www.messengernews.net The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa Friday, Aug. 6, 2021 7A g. Resolution No. 21-07-149 Setting a Echo Group, Inc., Suppl 1,896.64 Westrum Leak Detection, Suppl 297.50 Public Hearing to Consider Amend- Elliott Equipment Co., Suppl 164.12 Whitt’s Plumbing & Heat, Svcs 6,200.00 LEGAL PUBLICATION ing the City’s Center City and Indus- Emergency Medical Prod, Sup 3,054.37 Wicks Construction, Svcs 17,874.36 trial Park Urban Renewal Plan. Fareway Store, Suppl 21.10 Winger Service, Svcs 4,512.00 Fort Dodge City Council Fastenal Company, Suppl 89.79 WMTEL.Net, Svcs 195.00 Meeting Minutes for July 27, 2021 h. Resolution No. 21-07-150 Setting a FD Convention & Visitors, Mktg 7,580.59 Woodriver Energy LLC, Svcs 853.98 Public Hearing for August 9, 2021 to Ferguson Enterprises, Suppl 802.83 Woodruff Constr LLC, Svcs 828,734.22 Worried parents Mayor Bemrich called the meeting to ord- consider a Community Development Ferno-Washington, Inc., Suppl 28.79 Zehner Safety, Svcs 20.00 er at 6:00 p.m. at the Municipal Building. & Housing Needs Assessment for Fire Service Training Bu, Suppl 50.00 Ziegler Inc., Suppl 1,258.13 Present: Mayor Bemrich, Council inclusion as part of the Fort Dodge Fors/Tyler R, Svcs 102,977.71 Zimco Supply Co, Suppl 5,937.11 Members: Flattery, Conrad, Fritz, Alstott, CDBG Downtown Revitalization Fort Dodge Asphalt Co., Svcs 11,118.10 Zoll Medical Corporation, Suppl 694.09 Moehnke, and Schuur. Absent: Halter. Grant Application. Fort Dodge Ford Lincoln-, Suppl 1,708.60 TOTAL $2,416,398.73 Fort Dodge Hous Agency, Svcs 392.00 i. Resolution No. 21-07-151 setting a FD Photo Enforcement, Svcs 325.00 L7275 08/06/21 seek change to Moved by Alstott, seconded by Moehnke to approve agenda for meeting. Aye: 6. public hearing for disposition of Par- Fort Dodge/City of, Svcs 2,178.45 Nay: 0. Motion carried. cel 0729131020 - 620 South 15th Frontier Communications, Svcs 897.79 Street. General Traffic Controls, Suppl 2,106.00 Public Hearing: on proposed plans, Gift and Memorial Account, Suppl 213.97 LEGAL PUBLICATION specifications, form of contract and esti- j. Resolution No. 21-07-152 Authoriz- Golf Products, Inc., Suppl 93.92 mate of cost for the Phase 2 Diamond 3 ing Blight Finding Pursuant to Sec- Gordon Flesch Company, Suppl 20.00 NOTICE TO BIDDERS tion 403.17 of the Code of Iowa. Gordon Flesch Co, Inc, Suppl 86.70 Iowa school mask Turf Project at Harlan Rogers Sports ONE (1), CURRENT YEAR, Complex. Mayor Bemrich asked for com- Gudmonson Service, Svcs 180.00 VAC TRAILER ments, written or oral. There being none, k. Change Order #1 as an increase of Hamilton Redi-Mix, Suppl 4,781.50 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT he declared the hearing closed. $4,290.00, Change Order #2 as a Harvey/Patrick & Mary, Svcs 240.00 Resolution No. 21-07-139 Approving Decrease of $27,181.60, and Pay Hawkeye Environ, LLC, Svcs 3,200.00 Sealed bids for the purchase of one (1) Plans and Specifications, Form of Con- Estimate #3 Sub-final in the amount Heart of Ia Regional H, Svcs 17,584.00 current year, Vac Trailer must be filed in tract and Estimate of Cost for the Phase 2 of $52,90.44 for the 2020 Asphalt Howard’s Body Shop, Svcs 1,757.47 the office of the City Clerk of the City of mandate ban Diamond 3 Turf Project at Harlan Rogers Street Repair Project. HR Green, Inc, Svcs 4,858.75 Fort Dodge on or before 2:00 p.m. (local Sports Complex. Moved by Flattery, Humboldt Red Power, Inc., Su 157.92 time) on August 11, 2021. Bids shall be DES MOINES (AP) — Worried parents with children seconded by Moehnke Aye: 6 Nay: 0. l. Change Order #1 in the amount of Hutcheson Engineering Pr, Sup 17.49 submitted on forms furnished by the City Motion carried. $-616.60 and Final Payment in the Impact7G, Inc, Svcs 14,075.98 and must be enclosed in a separate too young to be vaccinated called on the the Iowa State Resolution No. 21-07-140 Awarding Con- amount of $52,139.40 to Weikert IMWCA, Svcs 33,237.40 sealed envelope and plainly identified as Board of Education on Thursday to implore Gov. Kim tract for Diamond 3 Phase 2 Project in the Contracting Inc for the 2021 Lane Iowa Athletic Field, Suppl 46,163.64 “Vac Trailer Bid Response”. amount of $1,411,519.09 to Mid Am Striping Project. Iowa Communicat Netw, Sup 176.25 Reynolds to reverse a state law that bans school mask Sports. Moved by Flattery, seconded by Iowa Dept of Natural Res, Svcs 3,009.11 Bid documents may be obtained by con- Fritz Aye: 4. Nay: Conrad and Schuur. m. Approval of Amendment No. 2 to Iowa Emergency Medical, Suppl 350.00 tacting Donna Bice at 515-576-4551, ext. mandates. Motion carried. the Agreement with Snyder and As- Iowa Fire Control, LLC, Suppl 75.90 sociates for Professional Services Iowa Heart Center, Svcs 268.00 4122, or at [email protected]. The parents and some teachers sought to change the ban Public Hearing: on proposed plans, for - 1st Ave S and 15th Street Im- Iowa One Call, Svcs 638.00 Jeff Nemmers, City Clerk on mask mandates during an online meeting of the board, specifications, form of contract and esti- provements Project - Phases 1 & 2. Iowa Radiology, Svcs 75.60 mate of cost for the Oleson Park Phase Iowace, Suppl 425.00 L7277 08/06/21 arguing that with coronavirus infections rising it doesn’t 7a and 7b - Donor Plaza and Community n. Approval of Professional Services IP Pathways, Suppl 277.50 make sense to stop school districts from taking actions to Shelter Projects. Mayor Bemrich asked Agreement Amendment with Snyder Janssen Pest Solutions, Suppl 225.00 for comments, written or oral. There be- and Associates, Inc for the 8th Ave Jebro, Inc., Suppl 9,836.21 protect children. S from S 25th St to S 32nd St Jeff’s Lawn Snow Care, Svcs 2,000.00 ing none, he declared the hearing closed. LEGAL PUBLICATION Resolution No. 21-07-141 Approving Reconstruction Project. Johnston Auto, Suppl 51.02 Republican lawmakers in May rushed through in the Plans and Specifications, Form of Con- Kilburg Equipment LLC, Suppl 8,603.24 o. Resolution No. 21-07-153 to Kimball Midwest, Suppl 112.43 THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT FOR final hours of the legislative session a measure that tract and Estimate of Cost for the Oleson WEBSTER COUNTY Park Phase 7a and 7b Donor Plaza and Amended a SRF Sewer Revenue Kuiper/Kerrie, Svcs 81.12 prohibited counties, cities or school boards from imposing Loan and Disbursement Agreement. Life-Assist, Inc., Suppl 71.22 Community Shelter Projects. Moved by CASE NO. ESPR309602 Flattery, seconded by Fritz Aye: 6 Nay: 0. Mad Rabbit Dezign, Suppl 50.00 face-covering requirements more strict than those ordered p. Approval of Change Orders #5 and Marco Inc, Svcs 380.34 Motion carried. NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, OF by the state. Reynolds immediately signed the bill into law Resolution No. 21-07-142 to Reject All #6 for the 8th Ave S from S 25th St Marco Technologies LLC, Suppl 173.82 to S 32nd St Reconstruction Project. Martin Marietta Aggregat, Sup 1,666.81 APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTORS, Bids for the Oleson Park Renovation Pro- AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS at a festive news conference where she posed with activists ject - Community Building. Moved by Flat- Martin’s Flag Co., Suppl 431.00 Second Consideration of Ordinance No. McClure Engineering Co, Svcs 1,500.00 who held signs with anti-mask slogans. tery, seconded by Fritz Aye: 6 Nay: 0. IN THE MATTER OF Motion carried. 2327, an Ordinance Providing for the McGee/Judy Ann, Svcs 3,731.86 Division of Taxes Levied on Taxable Pro- Medline Industries, Inc, Suppl 344.61 THE ESTATE OF “Please set politics aside and help protect our children’s EUGENE G. YETMAR, Deceased. Public Hearing: on proposed nuisance as- perty in the July, 2021 Addition to the Menards, Suppl 1,001.74 safety, their learning and their families,” said Jesse Center City and Industrial Park Urban Messenger, Svcs 1,533.01 sessments for April to May 2021. Mayor To All Persons Interested in the Estate of Bemrich asked for comments, written or Renewal Areas, Pursuant to Section Mid Country Machinery, Suppl 797.12 Richardson-Jones, a Des Moines mother of two school-age 403.19 of the Code of Iowa. Moved by Al- Mid-American Energy, Svcs 33,501.17 Eugene G. Yetmar, Deceased, who died oral. There being none, he declared the on or about July 10, 2021: children who asked the board to demand that the governor hearing closed. stott, seconded by Moehnke Aye: 6 Nay: Midstate Plumbing, Inc, Svcs 1,895.00 Resolution No. 21-07-143 Adopting As- 0. Motion carried. Midwest Breathing Air Sy, Suppl 580.25 rescind the mask ban. First Consideration of Ordinance No. Mikes Pest Control, Inc., Svcs 77.00 You are hereby notified that on July 22, sessment Schedule for Nuisance Abate- 2021, the Last Will and Testament of Eu- ment in the City of Fort Dodge and Levy- 2329, an Amendment to Chapter 10.20 of Miller & Sons Golf Cars, Suppl 800.00 Sara Willette of Ames said she’s at high risk of the Fort Dodge Municipal Code regarding Modern Sound Engin, Svcs 1,745.99 gene G.
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