Tha Toiag Poople’s mMUag to­ Uancheeter Orange will fOUow its Tbs Manohastsr Oardsa elttb AD mambara o f tha Itanan-Amsr- The Ladles Aid Society of BaMk- night at the Balvatkm Arm y wlU meeting tonight at 7:80 with a pub- membera hava rseeived an Invltatloa tUs Job s f ebarworaan at tba poat* not jrst bautt elaaalAsd. D atU O ilala ALONmE Ican Ladlaa Aid Society are re­ uel Lutheran cburch. will meet to­ ciNea. -Tbe ratings, which eovar taka the form o f a miuionary nleat- Uc card party at 8 o’clock In Odd from the Wethersfield Garden club done, and tha highest rating ad­ quested to meet tonight at eight morrow afternoon at 3:30 at tbe bodi the physical and mental an- Ing. with Mlaa Ann Brooking! who Fellowa hall. Prizes will be to attend Ua BoeeUng on Monday, o’clock sharp at the comer of Birch church. judged. the name o f the auccessful amlnafkina of the applicants, have applicant will not be made known. l i Vemtik Ordiestra has raoently returned from mlmlon- awarded in bridge and setback and April 22, at 2:80 at the chapel of and Spruce streets. From there they hgr. A fr il U . M M at. M e ary work In Africa as the speaker door prlzea given. Home made tbs Wetbsnflsld Congregational will proceed to the home of Mrs. The senior choir of the Emanuel o f the avmlng. To add Intaraat to cake and coffee will be aerved and church, when Mias S^bel Bollerer SanUna Raimondi, 189 Birch street. Lutheran cburch wlU rehearae di­ Bo n s m o f Urenlatlomi SM bar meoMga MIm Brookings will all playera will be welcoms. of Nsw Britain wll) speak on Her dsughter-ln-law, Mra. Salva­ rectly after tha Lenten service to­ FIRST QUALITY exhibit numerous pictures and “Flower Arrangoment.’* Mias Boll- tore Raimondi la a member o f the night. Tbe service starts at 7:10 curioa. An instrumental quartet Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Chicolne o f erar win meak on tbe same subject society. and is over at 8 o’clock. VOL. U V , NO. 164. Advartlalag aa Paga 16.) from the Salvation Arm y band adll Maple atreet have aa their guests on April 15 under tbe auspices o f MANCHESTER. CONN, THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1935. (TWELVE PAGES) provide music. The public will be for the balance of the week, Mrs. ABODTTOWN the Hartford Woman’s club gar­ The Holy Name Society of St. RUBBER Chlcolne's niece, Miss Alice Ker- welcome to attend this meeting. den commHtes. Bridget's church will meet In the valn and her friend, Mlaa Mary church basement this evening and RATINGS FOR ClEANDiG Attached. : n # iMt littlnf o t the eeeoad i Manchester Loyal Orange Lodge, Dawson, both o f Nortbfleld, Maas. HEELS There will be no cm4 party held in ilae the duplicate contract brldgre at 8 o’clock will proceed to the Wedding That All Naziland Celebrated e t No. 99, will meet tomorrow night at The iroung women have Just re­ S t Bridget's hall next week as Sim- bBimainent will be held Friday home of Mra. Margaret Williams, For M en , Women and Children. 8 o’clock in Orange taalL turn^ from a- sight-seeing trip to day la Palm Sunday, the starting of J(ffi AT P. 0. RECEIVED nl(bt at the Uancheeter Country mother of O. H. Williams, where FLOOD OF REPORTS Washington, D. C. Holy week. the Rosary will be recited. Shoes Dyed AO Shades— 50c an4 75c. ehib at eight o’clock. HoeteiMa (or A short meeting of St. Mar­ Successful Applicant Cannot FRANCE TRIES TO tte evening will be Mra. Robert garet’s Circle, Daughters of Isa­ Ths wsekly meeting of the Wel­ Jean, tha young daughter o f Mr. Noble Grand Mra. Marlon SAM YULYES SHOE REPAHl SERVICE BaartayTTZM and H n . Philip Un- bella, was held last night, after fare Sewing Circle of the American and Mrs. Thomas Sullivan, who baa Be Named Until Two Classes nell, 6743. Reaervatlone muit be Btraugbaa reminds the membera of 701 Main Street Manchester which the members played bridge. Legion auxiliary will be omitted this been confined to her home for the Sunset Rebekah lodge that tickets of Ratings Are Studied. BURIES ASSEMBLY made by calling them not later than week. Plans for the next gathering First prize was won by Mra. Mar­ past ten days, was able to alt up for for the banquet at the time o f the Friday noon. will be announced at the auxlUary garet Wilson and Miss Stephane a time yesterday wben friends call­ Rebekah Assembly at Hotel Bond, Tunskey took second honors. Fol­ meeting Monday evening. Rating! have been received at the , ed and surprised her parents on the April 16, should be reserved by REINS AT CONFERENCi local postofflce on the examinationa (tocond IJeutenaat Marcel P. lowing the playing of bridge re­ occasion of their seventh w edd^ Leaders ia Both Homes . J o b ^ of 187 Maple etreet, bae notifying her this evening at the taken by more than a score of Man­ MANY POWER SITES freshments were served. D u r i^ the The regular monthly meeting of anniversary. latest. ADVERTISE IN THE HERALD-IT 'been traniferred from the Quarter* business meeting plans for the lltb Mons-Yprea Post, British War Vet­ chester women last November for ‘ maater Corpe Reserve to the Coast anniversary of the founding o f the erans, will be held In the Arm y and Speed Up W ork to Clear Detennmed to Make Its kjh' Artillery Corps Reserve by the War local circle were discussed. It will N avy clubhouse tonight at eight FOUND IN NATION Department. Lieutenant Jobert be held later this month. o’clock. fbtmerly was In the 169th Infantry. Decks for Major Legisla­ peal to League A gan M By ASSOCIATED PRESS jc The conferring . powers—Great Tbs Thistles retained first place Tbe laque— How can European tion; Qniet Session. Britain, France and Italy. Germany the Basis of ;ia the Brltlsh-Amsrlcan club dart 0?er 1,800 Located by En- peace be guaranteed in the face of 'league by turning back Valley German rearmament? Tljte leading delegates—Premier street, 8>2, as Greenvlew blanked Mussolini of Italy, host; Premier state Capitol, Hartford, April 11 gmeers Who Say They The proposals—A general collec­ Stress Parley; Fears That the North Ends, S-0. The standing T h e J W H A U e o tive security pact ot»n to all na­ Ramsay MacDonald of Great Brit­ to date is as follows: Thistles. 82 W e Give Out Green Stamps. — (AP) — A deluge of committee tions, Including Germany; individu­ ain and Sir John Simon, his foreign points; Greenvlew, 29; North Ends, reporta poured Into the General As­ Can Be Operated. ally negotiated mutual assistance secretary; Premier Pierre Etienne If Reich Is Able to Take .28; VaUey Street, 29. sembly aa legislative leaders bat­ agreements to oppose any aggres­ Flandin of France and Pierre Laval, sor nation; an out and out military French foreign minister. tling againat time, put on pressure One Illegal Step She May M argaret E. Hood Circle of King’s I Washington, April 11.— (API — alliance embracing all powers will­ The scene— Tsola Bella, historic Daughters will meet tonight at 7:30 In an effort to clear tbe deck for ing to subscribe to weld an iron site near Lake Maggiore near Stre- ’TTjere are 1,688 undeveloped water sharp with the leader, Mrs. Itollln | Fashions To Choose For Easter From the consideration of major legisla­ ring about the Reich. sa In northern Italy. Take Others and Precipi­ Hitt of Knighton street. tion. power sitee in the United SUtes Ebccept for a rlppfe of debate which engineers of the National wrbich preceded current approval by A pre-natal clinic will be held I power survey class as “economically tate W ar. tomorrow morning at 9 o’clock at| the House o f the uniform traffic bill, Justified.’’ the Health Center on Haynes street. both Houses rushed through a mass This was revealed today in a o f routine work without the handi­ SILVER PRICES GO UP A Great printed Interim report of a Federal Officers of Chapman Court, Order I Outstanding Easter Fashions In cap of time-consuming contro- By ANDRUE BERDINO verslw. power commission study ordered by (Cepyrlzlit. 1085 by Asioclated PrsM) of Amaranth, will be guests of the President. In the limelight at Nazi Germany’s most Important wedding ceremony were (left to right): General Her- Onve Court of Hartford tomorrow In on effort to smooth out one of Stresa, Italy, April 11.—French Easter Selling of i..... The undeveloped sitgs for hydro­ m ^ O oerin^ chief o f the German army’s new air force; hla bride, the former Eraml Sonnemann, blonde night, at a supper to be served at 6 the most troublesome problems be­ ALL OVER THE WORLD statesmen, fighting for their views electric generaUng plants are ca­ actress; and Ralohfeuhrer Adolf Hitler, General Goering’s beat man. They are shown In this N E A Service o’dock. Chapman Court officers | fore the General Assembly—whether pable of 31,588,000 kllowatU, the radiophoto aa they appeared at Berlin City Hall, where a civil ceremony preceded religious rites. as to the sanctity of treaties, went win exemplify the initiatory degree. the proposed highway patrol should engineers said. This was described INDI.XNS R.\THCR FUS8Y into action in the conference with Royal Matron Rachel Tlldcn and I be placed in the Department of as almost four times present ca­ Great Britain and Italy today ap­ Royal Patron John Trotter will be u i t s Motor Vehicles or the State Police Boom Follows Treasury An-i ABOUT OTHER INDIANS.
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