Protecting New Zealand’s Rivers 60 Appendix 5: Water conservation orders (as at April 2011) There are currently 16 water conservation orders (including one amendment) with applications to vary two existing orders under consideration. Outstanding Water body (including %BUFPG Provisions and Protection characteristics Other considerations protected reaches) gazettal provided or features Pre RMA Motu River 1984 Not stated in WCO. Permits maintenance of - River to be preserved From and including the Motu 4)JODMVEJOHCSJEHFT as far as possible in 'BMMTUPUIF4)CSJEHFBOEЯWF and for soil conservation its natural state. tributaries: Waitangirua Stream, and associated matters - Dams prohibited. Mangaotane Stream, Te Kahika permitted Stream, Mangatutara Stream and part of the Takaputahi River below its confluence with Whitikau Stream. Rakaia River 1988 - Outstanding natural - Dams prohibited. Mainstem and tributaries of characteristic in the - Order establishes a minimum flow at both the Rakaia and Wilber- form of a braided river. Rakaia Gorge (which varies monthly) force Rivers upstream of the - Outstanding wildlife and caps allocation for abstraction Rakaia /Wilberforce conflu- habitat above and downstream of this. FODF JODMVEJOHUIF)BSQFS below the Rakaia River - Retain in their natural state the 3JWFS -BLF)FSPOBOEJUT Gorge. quantity and rate of flow of all natural inflowing streams, and Lake - Outstanding fisheries, water in the Rakaia River upstream of Coleridge/Whakamatua and and outstanding its confluence with the Wilberforce its tributary streams. recreational, angling, River, the Wilberforce River, and all and jet boating tributaries of both the Rakaia and features. 8JMCFSGPSDF JODMVEJOHUIF)BSQFS River), the quantity and level of Lake )FSPO BOEUIFRVBOUJUZBOESBUFPG flow of natural water in the lake’s tributary streams. - Retain partially in their natural state (subject to replacement consents) the quantity and rate of flow of the wRakaia below its confluence with the Wilberforce River and Fighting )JMM 3BLBJB(PSHF - Retain in their existing state the quantity and level of natural water in Lake Coleridge, and the quantity and rate of flow in the lake’s tributary TUSFBNTBOEUIFаPXCFUXFFOPG 'JHIUJOH)JMMSFDPSEFS 3BLJB(PSHF and the sea - Sets water quality standards for receiving water and prohibits discharges which would breach these. Protecting New Zealand’s Rivers 61 Outstanding Water body (including %BUFPG Provisions and Protection characteristics Other considerations protected reaches) gazettal provided or features Lake Wairarapa 1989 - Outstanding wildlife - Continued operation of - No right to divert water from lake habitat, partly created the barrage gates at the or to grant water rights which by natural fluctuations lake outlet is permitted would “diminish significantly” of water levels, the wildlife habitat. particularly over the eastern shoreline. Manganuioteao River 1989 - Outstanding wild and - Dams prohibited Mainstem and tributaries scenic characteristics. - Retain in their natural state the of the Manganuioteao, the - An outstanding quantity and rate of flow of the Mangaturuturu and Makatote wildlife habitat for Manganuioteao River upstream Rivers, and the Waimarino the blue duck/whio of its confluence with Waimarino and Orautoha Streams. (Hymenolaimus 4USFBNUIF.BLBUPUFBOE malacorhynchos). Mangaturuturu Rivers. - An outstanding - No takes to reduce the natural recreational fishery. flow by more than 5 % or reduce the following reaches below the minimum flow for the Manganuioteao River downstream of its confluence with Waimarino Stream, Waimarino and Orautoha Streams. - Sets water quality parameters and prohibits discharges which would not comply. Lake Ellesmere 1990 - Outstanding wildlife - Sets lake levels for artificial habitat. opening and closing. - Prohibits any damming, stopbanking, polderisation or drainage of any part of the lake that is inconsistent with the lake opening and closing regime established in the Order except for research purposes and replacement consents and maintenance of existing drains and stopbanks. Ahuriri River 1990 - Outstanding wildlife - Allows consent - Prohibits dams in waters covered by Ahuriri River and mapped habitat applications for the Order. Any dam outside protected tributaries from its source to - Outstanding fisheries. maintenance of roads, waters must not affect flow regime its entry into Lake Benmore, - Outstanding angling bridges, pylons and for waters protected by the Order. associated ponds, tarns and amenity. public utilities, soil - Quantity and level of water in all lagoons part of Omarama conservation, flood lakes, ponds, tarns, lagoons and Stream protection and erosion streams (other than Omarama control work research Stream) to be retained in their and emergency sewage natural state. discharges. - Establishes a minimum flow regime for Ahuriri River and Omarama Stream and prohibits any takes that are inconsistent with this. - Establishes broad water quality standards and prohibits discharges that would breach these beyond the mixing zone. Protecting New Zealand’s Rivers 62 Grey River 1991 - Incised Ahaura Gorge - Allows consent - The waters of Lake Christabel and Ahaura River downstream with its meandering applications for road, the Blue Grey River must be retained PG)BNFST'MBU pattern is an bridge and pylon in their natural state. Blue Grey River , its tributaries outstanding natural maintenance and soil - Prohibits any water permits for hydro and Lake Christabel characteristic. conservation and flood generation, any dam on the Ahaura - Outstanding scenic protection works. 3JWFSVQTUSFBNPG)BNFST'MBU BOE features, particularly any dam downstream of the Ahaura Ahaura Gorge and Gorge which would affect flows or Lake Christabel water levels in the Gorge. - Any water right granted for mining or other purposes in the Gorge must not detract from outstanding characteristics and features. Under the RMA Rangitikei River 1993 - Upper Rangitikei River - Allows granting of - Prohibits dams on the upper and - from its confluence with have outstanding consent applications middle river. Makahikatoa Stream to wild and scenic for road, bridge and - Establishes broad water quality .BOHBSFSF#SJEHF DIBSBDUFSJTUJDTBOE maintenance and soil standards which any discharges - the Whakaurekau River - outstanding recreational, conservation and flood must comply with after reasonable BOEJUTUSJCVUBSJFTBOEUIF fisheries, and wildlife protection works. mixing Kawhatau River and named habitat features. - Provides for existing use - Quantity and rate of flow in the tributaries - Middle Rangitikei River rights and replacement upper river must be retained in has outstanding scenic consents their natural state DIBSBDUFSJTUJDTBOE - Rate of flow of middle river must outstanding recreational not be reduced by more than 5 % and fisheries features. of natural flow Kawarau River 1997 Outstanding amenity and - Allows granting of consent - Schedule 2 lists the specific - Schedule 1 lists waters intrinsic values meriting applications and regional prohibitions and restrictions on to be preserved in their preservation in natural rules for maintenance the exercise of regional council’s natural state and Schedule 2 state as contributing to: or protection of network powers in section 30 (1) RMA to protected waters, and their - people’s appreciation of utility operation, grant consents or make regional outstanding characteristics. pleasantness of waters. maintenance of soil rules for specific waters. - Schedule 1 includes: - aesthetic coherence conservation or river - Prohibits damming. protection works, roads, - Part Dart River mainstem and - cultural and recreational - Requires maintenance of fish - bridges and pylons, some of its tributaries, attributes passage, specified water quality - Route Burn and its tributaries, research into restoration classifications. - biological and genetic and enhancement, and - Part Rees River mainstem diversity of ecosystems - Requires braided character and some of its tributaries replacement consents for - essential characteristics of rivers such as the Dart and Greenstone River mainstem existing lawful uses. that determine the Rees to be maintained. including Lake McKellar and - Operation of Clyde power ecosystem’s integrity, station and changes )ZESPFMFDUSJDHFOFSBUJPO its tributaries. only allowed on Nevis River if form, functioning and in Lake Dunstan levels - Part Caples River mainstem, resilience restrictions complied with e.g. Lochnagar and Lake Creek. unaffected Outstanding any dam sustains flows which - Schedule 2 includes: characteristics as allow kayaking in Nevis Gorge. - Kawarau River to Lake Wakatipu control gates - habitat for terrestrial and aquatic organisms - Nevis River mainstem - Shotover River mainstem -as a fishery - Part Dart and Rees Rivers - for wild scenic, and - Lake Wakataipu natural characteristics - Lochy River - for scientific value - Von River - for recreational and - Diamond Lake and Reid Lake historical purposes - Nevis wetland on Roading - significant in acccordance Lion Creek XJUIUJLBOHB.ÜPSJ Protecting New Zealand’s Rivers 63 Outstanding Water body (including %BUFPG Provisions and Protection characteristics Other considerations protected reaches) gazettal provided or features Mataura River 1997 - Outstanding fisheries - Allows granting of - Establishes minimum flow - from source to sea and - Outstanding angling consent applications regimes for Mataura and tributaries upstream of amenity features and regional rules for Waikaia Rivers which must not be confluence with Otamita fisheries and wildlife
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