The Fraternities of St. Dominic July 2008 SPECIAL ISSUE DECLARATIONS OF THE MASTER of the ORDER REGARDING THE RULE OF THE LAY FRATERNITIES OF ST. DOMINC Letter from the President This special issue of eLumen presents the English translation of the newly approved General Declarations Regarding the Rule of Lay Fraternities of St. Dominic and a marvelous overview of the various Rules that have served over the centuries. Some will view these new Declarations with great trepidation and question the neces- sity for them. Some will almost automatically fear that they are “taking away” what they view as essential to their understanding of the Dominican laity. Others might dismiss them out of hand as just more rules and regulations that probably have little effect on them. The Decla- rations are only four pages but, considered carefully, contain very definitive terms and state- ments that do not diminish the Lay Dominican vocation but very positively affirm it. in the true Dominican tradition shows that we can renew and affirm that vocation while we also adapt ourselves to the needs of our times and provide legislative remedy for those areas that we have not been able to address previously. To the question, “why these changes;” the answer can be found in the very first line of the Declarations and that is “to fan anew the flame of the tradition and vocation of the Lay branch of the Order of Preachers.” It lays the legal foundation for the authority of the Lay branch affirming the principle of self-government acting through this Congress and in con- cert with the Master and the Acts of the General Chapters of the Order. It also speaks to ad- dressing interpretative doubts, normative contrasts, and legislative gaps. This is very impor- tant in that it requires us to think not just in terms of our chapter, our province, and our country but also in terms of a worldwide order consistent in purpose. Declaration I‐1 should be of great comfort to those who have expressed many doubts in the recent past about the identity of the Lay Dominicans being weakened or sub- IN THIS SPECIAL SSUE Letter from the President 1 From the Regions 13 Rule & Commentary 4 News Flash 16 Declarations of the Congress 6 Parable Conference 18 Pleasing Preaching 10 Te Deum 11 CREDITS 20 De Profundis 12 DUES NOTICE 21 Internet Newsletter of the Province of St. Joseph Page 1 July 2008 merged into a subsidiary role with the expres- than the average formation; one has some sion “Dominican Family.” It again affirms the problem they are attempting to address such special relationship of your being incorporated as issues concerning marriage; or, one will be into the Order of Preachers by the making of leaving the area and be far from a Dominican the promise contained in the Rule. Other enti- institution of any type, and it is doubtful if they ties of the “Family“ do not make this promise. can fulfill the requirements of the Rule. This is It sets four years as the proper length of time a situation that requires prudence as well as from reception to final promise. It mandates charity. that appropriate records be kept at both chap- ter level and in the Archives of the Province. Declaration II‐1 and 2 now gives the In addition to restating firmly your place final approval for Provincial Directories to the within the Order this Declaration addresses Prior(s) Provincial and his Council and states the problems we all face in this mobile society the requirement for promulgation of the Di- of transfers from or to chapters, provinces, or rectory. For example, the Provincial Directory even countries that had different norms and (currently under Revision) is to be approved by where records were inadequate or missing. In the Prior Provincial of the Province of St. Jo- reality, the only change this province might seph. have to make is to implement better record keeping especially at chapter level. Declaration III ‐ Dispensation reaf- firms the ability of the Master, directly or Declaration I‐2 generally says that the through the Prior Provincial, to grant dispensa- formal promise made by Lay Dominicans is re- tions from the norms of the Rule. It adds that served to that branch alone. It does, however, the President of the Fraternity (under very lim- ask recognition of the unique value of these ited circumstances) can also dispense. other entities in the Dominican Family evi- denced by our spirit of accord and collabora- Declaration IV, 1, 2 and 3 speak to the tion. In the spirit of this Declaration it might role of the Provincial or National Promoters by serve us well to make every attempt to be- adding “a religious, not directly under the juris- come familiar with and supportive of these diction of the Master, a secular cleric and a Lay groups when possible. Dominican who has made a perpetual prom- ise.” This is to provide for a Promoter in those Declaration I‐3 really states the prohibi- areas where there are very few Dominican fri- tion against private membership. This has ars or sisters. Although not under the jurisdic- been the rule in this Province for over a year tion of the Master, such appointment is not now with admission of new private members valid without the proper approval. It also not being allowed. Those who were listed as states that the provincial or national promoter, private members before this time are not in- although a member of the appropriate coun- cluded but every attempt should be made to cil, does not have active or passive voice on attach them to a chapter. these councils. Declaration V simply recog- nizes that fact that in some cases it is not possi- Declaration I‐4 allows for participation ble for individual chapters or national groups in the chapter life of those who for some rea- to be able to have a Religious Assistant. son cannot be prudently be admitted to final promises. Although this is a rare situation in Declaration VI‐1 concerning release our province it is common on other parts of from temporary and permanent indult the world. One lives too far from a chapter to (promise) does concern all of us. This confirms participate in more than an occasional meet- the serious nature of both the temporary and ing; one has not had any previous Catholic permanent promise. A public promise “to the education of any kind or has not received any honor of Almighty God” before witnesses to sacraments except Baptism and needs more live according to the Rule is not something Internet Newsletter of the Province of St. Joseph Page 2 July 2008 that you on your own just can casually walk needless to say confidential. Both dispensation away from or send a note that says, “I re- and dismissal allow for appeal or recourse to sign.” [If we reread our Aquinas we will see the Master of the Order. that he indicates that such action has spiritual consequences.] Other than at expiration of In concert with these Declarations, temporary promise, temporary or definitive in- please note that this is not a new Rule; there is dult must be sought and obtained. The proce- no new rule. The Rule in effect is the Rule of dure for this is outlined in the Declaration. Montreal, 1987. Just as we have needed to amend our U.S. Constitution, circumstances Declaration VI‐2 concerns those who required that we add some things to our Rule. have received a dispensation and later wish to In the end, however, we have the same Consti- return to the Order. All too often members tution and we have the same Rule. We do have drifted away during the temporary prom- have a new translation from Rome from the ise period or sent that “I resign” note only to Latin to English. It still needs some editing so surface sometime later in another chapter and that the English is “American English.“ Rather claim either membership or the wish to resume than each province work on this, at the Inter where they left off. This is now not possible, as Provincial Council Meeting in Detroit in April, it certain procedures must be followed in the was voted that all North American provinces case of dispensation from either temporary or try to have one common American English permanent promise. translation. This is in progress now and should Although it should be covered in forma- be completed some _____________________. tion, it would be well that both these provi- Also, to incorporate the changes from sions should be thoroughly discussed with any the Argentina Congress (especially in lan- candidate for advancement so that the impor- guage) and the provisions of this Directory, the tant of both the temporary and permanent Provincial Council started work on a new Di- promise are clearly understood. It is also nec- rectory for this Province. The current Directory essary that chapters keep accurate records ac- has, as they say, many gaps, numerous dupli- tions on the part of individuals who abandon cations, some conflicts with subsequent Acts of the chapter or who receive dispensations are the General Chapters, and does not address clearly recorded should they be needed in the some changes in Provincial procedure made future. over the last several years. It is a tremendous job but is now in its second edit. Declaration VII covers dismissal from The most recent ceremonies for recep- the Lay Fraternities. The lack of such a proce- tion, temporary and permanent promises are dure is one of the legislative gaps that in re- valid in content and may be used.
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