« i"'' WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1*, 19BI tAGM TWENTY-ETGHT Hanrh^istpr lEnenittg 1|i?ralb Aveng* Daily N«t Pr«M Ron The Waalhar rw r Mm W s M i OWtod Peraeaat af 0. R. Waatbai •.ami lUy ttrfi. IMW msklflg 6 turn Into th# westbound ] I Mia* Busan King, daughter of MiH Judith Taitl, daughUr of Rockville Driver portion of the street. As her] Oeo) wtdeapread tro ti trndgM. Mr. and Mrs. James V. Tapi. Con­ the left lane, it^ L T. WOOD 00. Utr. and Mr*. Haiwey King, 218 ear moved Jnto 12,925 O m la 86a. P a ir cswitlaiM d aaal About Town HeniA- St . naa enrolled as a fresh- cord Rd , has returned to ,Mary-1 CUUIUITUcollided witlfrr.^.w -.a car.................. driven east ' ICE P U N T ' mount College, Tartytown, N Y . , i Injured in Crash •Uttber «f Mm AndH tamermw. Wgh aear aa. man ' at New Elngland College. thaTlane by Morgan F. Steele. 22, St BItMBLL OT. BorsMi pf OraolaMM Robert 2. HoUenbech, formerly Henniker, N. H Her sister. Miss to begin her. sophomore year. of 205 Porter St. Mancheater-r-A City of VUlago Chorm nf i3 Oreen Hill Rd., ha* Joined .Nancy King, has returned to Lea> ^ Rockville driver, John Martin. Damage was light, according t o , Cu beB-C.riukeiUBlockB the facuJtv of Ixw-ell TechnoloRi- ley College. Cambridge, Mass , as The first fall meeting of Cfiar-I 62, of Ellingtoir Av*„ was taken to police, and no one was hurl. Mr*.; cal Inatltiite. Lmvell. Maas., as an ter Oak lodges, B'nal B’rlth. wilt I a senior. Both are gradiiatea of Manchester Memorial Hospital Lyman's court date 1* Saturday. | (OI*Min«d AdwiwMetog M Pig* tt) PRICE FIVE CENTS aaalatant profeaaor In the depart­ Manchester High School. he held tonight at * at Temple VOL. LXXVIII, NO. 29D (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONNh THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 17, 1959 ment of jjeneral and. textile en- Beth Sholom. The speaker, Sijm- this morning'after Ws car was hit ^ e e rtn s Prof. Hollenbach. for- ■ uel Kelltn. West Hartford, will i broadsids and turned over at merlv aaaliUnt professor of me­ New officers were elected at a GET SECURITY • MEN 16-60 • EARN MORE meeting Monday of the Vernon , report on the Israel convention of Broad and Woodland Bta. chanics at the Hartford graduate Bnsl B'rlth Members are asked center of Rensselaer Polytechnic Bankiva 4-H Poultry Club at the Martin Was given emergency nUI|t«tTO«6 X15 Completes home of George .Meader In Ver­ I to bring- guests. U.S. Moon Institute, recrt^'ed the S. B M. B. ‘ treatment and was x-rayed, but m i v i t i o N deirree at MTT and the M S de- non The officers are George : authorities said the nature of his ELEGRONICS Gotham Meets 1,-skola Council, Degree of pn- gree at Renaselaer. j Meader. president; Bddle Booth, Initial Flight vice president; Charles Kalber, I rahontas. will meet tonight at ! Injuries was undetermined. They “HARN-BY-DOINO"' Fails to Go 7;,10 St Odd Fellows hall to dls- I said he suffered pain In his right Herter Outlines Plan The annual national competitiv* secretary - treasurer: L o r a i n e OLDEST ELICTKONICS 5 C H 001 Wobdmff. historian and reporter, i cuss IJie Great Council session.. A I shoulder, leg and ankle, but his Under Power exanUnations for the Repilar Na- social hour will follow. Thera it a continued demortd h r and Gregory ■ Woodruff, photo­ ; condition did not seem serious. vtf Reeer\’e officers training ! Martin was driving alone w-hen trained technicians Russian Chief Into Orbit corps will be given to eligible high grapher. ! .Manchf.sler Squadron. Civil Air his car was hit. He was traveling Edwardfi Air Force Base, school seniors and graduate* on j Patrol, will meal tonight at 7 at, Francis J Keefe. 2 W. Center soutif on Broad St. when a car.’ Calif., Sept. 17 (A») — The Dec. IS, it we* announced today I the American Legion home. driven west on M'oodland St. bv SEPTEMBER 28 I Rocket Ship X15, which later Cape Canaveral, Fla., Sept. by Den Borg, Navy recruiter. Ap­ ; St., will be progrsm chairman for Maurice JT McGiilie, 67. of 49 Holl New York, Sept. 17 (A>)—ptlnu# to better the understanding 17 — The United State* : a lemmar on ''Statistical and ASK FOR PRO! CATAIOO thia year may blast a man to plication forms are now available i Study Circle of South .Vlelhod-. St., hit his car broadside. McGuire Sdviet Premier Nikita S, between our two countries," failed today to put into orbit at schools colleges and Navy re­ f Computer Application to Produc­ i ial Church will meet tomorrow at 4old police he failed to stop for the jilckioR S340S • NartfwO I, e«N . Khrushchev said. the edge of apace, made ita To Ease World Strife SC UsioR Placi Khrushchev arrived in the big a satellite designed for ex­ cruiting station, and must be tion and .Inventory Control" at the ; 2 p.m. In the chapel of the church. stop sign. McGuire was arrested The boipbshsll Khrushchev may first powered flight today. f'f •* > filed before Nov, 14, national technical conference of ! Mrs. Lawrence Almond will report on tlikt^chargc. town' today in crisp, sunny be carrying in his luggage con­ It skimmed In for a 200 m.p.h.- perimenting with a global the American Production and In- on the WSCS eonference she sl- weather. The bouncy Com­ cerns disarmament’. He sMresaes plus landing on a dry lake bed navigation gystem. vsntory ControJ Society in New Both cAra were towed from the the United Nations Genera! As­ Hiss Louise Dickson, worthy' Iended at Burk Hill Falls. Ps. Co- scene. Msrti^l^a car was consided- munist boss, possibly carry­ after 10 minutes in the air. More than an hour after a threg; matron of Temple Chapter, Order York Oct. 1«. He Is president nf hii.itesses will he .Mrs, Clarence sembly tomorrow. In Washington With veteran North American stage launching vehicle lifted the the Hartford County rhapier of ed a total loss, ami McGuire's re­ ing a political bombshell with he' announced the Soviet Union of Eastern Star, announces a , Jayrox and Mrs. Arthur Gibson. ceived heavy dsmajfe,^ him for the United Nations, Aviation test pilot Scott Cross- satellite from Cape Canaveral th# General Assembly Talk rummage sale, will be held Sept the society. LABORATORY TESTED would have a new proposal to field at the controls, it was cut Defense Depsrtment in Washing­ Msn.'hesler Assembly. Order ol Residents In the bhighborhood beamed and wished all New make on disarmament. He, him­ loose from I its B52 mother ship ton announced that the third stag* 24 at the Itasonlc Temple An.v- said the crash was hearo sev- The weekly meeting of .MATES I Rainbow elected officers at a self, may tell vvhat the proposal Is 36.000 feet over thia desert tMt apparently had failed to work. one having stfUclea to be picked • erail hundred feel. The. craalK oc- Yorkers “ happiness and pros­ up mav call Mrsi Joseph Gallant. wnll be held tonight at the home meeting .Monday Thoae elected in the addresa. center at 8:09 a.m. ■ A brief announcement said: j ctirred about 10:45. WASH 'n WEAR SLACKS perity.” Aa he did in Washington, the Aimed at Khrushchev 89 Olcbtt Dr I of .loseph Sullivan. .117 Spring SI ! we. .. Miss Sandra Stirnson. worthy , A seven-year-old girl from the Been from Ground "Sinqe confirming data haa not ^ Members are requested to bring > d v snr: . Misa ,'Susan Spicer, asso- -P-iV.’ Two cara collided on E. Center premier said the overall objective been received it must be assumed i at. late yesterday and the driver BLENDS OF ORLON. NYLON, DYNEL Soviet delegetlon'e U.N. scho'ol of hia visit W'sa to ease internation­ Much of the flight could be seen Manchester Grange wdll confer ; scrapbooks and mementos for a riMe advisor; Miss .liidtth Pres- handed the, Moscow leader a bou­ from the g i^ o u n d. Crosafle.ld that the satellite did not go into United Nations, N. Y., Sept. 17 (/P) — Secretary of State r o f. Charity: .Misa Carol Shen : ■ of one. Audrey Lyman, 52, of Tal- al tension and "to strengthen first and second degrees on a class ; "Reminlate Night ' All m»n five rJA.., quet of rosea. Smiling, he leaned zoomed to 60,000 feet, made some orbit," Christian A. Herter today laid down a broad program to end pounds or more ovenvetghl are 'ning. Hope^ Mias .lane Reese, 3S - I cottvllle Rd., Vernon, was srrest- peace.” of candidates tonight at 8 at ! ed for making an improper turn. *” VV"“»»7 88 2r.r*15.00 down and hugged the child, and Then, smiling broadly, he eaid, maneuvers while flying a 100-mile The satellite, riding on a com­ East-VVeat tension through peaceful change In the political, Orange Rail. i invited faith Appointed officers will be then shook hand* wiUi dozens of circle, then landed lafter his fudl bination Thor-Able la,iincher, lifted mndiinced later. , According to police. Mrs. Ly­ in Russian, "thank you, thank military and economic field*. Herter addressed the 8Z-natt6n man. driving east near the aouth- ^ 1 SHOP waiting Soviet official*. you very much." was exhausted. cleanly off the oad at Canaveral ern New England Telephone C o.! Welcoming the Soviet leader on The stub-winged, 50-foot black at 9:34 a.m.
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