University of Central Florida STARS Central Florida Future University Archives 4-22-1977 Central Florida Future, Vol. 09 No. 28, April 22, 1977 Part of the Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Central Florida Future by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 09 No. 28, April 22, 1977" (1977). Central Florida Future. 292. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture/292 Florida Technological University 1Ji1Jrfl Vol. 9 Friday, April 22? 1977 No. 28 White takes presidential race; VP to be _decided by-runoff By JOE KILSHEIMER Staff Writer o~ I 0 per cent; Bruce Albright, I 13 or 9 per cent; Nancv Godfrey 60 or S per cent. Bob White was elected Student Bodv President by a land­ Albright said he was contesting the e lections because of slide taking 76 per cent of a total of th~ 1248 vote's <';1st. Even improprieties in the ways the commission handled the elec­ though the vote's was deC'ided by a large margin, another tion. Albright contended that the elections commission failed pr<'sickntial C'ontC'nder, BruC'C' Albright has filed a protest to provide opportunities for every student to vote, especially C'ontesting thf' elections on the basis that thP t' IPctions com­ .at Davtona Beach and Brevard resident centers. "I feel verv mission violatC'd FTU student bodv statutc•s. strongly about the allegations I IYave made ;nd I feel that th~ In the vic·e presickntial r<IC'C. unoffic:ial totals showC'd that students havC' been totallv ignored bv the elections com­ none <>f th<' C'andidatcs won a ma'joritv of th<' votes and a mission and that they can~ot feel justifie d by this e leC'tion," runoff bC'tWC'cn th<' two top C'ancfidat~s. Bobbv Alkn and said Albright. Stcvf" Williams will be nPC'essarv. · Albright added that he will carry the matter as far as Whit<', wicklv c·onsidercd b"c·forp th<' C'k<'tion tci be the possiblP until hP feels satisfied that the charges have been IC'ading c·ontC'nciC'r in thC' prcsickntial ra<'C' , led all othC'r. C'an­ cleared up, !"ven to thP Florida Supreme Court. Neither Elec­ BOBWHITE . dichitC's C'ombirwd. Th<' rc•sults in the pr(•sidC'ntial raC'C' wC'n' tions Commissioner Bob Mohs or White could be reachPd for · ~elected by landslide vote as follows: Bob White. 949 or 76 1wr C'ent; jim Soukop, I 26 comment. Today's Future Povt1ell accused o·t Title IX violations; coaches annoyed by budget cuts R~ · RICHARD NELSON Staff Writer 1'·1s. M<'Dani1•l said that l)('C' <MIS<' doing " 'hat \·V<' said \VI' \V!'r<' going to Powc•ll addc•d anoth1•r mc·n·s sport. do c·\·!'il in 011r own plan. No\\' ·if th1•\· D1·. John W. Pow,·11. t'hairrnan or soc·c·1· 1·. that \\'<llll!'n·s hask!'thall t'<>11ld nIF.\.V) appro\·c· this plan artN wh,;t pll\·si(';.tl c•ch lt'ation. has lwc•n <H'('l IS!'d nol IH' mad<' int!'r('oll<'giat<'. wc•'q• said W<' W<'r<' going to do.\'>'<' lic•d of ~ · iolations ('OIH'!'l"l1ing Till<- I'< or !Ill' "Dr. Po\\'c•ll and I workl'd on this to thc•m." Ed11c ·alion .'\mc•1Hlnl!'n.I of 1912 and do!'11nwnt a nd D1·. Po\\'1•11 \Va s in f1dl Po\V!' ll said th!'n' ,.,·c·rc· thn·c• \Va\·s f;"·orilisn1 lo\\·ard c·c•rtain sporls IJ\· a _grc•c•nwnt with me• ... Ms. Mc·Danic•I ro1· tlw athl!'ti<' d1•part11w11t to st;I\. 1" '" 1--ru c·oadl!'s. said. " This rc•port .sa\·s w·<' (won11•n withi'n the legal confines of Title IX. ­ \\':IS Din•do1· or .Wom<·n·s .'\thll'I il'S l..IH'\' alhlc-tiC's) wo11ld ha,·c· 'thr<'<' sprn·ts by One· the· elimination or SOlll<' sprn·­ \l!'Danic•I d1a1·g<'d Po\\Tll wilh noi '7fi-17 <ind\\'!' wo1dd add two more• IJ\· ts. Sc•c·rn11ll\- . tlw st11d1·nts C'ould ha\'!' '71-78 bc•!'a11sc• at that tinw (\.\·lwn giq•n 1110;«. monc•\· Fina I h-. t h1· • Wyatt L. Wvatt, associate rollo\\'ing his 01:iginal plan to add an th~· ;1thlc-ti!' clc•pa1·tmc·nt c'.011ld c·11t l;a!'k 011 professor of l~ngiish at FTF has inl!'rc·ollc-gialc- sporl for \\'onwn in till' Sep rp/ated story. pagP I 4. a new hook hot off the' press. 19/(i- I 911 S('hool \'<'ar \\'hi!'h hi' . ad­ <''''''"'sport. Pow!'ll said. "F.\'!·n· ('Oa!'h. !'\'!'I"\' See story on pag<.• 7. V<><·atc-d in llw Tillc." f:"\ Sc·lf' i-:,·:tl11ation rc-porl was mad<'l th<' 1111 •n had fi,·1· Final H<'porl . l1·an1s... · one· or th<'m. last \'(•ar. ~vas approac·hc·;I The• rc•porl stat<•s 11nd<'r "spc•cifi!' l)\· tlw prohll'm. and c•\·c·n·rnw saiil th1·,· • The Florida llighwa~· Patrol Dr. I .<'X \Vood. FTll lc •nnis !'Oa('h. wo11ld ratlw1· C't1thaC'k in all th<' can now nah sp<.•eding s:1id tlw athl!'ti(' program \\'as IH'ing rc•g11lations" that "in I 9/fi-11. anotlwr sp.ol"I f'or \\'<>lll<'n \\'ill IH' l'lc·,·atc•d to' in­ programs than to drop an,· program . motorists 'vith son1e ne"'­ 1'-.:pand!'d \\'ilh<>11I Ill<' n1 •c·c•ss:ff\' r1111ds . This \Vas a 1mani111011s n·c·o111nH'll­ fangl<.•d gadgets. See story on to do so. This <HT<>rcling lo \ Vc-,od ha' tc•rC"ollc·gialc• stat11s and ' "' ill ha\'<' a dalion ll\· 011r c·oad1i11g stall." page 2. 1111·anl h11dg!'I !'Ills in all.sports lo rnak<' n' quest~d budget of$ l 0 .000." · ··· roo111 f'or I h1 • nc'\\' OIH's. Dc•spilc- !his. wom<'n·s athl!'ti!'s had Th is ~«'a r 1vls. .'VI ;.Dan ic·i had no «rnh· t\\·o inlc•r('oll!'giatc• sports . !'hoi('<' c·onc·c•rning hl'r b11dg!'t. "\Ve· • 11,nv cl'! the spouses of FTll's . \ 11<-allh. Ed11('alion and \V<' IL1r!' ,·oll1•\·hall and sol'lhall . Tlw oth<'r sport \\·c·rc · not asked to take• b11clgc•t !'11ts: rn1r inkrc.·oll<.•giate athletes c·ope 11 IE\.Vl spokc·s rnan in \ Vashinglon. lh<ll \\·as to lw add!'d \\·as h ;.1sk<'lh;11l . h11dg!'t w11s hanclc•d to 11s this ,·c·ar and with the _jovs and disappoint­ D .C. said Iha! llw Till<' I'< S!'lf' I·:, a I11a I ion F ina I Rc·p«>rl . \\'h i<' h \\·as hill ii is still c·onsidc•rc•d an 1•:-.:t ra11111ral ·" .'' ·\\·1·rc· told th:it's the•\· \\'a~ · it \\'ill ments of co1npetition. Find ,;ut h:i,·c· lo lw ... \\·01dd I 'ot!' to c·11t Ill \ on page :l. drawn 11p IJ\· Po\\·1·11 and \h. \ll'- 'P<>rl. 1);1nil'I. \\'as a ppr<" c· d . \Is. \kDani1•l add!'d. " \\'1· arc• nol (Continued on page 12) Florida Supren1e Court okays Can1eras in courtrOOn1 By JIM EADES tant trials." hf' added. " Besides, it's not the sort of Staff Writer thing thC' average viC'wer would watch." Professor of Communication Robert A rnold Cameras have not hC'cn allowC'd in C'OUrtrooms said h<' docs not think the re would b e mu.ch effect sineP the Lindbergh kidnap trial in tlw I 930's. on trials because mode rn te levision equipme nt is Th<' Lindbergh trial was turne d into a fiasco In· VC'I'\' compact and unobtrusive. re porters and photographers and resulted in ~ A rnold added. however . " It (the camer as) ruling w hieh banne d eamc1«\s from courtrooms. might affect the actions of sophisticated lawve rs Soon. in eomplianec with a rec-C'nt ruling b v the who a r C' trving to gain some recognition." Florida SuprC'me Court. eamC'ras w ill ag<;in be in "furies mav find use for thf' cam eras wh ich the cour·troom on a trial basis. ThrC'e FTU ree~>rd the :_,.,,itnesses· testimonv for further professors WC' rc asked their opinions as to how thC' rf'ference." A rnold sa id. "Juries w;>uld b e able to l'amcras mav influence juries. la w~1 ers and trials. look at a witnesses' f;ces while reviewing "I think the media want it beeause it's testimonv as well as listen to the ir answers." He something that's been denie d them." Associate added, "The cameras mav eventuallv b e re moved Professor of Communication M. Timothv just because of the cost. It could ge.t verv expen­ O'Kcefe said. "There's too much of a c h ance c;f sive r PC'o rding a ll of the trials which take place." witnesses· testimony b e ing distorted. thev mig ht Arnold agreed with O'Keefe saving.
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