Unit situated asked the passenger suspicion the AIU oflicers further examination. on the AIU for small cabin situated in undergarments in the change his pant and his clothes and passenger then changed of{ice for their examintdo"] but 'n" said clothes and undergarments The officer examined the undergarments' offrcers asked the passenger was noticed' Then the AIU nothing objectionable and gave the same to p^""ttlg"r removed the socks to remove his socks' Tf'" was some semi solid substance On examination of the Socks the AIU off-rcer' the substance' the to be gold' Being asked about felt by the oflicer suspected of was carrying was a mixture that the semi solid paste he passenger agreed out the semi solid asked the passenger to take gold. The AIU officer then a packet wrapped with black The passenger then recovered substance. AIU offrcers took y"tto* coloured semi solid paste' The adhesive tape containing as und a photograPh of it which is Siddiq Bombayi;vala was asked 2.1 Similarly, Mrs' Rizwana Mohammad or any dutiabre goods in as to whether she was carrying any contraband be declared to the Customs' The person or in the baggages which needed to declare' A11 her baggages were passenger replied that she had nothing to located near the green channel of then put on the baggage screening machine was seen on the the Arrival Har and screened but nothing objectionable purse a dark image was seen on screen. However, on screening the ladies sling that the same is a cut gold the screen. On being asked the passenger informed bar.Thcpassengerthenremovedthesaidcutgoldbarwrappedinblack to the AIU officers' adhesive tape and blue carbon paper and showed it Door Frame Metal Thereafter, the passenger was asked to walk through the counter in the Arrival Hail' Detector [DFMD") installed near Customs AIU body and The passenger readily removed all the metallic objects from her passed through the DFMD, while she walked through the DFMD' no beep to the sound was heard. Not being satisfied the AIU officers took the passenger oflice of the Air Intelligence Unit situated opposite Belt No.5 in the Arival Hall, SVPI Airport, Ahmedabad for further examination. The lady AIU officer examined the passenger with hand held metar detector, however, no beep sorrnd was heard. However, on suspicion the AIU officers asked the passenger to change her clothes and undergarments in the small cabin situated in the F. No.Vlll/10-74lSvPtNO&NHet2O2O-21 2 Page 3 of 12 AIU office for their examination. The passenger then changed her clothes and undergarments. The officer examined the said clothes and undergarments but nothing objectionable was noticed. Then the lady AIU officer askcd thc passenger to remove her socks. The passenger removed her socks and gavc thc same to the AIU officer. On examination of the Socks some semi solid substance was felt by the lady officer suspected to be gold. On Being asked about the substance, the passenger agreed that the semi solid paste she was carrying is a mixture of gold. The AIU oflicer then asked the passenger to take out the semi solid substance. The passenger then removed a packet wrapped with black adhesive tape containing yellow coloured semi solid paste and gave it to the lady AIU Ofticer. The AIU oflicers took a photograph of the semi solid paste, socks and one cut gold bar which is as under:- l 3. Based on the primary inference, the Government Approved Valuer Shri Kartikey Soni, was called upon for examining the authenticity and purity of the said transparent packets of Semi Solid Paste who in turn asked the officer to bring the said substance to his workshop as the process of extraction can be carried out there only. On completion of the extraction process, the Government Approved Valuer submitted the valuation report dated 07 .O3.2O2O, wherein, it was stated that (i)one 24 kt. gold bar weighing 279.060 grams having purity 999.0 was dcrived lr.rrr 339.90O grams of Semi Solid Substance consisting of Gold & Turpcnttnc Mix. The said gold bar is vaiued at Rs. 12,69,7231- (Rupees TEelve Lakhs Sixty Nine Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty Three) (Local Market Valuel and Rs. 11,02,315/. (Rupees Eleven Lakhs Two Thousand Three Hundred and Flfteen) (Tariff value) recovered from Mr. Muhammad siddiq Abdul Sattar Bombaywala, and (ii) orte 24 kt. gold bar weighing 285 300 grams having purity 999.0 was derived from 339.900 grams of semi Solid Substance consisting of Gold & Turpentine Mix and one cut gold bar weighing 1O.O2O Grams having purity 999.0(Total 285'300+1O'02O = 2g5.g2O grams) totally valued at Rs. l3'43 ,7061- (Rupees Thirteen Lakhs Forty Three Thousand Seven Hundred and Six only) (Local Market Valuet and Rs. 1L,66,io441' (Rupees Eleven Lakhs Sixty Six Thousand Five Hundred and Forty Four only! (Tariff valuel recovered from Mrs. Rizwana Mohammad Siddiq Bomba5rwala; which has been calculated as per the Notification No. 18/2020-Customs (N.T.) dated 28.o2.2O2O and Notification No.20l2O2O-Customs (N.T.) dated o5.o3.2o2o.Then, the AIU offrcer placed the F No.Vlll/10-74/SVPIAJO&tuHQ/2020-21 3 Page 4 of 12 recovered gold bar piece -2 derived from semi Solid substance Material consisting of Gold & Turpentine Mix and 1 cut gold bar on a table and took a photograph ofthem which are as under:- 4. Whereas, the gold bar piece-1 having weight 279'060 grams derived fromthe33g.googramsofSemiSolidSubstanceconsistingofGold& Turpentine Mix recovered from Mr. Muhammad Siddiq Abdul Sattar Bomba5nrala and the gold bar piece -1 having weight 285'30O grams derived from the 339.900 grams of semi Solid substance consisting of Gold & Turpentine Mix and one cut gold bar weighing 1O'O20 grams recovered from Mrs. Rizwana Mohammad Siddiq Bombaywala were placed under scizure vide panchnamas drawn on 07 'O3'2O20' The seizure was made under the provisions of Customs Act, 1962, on the reasonable beiief that thesaidgoodsweresmuggledintolndiaandwasliableforconfiscation under Section I 1 I of the Customs Acl ' 1962' 4.1 Whereas, It appears that the packing material namely Black Colour Socks & black adhesive tapes, used for concealing the said semi solid paste/gold is also liable for confiscation as it was being used for concealment of smuggled/offending goods.The said packing material were also placed under seizure vide panchnama drawn on 07.03.2020 under the reasonable belief that same is liable for confiscation under section 118(a) & 119 of the customs Act, t9b2 5. Whereas, Mr. Muhammad Siddiq Abdul Sattar Bombaywala produced the following documents: i) BOARDING PASS showing Seat No. 6E; from Dubai to Ahmedabad of Indigo Flight no. 6E 72 dated 07.03.2O2O; ii) Photocopy of stamped pages of Indian Passport No. T3103808 issued by Regional Passport Office, Surat on Ol.O7 .2019 and valid up to 30.06.2029; iii) Copy of e ticket having PNR no. lW877H dated 06.03.2020; iv) Copy of Aadhar Card having Aadhar No. 52 1 157502833 6. Whereas, Mrs. Rizwana Mohammad Siddiq Bombaywala produced the following document: i) BOARDING PASS showing Seat No.
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