JANUS rCONTENTS FC Front cover................. .......... Robert Kellough 2 News Nurds ..... ....................................... Jeanne Gomoll 2 ft 3 5 Edi tori a1 Samurai of Space ...... Janice Bogstad 3 3 3 cn 8 Letters of comment 3 12 Fanzines reviewed ..................... Janice Bogstad 2 13 Poetry Niobe: A Century After ........ Ruth Berman 13 The Funnies 3 □ 3 14 Show and Tell Diamonds in the Dreck .... Diane Martin and Richard S. Russell 2 17 Pfore Movie Reviews The Last Star Wars Review ....................Hank Luttrell □ ID c 19 The Star Wars Phenomenon................. Gregory G. H. Rihn 3 3 20 SunCon Reports Richard S. Russell, Jeanne Gomoll, Diane Martin, c ID 2 Janice Bogstad, Hank Luttrell, and Philip Kaveny 3 3 25 Book Reviews Three Reviews ................... John Bartelt ft 26 Doing It on a Bus............ Jeanne Gomoll 28 Poetry I’ve Dealt with It All Before ........ Cathy Patterson o 29 Pictorial Three Places in Vemara . ........... Robert Kellough 33 Book Reviews The Ophiuchi Hotline by John Varley . Karen Axness c 34 The Martian Inca by Ian Watson . doug barbour □ 35 Poetry ................................................................. James A. Cox 3 3 o 2 36 Book Review The Cosmic Hunting People . Thomas Murn © 38 Fiction The Road Not Taken ............................ Philip Kaveny 2 40 The Pine Lake Triangle ...... ........... John Bartelt 2 3 3 3 42 Article Parthenogenesis in Lower Invertebrates and Woman ID Jessica Amanda Salmonson c 3 3 44 Mmbles from the Time Closet . John Bartelt 5 c c 46 Future Insulation Malthus Shrugged . Ctein 3 H- 3 cn 2 3 i-h 49 Vulgar Advertisement ............... Jeanne Gomo11 3 a 3 BC Back cover (key on Page 3).......... Jeanne Gomoll cn 3 3 3 Lunatic Fringe The Rest of the Beanies Greg Rihn 3 tri cn o 3 to cn **Various places throughout the issue S! rr H- 3 3 Cl ARTWORK 3 Ole Kvern: 1, 2, 13 49 ft Carl Eugene Bennett: 8, 10 S K cn 3 Ctein: 46, 47 Barry Kent MacKay: 11 co cn James McLeod: 7, 11, 13 Jeanne Gomoll: 3, 9, 12, 15, 16, 17, 19, 3 3 20, 21, 23, 25, 26, 27, 34, 36, 37, Diane Martin (photo): 21 3 TO 3 Prince: 5, 42, 49 TO 38, 39, 40, 41, 43, 45, 46, 49 Sarah Cn ID 3 rl •-t Julie Gomoll: 8 Greg Rihn: 18, 24, 25, 41 3 cn ID g ID “ TO Alexis Gilliland: 11, 13 Jessica Amanda Salmonson: 13, 41 3 Steven Vincent Johnson: 22 Stu Shiffman: 12 C X - Robert Kellough; 1, 29, 30, 31, 33, 35 Dan Steffan: 9, 10 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 WHY YOU GOT THIS ISSUE cn 3 QTrade? All-for-all, if cn 3 vol. 3, no.3 possible. 3 OLoC us? Write for us? ft 3 Draw for us? (You should 3 3 3 3 know what the appropriate cn 3 cn reouest is.) cn cn cn Subscription, 3 cn issues left) 3 cn cn ID OYou’re mentioned or re­ viewed on Page_____ . cn OYou contributed (Page__ OOther: c cn 3 3 cn 3 3 3 3 2 I •“ k\ewsAurds - heuKniyrd-s -neujs^urd^- flews, wtfdc -new&flwrds- newsn (P) ft- flewsnur ds -v^wsacmyIs- ■v^s^uvds-He*jst^Ms—newsMArds-newc Nuxfc- •• comment for Janus, and when I have something serious to say, it feels better—to me—to put that sort of thing in an article. Jan doesn't feel comfortable with the tone that has been set up in the "News Nurds" column. And so we've decided to make perma­ nent our respective domains over the columns we each feel more comfortable writing in. Thus "News Nurds" shall always, forever and ever, until gafiation does me part, be "News Nurds". No more of the "News Nose" stuff. Those of you who were experiencing motion sickness in anticipation of schizophrenic changes in viewpoint may now rest easy that this column will be continuously, not just off and on, warped. Of course Welcome voyeurs and Janus subscribers! you now have other things to worry about. About a month ago I wrote another "News Nurds" Now on to the news! Madison weirdness marches column (other than the one you are presently read­ on. Little old ladies wander State Street wavina ing, that is), one that was subsequently returned their umbrellas at passers-by, mumbling "Where's the to me all red-lined, and much littered by all sorts bus stop? Does anybody know?" The situation is of mean, nasty corrections and criticisms. Most of caused by increasing street construction as State the article had been crossed out as being redundant Street is replaced by an open ditch in preparation in the extreme. On rereading the mess, I agreed for the advertised State Street Mall. The bus lines with the critics' assessment and attempted to re­ have therefore been gleefully able to add daily group and rewrite the thing. route changes to their daily schedule changes. Bus Ihfortunately I was no longer able to recap­ drivers have been reported to be happy about this ture my original enthusiasm for the topic which was state of affairs since there are relatively few pro­ the already much-discussed one of the families in S F spective passengers able to locate a bus and there fandom. Perhaps its very over-familiarity as a top­ has thus been less crowding. However, little old ic in fanzines these days is part of the problem confused ladies, not able to keep up on the sched­ (of tediousness, that is) my essay suffered from. ule and route changes issued daily (sometimes even Oh, there was a nice connection drawn between the hourly) by the Metro Bus Company, have begun form­ artificial families described by Xtmnegut, Piercy, ing refugee mobs. Left on the street for more than and other writers, as well as some discussion con­ two days, they tend to forget their addresses, and cerning, in particular, MadSTF’s personal intercon­ become permanent "street people". nections. But mostly I wrote while still quite high MadSTF weirdness complements MadCity's of on the energy I'd gathered during my summer travel course. But then I've pointed out the back cover to WesterCon in tencouver, Seattle, and San Francis­ already. You might check out Greg Rihn's scattered co. I tried to make a general, "social" statement/ column "On the Edge"? though (this issue featuring conclusion based on what was primarily a fine, life­ "The Rest of the Beanies"), to see what I mean. giving cloud of emotion. Weirdness is not confined to MadCity and our So I've decided to let it remain an unarticu­ group, however; weirdness proliferates in the Post lated emotional memory and I apologize to those of Office. You all know that. This summer while I was you to whom I had promised an essay on families. off at the most exciting convention I've ever attend­ ed (WesterCon, Vancouver, British Columbia), the You may notice that on the back cover of this last issue of Januswas at last sent off, due only, issue of Janust there is a representation of a group however, to Jan's fortitude, perseverence, and no of people. You may also wonder what group of weirdos doubt several veiled threats. We had a little bit might dress up in such strange way and be thus, li- of difficulty getting the PO to let the zine go bulk belously, portrayed. No, it isn't Ward 8 of Mendota rate and in the end had to buy an SF^ permit when Mental Health Hospital. No, these people are the we had been expecting to use the student organiza­ very same people I was going to tell you were the tion's permit which funded the issue.* Anyway, fi­ close-knit family of MadSTF. Now you are probably nally that issue (#8) was sent off a mere month af­ going to understand my real reasons for reconsider­ ter it was printed. Perhaps if I hadn't insulted ing that essay! Somewhere on these pages you should them on the cover.... Oh well. find a key to these strange persons' identities and Just before I left, MadSTF negotiated for a hints as to the circumstances of their various, uh, whole bunch of free passes to the local theater sordid poses. By some bizarre set of circumstances, showing sta r< = and saw the film en masse on open- we have all come to be friends (well, most of the time anyway) and have gotten into the habit of ac­ *Now that S F-3 has its own bulk-mailing permit, we tually doing the things we want and plan to do. must ask you to please make sure that you let us Since I have been requested (and threatened in no know about any changes of address if we are mailing veiled manner) not to ever,ever again tell another Janus to you. With a bulk mailing permit one can­ Martian joke on these pages (*sigh*), the telling not expect, hope, or even ask that mail which for of the things we accomplish will just have to suf­ some reason does not reach its destination be re­ fice for conversation material. But since we do a turned to us. Specifically: if you move and we lot of things I don't expect to run out of things mail Janus to your old address, it will not be for­ to tell you about. warded to you, and we will never know. We will One thing before I start though, and that is probably continue sending Janus to that defunct ad­ that Jan and I have decided to stop trading off do­ dress.
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