'ti. ,~."" OFFICE 01; TIlE D VISIONAL 'OREST OFFICER, RAY'AGlilll DWL.qON, Rl\YAG;u).t\ < ~~1Q OOR':JQ;Q~Q~tt IQa QI.Q1il~1900~,QI£1~QI (FAX:06956-224556, "-Ph: 06856-222056,225056 Evmail: dfn rgcla@Yahoo_-com) G~:o~rS~-99~S3~,~~g:o~rS~-9990S~, 9~80S~ I o. '1 51 I-lF(Misc) 1263/2015. Dated, Rayagada tfc 12. th February, 2015. To The Deputy Director of Mines, Koraput Circle, Koraput. Sub:- Regarding DLC Report of Baphilimali Mining Lease area for Bauxite over an area of 1388.74 hectare in Rayagada and Kalahandi district of Mls Utkal Alumina International Ltd. X-Sub: Joint verification of DLCforest land in Mining Lease area of Mls Utkal Alumina International Ltd. over an area of 1388.74 hectare. Ref:- This office letter no. 6737 dated 17.12.2013 and This office letter No. 1014 dated 19.02.2014. Sir, In inviting a kind reference to the above cited letters on the captioned subject it is to inform you thar you have been intimated in this office letter no. 6737 dated 17.12.2013 under reference regarding involvement of DLC forest land in Karanja Kupakhal, Paika Kupakhal and Dhuturapas village under Kashipur Tahasil in the above said mining lease area granted to Mjs Utkal Alumina International Ltd. Perusal of land schedule of mining lease area of Mjs UAIL, it indicates the existence of 153.11 Acres equivalent to 61.962 hectare in Karanja Kupakhal village, 303.89 Acres equivalent to 122.981 hectare in Paika Kupakhal village and 119.60 Acres equivalent to 48.400 hectare in Dhuturapas village of DLC Forest Land inside the mining lease area of Mjs UAIL. For processing the forest diversion proposal it is necessary to verify the extent of forest area broken and unbroken inside the mining lease. It is therefore requested to conduct joint verification of mining lease area in the presence of lessee, revenue and I forest officials. To facilitate the joint verification it is requested to get the mining lease area demarcated in the field properly as forest area and non forest area as per DLC report prior to the date of joint verification. You are requested to direct the user agency to demarcate with pillars the entire mining lease area and a joint verification may be conducted to ascertain the extent of DLC forest land involved in the mining lease in both the district of Rayagada and Kalahandi. Since the mining lease area is consisting of Rayagada and Kalahandi district. the appropriate authority of Kalahandi district may also be requested to attend the joint verification of mining lease area relating to Kalahandi district along with the land schedule, map ete. You arc also requested to submit the land schedule in respect of Dandabada and Chandragiri village under Kashipur Tahasil in Rayagada district for verification of the plots under mining lease of Mls UAIL with the DLC report at this end. Therefore you are requested to intimate a date for joint verification at the earliest. This may be treated as Most Urgent Your kind cooperat,ion over this matter is highly solicited. Yours faithfully <;Ay Divisional Forest Officer Rayagada Division gmail Memo No. Date: Copy forwarded to DFO, Kalahandi t...:- '~0 Division for information and necessary action. He is requested to contact the D.D .Mines, Koraput Circle, Koraput for joint verification of mining lease area of 1217.78 Acres or 492.82 hectares relating to Kalahandi district so as to ascertain the exact kissam of land involved in the above mining lease. Divisional Forest Officer Rayagada Division gmail Memo No. 9(, / Date: l~ . O;;{· d,c/ ~ Copy forwarded to the Collector, Rayagada( Kalahandi for favour of kind information and necessary action. They are requested to direct all concerned to attend the joint verification of the mining lease area of Mls UAfL along with connected documents/ records to ascertain the involvement of exact forest kissam land as per DLC report. d. ,'\ ~\.~\ :\\Divisional Forest Officer ~r Rayagada Division Memo No. Date:' .. Copy forwarded to the Tahasildar, Kashipur Tahasil for information and necessary action. He is request~d to attend the joint verification of the mining lease area along with the up-to-date information of the land involved in the mining lease area on the date as would be fixed by the Deputy Director, Mines, Koraput Circle, Koraput. He is requested to give land schedule of Dandabad and Chandragiri village of Kashipur Tahasil. If the Hall settlement is under progress then status of land as in Sabbik settlement may be intimated. , Divisional Forest Officer Rayagada Division Email: [email protected] Memo No. Date: Copy forwarded to the Sr. General Manager, Mines, Mjs UAIL for information and necessary action with reference to his letter No.15j41 dated 12.11.2014. He is requested to demarcate the entire area under mining lease by erecting pillars prior to date of joint verification. He is further requested to contact the Deputy Director, Mines, Koraput Circle, Koraput and the appropriate authority of Kalahandi district immediately for necessary joint verification so as to ascertain the involvement of DLC forest land in the mining lease area and for taking further action as per rule. He is further requested to preparf mining lease map in latitude and longitude grid authenticated by DFO, Rayagada and Kalahandi (North) Division, Deputy Director, Mines, Koraput Circle, Koraput and Tahasildar, Kashipur. DiViSio~~1 Forest Officer Rayagada Division . ,. COLLECTORATE, RAYAGADA (REVENUE ~3ECTJON) No. -;:f. '":\ '=>, jXXV-18j2015 Dated Tu, The Divisional Forest Officer, Rayagada. Sub: Regarding DLC Report of Baphlamali Mining lease area 01 Bauxite over an area of 1388.74 hectare in Rayagada and Kalahandi district of Mj s Utkal Alumina International Ltd. Ref: Your memo no.961 dated 12.02.15. Sir, In inviting a reference to your memo cited above on the subject, I am directed to say that one suitable date may be fixed preferable in the month of April, 2015 and the same may be communicated to all concerned with a request to attend the joint verification/ demarcation of DLC Forest land involved in mining lease area of M/s Ut kal Alumina International Lte!. Yours faithfully, ~ ~~\- ~dditional District Magiatratc-, Rayagacla Memo No. /2015 Dated \'"8\~,\~ Copy forwarded to the Deputy Director of Mines, Koraput Circle, Koraput for information with reference to letter no.959 dated 12.02.15 of Division' 1 <orest Officer, Rayagada. He is requested to furnish the r=quired land schedule overed in the ML area in respect of Rayagada District to the Divisional Forest Officer, Rayagada for Verificat.ion with reference to DLC Report. Besides, he is also requested to attend the joint verification on the date to be fixed by Divisional Forest Officer, Rayagada. Copy forwarded to the Tahasildar, Kashipur for inforrnnt inn and similar action. ~ l __ \-- l::V~ 1 . , )~ Additional District Magistra tc. ~ Rayagada Memo No. -;t-'3 -S- /2015 DaLed \.t3' ~. \ -r Copy forwarded to the Sr. General Manager, M/~ LJAIT Doragud.a for information with reference to memo no.963 dated 12.U'2. I,) 01 Divisional Forest Officer, Rayagada. He is requ sted to comply wit h the requ st of the Divisional Forest Officer, Rayagada and extend necessary cooperation in the matter. (] L----- t- - ~ -~'1 . \ \~ Additional Distric\ Magistrate, ~ Rayagada Memo No. -~ ~ .b /2015 Dated \ --X' ~,\-r- Copy forwarded to the Additional District Magistrate, Kalahandt/Divisional Forest Officer, Kalahandi (Sourthen Division) 101 information and necessary action. ~L--~ \_ \ .. \:,]'1\ ~lclitional District Magistrate, Rayagada Email Of'FlCE OF THE DIVISIONAL FOREST~ 0 CE~ RA.YAGADA I)IVTh'ION f PJ\YAGADA. W~~ ~.giC!~tQ1Q"QIfI~Ig~ Q~g~1 ~tS, Qtab1~1 (FAX:06.s56-224556, Ph: 06SS6-222056, 225056 E-mail: dID rgda@yah{)()_com) G~:o~r~~-99~~~~J~~:o~r~~-9990~~, 99808~ Memo No. ,2-7-,3;; 14F(Misc) 1263/2015. Dated, Rayagad0he .!)C' lh April, 2015. To ". The Deputy Director of Mines, Koraput Circle, Koraput. Sub.- Joint verification to ascertain the extent of DLC forest land involved in the Baphilimali Bauhte Mine over 1388.74 hectare of M/s Utkal Alumina International Ltd under Kashipur Tahasil in Rayagada and Thuamul Rampur Tahasil in Kalahandi district. Ref: 1. Memo No.734 dated 18.03.2015 of A.D.M, Collectorate, Rayagada to your address. 2. Your letter No.626 dated 12.03.2015. Sir, With reference to the above cited correspondence on the subject the date of joint verification of DLC forest land involved in the mining lease area over 1388.74 hectare of M/s Utkal Alumina International Ltd under Kashipur Tahasil in Rayagada and Thuamul Rampur Tahasil in Kalahandi district is fixed on 06.05.2015.Your are therefore requested to attend the above joint verification on the date fixed above along with connected document/record so as to asc1rtain the exact area of involvement of DLC forest land and other forest kiss am land involved in the above mining lease area. l: (L\ • "-\"(cu, I \ Lt P "Cl> Divisional Fo'}gs't Officer ~ayagada Division. Email Memo No. dlg!:,~ Date: ;;,g.OY-I!:>- Copy forwarded to the Tahasildar, Kashipur, Rayagada district / Thuamul Rarnpur, Kalahandi district for information and necessary action with reference to memo no.465 dated 23.02.2015 of 0.0. Mines, Koraput Circle to his address. They are requested to attend the above joint verification on the date fixed along with document / records for the purpose. \IL~;,,1~ ~t LL\.~'U\' Divisional Fo1€$l: Officer ~ayagada Division P.T.O. Erna il ").1 .< I l Memo No. r-?/i -: C' Date: <''.! ···(i·/ ' Copy forwarded to the Add!. District Magistrate, Collectoratc, Kalahandi I Divisional Forest Officer, Kla~andi (South)) Division for information and necessary with reference to memo No.736 dated 18.03.2015 of A.D.M.
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