COMMUNICATION www.rsc.org/chemcomm | ChemComm Dehydrogenation of amine–boranes with a frustrated Lewis pairw Alexander J. M. Miller* and John E. Bercaw Received (in Berkeley, CA, USA) 7th December 2009, Accepted 16th January 2010 First published as an Advance Article on the web 2nd February 2010 DOI: 10.1039/b925659h t 22 Bulky tertiary phosphine/borane Lewis pairs P Bu3/B(C6F5)3 literature procedures in C6D5Cl, and no discernable reaction react with amine–boranes to afford dehydrocoupling products was observed by NMR. The pre-formed FLP was added to a and phosphonium borohydride salts. C6D5Cl solution of Me2NHÁBH3 at 25 1C, giving a clear colorless solution.30 1H, 31P (Fig. 1), 19F, and 11B (Fig. 2) NMR Amine–boranes are the subject of intense interest due to their experiments confirmed that 495% of the FLP-derived pro- 1,2 t 22 potential application in hydrogen storage schemes. A duct was [ Bu3PH][HB(C6F5)3]. The major dehydrocoupling number of fast and efficient transition metal dehydrocoupling product was dimeric (Me2NBH2)2, assigned by a diagnostic 3–7 11 catalysts have been discovered, and various coordination B NMR resonance at d 5.2 (t, JBH = 112 Hz), and by signals 1 compounds relevant to the catalytic pathways have been in the H NMR spectrum at d 2.28 (s, Me2N) and d 2.83 8–10 isolated. Progress has also been made in the challenging (1 : 1 : 1 : 1 q, JBH = 112 Hz, BH2). Minor side products, 11–13 11 area of regeneration of spent ammonia–borane fuel. including monomeric Me2NQBH2 ( B d 37.6, t, JHB = 14,15 11 Theoretical studies of one amine–borane dehydrocoupling 127 Hz) and HB(NMe2)2 ( B d 28.5, d, JHB = 124 Hz), 3 system employing N-heterocyclic carbenes (NHCs) as ligands dissipated over time, leaving B97% dimeric (Me2NBH2)2 along suggested that the free NHC could heterolytically dehydrogenate with traces of (BH2)2NMe2(m-H) (A)andH3BÁNMe2BH2Á 31 NH3ÁBH3, yielding (NH2BH2)n and NHC–H2, similar to the NHMe2 (B). This product distribution is similar to that observed 16 32,33 H2 cleavage reactivity of Bertrand’s carbenes. Because the in metal-catalyzed dehydrocoupling of Me2NHÁBH3; thermo- reactivity of these NHC species has been compared to that of lysis of a Me2NHÁBH3 melt at 150 1Calsoaffords(Me2NBH2)2, 33,34 bulky phosphine/borane ‘‘frustrated Lewis pairs’’ (FLPs), it along with trace impurities including HB(NMe2)2. occurred to us that FLPs might also be able to dehydrogenate The order of reagent addition is important in the dehydro- amine–boranes. coupling reaction. If B(C6F5)3 and Me2NHÁBH3 are dissolved FLPs—combinations of particularly bulky Lewis acids and bases that are unable to form traditional Lewis acid/base pairs17—exhibit a number of unusual reactions,18–20 in particular 21–23 the heterolytic cleavage of H2, which has been utilized for metal-free catalytic hydrogenation of bulky imines.24,25 Amine activation reactions have also been reported.26,27 To our knowledge, however, no dehydrogenation reactions have been reported using these systems,28 although calculations suggest such reactions should be possible.29 Herein we report that the t simple frustrated Lewis pair P Bu3/B(C6F5)3 rapidly and cleanly dehydrogenates amine–boranes at room temperature, with con- comitant formation of the phosphonium borohydride salt t [ Bu3PH][HB(C6F5)3] (Scheme 1). Initial experiments were carried out with Me2NHÁBH3,a common model for NH3ÁBH3 which has desirable solubility 1 properties and generally releases only 1 equivalent of H2. The Fig. 1 H NMR spectrum after FLP-mediated dehydrocoupling of t Me NHÁBH . Left inset is a blow-up of the borohydride 1HNMR frustrated Lewis pair P Bu3/B(C6F5)3 was formed according to 2 3 resonances; right inset is the 31P NMR spectrum. Scheme 1 Arnold and Mabel Beckman Laboratories of Chemical Synthesis, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA. E-mail: [email protected]; Fax: +1 626 585 0147; Tel: +1 626 395 6576 11 w Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Full Fig. 2 B NMR spectrum shortly after FLP-mediated dehydrocoupling experimental details and characterization data, with accompanying of Me2NHÁBH3. The underlying broad feature arises from borosilicate NMR spectra. See DOI: 10.1039/b925659h glass in the probe construction. This journal is c The Royal Society of Chemistry 2010 Chem. Commun., 2010, 46, 1709–1711 | 1709 t in C6D5Cl a few minutes prior to addition of P Bu3,several products including only B50% (Me2NBH2)2 are produced. On t the other hand, combining P Bu3 and Me2NHÁBH3 in C6D5Cl, followed by addition of B(C6F5)3 led to near-quantitative t 35 formation of [ Bu3PH][HB(C6F5)3] and (Me2NBH2)2. To explore the possibility of H2 release and amine–borane t regeneration, the mixture of [ Bu3PH][HB(C6F5)3] and (Me NBH ) was heated between 90 and 130 1C. Complete 2 2 2 Scheme 2 Proposed mechanism for FLP-mediated dehydrocoupling. decomposition of the dimer to a variety of species was t À observed; only BH3ÁP Bu3 and [HB(C6F5)3] were readily We have shown that frustrated Lewis pairs consisting of 11 36 identified by B NMR, leaving this experiment inconclusive. bulky tertiary phosphines and B(C6F5)3 are capable of rapidly In isolation, (Me2NBH2)2 is stable up to 450 1C in the gas dehydrocoupling Me2NHÁBH3 and NH3ÁBH3. While the 33 34 phase and 130 1C in a melt. Similarly, it has been reported current FLP systems could serve as H2 storage compounds t 22 21 that [ Bu3PH][HB(C6F5)3] is stable to H2 loss up to 150 1C. themselves, their weight % capacity is far from ideal. Using The FLP system can dehydrogenate NH3ÁBH3 as well FLPs as a H2 shuttle with lighter, non-frustrated amine– t (Scheme 1). Treatment of NH3ÁBH3 with P Bu3/B(C6F5)3 boranes as the terminal H2 storage medium is perhaps more t 23,45 afforded once again [ Bu3PH][HB(C6F5)3] as a principal attractive. Recent advances in H2 release from FLPs may product (85%, 31P NMR; B80%, 19F NMR). The major open the door to catalytic dehydrocoupling, and indeed dehydrocoupling product is consistent with branched-chain perhaps dehydrogenation of a wider variety of substrates. 11 2 polyaminoborane ((NH2BH2)n, broad B NMR, d À7.7, The authors gratefully acknowledge BP (MC program) and À14.4, À27.2) as observed upon thermolysis of NH3ÁBH3 in the Moore Foundation for funding. Dr Jay Labinger provided ionic liquids.37,38 The other 11B signals correspond to insightful discussion. À [HB(C6F5)3] and two smaller peaks which could be Lewis t adducts between P Bu3 and boranes; two broad resonances in Notes and references 31 the P NMR spectrum are consistent with this formulation. 1 F. H. Stephens, V. Pons and R. T. Baker, Dalton Trans., 2007, Apparently dehydrocoupling is more favorable than forming 2613–2626. stable Lewis pairs, although in this case some of that competing 2 C. W. Hamilton, R. T. Baker, A. Staubitz and I. Manners, Chem. pathway is observed.39 Some insoluble colorless material was Soc. Rev., 2009, 38, 279–293. 3 R. J. Keaton, J. M. Blacquiere and R. T. Baker, J. Am. Chem. Soc., extracted with pyridine and shown to be unreacted NH3ÁBH3, 2007, 129, 1844–1845. consistent with some amount of deactivation of the FLP 4 M. C. Denney, V. Pons, T. J. Hebden, D. M. Heinekey and before quantitative dehydrocoupling could take place. K. I. Goldberg, J. Am. 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