The Campanile Mount Saint Joseph Academy Volume LVII, Number 1 may 2016 Inside: Grey and Lacek represent class of 2016 What’s Inside Mount As- Tripsemblies To Le puy Page 2 FarewellBroadway To WishesMrs. Doyle Re- turnsPage 2 StudentPage 3 art awards age-old question.” liver the valedictory. “There is no RetiringPage 3 By Ava Self ’17 Grey’s other teachers from her By Eliza Ewing ‘16 and Ava Self one else I could see representing time at Mount also remarked on ‘17 our school and what it means to Teachers her excellence in their classes. be a Mount student,” said senior Taylor Grey has never found a “In Honors British Literature, For Kristine Lacek, being Maddy McLaughlin. MountiesPage 3 Give math problem she could not solve Taylor enhanced the class with named this year’s valedictorian “Kris is a dedicated and gen- Back or a Michael Scott quote she did her mature insight into, her in- held a special family connection. erous individual. She is very de- not find hilarious. She has pon- depth analysis of, and her astute “My mom was Valedictorian serving of the position of vale- Pages 4-5 dered life’s deepest questions and commentary on the human con- when she graduated high school, dictorian and will do a wonderful First Amend- impressed everyone she meets dition presented in the literary and I was super excited to tell her job,” said senior Nicole Kochan- with her intellect, but like any works we studied. Most impres- that I also received that honor.” asz. Presidentialment and human she shed a few tears when sive, I believe, is Taylor’s ability Between multiple AP courses, “Kris is so deserving of ev- she met Villanova Basketball star to excel in every aspect of her two college classes at Chestnut erything she has accomplished, JournalistsCandidates’ Ryan Arcidiacono. Incredibly in- Mount life with her leadership by Hill College, participation in the including being named valedicto- telligent, witty, outgoing and per- quiet example, her grace and her school musical, obligations of a rian of her class. She inspires oth- StancesPages 4on sonable, Taylor Grey is this year’s humility,” noted Mrs. DeStefano. CSC officer and multiple commu- ers to be better in all of life, and Pressing Issues Best in Class. On top of her outstanding nity activities, Lacek is also a per- as a friend I am so happy for her!” Given every year to the senior scholastic achievements, Grey former, demonstrating her talents said senior Katie Reisberg. ElectionPage 6 with the highest GPA in her class, was also involved in a myriad at Charity Day 2016 when she Valedictorian is the pinnacle the Best in Class Award recog- of school activities. Grey was a famously whipped up a medley of Lacek’s successful academic Page 4 nizes four years of hard work and member of Academic Bowl, an of Fetty Wap songs and put it to career at Mount. Lacek has found 2016 Disney determination put forth by its re- active participant in PAML, a piano, showing the student body success in the classroom and is cipient. Embracing the challeng- member of the Mini-THON com- that it is possible to add charm to a member of the National Honor Preview ing course work of multiple AP mittee her junior year and a four any tune. Society and maintains a better- Marvel Com- and honors classes, Grey is more year varsity starter on the field Lacek could not possibly fit than-4.0 GPA. Page 8 than deserving of this year’s hon- hockey team. any more activities into her hec- AP Biology teacher Ms. Davis ics Compete or. Grey’s leadership skills en- tic schedule. Yet this year’s Vale- said, “She is enthusiastic about From her early years at Sim- abled her to captain the field dictorian found time to write a learning and is always curious SummerPage 6 mons Elementary and Keith hockey team her senior year and speech not only to reflect on her and quick to investigate some- Valley Middle School, Grey ex- to anchor the varsity defense own time at Mount, but also to thing that interests her.” Clothes for emplified academic excellence. starting her freshman year. Ju- encompass the experiences of ev- “She is the energizer bunny. She was a John Hopkins CTY nior Margaret Lynch, Grey’s eryone in the Class of 2016. Kris continually strives for per- TonyLess Awards scholar, a member of the gifted teammate, said, “Taylor’s atti- AP Literature teacher Dr. Bal- fection and understanding, and Page 10 program and receiver of distin- tude, work ethic and friendliness cer said, “Kris is remarkable for what she is learning is never PReview guished honors every year. In made her an excellent teammate her sincere questions about liter- enough. Kris possesses the type eighth grade, Grey was award- and captain. She could be relied ary work, her willingness to help of mind that’s going to really con- Page 6 ed an academic scholarship to on to guide our team through a others and her delightful sense tribute to whatever area she de- Youthful Sum- Mount and she decided to enter tough practice and to be a friend of humor. Her valedictory stood cides to do,” said Ms. Soley. mer Activities private school. for everyone to laugh with.” out because it is inclusive, recog- “Kris’s greatest talents are her Mountie Ins- When Grey made the transition Admired for her intellect and nizing all of the students’ values deep commitment to living out Page 11 to the Mount, her scholastic suc- humility, Grey is a positive force and expressing gratitude toward her mission of serving others. tagrams cess transfered as well. Grey was in her friends’ lives. Senior Mad- all who helped the students suc- She is a natural leader, intuitive a member of National Honor So- die Ferrero said, “Taylor is not ceed.” and driven, with a passion to fight ScottPage Kelly’s 7 ciety, lauded as a National Merit only best in class, she is my very Lacek tried to inject her vale- for what is right and just. She Commended Student, awarded best friend. These last four years dictory address with a strong love encompasses a positive attitude Year in Space the Buccafurni- Lawrence Schol- have been amazing with Taylor for the Mount. “When I look at toward life, toward challenges arship and earned first honors ev- by my side; she keeps me smiling my friends and classmates, I don’t and toward hard work. She lives SummerPage 12 ery semester of high school. She and laughing and she provides see seeds,” she said, punning on each day committed not only to also won the AP Calculus AB/ homework help too!” the Mount’s unbiquitous motto her friends and family, but to the Must-Haves BC Award and the Bausch and Grey will continue her aca- “Spes messis in Semine.” “I see community at large,” said Mrs. Nancy Reagan’s Lomb Honorary Science Award. demic and athletic career next stars. These girls are so smart, D’A neglo. Page 7 As Grey’s multiple accolades school year at Massachusetts In- so kind, so driven, so selfless, so Not surprising to her science Legacy indicate, she found much success stitute of Technology. Grey said, talented and so incredible. I think teachers, Lacek plans to study Page 13 in the classroom at Mount. Grey’s “I am looking forward to leaving of my speech as my final way to biochemistry at Georgia Institute favorite course was AP Calculus my comfort zone. I chose MIT thank these ladies for every ounce of Technology in the fall, and Crew wins AB/BC, which she took in her because it is hard and different of awe they inspire within me.” she will continue to motivate her Pages 8 junior year. “I’ve always loved and I hope that the vibrant and Lacek noted that even with the classmates with her high energy Olympic math, but calculus really solidi- passionate community there is inspiration from her classmates, and intrigue her teachers with Preview fied this for me,” said Grey. able to help me mature and ac- the speech did not come easily. thoughtful questions. S. Mary Butler acknowledged complish more than I could’ve “I’d love to say that the speech SpringPage Sports 14 Grey’s unparalleled success in ever dreamed.” wrote itself, but it didn’t,” said this challenging course, saying, At MIT, Grey will hone her Lacek. “It was rough to figure out wrap up “When I taught Taylor Grey AP talents in math and science by how to say what I mean for my Mount Spring Calculus, I witnessed an inquisi- pursuing a degree in either Aero- class to know.” Page 8 tive mind in action. Taylor pos- space Engineering or Electrical Miss G. said, “I think that Kris Sports sesses quick insight, good study Engineering and Computer Sci- can really help each graduating skills and self-discipline. She ence. As everyone who knows senior focus in on those main Pages 15-16 enjoys solving problems, the Taylor Grey can confirm, she will events of her time here and ul- more challenging the better. You certainly excel there and soon be timately seal the bond of sister- won’t hear her say, ‘when are we using her brilliance to change the hood.” ever going to use this,’ rather she world. Lacek’s friends and classmates could be the one to answer that agree that she is well suited to de- Mount News page 2 the campanile May 2016 Ciammetti shares the “Don’t Stall Just Call” message By Monica Fredericksdorf ’16 When Ciammetti and Miller whoever calls for help will not be ed because Christian was from ed about this issue.
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