Portland Public Library Portland Public Library Digital Commons Casco Bay Weekly (1989) Casco Bay Weekly 1-12-1989 Casco Bay Weekly : 12 January 1989 Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.portlandlibrary.com/cbw_1989 Recommended Citation "Casco Bay Weekly : 12 January 1989" (1989). Casco Bay Weekly (1989). 2. http://digitalcommons.portlandlibrary.com/cbw_1989/2 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Casco Bay Weekly at Portland Public Library Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Casco Bay Weekly (1989) by an authorized administrator of Portland Public Library Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. "BENEFACTORS" • MLK DAY EVENTS. "BROKEN" PEOPLE Portland's FREE news and arts weekly Thursday January 12,1989 SHERMAN STREET'S For almost two years they've'dodged city housing inspectors, they've never paid a penny in property tax, they've collected $30,000 in welfare rent payments and neighbors say they rent to pimps, prostitutes and drug dealers. No wonder they wanted to keep it secret. See page 8 . .. At right, 77/79 Sherman Sf. Above, 60 Shennan Sf. :I: Casco Bay Weekly HA~lf'~ rH~f H MIN~ ~AU IN BRIEF: CONDOS, TRAILERS AWAIT SIGNAL CHANGE Clam flats closing The Department of Marine Morrlll's Cotner moratorium : GlASSES FREE. Resources is pleading a staff Morrill's Comer, traffic tar­ cilors Don MacWilliams, Ed­ shortage while one-fifth of the pit of modem-era Portland, ward Bernstein and Ronald , state's clam flats are being might just get a "brake." Three Dorler, who represent the Riv­ closed for lack of pollution Portland City Councilors pro­ erton area, whipped upa broad, testing. In compliance with posed a building moratorium 180-day moratorium. It would interstate commerce policy, to give city planners a chance cover a rough triangle between Maine agreed one year ago to to unsnaggle Morrill's Comer Riverside Street, Warren Ave­ test its shellfish beds regu­ traffic. A public hearing is nue,Allen Avenue and Auburn larly for contamination. But scheduled for Jan. 18. Street. It does not specifically the DMR didn't have time. As north Portland and its target housing developments; Beds from Cutler to Wells will suburbs have grown, com­ its drive is to weed out any be posted over the next week. muter traffic has converged on project that would add signifi­ It won't be until the end of the intersection of Warren, cant traffic to Morrill's Comer. 1989 that all the areas will be Allen, Stevens, and Forest ave­ Dorler says the three months tested and reopened. nues. But it was a Portland would give the city's planning condo project that broke the staff time to think up a new So long Long Wharf camel'sback.Orwasitamanu­ traffic plan for north Portland. Dorler (who lives just beyond factured housing (trailer) park? Casco Bay Weekly Liberty Croup's vision of Morrill's Court, 108 condo Morrill's Corner) said that condos and offices on Long units planned for the Allen while the condo project brought Thursday Wharf (DiMillo's Restaurant Avenue-Forest Avenue area, the traffic problem to his atten­ January 1 2, 1989 parking lot) finally collapsed 24 pages WORRY FREE. got past the planning board last tion, the purpose of the mora­ Pearle offe rs an exclustve. "'llrry-free, one-year eyeglass guarantee on when Tony DiMillo refused materials. "" rkmansh,p, and accidental breakage.t We back our glasses that fall. But the neighbors - the torium is not to shut out the way because they're made With high-quality brand name frames and to extend Liberty's option to Riverton Community Associa­ condos. ,"",. .; ..... lenses. buy the parking lot. The proj­ tion-didn't quit shouting. They "1 believe the moratorium is UPDATES ji ect, like many of Liberty'S, aimed at Morrill's Court," in­ '-:&.RJ has spent time in court, and convinced the Council that sists James Wolf of Wolf Asso­ I~----------------, ~One Pair. Get One Free. CBW I traffic through Morrill's Cor­ with questions of ocean view ciates, developer of the project. and traffic impact still pend­ ner is bad already, and could ing, it was by no means out of become dangerous. The Coun­ Regardless of Portland's devel­ I Nowwhen ~~ bu?;c!~~pa~~~!:!;~ce . ~~ get a ~ I cil, agreeing, in late December opment, he says, "Windham I second pair (same prescription) free fn:m l~r specially tagged collection. ;;! I Walsh's lawyer the woods, legally speaking. sent Morrill's Court back to the and Westbrook are still going w·::~.... %~ Ottel' onr::Iudes most 'Ingle ""fOIl I n(! tIIIOCI' PfllCf,ptlOfl5 M,",mll," hrsl pal' purct\ase $15 Tlnls U V and No-Ser. reI! a I ·.·• ..· .·.N:i'l Some lel'l$ ,eslncloons appty TLlln,'~ "" • •,. nt) good for one Coating, Ir. avadab" III "'5Iul., COsl Complete gllsseS ~ I ~. , on "~ I I Of r&placement 0 1 tHOkeo trilmes Ind lenN, Il'I(:II..de I,ames and Ien_ Coupe!" mv51 be ptesented III planning board. The planning to put traffic in our streets." doesn't show Ricci takes lawyers board, which had until the end "1 suspect that (new state I V. ' . _~M",. ""~'''P''~' ~PEAR'LEot~'~~'- 00 I / VIEWS When his attorney didn't of January to put Morrill's laws) have something to do Ceramic, capitalism and to court before bar Harry Pallen show up, the Cumberland The Maine Board of the Bar BE TRUE TO YOUR SCHOOL Court back on its agenda, had with the moratorium," count­ L ________________vIsion center ~ I I County register of deeds James is delaying its public hearing made no move to do so as of ers Waxler, who says his at­ Walsh missed his chance to on the conduct of three Port­ Rosa True gets a face lift Jan.11. tempt to provide Portland with Secret NOBODY CARES FOR EYES MORE THAN PEARLE. appeal for a salary raise Jan. 9. land lawyers from the firm For the first time in recent What separates this effort At the same time, a state law affordable housing is a victim Paul K. Stewart had a better Berstein, Shur, Sawyer and history, one of Portland's from your average rehab proj­ was looming that would make of snobbery. slumlords SOUTH PORTlAND PORTlAND excuse than Walsh gave for his Nelson so that Joseph Ricci brick buildings is being reno­ ect is that it combines preser­ it easier for developers to put Wolf says Morrill's Court is of Maine Mall 600 Congress St. last six-week absence from the can have at them first. Ricci's vated into something other vation with community in­ manufactured housing parks in idling in hopes of working out job. Walsh returned in Decem­ case against SumnerT. Bern­ than a lawyer's office or a terest. PROP will be main­ cities. Portland, which has no differences with the neighbors. Sherman 774-6382 772-8368 C1988 Poa rto Hoalth SeMOOS. Inc ber, saying he'd had a bad cold. stein, Leonard M. Nelson and left-handed coffee mug bou­ taining offices as well as the mobile-home parks, had re­ But there is a more substantial Street Stewart underwent triple by­ George A. Tselikis springs tique. The Rosa True School day care facility there. Port­ quired mobile-home lot sizes roadblock. Although the plan­ pass heart surgery Sunday. COVER STORY from and event in 1981 when at 140 Park Street will get a land West will be converting of 6,500 square feet. Jan. 1 it ning board is so far refusing to by Mont. Pauls.n Walsh was going to ask the Key BankcutoffRicci'scredit. substantial face lift this win­ the upper floors into five became law that cities can't reconsider Morrill's Court, the and Thoma. A. V.rd. county commissioners to in­ The law firm, it was charged, ter and spring with funds three-bedroom apartments demand more than 5,000 square Riverton association has filed crease his salary from $100 to continued to work for both secured by Rosa True Inc. and one efficiency for low­ feet per trailer. an appeal in Maine Superior $20,000. Ricci and Key Bank. Ricci's This non-profit organization income families. These com­ Allred J. Waxler, who has Court. As City Attorney David ""* ,"""% Stewart's son William T. has case is scheduled to begin represents a partnership be­ munity-oriented uses quali­ been trying for years to get a Lourie said, if Wolf began the ~~ L7< said he will represent Walsh at project, and the court reversed .1b.. d !,,:;n CALENDAR April 3 in Bath. tween the People's Regional fied the Rosa True school for trailer park past the planning A celebration of civil rights a Jan. 19 misconduct hearing in Opportunity Program a $100,000 federal grant from board, said that if it wasn't for the planning board's decision, Cumberland County Superior Fish Pier Authority (PROP) and the Portland the National Trust for His­ the moratorium proposal, he'd "They'd be in deep doo-doo." Court. The suit was filed by West Neighborhood Plan­ toric Preservation's Inner City submit a new plan under the Wolf denies that he's ready to A ttorney General James Ti­ flops past Council ning Council. Ventures Fund. This fund is smaller lot-size laws. Waxler's sell the property. erney, who appears to be in A new level of manage­ PROP, a local community specifically for historic build­ property behind the Riverton A footnote to the moratorium good physical condition. ment, the Fish Pier Author­ would establish traffic impact -Hannah Holmes action organization that pro­ ingrestorations that will serve School is in the same neighbor­ ity, was created to take over vides various assistance pro­ the community rather than hood as the Morrill's Court fees for future development the whole Portland Fish Pier.
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