DPWH- AGUSAN DEL SUR 1ST DISTRICT ENGINEERING OFFICE Updated Annual Procurement Plan lor CY 2020 As of July 31,2020 ' Code (PAP) Procurement PMO/ 13 thla an Early Mod€ of Schedule lor Each Procuremeni Activity Source ol Estimatod Budgol (PhP) R6mart! Funds (bri6f d$cription of Program/ProjEct End-t 3or Procutomont Total MOOE co P rog ranvActlvity/P roject) Activlty? Op.nin0 ot Signing (Yer/No) IB/REI Bids Contract ID No. 18N80034, R€moval ol Existing Concr€te Bridgs Widening of Bridge Awa - 8-Feb-20 Compononls.Excavation. Embankm€nl. Br.(800909MN) along Daang Construction 24-Dec-17 to 310305100539000 29-lun-18 7 Feb-20 to GoP 41,160,000.00 41,r60,000.00 Skuctu.al Concr6t€, ParrtirE. Ca6on Fib€. (Agusan-Davao 30-Dec-17 f4aharlika Sectron l7-Feb-20 P'16 Oriving, Gu.rdrail under MuliiY.ar Sect), 8rgy. Awa, Prosperidad, Obligltion.l Allot nont (MYOA) Aqusan del Sur Contract ID No. 18N80035, Removal of Existing Concrete Eridg€ Widening of bridge Sinadjap - 5-Feb-20 Components, Excavation, EmbankmenL Bridge (800902MN) along Construction 24-Dec 17 to 310305100542000 Compelilivs Bidding 29-Jun-18 4'Mar 20 to GoP 48,020,000.00 48,020,000.00 Structural Gncrete, Painting, Cnrbon Fiber, (agusan- 30 Dec-17 Daang Maharlika Section l4-Feb-20 Plle Driving, Guardrail; under Muld-YGar Davao Road), Brgy. Fili, obllgadonal Allotm.nt (ilYo^)i Bayugan City, Agusan del Sur Contract ID No. 18N80039, Remofdl of Exining corErete Erbg€ wadening of &idge l"laytibog - 8-Feb-20 Components, ExGvatbn, Embntment, Br. (800905MN) alonq Daanq Construction 24-Dec-17 to 310305100541000 29-Jun-18 7-Feb-20 to 60P 25,450,000.00 26,460,000.00 StrLrtural Coftrete, Paintirp, carbon Fiber, (Agusan-Davao 30-Dec-17 Maharlika Sedion 17-Feb-20 Pile Onving, Guard6ll; undcr Xuld-Yair Sect.), Bayugan, Agusan del ObllgEuon l Allotmlnt (ilYo^); Sur Contrad ID No. 18N80042, Excavanon, Embankment, RC Piles, RSB, Constructaon new of Structural Coiarete, Ra ings, Guardail, Permanent Bradqe Lucena Br. Constructaon 24-D€c-17 to - 29'Jun'18 GoP 78,400,000.00 78,400,000.00 PCCP, Paintinq; un&r iluld-YGar I. along NRJ Eahbah-Talacogon Sectron 30-Dec-17 Obligatiollal Allot nent (ttlYOA); Road, Prosperidad. Agusan del awaltin, fo. 2nd ]!lcat. Sur Contract ID No. 18N80060, Excavation, Embankment, Structural Replacement of Permanent 8-Feb-20 weak Bradqe Labnig Br. Construction 02-Mar-18 to Concret€, Concrete furnish and dnvhg; 310302100090000 - Comp€lilivo Bdding 29-Jun-18 7'Feb 20 to GOP 42,r40,000.00 42,1'10,000.00 (800797MN) aiong NRJ Eahbah Section 08-14ar-18 under Xulti-Year Obllgadonal 17-Feb 20 Allotfient (l,lYo Talacogon Road, Talacogon, ); Agusan del sur Page 1 of 20 DPWH- AGUSAN DEL SUR 1ST DISTRICT ENGINEERING OFFICE Updated Annual Procurement Plan lor CY 2020 As of July 31,2020 Code (PAP) PMO/ ls thir an Early Mode of Schedule for Each Procurement Activity Sourco of Estimalod Budget (PhP) Rema.k! Funda (b.lef doacrlption of Program/Project End.ti3€r Procu16mont Total MOOE ProgranvActlvlty/P roJ6ct) Actlvity? Openlng ol Signin9 (Y6/t'lo) IB/REI Bid. ConBact ID No. 18N80061, Removal of ..tual Structu€tobstructon, Widening of Permanent Bridge Exc.vation, Embankment, s'rlbase Bayugan Relief Br. 4-Mar-20 - Construction 02-!lar-18 to Course, PCCP, RSB, Structural Concrete, 310305100540000 (800903MN) alonq Daanq 29-Jun-18 3-14ar-20 to 12 GoP 19,500,000.00 19,500,000.00 Section 08-Mar-18 Reinforced Concrete Deak Gider; undcr Mahadika (Agusan - Davao Mar-20 iluld-Y.ar Obllgadoo.l Allotrncnt Section), Bayuqan, Aqusan del (r,rYo^); Sur Contract ID No. 20N80001, Construction of Bank 5 Feb 20 Structure Excavation, Embankment, Protedion along wawa River Construction 15 Oct-19 to 320101105501000 Comp€titive Bidding 5-Nov-19 4-Feb-20 to GoP 19,200,000.00 39,200,000.00 Structural Conc., Structural Steel, (t'lahagkot S€ction) Upstream, Section 22-Oct-19 14 Feb-20 Lean Concrete, Steel Sheet Piles; Brgy. Mahagkot, Esperanza, Contract ID No. 20N8o002, Consuuction of Bank Removal of Trees, Structure Protection of Sianib Rlver along 5-Feb-20 Excavaton, Embankment, Earth Berm, Constructon l6-oct-19 to 32010r 105502000 Daang Maharlika (Agusan- Comp€liiivs Bddhg 5-Nov-19 4-Feb-20 to GoP 49,0@,000.00 49,000,000.00 Structural Cona., Structural Steel, Section 22-Od-19 Davao Sedion), Brgy. San 14-Feb-20 Steel Sheet Piles, RCPC, Rubble Jose, ProsDeridad, Aqusan del Concretei S!r Contract ID No. 20N80003, of Flood Control Construction 5-Feb-20 Structure Excavation, Structural Structures along Riverbank of Construcbon l5-Od-19 to 320101105503000 5'Nov-19 4-Feb-20 to GoP 39,200,000.00 39,200,000.00 Conc., Structural Steel, Lean phase section 22Oct-19 t4aug Bridge II 14-Feb-20 Concrete, Steel Sheet Piles; (Upstream), Brgy. Maug, Prosperidad, Aqusan del Sur Contract ID No. 20N80004, Construction of Bank 5-Feb-20 Structure Excavation, Embankment, Protection along Wawa River Construction 16-oct-19 to 320102101414000 Compolitivo Bidding 5 Nov-19 4-Feb-20 to GoP 29,400,000.00 29,.100,000.00 Structural Conc., Structural Steel, (ltlahagkot Section) Section 22-Oct-19 14-Feb-20 Lean Concrete, Steel Sheet Piles; Downstream, Brgy. Nlahagkol Esperanza, Agusan del Sur Contract ID No. 20N80005, of Flood Control Construction 5-Feb-20 Structure Excavation, Embankment, Structures along Agusan Raver, construdion 16-Oct 19 to 320102101415000 Compet ive aidding 5-Nov-19 4-Feb-20 to GoP 29,400,000.00 29,{00,000 00 Stmctural Conc., Structural Steel, section 22-Ocl 19 Phase II Labnig Sectaon, Brgy. l4-Feb-20 Steel Sheet Piles, Structural H Pilesj Labnag, Talacogon, Agusan del Sur Page 2 ol 20 DPWH- AGUSAN DEL SUR 1 ST OISTRICT ENGINEERING OFFICE Updated Annual Procurement Plan tor CY 2020 As of July 31, 2020 Code (PAP) PMO/ 13 this an Early Mode oI Schedu16 for Each Procuremont Ac0vlty Sourc6 of Estimated Budgol (PhP) Remarks Fund3 de3cription of Program/Prorect End.U!or Procur€m6nt Prccu16mant Total MOOE co {brlet Program/Activity/Project) Activlty? Op.ning of Signing (Y6/No) IB/REI Blds Removal of Trees, Clearing & Contract ID No. 20N80006, Grubbing, Removal of Existjng - Road Widening Daang Concrete, Elcavation, Aggregate Maharlika (Aqusan-Davao Construction 15{d-19 to Subbase Course, PCCP(.28m), 310201100637000 Section) K1252+505.80- 5-Nov-19 GoP 13,720,000.00 13,720,000.00 Section 22-Oct-19 Structural Conc., Structural Steel. K1263+000.00, Brgy. Themoplastic Pavement Markings. Canayugan, Bayugan. Agusan Illuminated Solar Studs.; under 'For delSur Lrter Rclease" Removal of Trees, Clearing & Contract ID No. 20N80007, Grubbing, Removal of Existing Road Widening - Oaang Concrete, Removal Existing Maharlika (Agusan-oavao Construction 16-Oct-19 to Guardrails, Excavation, Aggregate 31020110063E000 Section) K1287+910.00- Comp6t NB Bdding 5-Nov-19 GoP 15,377,1m.00 15,377,t80.00 Section 22-Oct-19 Subbase Course, rcCP(.28m), K1288+504.00, Brgy. Sta. Thermoplastic Pavement l4arklngs, f4aria, Prosperidad, Agusan del Illuminated solar Studs.; under "For Sur Later R€leas€" Contract ID No. 20N80008, Connrudion of Concrete Road . Purok 3-Afga'Anahawan- Kauslvagan-San Vicente Road 5-Feb-20 b(cavation, Embankment, Aggregate connecting coconut and Construction 30Od'19 to 300204100390000 Comp€titvs Addirc 19-Nov-19 4-Feb-20 to GoP 7,840,000.00 7,840,000.00 Sub-base Course, PCCP 280mm, 05-Nov-19 Falcata Plantation Sites and kion 14-Feb-20 Pavement I'"'larkings; National Road lunction in support to coconut and wood Industraes, Sibagat, Agusan del Sur ID No. 20N80009, Construction of Concrete Road Sitio San Jos€/Eakingking I'lunicipal Road connecting 7-Feb-20 Excivation, Embankment, &gregate Constructon 30oct- 19 to Coffee, Gcao and Wood 19 Nov'19 6-Feb-20 to 16 GoP 7,840,000.00 7,840,000.00 Sub'base course, rccP 280mm, 300204100391000 05-Nov-19 Plantation sites and Provincial Section Feb-20 Pavement Markings; Road Junction in support to Coffee, Cacao and Wood lndustries, Esperanza, Agusan Excavauon, Embankment, Aggregate Contract ID No. 20N80010, Sub-bas€ Course, rcCP 280mm, PCCP Paving of Unp.ved Road - NRJ 150mm, RSB, Sbuctural Concrete, Constructron 30-Oct- 19 to r0,635,940.00 10,635,940.00 3l 021 21 001 64000 Bayugan-Cnlaltan-Tandag Road 19-Nov-19 GoP Section 05-Nov-19 RCPC, Raprap, Guardrails, Pavement (K1289+ r60-K1289+,r48), Markings; under "For Later Bayugan Caty, Agusan del Sur Raleese" Page 3 of 20 DPWH- AGUSAN DEL SUR 1ST DISTRICT ENGINEERING OFFICE Updated Annual Procurement Plan for CY 2020 As of July 31,2020 Code (PAP) PMO/ l! thls an Early Modo of Schedule lor Each Procurem€nl Actlvity Source of Estimat6d Budgel (PhP) Remark3 Progran ProJect End-U!or Procurgment Procuremenl Funds (briof do.cription ot Submltilon/ Total MOOE co Activity? Polting ot Op.ning of Signing Progran Activlty/ProJect) lYe3/No) ta/REt Bid3 Contract ID No. 20N80011, Excavation, Embankment, Aqqreqate Paving of Unpaved Roads - Sub'base Course, Subgrade Butuan City-Talacogon-Loreto- Constructaon 30-Oct-19 to Preparation, rcCP 280mm, Pavement 310212100163000 veruela-Sta. Josefa Road Competiliv€ Biddiru 19-Nov-19 GoP 11,456,000 00 r1,466,000.00 section 05-Nov-19 Matkir,gs; issuance of otice of (Chainage 7254 - Chainage Awatd was deferrcd due to 7682), Esperanza, Aqusan del modificatioa Sur Contract lD No. 20Nmo12, Const uction of Concrete Road Construction 30-Oct- 19 to 3002041 00005000 Access Road in support of Competitivs Birdirc 19 Nov 19 GoP 17,540,[email protected] 17,640,000.00 CANCELLED Section 05-Nov-19 Match Factory, Talacogon, Contract lD No. 20N80013, Reinf. Concrete (15 pedestal & steel 8-Feb-20 Construction of Multi-Purpos€ Construction 13-Nov-19 to col.), Roofng, lletal Structure (2- tull 300104218719000 3-Dec-19 7'Feb 20 lo 17 GoP 5,445,000.00 5,445,000.00 Building, Brgy.
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